I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 383: Scenic Area

Chapter 383 Scenic Area

 Seeing that the prince still takes good care of me, I feel indescribably happy!

 “Then I won’t tell you anymore,”

Lin Yi thought for a while and said, "My uncle still needs to do more ideological work to make him understand that it's not that I don't dare to kill him, but that I can't bear to kill him.

 Everything is purely for the sake of my mother and concubine. If he doesn’t understand the general situation, don’t blame me if the king does something that will make his enemies happy and hurt his relatives.

Moreover, it doesn’t matter whether he dies or not, don’t harm the young and old of the Yuan family. "

He Jixiang's heart trembled. After all, he and the prince had no patience anymore, but this was normal. The Yuan family had gone too far, so he stopped protecting him and sighed, "The prince is wise."

Lin Yi smashed the snow ball in his hand towards the palace wall. After the snow ball broke into pieces and fell to the ground, he waved his hand and said, "What is wise or not? I only know one thing. Who can't unify the thoughts with me and make small moves?" Who is my enemy?"

He Jixiang knelt down and said, "We must closely focus on the regent's decision-making and deployment, concentrate our efforts and move forward bravely!

 Strive to achieve the goal of food for everyone. "

 I wanted to say more, but in the end I was still at a loss for words and could not speak as skillfully as an old guy like Shan Qi.

“Well, it’s useless to just learn by yourself, you have to get people like Qi Yong to learn with you,”

Lin Yi repeatedly emphasized, "If you have nothing to do, hold more court meetings to raise awareness and unify your thoughts. If nothing goes wrong, don't go against me.

It is true that the decisions I make may not always be correct, so we need to experiment. Any major policy must first undergo a small-scale experiment before it can be implemented.

 If problems occur on a small scale, at least they will not affect the overall situation. "


He Jixiang smiled and said, "Policy experiments have been used in Sanhe for many years, and veterans also have quite a lot of experience. I will definitely teach them to all the adults in the court."

The most successful one is the Fangniao Island Economic Experimental Zone!

Since the launch of the free port policy, it has come from behind and has the potential to surpass Baiyun City!

Especially after he and the prince took charge of the court, Fangniao Island has become a place where merchants from all over the world rush to seek refuge!

 There are no less than a hundred merchant ships passing by Fangniao Island every day.

“Qizhou Chief Envoy Lu Yixiang, the Navy has promoted Wang Zhong. If nothing happens, he will arrive tomorrow.”

Lin Yi pondered for a moment and said, "This king has disappeared. You and Lu Yixiang made it clear that you should spare his life because he has done great work in raising military resources and defeating the enemy. He is a man who understands the general situation."

 He gives me face, and I also give him face. Good to you, good to me, and good to everyone.

However, this position cannot be given to him. Let him join the cabinet. "

 Shen Zhanao sent troops to the north of the Great Wall, and Qizhou provided support with his own strength. It was not without hardship, and no one complained.

After that, Sanhe also sent troops to carry him back, and Qizhou also ignored the quarrel and never cut off the food and grass.

 In terms of national justice, Lu Yixiang is unambiguous and can do things clearly.

What Lin Yi didn't expect was that Lu Yixiang would directly take action!

Lu Yixiang is from King Yong!

Aren't you afraid of King Yong if you change sides like this?


He Jixiang continued, "I wonder who the prince would like to take over Qizhou?"

“You are the only ones who are tossing and turning,”

Lin Yi rolled his eyes at him and said, "Chen Desheng, Xie Zan, and Xing Keshou are all fine. It's also convenient for them to come from Wuzhou. You can ask them what they want specifically.

In addition, Jizhou cannot be forgotten. Kuang Daxiang is dead and there is no news about Jizhou. This cannot continue like this. You must come up with your own regulations. Whether to send troops or recruit surrender, it must be won. "

 “Old minister understands.”

He Jixiang smiled and nodded.

Lin Yi rubbed his hands, took a breath and then continued, "I won't go to the court tomorrow morning. In this great victory in Saibei, there will be rewards for meritorious service and punishment for demerit. According to the past rules, there is neither promotion nor promotion. It can't be too low. You can discuss the specific regulations yourself.

 Don’t come and tell me everything. The country of Liang cannot stop moving just because someone leaves it. "

He is newly married and is overwhelmed every day. He has no time to mind so many other things.

“Your Majesty, don’t worry, all regulations will be formulated around Your Majesty’s guiding ideology,”

He Jixiang smiled and said, "I will never allow laws that go against the will of the prince to appear."

Lin Yi said, "I just met these guys Wei Yishan, they are a little too young and they still need to be trained properly.

