Chapter 386 Zong Lu

Lin Yi said, "If you fart, hurry up. If you continue to be so hesitant, I will sacrifice your head to the flag."

 He now also understands Lao Twelve's helplessness.

People such as Chen Jingzhi's slippery hands and want to kill him, I really can't find any good reasons!

Furthermore, it is true that this man is a corrupt official, but he is indeed a capable official. He handles everything properly, and he is reluctant to kill him even if he is used smoothly!

 So, the more I think about it, the angrier I get.

 “Your Majesty,”

Chen Jingzhi lowered his eyebrows and said submissively, "These are only from Ankang City. If the news spreads in a few days, there will definitely be more people. Then it will become more and more difficult to deal with."

Liang Guo has been in existence for more than 200 years. There are countless princes and grandsons. From the moment they are born, they don't have to do anything in their lives. They are all supported by the state treasury.

Military pay may not be paid, but the clan’s salary cannot be reduced.

I think back then, when the court was in the most difficult situation, Emperor Delong carefully approached some of his clan relatives and urged them to resign their salary and reduce their salary, but no one paid any attention to him.

 Emperor Delong was not merciless even in killing his own brothers, but he was powerless against these clan members.

 After that, the finances became increasingly empty. Neither the internal treasury nor the external treasury was able to issue any more salary, and it gradually turned into arrears.

 However, Emperor Delong didn’t have the guts to cancel it directly!

 Tampering with the ancestral system and shaking the foundation of the country.

He really has a strong resentment towards Lin Yi. Anyway, the salary is already in arrears, so he doesn’t have to pay it!

 Let everyone understand it tacitly!

Now that the imperial edict has been issued with great fanfare, so many clan members have entered the capital to cause trouble, but how will it end?

“Humph, even if I had ten of their courage, they wouldn’t dare to come,”

Lin Yi said proudly, "Unless there is a fool who doesn't know my reputation and dares to compete with me.

 Do you think that the sword in my king’s hand is just for decoration?

As long as the sword is in my hand, what I say is the truth and cannot be criticized. "

Whether it is Hongzhou, Yuezhou, Nanzhou, or Jiangnan, everyone knows how powerful he is, but the time he returned to Ankang City was too short, and he has not yet formed an effective deterrent.

“Your Majesty, the implication of doing this is indeed very high.”

 Chen Jingzhi looked worried.

“Reforming the old and reforming the old is not about treating guests to dinner or writing poems and articles. It cannot be so gentle, polite, gentle and courteous.”

Lin Yi said nonchalantly, "I will definitely use the power of thunder, not only my relatives, but also the landlords and old wealth, I will not let go.

The rich families are full of wine and meat, and the roads are freezing to death. If this situation continues, the world will be even more unsustainable.

This king would rather offend these nobles than offend the people. "

 The gentry group, composed of noble relatives, honorable ministers, eunuchs, bureaucrats, tribute collectors, health supervisors, officials and subordinates, not only enjoyed privileges and immunities in tax and service, but also did not commit the same crimes as the common people after committing a crime.

 They are the products and beneficiaries of an unfair competition system. They are pampered, abuse their power, use their power for personal gain, and have rigid ideas.

 In order to safeguard the vested interests gained from the old system, they opposed all substantive reforms.

Lin Yi can’t tolerate it!

 For this society to develop and progress, they must be dealt with.

 Otherwise, only superficial political actions will serve no purpose.

 “Your Majesty is wise!

 Dividing princes and younger brothers, almost all over the world, not doing things but giving generous salaries, wanting to make the melons grow and the crops prosperous, exhausting the power of the world, it is not enough to support them."

Yu Boxu, who had been standing behind Lin Yi, suddenly said in a loud voice, "If you wait for your husband to ask and then judge, and to push and then communicate, there will be the risk of trouble and stagnation.

If the drawings are made in the early days and the determination is based on the elements, then in one day, the official names and legal systems will be new at the top, and the Yilun people's government will be described at the bottom, both internal and external, far and near, although it is easy to see and hear, but they will continue to follow the rules and regulations. , no different from normal. "

Lin Yi rolled his eyes at him and said, "General Yu, you are a military commander."

He didn't understand such a long string of words at all.

But considering the context and his tone, Lin Yi could probably guess that this was a compliment to himself.

Ma Jin suddenly said loudly, "Your Majesty, General Yu is a Jinshi."

"I see."

Lin Yi sighed, are Jinshi so worthless these days?

 Anyone he can find around him is a Jinshi!

Damn it, it’s hard to find a top three!

 When Chen Jingzhi saw Ma Jin speaking, he unconsciously took a step back again.

Just listen to Ma Jin continue to say, "Your Majesty, I think that Taizu has already agreed on the laws and regulations, and the profits and losses have been changed, regardless of the number of times.

