I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 387: End of fate

Chapter 387 End of fate

Jiang Yi stuck his head out from behind Tao Yingyi and said with a smile, "If he really gets together with Zhou Xun, one of the two must accept his fate."

 The couple, one is in Dali Temple and the other is in Jingying, both are officials?

There are such good things everywhere in the world!

 Someone must take off the official skin from his body.

Tao Yingyi said, "When the **** did you come here? I was so frightened that I didn't even move at all when I walked."

Jiang Yi said with a sneer, "These old guys are making trouble out of nothing, why don't we from the Military and Horse Division come?

Yesterday alone, I secretly caught three of them! "

Tao Yingyi said curiously, "This kind of thing is usually taken care of by the imperial guards, but it has made the people of your Military and Horse Department and Fuyin Yamen very busy. Is it necessary to grab the credit like this?"

Jiang Yi looked around, and then whispered, "The imperial guard doesn't understand his own affairs, so he has no time to take care of this kind of thing. Besides, Pan Duo is not a fool. He has learned from past mistakes, so he dares to stretch his hand too far."

 “This is true,”

Tao Yingyi nodded and said, "If the taboo is violated, the prince will not care about them, and Lord He Jixiang will not let them go."

Jiang Yi smiled and said, "I heard that you are going to be promoted?"

 “What is rising?”

Tao Yingyi rolled his eyes at him and said, "The day when Wadan destroys the country is the time when we can really show off our grand ambitions. In front of us, this little credit is nothing."

Jiang Yi whispered, "I heard that General Shen is still living in the military camp and can't return home?"

“What the **** are you doing asking about this all day long?”

Tao Yingyi chuckled and said, "Everyone wants to have more wives, the better, but they don't want to have trouble with the instruments and instruments. Having too many wives will cause trouble."

Shen Chu originally got married in the capital, but with the intention of not giving up until he had a son, he married a concubine after arriving in Sanhe.

Back to the capital, the concubines and concubines who are far away in Sanhe can't stay in Sanhe anymore, right?

Hence, he just bit the bullet and took it over together.

 After that, he fled far away from Saibei and stopped asking about family affairs.

The eldest fang didn’t like the concubine, but the concubine had learned kung fu in Sanhe, so she was so easy to bully. The eldest fang couldn’t beat her or scold her, so she always swallowed her anger.

As soon as Shen Chu came back, Dafang took out all his grievances on Shen Chu, hoping that Shen Chu could make the decision for her.

The concubine is charming, so Shen Chu naturally dotes on her more and is not willing to punish her. However, the eldest wife is also married to Ming Yuan. They have been married for many years and have always treated her with respect, and he refuses to speak harshly to her.

 If he can't afford to offend him, he can only hide.

  It makes it impossible for me to have a home now.

“I didn’t expect that General Shen, so majestic and majestic on the battlefield, is actually a henpecked man, and he is so hopeless,”

Jiang Yi smiled and said, "It is said that the eldest wife chased me through three streets with a rolling pin and ran all the way to the military camp. So far, I have not dared to show my head."

 “Okay, don’t say any more,”

Tao Yingyi suddenly said seriously, "General Shen is not someone like us who can discuss it. Be careful that there are ears behind the walls."

 Jiang Yi nodded and said, "Yes, yes."

Shen Chu's talents are average, and his martial arts skills are not the highest in the army.

 But there is one thing that no one can compare with. He is the confidant of the prince and the prince, and the prince has great trust in him.

 At present, he is the second-ranking figure in the army after He Jixiang.

He Jixiang is older and is in charge of the overall situation. Although he is involved in military affairs, he is not so detailed. In fact, Shen Chu has the final say in the army.

 The power is in his hands, and he is no longer the careful guard commander he was before.

 If you treat him with the same attitude as before, you will treat him as if he eats arsenic because he is dissatisfied with his longevity.

“Actually, among us, the luckiest one is Ma Jie.”

Tao Yingyi suddenly sighed with emotion, "Who would have thought that a low-ranking master would suddenly become a fourth-rank official, while Liu Baixian, the prefect, was still the prefect.

People are old-hearted. I heard that they asked for a side room? "

“He has been married to his old wife for more than 20 years and has nothing to do, so he is looking for a side room where he can have a man and a woman.”

Jiang Yi joked, "He is sixteen years old. Yesterday, everyone said that at such an old age, it is a good thing that his heart is not always old, but he is afraid that he will have more than enough ambition but not enough power.

But it's a pity, after all, he is a fourth-grade official. He couldn't find any kind of girl, so he married a brothel girl. "

 “You also know that he is a fourth-grade person?”

Tao Yingyi smiled and said, "He has only been in office for such a short period of time. If he marries a good family, he will inevitably be involved in robbing a daughter of the people, and there is no way to explain it to Mr. He.

 Brothel girls are good, they can spread incense without hindering official reputation, they really kill two birds with one stone.

