I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 385: Cancel the offering

Chapter 385 Cancellation of Support

Jiang Qiu muttered, "It's still as comfortable as when I was a janitor. I just lay around and didn't care about anything every day. How can I be like now, when I'm as busy as a dead dog and my feet don't even touch the ground."

 The most important thing is that the money is much less!

 One year's income as a guard is not equal to one month's income from his work as a concierge. The difference is too big.

Jiao Zhong said angrily, "Are you complaining?"

 “Am I the only one complaining?”

Jiang Qiu said with a smile, "You are an old man in the palace. All the promotions that should be promoted have been promoted. You are the only one who has not yet settled. Aren't you uncomfortable?"

 “Which **** pot are you not going to open and pick up?”

Jiao Zhong gritted his teeth. If the opponent was not at the ninth level, he would have just slashed him with his sword. It was so irritating!

 Cao Xiaohuan only mentioned it a few days ago.

 He was quite angry.

Now that Jiang Qiu is brought up again, it is tantamount to rubbing salt into his wounds!

It turns out that everyone is watching with open eyes, and there is no use in pretending to be confused.

This world is indeed very realistic!

 “I am doing it for your own good,”

Jiang Chou looked around and saw that the other guards were not looking this way, so he whispered, "I heard that General He Jixiang intends to transfer He Hong to the capital camp.

Think about it, if Ho Hong leaves, the position of commander will become vacant. Who else is qualified to take over the position of commander besides you? "

 “Who did you listen to?”

Jiao Zhong was stunned for a while and then said, "Who said Commander He was leaving?

 I don’t even know, how do you know? "

 He became increasingly angry.

 Is he a fake royal guard?

He is the last one to know any news about the palace!

Jiang Qiu said with a flat mouth, "No wonder you have always been just a guard, but the news has gone crazy, and you don't know it yet.

 Really, you have to examine yourself. Is there something wrong with your life? Why is it that no one is willing to tell you any news? "

Jiao Zhong said unconvinced, "I behave well and do things right. What's the problem?"

 “Okay, I won’t argue with you about this,”

Jiang Qiu said with a smile, "But the news that Ho Hong is leaving is absolutely true. You must hang out in front of the manager more often, otherwise you won't even be able to cry when the time comes to promote someone else.

You are not young anymore. If you don't get promoted, you will have no choice but to take off these clothes and go home to marry a wife and raise children. "

Jiao Zhong didn't know this.

As Jiang Qiu said, he is almost forty years old. If there is no hope of promotion, he can only leave the Prince He's Mansion and become an ordinary rich man.

 But he is not willing to give in!

It would be a pity if he didn't get an official position and he would succeed to the throne soon.

 Maybe it will be a lifelong regret.

 After a long time, he looked at Jiang Qiu and said, "Why are you talking to me so much?"

 He did not believe that Jiang Chou had such good intentions.

“Hey, it’s always right to have multiple friends and multiple paths,”

Jiang Qiu smiled and said, "Moreover, no matter your qualifications or skill, you are expected to win the title of commander of the bodyguards. I will follow you, so you should take more care of me."

Jiao Zhong was a little moved by what Jiang Chou said at this moment, and couldn't help but said, "Really?"

 “What’s the benefit of me lying to you?”

Jiang Qiu said with a smile, "But, it's all a matter of Manager Hong's whim. He doesn't eat oil or salt, and doesn't eat hard or soft food. If he doesn't follow the rules, there's nothing we can do."


Jiao Zhong couldn't help but sigh.

 Have Mr. Hong ever acted according to the rules?

Jiang Qiu said, "You don't have to sigh. Even if you really come out of the palace, with these colleagues from the past taking care of you, no one will easily provoke you. Besides, you are still a seventh-grade person after all, who dares not to open your eyes?"

You are also a person who has a way out, unlike me, who is like a lonely ghost with no way to advance or retreat. "

 Some things are useful without hard work.

He now only hopes that good causes will come to Ankang City, so that he will not be so aggrieved now.


Jiao Zhong said helplessly, "In the worst case, I'll just go home and do business."

Jiang Qiu is right, he has really returned home, and his former colleagues are taking care of him!

 In Ankang City, no one dared to cause trouble for him!

 It’s good if he doesn’t cause trouble for others.

Jiang Qiu asked curiously, "Have you ever done business?"

 “Why haven’t you done it?”

Jiao Zhong said with a smile, "But I liked to play with guns and sticks at that time, and I was not interested in doing business. But my father pushed me too hard. I couldn't do it without learning business. In the first year, I lost three thousand taels of silver selling cloth, and I still can't do it." I owe ten thousand taels of silver."

Jiang Qiu opened his eyes wide and said, "No wonder they all say your family is rich."

  Not ordinary rich!

The compensation is more than 10,000 taels of silver, but my face is not red and my heart is not beating!

