Chapter 390 Innate

 The other disciples of Chunshan City are also puzzled!

 When did their city lord become so kind?

This monk was beaten at the gate of Chunshan City, and he was let go so easily. Where would the reputation of Chunshan City go after word got out?

What's more, Xie Xiaoqing, as a saint of Spring Mountain City, gave and received secretly with others and defiled the lintel. According to the rules, after being soaked in the water prison for three years, she should be sentenced to death!

This can serve as a warning to others!

“City Lord, this young monk’s kung fu is extremely weird,”

 The cook in the dining room said angrily, "If we let her go like this, it will definitely be a big problem in the future."

 To this day, she still can't believe that she is at the peak of the ninth grade, but she has not retained a sixth grade.

 The most surprising thing is that in just a short moment, that boy’s kung fu seemed to have made a breakthrough!

Standing in front of that boy, she couldn't see clearly, couldn't see through him, and she didn't even dare to think of taking action.

 Breaking through the Grand Master in half an hour?


 Absolutely impossible!

 The only explanation is that the boy has been deliberately hiding his clumsiness.

 It's like a lion playing with a little white rabbit.

 Thinking of this, she became even more angry.

"If you could keep that kid, you would have done it long ago. Why wait until now?"

A woman in colorful clothes covered her mouth and said with a smile, "Normally, she prides herself on being a strong martial artist, but in the end, she still let him slip away from your hands."

 “Thank you Anlan!”

The cook snorted coldly, "You didn't keep him, either?

 How do you have the face to laugh at me? "

The woman named Xie Anlan smiled and said, "So this kid is not simple. The city lord must have deep meaning in doing this. Why do you make so much noise?"


 The cook gnashed her teeth angrily.


Swaggering words once again silenced the square. She looked at the figures of the monk and Xie Xiaoqing walking further and further away, and said leisurely, "This boy practices the martial arts of my maternal family. He can cultivate to the sixth level, and he is also an extremely good person." ”

Xie Tiance said in confusion, "City Lord, my subordinates are not talented. They are already in the ninth rank, but they are still helpless about this kid."

  He was the first one who didn’t believe it when he said that this kid was only in the sixth grade!

 He is as confused as everyone else now, what level is this kid?

Under the gaze of everyone, Zhao Yao said slowly, "He is both a sixth grader and not a sixth grader."

 When everyone heard this, they were even more confused.

 What does it mean to be both the sixth grade and not the sixth grade?

Xie Anlan bowed and said, "This disciple is stupid, I hope the master can clarify my confusion."

Zhao Zhuo said, "He is a sixth-grade Kung Fu practitioner. This cannot be faked.

It was just because someone forcibly gave him the marrow initiation and kept it suppressed in his body. He didn't know how to do it and didn't understand it. At that moment, he broke through the catastrophe of life and death until he was born. "

 Marrow cleansing and empowerment?


 These words are words that no one here has ever heard before!

“Master, this level of cultivation can only be obtained by practicing on your own, so how can you still receive the initiation?”

This is what Xie Anlan is most puzzled about.

Zhao Yao suddenly sighed and said, "The world is so big and full of wonders, and there are many things you don't know.

There is an initiation skill called Yin Yang Bahuang Gong, which is also the unique secret of Xihuang Xingchenhai.

Even a person who does not know martial arts can obtain decades or even centuries of martial arts out of thin air as long as someone initiates him. "

 “Yin Yang and Eight Desolations Skills”

 “Star sinks into the sea”

 Everyone whispered that this was the first time they had heard of this technique and this sect.

If initiation is really possible, can an aging person pass on his skills to young disciples before he dies?

 As long as it takes a hundred years of accumulation, everyone will be a master by then!

 How powerful such a sect must be!

It’s scary to think about it carefully.

Zhao Yao continued, "On weekdays, I allow you to practice martial arts, but you are all complacent. You are just a ninth-level person, and you want to become famous.

 Do you think that if you don’t meet the great master, you will be fine?

 Don’t you know that above the master there is the human realm, and above the human realm there is the innate.

 Even if I have entered the human realm and encounter an innate master, I have no power to fight back. "

 Beyond the master is the human realm, and above the human realm is the innate world. Everyone suddenly realized this!

 It turns out that this is how the grades of Kung Fu are divided!

They once again recalled what the city lord had just said, "One step reaches the sky, one thought reaches the innate world." Their faces were full of shock.

That monk is born innate?

 And their city lord is actually no match!

How can it be?

 They still can’t believe it!

How old is that monk?

Even if he received the initiation, how could he be higher than the city lord in terms of cultivation?

