I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 389: One step at a time

Chapter 389 One step at a time

 Some things cannot be waited for. If you wait for a long time, you will get used to it.

He remembered a saying he had learned from Lord Xie Zan in the school: It is enough to be able to be ridiculed by others, but regretful for oneself;

 If I try my best and still fail to achieve it, then I have no regrets.

As the monk walked up the steps, the sharp and rapid sound of the piano became clearer and clearer in his ears. A chilling air spread through the bamboo forest and surrounded him. The closer he got, the more excited his mind became.

As we walked higher and higher, the mist fell in a flash, and the mountains came out. In front of us was a square, and behind was a large house. There were rows of houses, no one knew how many there were, but no one could be seen entering or leaving.

In the huge square, there was only a middle-aged man in white sitting, gentle and elegant, with his eyes slightly closed, playing the piano with both hands, and then he played the piano faster and faster.

 “A white head is a sign of fame.

 The old mountains have old pines and bamboos, blocking the return journey.

 I want to express my thoughts to Yao Qin.

"If you have few close friends, who will listen when your string is broken?"

 After the middle-aged man finished chanting, shaking his head, he opened his eyes, stopped his hand, looked at the monk up and down, and then said with a smile, "In so many years, you are the first person who can listen to me finish the song.

Xie Bai's head of the Ministry of Rites, Xie Bai's head, and hospitable with silk bamboo. Are you satisfied with this tubo? "

 “Use music as a sword, use music as a killing tool, a good tool for the donor,”

The monk bowed with one hand and said, "I admire you."

Xie Baishou said proudly, "Soldiers are an ominous weapon and are not the weapons of a gentleman. They should be used as a last resort. Tranquility is the best."

 The sound of silk and bamboo is like the sound of mountains and rivers, flowing with warmth and generosity, making people forget about the world, and the guests may be able to die more peacefully. "

“What the donor said is totally wrong,”

The monk said calmly, "If you don't understand the Tao when you hear the sound, how can you understand your heart when you see the color?"

  “After listening to the sound of my piano, you actually refuse to die?”

 Xie Baishou said with a worried expression, "Not good, not good."

The monk said with a smile, "The young monk wants to save all sentient beings, so naturally he cannot follow the crowd, lower his hands and lower his eyebrows, and die easily."

“Okay, what can you realize from the sound of the piano below?”

 Xie Baishou actually looked a little angry.

“The avenue is nameless and the sound is loud. In the sound of the benefactor’s piano, the murderous intention is heavier, and the roosting bird is restless in its nest.”

The monk practiced the lion's roar skill, and he was no worse than others in terms of music and rhythm. He said very seriously, "Exerting all your energy in this way and using your powers in vain is like grinding bricks to make a mirror, and using stones to make ropes."

Xie Baishou scolded, "It's nonsense. Since it's a killing technique, how can it not be murderous!"

 “The benefactor has received a sign, and the sound is so great that it must be pure and clear, innate to the heaven and the earth.”

The monk took a step forward and continued, "Don't you think the donor will be drunk and die?

The physical body is here, but the soul is gone, as if the desire is as pure as the Western Heaven. "

"Don't talk nonsense. Let me see the truth and see how you can open the road to the West for me!"

Xie Baishou moved his ten fingers while speaking. At first, it was like pearls and jade falling on a plate, which made people feel relaxed and happy. Then, the strings of the piano vibrated, and the sound of the piano buzzed and clanked, as if it was exploding in mid-air.

“The flags surrounding the tower are divided into four colors, and the bells and drums are arranged in three directions.

Vatican announced the wonderful sound, and he heard that he was happy. "

The monk's voice was like a loud bell, and it suddenly drowned out the sound of the piano.

Xie Baishou's body trembled, and the sound of the piano suddenly stopped. After turning his eyes, the whites of his eyes stopped directly in his eyes, and his body remained motionless.

The monk passed him, crossed the square, stepped on the steps, and continued up the mountain.

 Not long after, there was another square in front of us.

Standing in the middle is a big man wearing black clothes and straw sandals.

The big man held a long sword and said with a smile, "You are a sixth-grade man. You are really lucky to escape from Xie Baishou's hands."

The monk clasped his hands and said, "I wonder if the donor can let the young monk pass?"

 “Forgot to introduce myself,”

The big man chuckled and said, "I am Xie Tiance, the minister of the Ministry of War. It is my way of hospitality in Chunshan City to treat guests with courtesy first and then attack with soldiers. Since Xie Baishou failed to keep you with courtesy, then I can only keep you with soldiers."

The monk said, "I wonder what the young monk can do to get over?"

Xie Tiance smiled and said, "It's easy, you can walk under the sword, and as long as you reach that step, I won't chase you anymore.

Going up the steps, there is Xie Changjie, the Minister of Household Affairs. He is the ninth grade. He can calculate the accounts clearly and clearly with an iron abacus. However, I think you will have no chance to see him. "

 “Such a great good.”

