Chapter 382 remains unchanged

 “But there’s no need to lose heart,”

Cao Xiaohuan suddenly spoke up to comfort him, "It's hard to tell if a great talent will come late."

Hearing what Cao Xiaohuan said before, Jiao Zhong was happy for a moment, hoping that he would say something nice. However, when he heard the next words, his head dropped directly and he sighed, "You are a late bloomer, and you are already seventy or eighty, what's the use?"

According to what you say, there’s nothing special about me?

 It can be said to be useless. "


Cao Xiaohuan teased, "At least your family is well off, and the legacy of your ancestors is unmatched by others.

Look at the people in Ankang City today. If they didn’t have accommodation in military camps or government offices, how many of us would be able to rent a house in Ankang City and afford food with that little monthly money?

 So, you are the most comfortable. Not only do you have a house to live in, but you also have a maid to warm your bed and wash your feet when you get back.

。 "

 “That’s nonsense, it’s not what you said,”

Jiao Zhong rolled his eyes at her and said, "You know, I live in Ma Hao every day. I have been in Ankang City for such a long time, so I just go back once."

 He got married at the age of seventeen, but his wife had a difficult childbirth, leaving one dead and two dead.

 There was no renewal of the string after that. There are three so-called unfilial piety, the greatest of which is not having an heir.

 He is almost forty, and what worries him the most is his family.

My mother-in-law forces him to remarry every day. It's not that he doesn't want to marry again, but that the person he wants to marry doesn't want to marry.

 After all, I still blame myself for my lack of success.

 It is normal for a man to have three wives and four concubines. It is not impossible for him to marry a concubine first!

However, she was worried about Cao Xiaohuan's thoughts, fearing that she would know that she had a concubine and would not want to marry him as his wife.

  Not only capable men have arrogance, but capable women also have it.

Cao Xiaohuan smiled sweetly and said, "Okay, I won't tell you anymore. I have to go about my business. I'm afraid I won't be able to sleep well these days."

“The road is slippery, please slow down. I’ll treat you to a restaurant later.”

Jiao Zhong looked a little crazy. He waited until Cao Xiaohuan led a group of detectives and disappeared into the heavy snow before he put down his waving arms.

 “Brother Zhong is quite an infatuated person, I admire him, I admire him.”

Jiao Zhong heard the voice sounded a bit familiar. When he turned around and found that it was Wang Xiaoshuan, he said angrily, "What the **** are you doing sneaking around behind? You scared me."

Wang Xiaoshuan said with a smile, "I am also passing by to say hello to Brother Zhong."

Jiao Zhong said, "You, a stable boy, have just taken office, so you have so much leisure?"

That **** Sun Chongde must have sent you too few tricks. "

 “You can’t be idle when you’re free, you’re busy all day long,”

Wang Xiaoshuan sighed and said, "The salary I get for a month is not enough to drink and drink. I don't even know what I am doing."

 “What are you planning?”

Jiao Zhong was happy, "I hope people call you "sir" and you will be happy all your life. Otherwise, you will be inferior to everyone you meet. Damn it, are you here to fight with me?"

 “Don’t dare, don’t dare,”

Wang Xiaoshuan clasped his hands behind his back and said proudly, "Don't tell me, being an official is really comfortable. A few days ago, someone took the initiative to give me a concubine. It doesn't cost a penny."

 “Have you taken it?”

Jiao Zhong said curiously.

“I don’t even have a place in the house. I hang out in the horse pen every day. Where can I put my married women?”

Wang Xiaoshuan said helplessly.

Jiao Zhong said, "You don't have any other **** skills, but you are very good at crying about poverty. You are not short of money. You can just buy a place. It is not a difficult thing."

Wang Xiaoshuan said, "It's easy for you to say. Do you think you bought this house in Ankang City just for buying it?"

It costs a hundred and ten taels of silver just for any place, which is too expensive.

 Besides, I can’t say I’ll go back to Sanhe later. I bought it now and just left it like this in the future?

 A waste of money. "

Jiao Zhong said, “It’s quite cost-effective to rent it out.”

“If you rent for a lifetime, you won’t be able to pay for the house price,”

Wang Xiaoshuan shook his head and said, "It's a loss-making business no matter what, but I heard that Tian Sixi's grandson bought land outside the city and plans to rebuild a new city similar in size to Nancheng. He will build tracts of houses. When the time comes, If it’s built well, you can buy a set.”

Jiao Zhong ridiculed, "It's not a small talk. This new city is similar to Nancheng. Do you know how big Nancheng is and how many families live there?"

 Where did he get such great ability from a poor family?

How much money will you get?

 He couldn't even borrow the money to buy the land. "

He knew the details of many Sanhe people. Tian Sixi was just a small timer. How could he have the ability to build the so-called new city?