Don’t stay under the hands of you old guys for too long and you will have the illusion that you are a dragon or a phoenix among men. You should lift them up when they need to be lifted up, suppress them when they need to be suppressed, and don’t let them float too much.

 That's all, there's nothing more to say. I'm hungry, so go back and eat. "

  "Bear yourselves to the prince."

He Jixiang waited for Lin Yi to get on the carriage, and then slowly stood up with the help of Xiao Xizi.

“Sir, please slow down, the road is slippery.”

Xiao Xizi said with a smile.

He Jixiang cupped his hands towards Xiao Xizi and said, "Thank you, father-in-law."

"you are welcome,"

 Xiao Xizi also held up his hands and said, "Sir, you and I are working for the prince, so it would be meaningless for a family to say these things."

He Jixiang looked at the gray sky, and then said, "General Yuan is probably coming out. Father-in-law, you'd better go and have a look."

Xiao Xizi said, "I wonder if you have anything to explain, sir?"

He Jixiang said, "I am waiting for him here."

 “Our family will go there right away.”

Xiao Xizi did not stay any longer and entered the palace gate with Fu Chen in her arms.

After Jiang Yi glanced at Xiao Xizi who was walking away, he shined the cloak in his hand on the thin body of He Jixiang and said, "Sir, it's cold, why don't we get into the carriage and wait?"

He Jixiang shook his head and said, "Back then, I would have gained fame immediately. Although I am older now, I am not so squeamish.

General Yuan is the pillar of the country and deserves to be equal to his own rank. "

He said this, but he still wrapped the cloak tightly around his body and had no intention of putting it down.

  “That’s what my lord said.”

Jiang Yizheng was about to say something else when he saw a group of people coming out of the palace. The leader was Yuan Qing, the general who conquered the north. He was so handsome that he didn't look like a military general.

 “He sir.”

 “General Yuan.”

"Sir, if something happens, just ask someone to give you the order. Why wait here?"

Yuan Qing cupped his hands and said, "I am ashamed of my humble position."

 “The general’s words are serious,”

He Jixiang stroked his long beard and said, "I think the general has been working hard all the way without stopping, so he naturally needs a good rest, and I don't dare to bother myself too much."

Yuan Qingdao said, "If you have any advice, sir, please feel free to tell me. I will do my best in this humble position."

"I have been in my thirties for more than thirty years. Now that I have been favored by the prince and returned to the court, I still don't know much about many things. I dare not give any advice."

He Jixiang smiled and said, "There are some things that you should ask the general for advice."

 “You’re welcome, sir,”

Yuan Qing said, neither humble nor arrogant, "If you hold a humble position, you must know everything and talk about everything."

He Jixiang said, "It's not a big deal. The army is returning to the court. I hope the general will work harder and maintain military discipline and not disturb the people."

“Anyone who violates military discipline will be decided by the adults.”

Yuan Qing said seriously, "I don't dare to complain in such a humble position."

 “It’s so good,”

He Jixiang smiled and said, "It's getting dark and it's getting late. General, you'd better go home early. Don't keep the old lady and Zhu Guo waiting for too long."

 “I resigned from such a humble position.”

A general pulled the horse over. Yuan Qing turned to the door, held his hands again, and led the horse to ride away. Behind him were a series of horse hoof prints.

Jiang Yi asked curiously, "Sir, just let him go like this?"

He Jixiang said, "His attitude has already explained everything, why bother to say more?"

After Jiang Yi thought about it for a long time, he smiled and said, "This Yuan Qing is indeed not as arrogant as Yuan Zhen. To be honest, this Yuan Zhen is too shameful. If they hadn't stopped him, he would have taught him a lesson because of his humble position, otherwise he would really As if we had no one.”

He Jixiang said calmly, "The prince will decide these things. You don't need to meddle in so many other things, just do your duty."

 “Humble position understands,”

Jiang Yi helped He Jixiang get into the carriage, "Sir, please be slow."

The carriage followed the ruts and moved away. Jiang Yi pulled his helmet down.

A short Xiao Qi held a spear in his elbow and rubbed his hands while saying, "Sir, I have just made a tour. The beggars and refugees in this city have long been settled by the people of Ankang Prefecture." Okay, there must be no one freezing to death, or should we go back?

It is too cold today, and my hands are cracked. "

 “You also know that it’s cold?”

Jiang Yi said angrily, "There are only a few agents in Ankang Prefecture. How much area can they patrol?

 How many people can be accommodated?

Don't be lazy, take one last walk through Beicheng to make sure there is no one around, and then we'll go back.

If someone freezes to death again tomorrow morning, the most I can do is get a scolding from Mr. Zhang Mian, and you will lose your job.