Zhao Zhuo said, "Pass this order, from now on, the gate of Chunshan City will be closed tightly. No one is allowed to go out without my order."


Everyone was taken aback by the swaggering words.

 They, the Young Master of Chunshan City, have much to do with the Jianghu, just because Chuanzhou is too remote and is not a secluded sect. His disciples still often go out to the Jianghu to practice.

Most importantly, there are thirty or forty thousand people in Chunshan City. Do they want to eat, drink, and defecate?

 Completely close the mountain gate, what to eat and drink?

 It’s simply unrealistic!

Zhao Yao seemed to have not heard what they said and remained unmoved. He just said expressionlessly, "When I took over the position of city lord, my master told me that Xing Chen Hai is an evil heretic. Xing Chen Hai is a heretic. When I was born, it was the time when I secluded myself from the world.”

Xie Jiuyun said hurriedly, "Master, even if the monk knows the Yin Yang and Eight Desolation Skills, it doesn't mean that he is a person from Xingchenhai, right?

What's more, he is the one who works under the prince and has never been to the Western Wilderness. "

 She has known the monk for a long time and knows the monk very well!

Although she was very angry with the monk, she still did not believe that the monk could be some kind of evil heretic.

 “You also come to question me as a teacher?”

Zhao Yao snorted coldly and said, "If you want to leave, I won't stop you, but don't think about coming back in the future. You are not allowed to act under the guise of being a teacher in the world, otherwise you will definitely clean up the family as a teacher!"


 Everyone had to obey the order.

 They have a feeling that their city lord is very afraid of the star sinking into the sea.

The high sun passed through the heavy fog and dense bamboo forest. After all the hard work, it cast a little light on the stone slabs of the steps, but it still couldn't dispel the haze in the mountains.


Xie Xiaoqing hunched over, clutching her chest, staggering on the stone slab, and whispered, "I can't walk anymore."


 The monk was a little at a loss for a while.

 “You are covered in blood,”

Xie Xiaoqing looked at his bloodstained clothes with pity, "Are you injured?"

The monk shook his head and said, "Don't worry, girl, I'll be fine, little monk."

Xie Xiaoqing suddenly said, "Monk, why did you come to me?"

 She is still in a trance, always feeling like she is dreaming.

The most incredible thing is that her master can actually let them go.

“Saving one life is better than building a seven-level pagoda.”

The monk put his hands together and said, "The young monk cannot see the girl suffering."


Xie Xiaoqing’s hands hooked around his neck and she leaned on his back, saying sadly, “Let’s leave quickly and run as far as we can.

 I know my master very well, there is no way she would let us go so easily. "

 She always felt that her master had a backup plan.

 The only thing they can do is run!

The moment Xie Xiaoqing's body pressed against his back, the monk couldn't help but tremble all over.

Xie Xiaoqing was injured, so he couldn't push her away, so he had to carefully pick up her slender legs and continue walking down the steps step by step.

I kept thinking in my heart: Emptiness is form, form is emptiness. The young monk did this to save people.

When passing the Ministry of Rites, Xie Xiaoqing looked at Xie Baishou who was sitting in a chair in a daze, rolling his eyes and asked curiously, "What's wrong with him?"

The monk said, "His soul is lost and cannot be found."

 “The living dead?”

 Xie Xiaoqing asked.

The monk felt his breath in his ears, and his mind was a little lost for a moment. After a while, he nodded and said, "That's true."

 Xie Xiaoqing asked, "Did you do it?"


This time the monk shook his head and said, "It's him. He is trapped in the sound of his own piano and cannot extricate himself. He will be immersed in it for the rest of his life until the day his body decays."

Xie Xiaoqing said in confusion, "He is a seventh-grade man who is good at music and kills people with his music. How could he hurt himself?"

 “I have learned a skill of leveraging force to fight, which is called Dou Zhuan Xing Yuan.”

The monk said patiently as he walked, "This is Murong Fu's famous secret skill."

 “Who is Murong Fu?”

 Xie Xiaoqing then asked.

  “He is a very powerful master.”

 “Is it the Grand Master?”


The monk smiled and said, "But in the end, he went crazy."

 “Why is he crazy?”

 “The restoration of the country failed, and his dream was shattered.”

 “Which country is he the emperor of?”

 “He is not an emperor, but a descendant of the royal family of Dayan.”

 “Where is the Kingdom of Yan?”

ˆ “.”

As he spoke, the monk couldn't help but laugh. When the prince told them this story, they also asked these questions.

The blind man is still determined to learn how to turn the stars around.

It was a pity that the blind man failed to learn it. Instead, he allowed himself to ponder a little bit. He vaguely felt that this skill must be very powerful when combined with his own lion's roar skill, so he learned both the lion's roar skill and the Dou Zhuan Xing Shift.

