I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 396: Can't afford to offend

Chapter 396 Can’t afford to offend

 This is obviously killing someone with a borrowed knife!

Moreover, it’s not good to borrow a knife from anyone, but let’s borrow the knife from these two bastards, Yu Xiao!

These two idiots never have anything to argue with, and they are not afraid of causing trouble!

 The people watching the excitement felt incredible.

 Just for such a trivial matter?



Most of them have never heard of it!

 However, they all knew Cao Xiaohuan.

Cao Xiaohuan is a famous female devil. It is said that she can make people lose their souls by roaring. She is like thunder in the ears of Ankang City. Everyone knows about it. Not a thousand people have been caught by her. There are also eight hundred.

  It can be said that it is disliked by people and hated by ghosts.

 These two idiots have something to do with Cao Xiaohuan?

That’s not a simple character either!

Looking at Ge Laoshan, whose face was covered with blood after being beaten, and his head was hit so **** the stairs, but he didn't die, everyone's admiration arose spontaneously. He was worthy of being an eighth-grade man, he was really powerful!

  If it were put on ordinary people, they would all meet the King of Hell.

 “Cao Xiaohuan is right!”

Yu Shi said proudly, "She said you would definitely be able to quibble."

 “Yes, yes, you actually dare to quibble,”

At the same time as Ah-Dai agreed, he slapped Ge Laoshan again, "You are not a good person!"


Ge Laoshan covered his face and had not cried yet. Seeing that the two were about to fight, he quickly stretched out his hand to cover his face and said, "Can you respect me? We are all fellow villagers!"

Yu Xiao said angrily, "Who is a fellow countryman with you?

 Cao Xiaohuan said that when a fellow countryman sees a fellow countryman, he will stab him in the back. "

 With a show of force, Ge Laoshan shouted again, "Wait a minute, can we fight in another place?"

He, Ge Laoshan, is also a well-known figure. With so many people watching, how can he still hang out in the future?

 The rest said, "That's true. I told the prince that I don't hit people in the face. It's really not good to hit you in the face all the time."

Hearing this, Ge Laoshan had no time to be happy when he suddenly felt a pain in his stomach and let out a shocking scream again!

Why did you get punched in the stomach this time?

Sweat broke out on his painful forehead, mixed with blood, and flowed directly from his face to his neck and clothes.

Looking at the two idiots who were unwilling to give up, he could only continue to laugh and said, "You two gentlemen, you are both smart people, how can you be bewitched by villains!"

 He really said this without conscience.


He didn’t call him a fool, so that’s considered polite.

 The rest of the time he said loudly, "I'm not older than you, so don't call me grandpa."

"Yes Yes,"

Ge Laoshan said helplessly, "Think about it, we are all from Nanzhou. If I scold you, wouldn't I be scolding myself?

 That stinky **** Cao Xiaohuan is from Sanhe. She is not of the same mind as us and only wants to sow discord.

We Nanzhou people should be in the same boat and support each other when we go out. "

Seeing that the two of them were showing signs of relenting, he tremblingly took out a handful of banknotes from his pocket and said with a flattering face, "We have an old saying in Nanzhou, a Buddha can be carried by a man, and a man can be carried by a man. This little money is not a sign of respect, two brothers." Take it, it’s a piece of my mind.”

Ah-Dai swallowed at the handful of banknotes, and then said loudly, "You think I'm stupid!

Aniang once said that eating rice also depends on the weather. "

 “That’s right, that’s right,”

Yu Shi stared at the handful of banknotes and said, "Cao Xiaohuan said that anyone who continues to collect money indiscriminately will be sent to a labor camp.

 How do you ask me to accept so many people?

Fang Pi said that money must be collected in a place where no one is around. "

Ge Laoshan wanted to say, you took the money without anyone noticing, but when he saw the people on the left and right who were covering their mouths and smiling, he couldn't help but feel sad.

Just when Ge Laoshan was about to say something more, he felt light. When he raised his head, he could only see the backs of Yu Shih and Ah-Dai.

 “What are you staring at?”

The woman with half-breasted **** scolded to the left and right, "Hurry up and help the shopkeeper up."

With the support of two waiters, Ge Laoshan stood up unsteadily and said sternly, "Mom, what are you looking at? You haven't seen it yet!"