 The old guy is indeed smart, no wonder he is favored by the prince.

Let me give you an opinion. Your Jiang family has been a military officer for generations, and you are a military commander. How about I recommend you to join the Beijing camp? "

Jiang Yi waved his hand without hesitation and said, "I am just a prince, not a military general. I will not go to the capital camp to lose face. It is good to stay in the Army and Horse Division now."

Tao Yingyi said, "You have to think clearly. Although you are now the deputy commander of the Army and Horses Division, you are the same age as Zhang Mian. With him pressing down on you, you will have to die for your position.

 Can you be willing? "

 “I admit that you are smarter than me,”

Jiang Yi said unceremoniously, "But you can't lie like this. There is absolutely no benefit to me going to Jingying. If I don't go, I will be killed.

 You, please don’t try to trick me. "

On the surface, he went to the capital camp to serve Prince He, but from the moment he became the deputy commander of the Military and Horse Division, he was branded as a member of Zhang Mian's faction.

If he suddenly changes his career now, who will be able to look up to him in the future?

 Besides, there are crouching tigers and hidden dragons in the Beijing camp, with seventh- and eighth-grade soldiers everywhere.

He is a sixth-grade unbroken man, why is he going to join in the fun?

What’s more, it’s still under Tao Yingyi’s hands!

In terms of rank, the two of them were on the same level. At most, Tao Yingyi had more power than him.

Tao Yingyi didn't take it seriously. He smiled and patted his shoulder and said, "Come to me when you think about it. My door is open for you."

 “Thank you very much.”

Jiang Yi left angrily.

Made up in his mind, he could no longer get close to Tao Yingyi. When the news spread, Zhang Mian thought that he had second thoughts and that the gains outweighed the losses.

 In the evening, the north wind picks up again.

Lin Yi was sitting on the edge of the canal fishing. He swung the fishing rod several times but failed to make it into the river. The thread was caught on the dead branches on the bank by the wind.

 “Grandma is a bear.”

Lin Yi threw the fishing rod away angrily, and then squatted down by the fire nearby to warm himself up.

Jiao Zhong carefully untied the silk thread from the branch and said with a smile, "Your Majesty, would you like me to help you throw the pole?"

Lin Yi waited until his hands were warm, raised his hand, pulled up the hat again and said, "Okay, you give it a try."

Jiao Zhong took the pole in his hand and wrapped it around the silk thread with great strength. The fishhook landed accurately in the hole on the ice.

 “Hey, you are quite capable.”

Lin Yi took the pole again, shaving his face in the cold wind.

Occasionally, I can't help but wipe the yellow and white mucus from my nose with my sleeve.

Jiao Zhong said, "Your Majesty, it's cold, why don't we go back?"

 He really doesn’t understand what’s so fun about fishing!

 In the winter, the cold wind blows here.

If he really wants fish, he can split the ice with a knife and explode a dozen fish, right?

 Isn’t this simpler than fishing one by one?

Lin Yi seemed to have read his thoughts and said with a smile, "You just don't understand the fun of fishing.

 Man, it’s not easy to have a hobby. "

In his last life, poverty limited his hobbies, and he only dared to play with things that cost money.

He couldn’t even think about things like photography, traveling and fitness.

 After all, we don’t have that much money.

 Now that I have money, it’s a pity that I have nowhere to spend it.

 “What the prince said is,”

Jiao Zhong said with a smile, "How can a young mediocrity know this?"

Lin Yi held a pole in one hand and a wooden stick in the other to pull the fire and said, "I heard that Hong An is back?"

Jiao Zhong said, "Yes, I came back last night, but it was too late, so I didn't go to pay my respects to the prince."

Lin Yi said curiously, "Xiao Yingzi really dotes on this disciple. Now that he's back, what kind of position will he hold?"

Jiao Zhongdao said, "I went to the Military and Horse Patrol Court to take charge of the police patrol."

 “She did the job,”

Lin Yi thought for a while and said, "Songcheng will get married in a few days. You will send a gift list for me."

Jiao Zhong said, "I understand. I heard that General Shen, General Pang, Luo Han and others are going, so I can go and join in the fun."

"That's very good," Lin Yi said, then continued, "I heard that Ma Jie, an old bastard, actually married a top brothel?

Have you gone to have a wedding drink?

How does it look like? "

 “To report to the prince,”

Jiao Zhong couldn't figure out what Lin Yi meant, so he could only say cautiously, "The younger one is gone, but he was covered with a red hijab that day, so my subordinates couldn't see clearly."

 “Fuck your mother,”

Lin Yi said angrily, "Jin Manlou, have you been there less?

 You actually told me that you don’t know what the top card looks like? "

 “Your Majesty, my subordinates have been wronged,”

Jiao Zhong said hurriedly, "The door curtain of Jinmanlou is not big, but the pomp is not small. The top performer does not sell himself. He has always been a poor man. I want this girl to accompany him to drink. You must know the poems and songs."