The monk nodded and walked towards the steps.

Xie Tiance snorted coldly, unsheathed his long sword and stabbed directly at the monk's back. He could pierce the monk with just one sword.

Unexpectedly, the sword fell a little short after all.

Xie Tiance roared angrily, "Where to run!"

The monk continued to walk leisurely, and Xie Tiance caught up with him, but the distance between the two became farther and farther.

In a hurry, he released the sword light that filled the sky. The sword light was scattered at random, but it was still unable to cover the monk.

The monk finally reached the steps, turned around and saluted, "Thank you so much, donor."

 “Impossible! What kind of light skill are you doing!”

 Xie Tiance looked incredulous!

 He is the ninth grade!

How could he let a sixth-grade person run away from him so easily?


After the monk finished speaking, he continued to walk forward.


return! "

 Xie Tiance continued to yell.

 This time the monk did not look back.

He had no time to look at such a beautiful scenery with hanging springs and waterfalls all the way.

It is true as Xie Tiance said, there is a man on the steps who is making calculations.

This time, the iron abacus was thrown at him, but he didn't stop him for a moment. He walked directly through the government office square and walked up the steps. He turned a deaf ear to the angrily yelling and cursing behind him.

 Then he did the same thing in front of the government offices of the Ministry of Personnel, the Ministry of Industry, the Ministry of Punishment, the Ministry of Ancestral Halls, and the Ministry of Treasury.

 “Food Department.”

Standing in a square, looking at the two big characters in front of the government office, he showed confusion.

 The Ministry of Food, from a literal understanding, should be in charge of matters such as rituals, meals, and food.

 From the bottom of the mountain to here, the guard's skill is getting higher and higher.

 The person in charge of the food department should be the one with the most outstanding martial arts skills.

Why does such a martial arts master care about such trivial matters as food and dishes?

 At the worst, you have to manage the Ministry of Rites and the Ministry of Punishment, right?

 “I am a cook,”

A woman wrapped in an apron and holding a shovel in her hand looked at the monk with a smile, "This was originally the Ministry of Works, but they had to work hard, so they had to change it to the Department of Dining. This is the rule."

 She was short and fat, and the flesh on her body trembled when she spoke.

 “Dare to ask the donor,”

The monk said respectfully, "Is it going to be the city lord's palace after passing here?"


 When the woman smiled, her eyes were almost gone, "Although I don't like that **** Xie Anlan, I have to admit that her kung fu is good, at the peak of the ninth rank, she can even tie with me.

You are only a sixth-grade person. Since you can come from the Treasury, you must have some special skills. You can go up and you will not ask for trouble. "

 “Thank you so much to the donor.”

The monk thanked him.

The old woman still smiled and asked, "Can I ask one more question, is that **** Xie Anlan dead?"

The monk didn’t stop along the way and didn’t know who Xie Anlan was, but in Kubu, he did meet a woman wearing colorful clothes, so he said honestly, “The young monk didn’t do anything with her and came up directly.”

 “You didn’t kill her?”

 The woman's expression suddenly changed.

The monk asked curiously, "Why should I kill her?"

Seeing that she was so angry and silent, the monk was about to leave. Unexpectedly, the shovel in the old woman's hand hit her directly. He didn't even try to hide, but went straight to the steps.

The old woman was about to be proud, but the shovel in her hand actually fell into the air and the shovel failed to reach her.

 In surprise, the monk had already climbed up the steps.

 “Who the **** are you!”

 The old woman, like the others, looked incredulous.

"excuse me."

The monk looked at the end of the steps and took each step without hesitation.

In a moment, he had already seen the three large golden characters of "City Lord's Mansion".

There are three final steps.


Wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth, the monk chanted the Buddha's name. The energy on his body suddenly lightened a lot, and he continued to chant, "My chest is not invaded by a single dust, but I am afraid that my spirit will wake up alone."

 He raised his right foot again, blood seeping from the corner of his eye, but he still stepped on it without hesitation.

 “When the cathode is at the negative pole, the yang is born; when the strength is exhausted, the position is reversed.”

Then he stepped forward with his left foot, his internal organs, blood and blood were boiling, and he finally couldn't help coughing. Although he didn't spit it out, blood came out directly from the ear hole.

 “You, a monk, don’t know what is good or bad,”

Xie Jiuyun suddenly shouted loudly, "Go back now, and I will plead with Master to spare your life!"

 “Thank you very much, girl, for your kindness.”

The monk still smiled to himself.

Raised his head, glanced at Xie Jiuyun first, and finally his eyes rested on a woman in white next to Xie Jiuyun.

He only had one feeling, this woman was more powerful than Hong Ying.

If expected, this person is Xie Jiuyun and Xie Xiaoqing's master - Swagger.

 I just didn’t expect to be so young and so beautiful.