 The people surrounding him dispersed in a hurry.

Ge Laoshan put his hand on his lower back. After going upstairs, he let the woman wipe his wound, whining in pain while wiping it.

The woman said softly, "Shopkeeper, I feel heartbroken when I see you.

How about I turn around and find a group of people, find a deserted place, and teach those two people a lesson. "

"Shut up!"

Ge Laoshan said bitterly, "Damn it, stop this idea immediately. If you dare to recruit those two living treasures again, I will light a sky lantern for you. Do you believe it?"

 “The boss, I know.”

 Unconsciously, the woman even changed her title.

 “Hey, people are so lazy, they fart and kill chickens,”

Ge Laoshan couldn't help but touch his face with his hand, and then he couldn't help but take a breath, "Damn, these two **** are so cruel, they won't show mercy at all."

The woman hesitated for a while and then said, "I dare to ask, where did those two people come from?"

 “Where are you coming from?”

Ge Laoshan was stunned for a while and then said, "There's a **** of a reason!

 Just two idiots! "

 It’s nothing more than a **** around the prince!

Has no official position and no real power.

Even Wang Xiaoshuan, a little stable boy, is better than the two of them!

To put it bluntly, it means nothing.

 Become fellow villagers with them?

 It would be embarrassing to take two fools out!


 The woman was very puzzled.

Since there is no way out, why be afraid of being like this?

 “Because of what?”

Ge Laoshan said angrily, "You stinky bitch, you are asking around all day long. Pack your things quickly and let's leave."

He didn't dare to say anything more specific. A woman's mouth was open to the public, and if she let out a little bit of news, she would inevitably be punished again if she spread rumors.


 The woman said in astonishment, "Where are we going?"

Ge Laoshan said, “Of course I’m going home!”

 “Which home?”

 The woman is even more aggrieved.

Ge Laoshan has many properties and concubines, and he has a home wherever he goes.

 “Of course it’s Nanzhou,”

Ge Laoshan sighed, "Where else can I go?"

The woman said in confusion, "Head of the family, this is the time for us to show our talents. It would be a pity if we leave so easily."

“What a pity, didn’t your business continue as usual when I wasn’t here?”

Ge Laoshan figured it out.

Cao Xiaohuan represents He Wangye’s wishes to a certain extent. Now that Cao Xiaohuan dares to target him everywhere, he must have someone to rely on.

Just because you didn’t fall in today doesn’t mean you won’t in the future.

 The people do not fight with the officials!

 It’s better to leave early!

The most important thing is that this time I was beaten by two idiots. I am considered humiliated. How can I still have the dignity to continue to stay in Ankang City?

 “The one who is in charge,”

The woman said in embarrassment, "I was here before. If I were to leave, I would be afraid."

 “What are you afraid of?”

Ge Laoshan asked, "Do you think that without you, my gambling house will have to close down?"

 “Big boss, you know, that’s not what I meant,”

The woman said coquettishly, "The eldest lady has always looked down upon me. You said you were going back to Nanzhou, so you were caught in the middle. I am doing this for your own good."

"makes sense,"

Ge Laoshan scratched his head and said, "If you don't come back, you won't come back. Then hurry up. Don't be stunned. Pack my things for me. I'll leave now."

Although he does not have as many women as the emperor, there are still many, so one more is not too much, and one less is not too much.

 “Thank you for being in charge of the family,”

The woman happily agreed, and then continued, "Master, there is one more thing I forgot to tell you. Sanguan Temple has opened another gambling shop, which is less than five miles away from us. Master, you said this was not intentional. You are embarrassed."

Ge Laoshan frowned and said, "What's the reason?"

The woman said, "He's from Sanhe, his surname is Ye."


Ge Laoshan glanced at the woman and said, "Do you know her name?"

 The woman said, "Ye Chen."

 “Ye Chen,”

Ge Laoshan continued, "Are you sure you have found out all the details about this person?"

The woman said proudly, "It's clear. It is said that there is some connection in the palace. There was a conflict with Qin Yin, the son of Yushi Qin Yang, a few days ago, and it was someone from the palace who came forward to help."


 The woman covered her face in disbelief and cried, "Master, where did I go wrong?"