 It took a hundred years to achieve success, so tampering with it would be considered disrespectful. "

“Ma Jin, you are a smart man, do you have to go against me to show that you are different?”

Lin Yi glared at him and said, "Huh, don't you always say, 'A king is like a boat; a common man is like water; water can carry a boat, and water can overturn a boat.' How come it's time to actually do practical things for the people?" , are you all timid?

 Do you think there are so many borers in Daliang? "

 For these old stubborns, sometimes he really has the idea of ​​kicking them to death.

 However, if we really kill them, there will really be no one left.

 “Your Majesty.”

Ma Jin’s face turned red.

 He is the Shaobao and the Crown Prince Taibao, the Minister of Rites, the Bachelor of Wenhua Palace, and an important minister in the court.

Whether it's the prince who hides his sword in his smile and can't see the teeth in his mouth, or the dictatorial and arbitrary Emperor Delong, he would never talk to him like this!

 After all, the emperor also understood the principle of everyone carrying the sedan chair. You have to give him some face!

To talk to the prince like this is a sign of a foolish king!

He couldn't help but feel sad when he thought of this.

 Is it still too late to invest in another company?

 From Emperor Delong to the Prince, and then from the Prince to Prince He, he will soon be called a slave with three surnames!

If he turns to someone else, can his reputation be preserved for the rest of his life?

 “Okay, don’t explain,”

Lin Yi waved his hands impatiently and said, "Just do as the king said and tell them clearly that from now on the prince will be guilty of the same crime as the common people when he breaks the law. Major crimes will be discussed and minor crimes will be pardoned. All the eight policies will be cancelled.

Want privileges?

 This king will not tolerate them. "

This system allows the powerful to reduce major issues to trivial matters after breaking the law, and trivial matters to nothing. To put it bluntly, it is a privileged law, and the real punishment cannot be meted out to officials.

 As the aristocrats and bureaucrats at the top of society, they can do whatever they want.

 A stable and harmonious society can have three, six or nine classes of people, some sitting in sedan chairs, some carrying sedan chairs, some eating delicious food and drinking spicy food, and some drinking northwest wind, but there can be no distinction between high and low.

Whoever’s life is his or her life.

 “Your Majesty, think twice.”

 Everyone was shocked!

 This involves not only the clan members, but also the ministers and family members of the court!

 If they play like this, what will they do in the future?

 Do you want to live?

"invalid objection,"

Lin Yi said without hesitation, "Of course, if any of you behave well, I can ask for a pardon."

 He doesn’t care whether others have privileges or not.

 He himself must have it.

 For example, the right of amnesty.

 “Thank you, Your Majesty.”

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Lin Yi continued, "As for the specific regulations, your cabinet will draft them yourself and then show them to the Holy One."

It doesn’t matter whether I agree or not.

 This process is a must.

The clan members and dignitaries must know that this will comes from the Qilin Palace.

 Having nothing to do with him, he is still a simple child.


 Everyone was very helpless.

 Isn’t this deception?

If you do this, the nobles will stop scolding you?

 I want to eat shit!

“Strictly speaking, I have been kind enough to them. I only stopped their salaries and canceled their privileges.”

Lin Yi took Xiao Xizi's teacup, took a sip, and looked outside the Meridian Gate again, "But they didn't investigate their past misdeeds, and they didn't confiscate their fields. From now on, they can still enjoy the hot food."

Mr. Gan. "

Gan Mao knelt down and said loudly, "Old minister is here."

 I feel very anxious, as long as this person and the prince name me, nothing good will happen in the end.

I don’t know what kind of trouble this guy and the prince are trying to make.

Lin Yi said, "You've been complaining that the Household Department has no money. This is your chance to make a fortune. Anyone who opposes the new law and has trouble with this king should let people from the Zongren Mansion take you to ransack your home.

With the Dali Temple, the Ministry of Punishment, and the Metropolitan Procuratorate jointly conducting the trial, we must let them die clearly. We must let them know that I will not wrongly accuse a good person, nor will I let a bad person go. "

 Anyone who goes against him is a bad person!

 “Don’t worry, Your Majesty, I will do my best.”

Gan Mao said loudly.

 “That’s good,”

Lin Yi continued, "Master Gong."

 “The old minister is here.”

Gong Xiang also knelt down and said.

Lin Yidao, "For the official examination, the questions will be given by the king himself. I won't care if you discuss it with Lord He Jixiang."

Gong Xiangdao said, “I obey the order.”

Lin Yi handed the tea cup to Xiao Xizi, took off the dog skin hat that came from Yu Shi, patted the snow queen on it and said, "It's okay, let's go down. It's time to go about your business."

After Xiao Xizi waited for everyone to leave, he stepped forward and said, "Your Majesty, your Majesty's health has become worse and worse these days."

 “He’s not doing well at all,”

Lin Yi rubbed his forehead and said, "Let the people from Tai Hospital be waiting at Qilin Palace. If anything happens, they can be summoned in time."