 Building a brand new city will take hundreds of years!

“Hey, you’re still working as an errand in the palace, and you don’t even know this,”

Wang Xiaoshuan said with a smile, "This matter was decided by the prince. The prince said that the city is too crowded. Some people live in big houses and some live in shacks. When it rains, sewage flows across many places and cannot be drained out. There are fish inside.

Whoever sees it is upset, it’s time to spread the population out of the city.

This time, the prince and I asked Sanhe Bank to lend money to Tian Sixi and his gang for development, and they would build and sell at the same time. They did not say that the whole thing would be built at once. "

 “This is not impossible,”

When Jiao Zhong heard that it was the prince's order, he was stunned. He didn't know the news in the prince's palace, and now he wants an outsider like Wang Xiaoshuan to tell him, "But it's not so peaceful outside the city. We all know how to order." If your skills are good, you don't need to be afraid of those petty thieves, but what about this ordinary person?

Don't forget that many common people in Ankang City don't know kungfu. If they are used to being in the city, they may not be used to it outside the city. "

“What you said is wrong again. Aren’t there still so many farmers living outside the city?

 Aren’t people living well? "

Wang Xiaoshuan smiled and said, "Besides, why do you think the Bingma Division, Ankang Prefecture, and Jingying jointly crack down on gangs and eliminate evil?

Isn’t it all about moving out of the city for the sake of peace of mind for the people in the city?

What's more, the prince is also planning to build a new house there. You said such rich and valuable people have gone, what else do others have to fear? What is there to be afraid of? "

“Who the **** did you hear this from?”

 The more Jiao Zhong thought about it, the more scary it became!

How did you get around?

 He is now blind.

Wang Xiaoshuan smiled and said, "Fang Pi, it's not a secret. I hope as many people know about it as possible."

 He and Jiang Qiu received the news through Fang Pi, and three robbers were caught in just three days.

He received a total of 7,500 taels of reward from Ma Jie. Fang Pi took 3,500 taels alone, and the remaining four thousand taels. Jiang Chou took three thousand taels, and he took one thousand.

 Although he received the least share, for him, the money was so profitable!

 It’s like getting it for free!

 Furthermore, Fang Pi also invited me to a meal!

 We went to the best restaurant in Ankang City!

After a few glasses of wine, Fang Pi said everything he could. In a word, Tian Sixi and Bai Lin, the shopkeeper of Sanhe Bank, are going to make a fortune!

 “Mom, I’m the only one who’s kept in the dark,”

Jiao Zhong said angrily, "When it is built outside the city, if it is as good as you say, I will also move to live outside the city. I will have a big house, raise some animals, and grow vegetables. It will be quite comfortable."

“Just put your mind at ease. By then, there will be schools, restaurants, bathhouses, and brothels all over there.”

Wang Xiaoshuan said with a smile, "If you marry a few more houses, you won't have to worry about running out of place to settle down."

Jiao Zhong said, "Mother, tell the truth.

 I won’t make any more noise with you, I’m leaving too. "

After finishing speaking, he walked out of the eaves directly and plunged into the heavy snow.

 The snow kept falling, and it had not stopped for a moment until noon on the second day.

Concubine Yuan Guifei was wearing a white fox fur and stood in the yard, letting the snowflakes float on her body. Lin Ning said distressedly, "It's cold outside, let's go inside."

“It doesn’t matter, do you really think that I am a fool?

This palace is five grades, not so coquettish, "

Concubine Yuan Guifei shook her head and suddenly asked, "Is your uncle back today?"

“As for returning to my mother and concubine, my uncle will indeed come back today,”

Lin Ning hesitated for a moment, then continued, "General He Jixiang and other senior officials from the cabinet went to the North Gate to greet him in person."

Concubine Yuan Guifei asked again, "Your imperial brother didn't go to pick him up?"

Lin Ning shook his head and said, "Brother Huang didn't go today."

Concubine Yuan Guifei sighed, "I'm afraid that doing this will weaken the morale of the army."

Lin Ning smiled and said, "My mother and concubine don't know anything. The emperor has asked the father for a decree to reward the three armies. More than 6,000 cattle and sheep were slaughtered, and there were thousands of bottles of wine and wine. The army was allowed to have fun."

“Farming is based on cattle, and one contributes to the world. Your brother doesn’t even understand this truth,”

Concubine Yuan Guifei frowned and said, "It's even more nonsense to act like this."

 “The emperor brother has his own opinions, and the mother and concubine are worried,”

Lin Ning said cautiously, "This was the case in Sanhe. The emperor said that only by killing can there be business. If you don't dare to kill cattle, there will be too many constraints, and people will not dare to raise cattle."