The two of them walked and talked like this, and unknowingly they were outside the scope of Spring Mountain City.


The monk asked several questions in succession, but no one answered. He turned his head and found that she had fallen asleep.

There were barren mountains and ridges all around. He carefully placed her on the grass and lit a fire.

 This is winter, and there are not even any wild fruits.

Finally found a few ponkans on a tree, but they fell off as soon as I put my hand on them, and they were already rotten inside.

Huangtian paid off and finally found a persimmon tree and picked a bunch of persimmons from it.

By the time he turned back, Xie Xiaoqing had already woken up and was curled up grilling fish.

 “I won’t eat such astringent persimmons.”

 Xie Xiaoqing glanced at the persimmons in the monk's pocket, and then continued to turn over the fish on the branch.


The monk looked into the fish eyes with a look of death, clasped his hands and said, "It's a sin, it's a sin."

Xie Xiaoqing said dissatisfiedly, "It was you who killed Xie Baishou, but you are so pretentious now."

 “The poor monk did not kill him.”

The monk hurriedly explained.

Xie Xiaoqing said, "He is already a living dead, what is the difference between being dead?

He wouldn't be like this if it weren't for your sudden change. "


 The monk didn’t know how to explain it for a moment.

Xie Xiaoqing said proudly, "Come on, I'll treat you to fish, thank you for saving my life."

 “Thank you very much, girl, for your kindness.”

The monk turned his back and ate his persimmon in small bites.

Xie Xiaoqing was bored and bit the fish hard.

On the night of New Year’s Eve, it snowed heavily.

Lin Yi set off a thousand taels of fireworks at the Meridian Gate in one go.

 “This old **** Mo Shun has made a fortune again.”

Lin Yi stood on the city wall, looking at the bright fireworks, and really wanted to stop Mo Shun's subsidies.

Mo Shun is now both a businessman and an official, a true official and businessman!

 If it gets bigger in the future, the harm will be endless.

This kind of result is not what he wants to see.

 However, for the sake of so-called "efficiency", he has to sacrifice some principles.

  Sometimes it’s hard to be a human being, and you can’t have your cake and eat it too.

 “Your Majesty,”

He Jixiang stroked his beard and said, "In the battle at Saibei, gunpowder was extremely powerful, and Mo Shun was indispensable."

 “I did not deny his contribution,”

Lin Yi said with emotion, "As for those suppliers, the money at home is probably moldy. I heard that old guy Liang Gen spent 50,000 taels on a big house outside Ankang City?

How many people are there in the family? Can they live there? "

 “Your Majesty,”

He Jixiang looked at Lin Yi's face and said, "Liang Gen came here with twenty ships of food to ensure that Ankang City will not be short of food for the time being."

He was really afraid that the prince would lose his temper and chill the hearts of these suppliers.

Lin Yi smiled and said, "Being able to make money is also a skill. The more people who get rich, the happier I will be."

His current status is different from before. He really doesn't dare to speak nonsense, otherwise the officials will make mistakes and the people will suffer.

 In fact, he quite understands the caution of these people below.

After all, there is an example of the founding emperor Lin Baozhi. Before he ascended the throne, this cowherd boy regarded everyone as his brother and asked his brothers to rush to the front and work for him.

 Anyone can see that he is the most wise king since ancient times.

As a result, as soon as he ascended the throne, he turned against anyone else and killed He Dayou, the richest man in Daliang Kingdom who tried his best to please him and threw money at him.

 “The prince is wise.”

 Everyone shouted in agreement.

Lin Yi looked at He Jixiang and said, "Mr. He, I heard that you also brought your great-grandson over?"

He Jixiang bowed and said, "Your Majesty, I know that I don't have much time left. This child is young, so I thought of bringing him to my side so that I can teach him personally."

Lin Yi smiled and said, "Okay, that's all. You can go back early to accompany your precious great-grandson. You don't have to guard me here."

 “Thank you, Your Majesty.”

He Jixiang said so, but he had no intention of leaving.

Lin Yi continued, "Have the prince's family members been sent to the palace?"

Liu Kan said, "Your Majesty, it has been sent in this evening."

"That's it. Let's go down and get ready for the banquet." Lin Yi nodded and said, "You should leave as well. I have to go to Qilin Palace for the New Year's Eve dinner."

Lin Yi knew that if he didn't leave, these people wouldn't leave either.

  "Bear yourselves to the prince."

 Everyone knelt down and said in unison.

 The Qilin Palace is brightly lit.

 (End of this chapter)

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