 “The little one knows.”

 Xiao Xizi said.

 It snowed heavily for three consecutive days.

 The Qilin Palace, which has always been inaccessible, is completely white from the roof to the ground.


 You are indeed my good son!

 It is true that the ignorant are fearless! "

Emperor Delong threw the book in his hand on the table and looked at Qi Yong next to him coldly, "Qi Aiqing, do you want to go crazy with him?"

Qi Yong, who was kneeling on the ground, slowly raised his head and said expressionlessly, "Your Majesty, the regent insists on doing this, and there is nothing I can do about it."

 Qi Yong has no loyalty to Prince He.

 But after he and the prince did something that all the emperors had wanted to do but had not done, Qi Yong felt an inexplicable sense of joy in his heart.

Let’s not talk about the prince and the prince for now. At least when we see King Dai and King Yongan in the future, we no longer need to kneel down and bow!

 It’s hard to blame him for his age!

“Since it’s been decided, why bother asking me again?”

Emperor Delong looked at Qi Yong coldly and said, "Tell my good son that I can't die. I will always watch him."

 “I obey the decree.”

Qi Yong stood up and bowed his back and slowly exited the Qilin Palace.

 Facing Chen Jingzhi who was waiting outside the door, he said, "Your Majesty is old."

Chen Jingzhi didn't expect that the always arrogant prime minister would suddenly talk to him, and he was flattered for a moment. The matter involved Emperor Delong, and he didn't dare to make any rash remarks. He could only laugh and said, "Sir, it's windy outside, let's go."

 “Yes, the wind is quite strong today,”

Qi Yong stroked his beard as he walked and said, "Can you please go to the clan mansion with my name card and ask Lord Zongzheng to come over to discuss the matter? Lord He Jixiang is right, rogue bandits causing chaos is a disease caused by scabies. The kings will not Jing is a serious problem for one’s confidants.”

Chen Jingzhi wondered if this old guy had changed his gender?

 Why are you so polite to people all of a sudden?

However, he still did not dare to neglect, and said hurriedly, "Sir, wait a moment, I will leave immediately."

 The news that the imperial court canceled Zonglu and Bayi gradually spread throughout the world.

There are those who jump and stamp their feet and curse, and there are those who are ecstatic.

The most violent reaction was from the clan members of Ankang City. Many old men had been clamoring to be killed under the Meridian Gate for days. However, after all the efforts, there was not even a person to hold them back. Unavoidably, they were missing. Got some meaning.

 Some people looked at the eight large white characters "Leniency for those who confess, Leniency for those who resist" painted on the Meridian Gate, and were ready to retreat.

 Having a house, land, and a beautiful wife at home, it seems a bit unworthy to take risks for that little salary.

 “Are we still going to arrest people?”

Zhou Xun looked at Cao Xiaohuan next to him.

Cao Xiaohuan sighed and said, "Can your prison in Dali Temple still hold people?"

Zhou Xun shook his head and smiled bitterly, "Even the prisons in the Zongren Mansion are almost full. Where can we find room in Dali Temple?"

Liu Kan said, "These old guys are too idle and are so arrogant and domineering. If we are freed from Sanhe, we should go to the labor camp. It means that the prince is merciful and does not care about them."

Cao Xiaohuan said, "Those who speak rudely and are disrespectful to the prince should still be arrested."

Zhou Xun hesitated for a moment and said, "It's hard to convict them if they are caught. It would be a waste of firewood and rice, which is meaningless."

"You are wrong. I told the prince that these people have been dripping with blood and filth from every pore since they were born."

Liu Kan snorted coldly, "As long as we check, there will be no clean ones.

 Maybe there are one or two exceptions, but it would be better to let them suffer a little. "

 Zhou Xundao said, "I can't listen to you. I still have to ask Mr. Ma."

 Cao Xiaohuan “Let’s get together.”

 The two of them left together.

Tao Yingyi, who had been silent all this time, waited for the two of them to drift away, and then said meaningfully to Liu Kan, "You are both very old."

 Liu Kan scratched his head and said, "What do you mean?"

Tao Yingyi smiled and said, "There is no airtight wall in this world. I heard that your grandfather is planning to propose marriage to the Zhou family?"


Liu Kan blushed and said.

Tao Yingyi lowered his voice and said, "I treat you as a brother, so I tell you the truth. Don't be angry. You should be cautious in everything. Now you are the commander of the flag-bearer guard, and she is the chief detective of Dali Temple. Logically speaking, we should interact with each other." To avoid suspicion.

Brother, you are still young. It would be a pity if your future was delayed because of a woman. "

 “You worry too much,”

 Liu Kan smiled and said, "I have nothing to do with her."

 Speaking, he turned around and left.


Tao Yingyi looked at his figure and sighed.

 (End of this chapter)

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