“His crooked theories are always piled up, no matter how you say they are right,”

Concubine Yuan Guifei smiled and said, "I am really helpless against him."

Lin Ning took Concubine Yuan's arm and said with a smile, "Concubine, you better not think too much. Brother Huang has always been a filial person."

 “Have a filial piety?”

Concubine Yuan Guifei suddenly sighed, "Don't you think I know how Lai Ru disappeared?"

Lin Ning said hurriedly, "Mother, concubine, have you misunderstood?

Lai Ru may have just returned to his hometown and will be back in a few days. "

“Lai Ru has been with me for fifteen years. I know her temperament best.”

Concubine Yuan Guifei said calmly, "If she really wants to return to her hometown, she will not say goodbye and not even take her body and money with her."

Other than her son, who else could have the ability to cause the maid next to him to suddenly disappear?

I can’t help but burst into tears when I think of this.

 “mother concubine,”

Lin Ning panicked all of a sudden and hurriedly comforted him, "I'll go find Brother Huang. Brother Huang won't do this."


Concubine Yuan Guifei drank Lin Ning and sighed, "Your imperial brother has always been the same imperial brother and has never changed.

 I understand everything you said, not to mention, he is my son, I understand him.

 I felt a little uneasy in my heart, and I never understood why. It wasn’t until today that I finally realized it.

 The most disturbing thing is change. "

 “No change?”

Lin Ning was a little confused.

 He really didn’t understand what Yuan Guifei meant by her words.

 Brother is always the same, just like before, what’s wrong with that?

 Why does it make people uneasy?

Concubine Yuan Guifei wiped her tears and said slowly, "I remember clearly the day your brother was born. He didn't make a sound. In the end, Po Wen slapped her buttocks hard and she yelled a few times.

 I haven’t cried again since then.

  He would eat if he was given something to eat, and he would drink if he was given something to drink. He did not make any noise or make any fuss, which made everyone feel incredible. For a time, they all thought he was mute.

 Fortunately, he started talking later, and the three-year-old boy was able to coax people, he was very sweet, and he also had a lot of sense, which no one had ever taught him.

 Until now, he still has the same temperament, and has not changed at all in more than 20 years.

 Sometimes, I feel that I understand him, but I also feel that I don’t understand him. "

What she understands is her son's consistent temperament, but what she doesn't understand is why he always has this temperament.

Lin Ning said, "The palace is surrounded by tigers and wolves, and the emperor brother is probably forced to do this."

Her royal brother often taught her that she should be low-key and make a fortune in silence.

“But now that he is in charge of the government, who can force him, and how has he changed at all?”

Concubine Yuan Guifei sighed, "Even if we stand face to face, I feel like there is something covering his face and I can't see clearly. The harder I can see clearly, the more uneasy I feel."

 “Mother’s concubine.”

Lin Ning didn’t know how to comfort him for a while.


Concubine Yuan Guifei waved her hands and said, "If you don't say these things, the one you are most worried about right now is your uncle.

Lai Ru is dead, and I have a dark eye on things outside the palace. You, please go to the trouble of asking more for me.

I also persuaded you to be your emperor, how can it be your uncle, and you must not hurt. "

 “My daughter believes that the emperor has made his own decision.”

 When it comes to her maternal family, Lin Ning also has many complaints.

How dare her grandfather openly insult his brother!

 It’s really disrespectful!

If the elder brother hadn't looked out for her mother and concubine, and had followed his temperament of always having a grudge, the Yuan family would have ended up like the Xue family before, and would have ended up with their homes confiscated!

Concubine Yuan Guifei was about to say something when she suddenly saw Xiao Xizi coming in and stopped talking.

Xiao Xizi said, "Your Majesty, General Yuan has just come out of the Jinluan Palace. Your Majesty specially asked the general to pay an audience to express your longing for your Majesty."

 “That’s very good.”

Concubine Yuan Guifei was happy.

Lin Ning on the side looked at the happy mother-in-law with a look of helplessness on her face, so she could only accompany her into the house to freshen up.

The sky is getting darker and the snow is getting heavier.

 Lin Yi stood at the gate of the palace with his hands behind his back, looking at the groups of officers and soldiers changing their defenses, and said with a smile, "It's cold at night. If you can't afford it, don't wear armor. Just try to wear a jacket."

 He Jixiang raised his hands and said, "Follow your orders."

 “The same goes for you, wear thicker clothes,”

Lin Yi grabbed a handful of snow from the stone lion's head at the door, kneaded the snowballs, and said, "Don't freeze it out."

 “Thank you, Your Majesty, for caring about the old minister,”

He Jixiang smiled and said, "Old minister, I'm used to it."

 (End of this chapter)

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