 How will this family live if they lose their job?

 Have you thought about it? "


 Several Xiaoqi looked at each other and could only respond helplessly.

 Ever since they entered the capital with the prince, their errand has become increasingly difficult!

 Not only the workload has increased, but also the extra money has been lost!

  It is almost impossible to live.

Jiang Yi smiled and said, "Okay, don't put on such a stinky face anymore. I'll treat you to a drink after the inspection."

 The short Xiaoqi said happily, "Thank you, Sir."

In the past, they didn’t need to spend a penny to drink in the city, but now drinking has become a luxury!


Jiang Yi continued, "No matter how much you drink, don't forget to write today's report."

"grown ups."

The short Xiaoqi said with a sad face, "Can you tell Mr. Zhang that documents used to be handled by clerks, and we old men like us really can't do it."

  You actually let them, people with knives and guns, get pens!

  This is simply a crime!

I don’t know which **** came up with the idea!

 “Humph, can’t write?

Then what have you been writing for more than a month?

 What happened today, how you dealt with it, and what are your experiences.

There are only a few words in total,

 How simple. "

 Jiang Yi said this, but actually he also wanted to cry in his heart.

 Dianmao, why doesn’t he know the pain of writing reports?

  When he first started working under Bao Kui, he was tortured to death. In the end, he had no choice but to spend money to find a poor scholar to help him write it.

However, now that I have been promoted to deputy commander, I have to write it myself and can no longer ask others to write it.

The Military and Horse Division cannot use public funds to hire a master, and it is even more impossible to spend money to hire poor people to help write it.

 After all, much of it involves confidentiality.

Pandona **** himself said that he would invite anyone to tea whoever spreads these secrets.

 Hundred-character reports, he often wrote until midnight, unable to sleep at night.


The few Xiaoqi had no choice but to hold their noses and admit it.

After finishing his tea, Lin Yi sat on a chair and sighed, "Have you not finished dinner yet? The princess hasn't mastered her sword practice yet?"

This woman loves to practice martial arts, regardless of morning or evening, so much so that he can't even eat on time now.

Mingyue said, "Your Majesty, please go and have a look."

 “No need, I’ll go.”

Lin Yi braved the wind and snow to go to the garden, and met Zai Guo Zhao face to face. He smiled and said, "Tell them, if the weather is not warm, the ice in the pond cannot be broken. Don't freeze the goldfish inside." ”

Guo Zhaopei smiled and said, "Your Majesty, I have been with you for how many years. How can I not know this?"

Lin Yi nodded and said, "I know you know, but if you don't know, don't accidentally kick a stone down and break the ice."

After Guo Zhao heard this, he looked at the princess dancing her sword on the rockery, then quickly shrank his neck and left without saying a word.

 If you can't bear the promise, you can't just answer the question blindly.

Hu Miaoyi's sword in the rockery was airtight. Lin Yi couldn't see the shadow of her sword clearly. He only knew that she was moving very quickly.

Hu Miaoyi turned a blind eye to Lin Yi below and waited for a set of sword skills to be completed before floating down.

Mingyue didn't wait for Hu Miaoyi to approach Lin Yi, then she took a step forward, bowed and said, "Be careful, Madam, don't dodge your waist at such a high place."

While handing out the sweat towel, he quietly took the sword from Hu Miaoyi's hand.

Hu Miaoyi glared at her and said, "You girl are still so careful. If I want to do something wrong to your prince, do I still need to use a sword?"

"Yeah yeah,"

Lin Yi said carelessly, "Even if you squeeze me, you'll squeeze me dry."

 “You are becoming more and more unruly in your speech.”

Hu Miaoyi’s face turned red with embarrassment.

 “There are no outsiders,”

Lin Yi said nonchalantly, "Is there anything I can't say?"

He has no feelings for this woman, but after spending these days together and having further communication, he can no longer say he dislikes her.

Even, there are a lot of things that satisfy me.

When he first saw her, Lin Yi thought it was at least an A-level scenic spot, but after seeing her true face, he discovered that it was actually a 4A!

The scenery is so beautiful that he now begins to believe that love will last for a long time.

"Ignore you."

Hu Miaoyi left angrily.

 “Let’s have dinner.”

Lin Yi laughed.

After finishing the meal, seeing Hu Miaoyi hesitate to speak, he smiled and said, "If you have something to say, just say it or do it directly. Don't pretend to be so embarrassed, it will appear that I am unreasonable."

 “I don’t dare,”

Hu Miaoyi hesitated for a moment, and then said, "I have been in the house for more than a month, and now it is snowing heavily, and my father is alone."

 As he spoke, tears flowed down his cheeks.

 (End of this chapter)

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