 This subordinate is a rough man, how can he know these things?

Otherwise, we have to use money to clear the way. Although my subordinates are not short of the money, they are not willing to be the scapegoats and let them kill them.

 That’s why I’ve never seen what this card looks like. "

 “Disgrace your ancestors,”

Lin Yi said with a look of disdain, "I will take you there someday, so that you can see what it means to walk among flowers without even a single leaf touching you."

Jiao Zhong grinned and said, "I don't dare, little one."

He and the prince are now regents!

Where else can you go to the land of fireworks!

If he dares to take the prince with him, neither the manager nor He Jixiang will tear him apart!

 Even if it is the prince’s own idea, it will not work.

If he does not stop him, he will be unfaithful and unjust, and he will be punished by death!

 He hasn’t lived enough yet!

 “Hey, it’s boring,”

Seeing that there was still no movement from the pole, Lin Yi threaded the cleaned fish onto a branch of a tree and grilled it while saying, "You are so brave, you are not for big things."

 “Your Majesty.”

Jiao Zhong was frightened when he heard this.

 What does this mean?

 The prince is dissatisfied with himself?

He Hong is about to leave. He is determined to get the position of commander of the guards. If the prince is angry, can he still take the position?

 Thinking of this, I almost burst into tears.


Lin Yi waved his hand and said, "Stop talking nonsense, take the chili powder and sprinkle some on it."


Jiao Zhong nervously sprinkled the chili peppers that he chopped into powder with a big knife, "Your Majesty, is it almost done?"

 “Just leave it like that.”

Lin Yi nodded.

Jiao Zhong was about to speak when he suddenly heard the sound of arrows piercing the air. Just when he was about to ask what was going on, a guard came over and whispered a few words into his ear.

After hearing this, Jiao Zhong gave a few instructions, walked up to Lin Yi, and said with a smile, "Your Majesty, a tiger rushed over and was caught by someone. The tiger's skin was still intact. He turned around and dried it in the sun. Your Majesty, make a mattress.”

 “Pull him down,”

Lin Yi waved his hand and said, "I don't want that thing. You sell it and divide the money."

 “Thank you, Your Majesty.”

Jiao Zhong raised his hands happily.

Ankang City is not Sanhe. Wild animals are everywhere. What’s more, this is a suburb and wild animals are even rarer.

  I will skin the tiger and sell it for dozens of taels of silver. When I see that I have a share, I will get enough for at least a few drinks.

 Moonlit night.

 The pale moonlight shines on the lifeless land, which is desolate and lonely.

The strong northwest wind was blowing constantly, and the hair on Hong An's forehead was fluttering in the wind.

She sat on the eaves of a roof with her arms folded, looking at a low shack opposite. The lights inside were flickering, and figures were moving around from time to time.

 “This is your home, why don’t you go in?”

Zhou Xun, who was sitting beside her, said curiously.

 She didn’t know much about Hong An’s life experience.

 “I have no home for a long time,”

Hong An said expressionlessly, "My surname is Hong, not Sun."

 “Then what do you mean by bringing me here?”

Zhou Xun said with a smile.

 “I’m afraid.”

 “Is there anything else you’re afraid of?”

 Zhou Xun was even more puzzled.

 “Thank you, let’s go.”

Hong An didn't wait for Zhou Xun's reply before he drifted away.

 “Hey, wait for me.”

Zhou Xungang stood up and Hong An could no longer be seen.

 She couldn't help but murmured to herself, "This is another breakthrough."

Since she couldn't catch up, she stopped chasing and looked at the low house again.

 Vaguely, she heard a quarrel, and then another cry, and it was a mess.

 In the end, the barking sounds of dogs in the left and right circles undulated with each other.

 Zhou Xun shook his head helplessly and smiled.

When she returned to her residence, she saw Hong An sitting by the pavilion with his knees in his arms. She smiled and said, "It's not as cold as Sanhe here. It's so cold with you sitting like this."

Hong An shook his head and said, "It won't be a problem."

 Zhou Xun touched her head and said distressedly, "You really don't want to go home and have a look?

After you left, I stayed for a while and heard a quarrel inside.

If your guess is correct, it should be your mother and your sister-in-law. "

 “My mother is not that easy to deal with,”

Hong An smiled and said, "My sister-in-law is not a good quarrel. It's normal to quarrel."

Zhou Xundao, "Then what are you unhappy about?

 Let me know if you have anything to do, and I'll see if I can be of any help. "

Hong An said sadly, "Occasionally, I still think about the past. I thought I wouldn't be able to let it go. But when I got to the door, I realized that I didn't care about anything anymore.

Sister Mingyue said that from the moment I entered Prince He's Mansion, the fate between mother and daughter was over. "

As he spoke, his voice was filled with sobs and his eyes were filled with tears.

 (End of this chapter)

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