Jiao Zhong said, "My father also wanted to give me 30,000 taels of silver to continue doing business. I was not happy, so I joined the army directly, and then entered the palace as a guard, working under Shen Chu. He thought I was good at martial arts, so we joined him. Entered Prince He's Mansion."

The two were talking when Cao Xiaohuan led the people and turned in from the alley.

 Cao Xiaohuan cupped his hands and said, "You two are quite free."

Jiao Zhong smiled and said, "If I let you find out, you don't have to be so fast.

The princess is still inside, so you are not afraid of disturbing the princess by being so grand. "

Cao Xiaohuan said, "Where do you need to inform me?

 Do you think this crackdown on crime and evil is a joke?

The hooligan of the land of the Ankang City, who I do n’t know about converging, and the people of Bing Ma Si have long caught a one, the cells are not enough, and many of them have been sent to Dali Temple to prison, but Zhou Xun was busy.

As for the rest, they are quite smart and know how to hide in the prince's palace.

We are not able to enter the county prince's palace to search, and we have been delaying it until today.

But I have to thank you two. In the morning, you two entered the house and surprised them. Before the king could catch them, they were almost gone.

 Just now, I caught them all. "

“This county palace has really become a place of filth and evil, so you don’t need to thank me.”

Jiao Zhong glanced at Jiang Qiu and said with a resentful look, "Anyone who is not a fool will not live under the same roof as a ninth-grade peak person."

 At the same time, I also felt aggrieved for Prince Heshun.

The tenant is caught, who does he turn to to collect the rent?

  Misfortune never comes alone!

Cao Xiaohuan said, "Okay, I won't tell you anymore. You two can stay here while I continue to arrest people."

When it was dark, Lin Yi saw Hu Miaoyi coming back with red and swollen eyes.

 The pearls and gold ornaments on his head and hands were gone.

He would not say anything nice. In order to comfort her, he lent his waist to her while sleeping and traveled around until late at night.

 When I got up the next day, my whole body felt like falling apart.

“I heard people say that three hundred muscles are needed to stand still,”

Lin Yi stretched out his arms and let Mingyue dress him. He closed his eyes slightly and yawned, "It's more tiring than practicing martial arts. Do you think that if I had such perseverance in martial arts before, would I be the same?" A master?"

 “That’s what the prince said.”

Mingyue blushed and didn't know how to answer the question.

Lin Yi shook his head and smiled.

After breakfast, he was about to go back to sleep when Hong Ying came in and said, "Your Majesty, General Yuan wants to see you."

 “Which General Yuan?”

Lin Yi said in surprise.

Hong Ying smiled and said, "General Yuan Qing."

 “Did you come empty-handed, or did you come with a gift?”

Lin Yi pondered for a while and then said, "If you come empty-handed, there is no need to meet."

Hong Ying said, "Reporting to the prince, General Yuan brought some local products from Saibei, such as ginseng and mink skins. When he entered, he also gave Sun Cheng a few copper coins."

Lin Yi nodded and said, "Then let him come in."

  If you brought something, it doesn’t matter how much, at least you have sincerity to reconcile.

 There is no need for him to waste any words.

 If he came empty-handed, there would be no need for him to say goodbye and it would be a waste of emotion.


 The flood should recede.

Lin Yi had just put on the tea cup when he heard a thud and his knee hit the floor so hard that he was not afraid of pain.

But he still didn’t raise his head.

  "Your Majesty, Yuan Qing, bows to the prince. The prince is a thousand years old, a thousand years old, a thousand years old!"

Yuan Qing knelt on the ground and kowtowed three times.

“Uncle, there is no need to be polite, we are all members of our own family,”

Lin Yi smiled and said, "If you come, I will give you a seat and serve you tea."

 “Thank you, Your Majesty!”

Yuan Qing stood up, but his buttocks were only halfway up the chair behind him, not fully occupied.

Lin Yi raised his head and took a serious look at this cheap uncle for the first time. He was wearing a white gown in the middle of winter. He had a thin face and a bun on his head. He looked like a Confucian general.

 He raised his hand and said, "Please have some tea.

This king has achieved a great victory in Saibei. My uncle's hard work has made great achievements. I am very pleased. "

Yuan Qing cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty is so complimentary, and I have the duty to serve the country.

What's more, to quell the chaos in Saibei, General Shen Chu and General Shen Zhan'ao contributed the most, and I only used them to support Jiwei. "

 “Uncle is humble.”

Lin Yi took another sip of tea while speaking.

Looking at his uncle's expression, he was thinking about whether his mother had said anything to his uncle?

Otherwise, how could he be so well-behaved in front of me?

 “To report to the prince,”

Yuan Qing put down the tea cup, put on his long robe, knelt down again and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty, for not killing Yuan Zhen. I am deeply grateful."

“Yuan Zhen is your brother, the brother of my mother and concubine, and my uncle.”

Lin Yi smiled and said, "There is no need for you to express your gratitude.

 You and I don’t get to know each other very often, but you should know to some extent that I am straightforward and don’t like to beat around the bush.