But when he thought of the eldest princess and Wen Zhaoyi, he felt relieved.

  I don’t think it’s that strange either.

 In Xie Jiuyun's shocked eyes, the monk finally stepped onto the last step. At this time, his whole body was soaked in blood.

 She could clearly see blood coming out of his pores.

 “The mysterious pivot is wonderfully turned, and the barrier of life and death is broken.”

After Monk Nian finished reciting this sentence, the true energy in his limbs suddenly flowed around his body like a torrent breaking through a floodgate, and the energy that oppressed him finally retreated.

Looking at the **** monk, the people at the door of the city lord's mansion suddenly became quiet, and you could hear a needle drop.

 It is puzzling for a small sixth-grade man to go to nine government offices in a row.

Moreover, since he climbed the last three steps, the monk's demeanor suddenly changed, becoming a bit unfathomable.

 So, many people don’t understand, what is the rank of this monk?

But then they were relieved.

No matter how powerful you are, you will eventually die.

 Many people looked at the monks with sneers, as if they were looking at dead people.


Xie Jiuyun unconsciously looked at Zhao Yao to see how she would punish the monk.

 “One step leads to the heaven, one thought reaches the innate world.”

 Zhao Yao looked at the monk with a solemn expression.

Many people around her heard this sentence, including Xie Jiuyun, but no one knew what it meant.

When the monk saw a mountain stream in the distance, he actually walked over to get the alms bowl, and slowly washed the blood on his face while everyone looked at him in disbelief.

 Is this monk out of his mind?

 Now that you’re done with it, you still care about whether your face is clean or not?

The monk ignored it, and when there was no more blood on his hands, he carefully put the alms bowl into his bag, slowly stood up, clasped his hands to the crowd and said, "Young monk, you are polite."

Swaggering Shi Shiran walked towards the monk and said, "You are quite interesting as a monk. If you don't serve that unlearned prince well in the capital, why are you coming to our Spring Mountain City?"

 “Donors should be careful what they say.”

The monk's face finally showed a little displeasure.

A woman in a purple shirt next to Xie Jiuyun shouted, "You monk, you don't know what's good and what's bad. It's your blessing that my city lord can talk to you so well!"

 You won’t kneel down when you see my city lord?

You **** princes, you still have to bow down when you see our city lord! "

As soon as she finished speaking, she felt a pain in her heart and something welled up from her throat. She stretched out her hand to catch it, her hands were red. She raised her head and met the monk's unruffled eyes. Her face was pale and her body was shaky.

 She is the eighth grade!

Even their city lord couldn't hurt her directly without taking action.

 “Amitabha, the poor monk Menglang,”

The monk said calmly, "Donor, remember, my prince must not be insulted lightly."


The woman in purple shirt pointed her finger at the monk, but she did not dare to say another word.

 “Get back.”

He shook his head and didn't reply.


The woman in purple shirt walked away with the help of two women.

Zhao Yao looked at the monk and said, "Your technique is very strict. It looks like a diamond platform, but the flow of true energy is very strange. Little monk, tell me who you are studying under. You said it, and you can take it today." Xie Xiaoqing goes."

  When the people nearby heard this, they were all frightened.

  Since when did their city lord become so easy to talk to?

The monk also didn't expect that the city lord would take Xie Xiaoqing away before he even explained the reason.

There is nothing he cannot say about his teachings. He was open-minded and said directly, "The young monk does know the people of Vajra Platform, but he has never practiced the techniques of Vajra Platform.

The little monk’s master is the manager of Hewang Mansion, and he learns the Lion Roar Kung Fu. "

The old monk Fahui from the Vajra Platform did say that he would let me practice his Kung Fu, but I just didn’t agree.


 Swagger is getting closer and closer to the monk.

The monk said honestly, "Monks don't tell lies."


Zhao Yao suddenly said, "Bring that evildoer out."

After a while, Xie Xiaoqing, who was shackled, was taken out. She was wet, her clothes were disheveled, her face was pale, and her eyes were lifeless. The moment she saw the monk, her face was ashen.

Putong knelt in front of Zhao Suo and said, "Master, Master, if you spare him, you really don't do anything to him. I was the one who seduced him.


The voice is hoarse and the words are choked.


The monk walked towards Xie Xiaoqing, and stretched out his slightly trembling hand to Xie Xiaoqing, wanting to touch but not daring.

 He really couldn't understand why the innocent woman became like this.

 His heart was twitching inexplicably.

 “Hmph, what a pair of crazy men and women who hate each other,”

Zhao Yao snorted coldly and said, "You can go."


Xie Jiuyun said hurriedly, "How can I forgive my little junior sister for desecrating the lintel?"

Swagger turned to Xie Jiuyun, who immediately lowered his head and did not dare to say any more.

When she raised her head later, the couple had already walked farther and farther along the steps.

 (End of this chapter)

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