 Uncle, you are a smart man, if you have anything to say, just say it. "

Yuan Qing said loudly, "I am an official to a general. I have a life span of more than fifty. I have a small reputation and hold military power. I am sincere and frightened. I would like to retire and return to my hometown. I hope the regent will give me permission!"

Lin Yi smiled and said casually, "Is this what the Duke means?

Last time, I saw that the Duke was full of energy and strong. He should not be confused enough to surrender his military power, right? "

 “To report to the regent,”

Yuan Qing kowtowed and said, "It is my father's wish to take my Yuan family children back to Qizhou to study behind closed doors."

Lin Yidao, “Now that the situation is turbulent, can you read with peace of mind?

This is the time to employ people, and I definitely cannot agree to it.

  Okay, don’t say any more. Let’s rest at home for a while, and then we will send troops to Nanling as soon as spring starts.

Mei Jingzhi, this old bastard, cut off this king's food and fodder over and over again, which is really disrespectful. I didn't have time to pay attention to him before, but now I have my hands free. If I don't take him down, I won't have room to put my face. "

The king of Nanling occupied Nanling and Chuzhou, and it was like a chokehold. Lin Yi could not destroy him and could not advance to Yuzhou and Liangzhou.

Yuan Qing raised his head and saw Lin Yi's firm expression. Knowing that his mind had been made up, he sighed secretly and said in a deep voice, "My lord, take the order!"

 “That would be great,”

Lin Yi stood up with the help of Hong Ying, walked to Yuan Qing, held him up with both hands, and said with a smile, "I hope that uncle will continue to work hard and not let down the people of the world."


Yuan Qing still lowered his head and said.

"In addition, according to the prince, my fifth uncle has a close relationship with the Eighth Emperor brother. Please help me ask where my Eighth Emperor brother is. I miss him very much."

The King of Chu was like a ground rat, hiding everywhere but unable to find anyone, which made people anxious.

If it weren't for his mother, Lin Yi would really want to torture Yuan Zhen to extract a confession.

Yuan Qingdao said, "I will definitely live up to the prince's trust."

Lin Yi nodded and said, "Come, come and see the guests off for me."

 “I, please retire.”

Yuan Qing left with Hong Ying.

Lin Yi looked at his tall figure gradually disappearing and said with emotion, "I'm not used to being so talkative all of a sudden."

Jiao Zhong said hurriedly, "Your Majesty, why don't you go down and keep an eye on him?"

Lin Yi rolled his eyes at him and said, "Pando will arrange this kind of thing, it's not your turn.

I heard that my father-in-law can hardly even eat? "

Jiao Zhong thought quickly and said cautiously, "The county prince is kind and treats people with sincerity. If he is taken advantage of by a young man, he will naturally not be able to save this money."

 “Why don’t you just say he’s stupid?”

Lin Yi rubbed his forehead and said, "Tell Guo Zhao and ask him to be the housekeeper for the county prince. Otherwise, if something happens, he will become a laughing stock."

 Sending someone else there would be a bit overkill, but it would be just right to let Guo Zhao go.

Although Guo Zhao is just a gardener, he is worldly and sophisticated, and he is definitely more than enough to be a housekeeper.

 The most important thing is to be loyal to yourself.

Jiao Zhongdao said, "Yes."

It has not been sunny for two days, and heavy snow has fallen again.

Lin Yi stood on the city wall, wrapping his coat again and again, looking at the dense crowd of heads kneeling under the Meridian Gate, and sighed, "These people don't know what contentment is."

 Just the day before yesterday, he directly abolished the clan support system.


 Of course it saves money!

Why do you spend millions of taels of silver every year to raise a bunch of borers?

 Chen Jingzhi on the side couldn't help but smile bitterly, this prince and prince are so brave!

 This is a major event involving hundreds of thousands of clan members!

 Emperor Delong is also a decisive person. He would not dare to do such a thing even if he just thinks about it!

How could this prince and the prince dare to act in spite of the disapproval of the world?

A gust of wind blew over, and he couldn't help but shiver again. He said with a smile, "Fathers, regardless of the severe cold, more and more people are coming."

Whether it is the Ministry of Rites or the Meridian Gate, they are now blocked by various clan members and cannot be beaten or scolded, which is very troublesome.

 It is said that some clan members have gone to the imperial mausoleum to cry.

Lin Yi glanced at him, and then said, "I'm just a regent. The imperial edict belongs to the emperor. What does it have to do with me?"

 That's all I'm good for. He can take the blame at critical moments.

 Him has nothing to do with him.

 “Your Majesty.”

 Chen Jingzhi was very helpless.

You **** stop telling lies with your eyes open!

 The imperial edict was drawn up by the cabinet, and the jade seal was built by He Jixiang.

 Emperor Delong probably doesn’t even know it at this moment!

If he knew it, why wouldn't he jump into a rage?

 (End of this chapter)

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