Ge Laoshan rubbed his already sore hands and said, "You don't even know the specific bottom line, so you dare to say that you have investigated clearly?

 The Sanhe Ye family is someone you can mess with if you want?

Mom, please calm down, prodigal ladies, if you want to kill me, don’t stop me, don’t harm me. "


 “Nothing but!”

Seeing that her delicate face suddenly became red and swollen, Ge Laoshan felt distressed again and said softly, "You don't understand. Anyway, remember, we can't afford to offend her. If the whole family is killed, the whole family will be killed."

Jiang Chou said that if Ye Qiu wants to kill his whole family, neither he nor the prince may be able to stop him.

 “I know it.”

 The woman wiped her tears.

"Oh, right,"

Ge Laoshan thought for a while and then warned, "I invested money in the house Tian Sixi built outside the city. Please pay attention and be careful."

The woman said, "Master, don't worry. Nothing will happen. I'll keep an eye on you."

"I'm sure nothing will happen. There are members of Sanhe Bank inside. Sanhe Bank is the property of Prince He. If this **** dares to do anything random, Prince He will be the first to spare him."

Ge Laoshan suddenly looked at the woman, "It's you."

 “What’s wrong with me?”

 The woman felt uncomfortable being stared at by him.

Ge Laoshan snorted coldly, "I saw it last time. That **** Tian Sixi looked unkind to him. As for you, you know better. Don't let me wear a green turban."

 “Master, what are you talking about?”

The woman pretended to be angry, patted Ge Laoshan on the shoulder and said, "I am devoted to you wholeheartedly."

Ge Laoshan patted her thin white fingers and sighed, "It's not that I'm worried about you, it's just that the **** Tian Sixi is very lustful, and you're so pretty, you're really pretty."

 “If you say that again, I will ignore you.”

The woman pouted and turned away.

“Then don’t talk anymore and leave. We can’t stay here anymore.”

Ge Laoshan left like this.

 After a month and a half of retreat, the monk finally came out.

Lin Yi smelled the sour smell on his body from a distance, covered his nose and asked, "How long has it been since you took a shower?"

 “As my lord, the young monk takes a bath every day.”

The monk said expressionlessly.

Lin Yi said, "Then why does it still smell like this?"

The monk shook his head and said, "Your Majesty, this smell does not come from the young monk."

 Speaking, he pointed to Yu Shi next to him.

Yu Xiaoshu said with a sneer, "Your Majesty, the child is on me. I was in such a hurry that I forgot to change my clothes."

 “Get out of here!”

Lin Yi was angry, but also very pleased.

Pang Zhirou gave birth to a son to Yu Xiao, Lin Yi held it in his arms, his eyes were spinning, he was very clever, and there was no sign of inheritance.

Moreover, Hu Shilu also checked it and found that there was nothing wrong with it.

Yu Shi said in confusion, "Where are you going?"

Jiao Zhong endured the stench, pulled him aside and sighed, "Hurry home and change into clean clothes."

 What he most admired about Prince He was his ability to tolerate these two idiots, Ah-Dai and Yu Shih-hour!

 These two idiots are definitely not something ordinary people can stand!

 After Yu Xiao left, Lin Yi looked at the monk again. He also felt that the monk had changed, but he couldn't tell exactly what had changed.

 “Is this the great master?”

Lin Yi still refused to believe it.

 I went directly from the third level to the sixth level, and then from the sixth level to the grand master. Are you kidding me?

 Not only does it not conform to the scientific concept of development, it also does not conform to the fantasy upgrade routine.

 No novel would dare to write like this!

The monk said honestly, "Your Majesty, if Wang Dong is right, that's probably it."

 The blind man nodded and said, "I don't dare to deceive the prince. He is indeed a great master. In terms of strength, he is even above me and Ye Qiu."

Lin Yi asked curiously, "Was there anything weird on the way to Chuanzhou?"

 He was really shocked.

What kind of adventure did you encounter?

Fell into a cave, or met the old man hiding in the ring?

 Is it possible that I went through all kinds of hardships just to be the big boss for the protagonist of Destiny?

 He ​​was seriously thinking whether he had offended the monk in any way. Otherwise, when the monk shouted to him, "Thirty years to the east of the river, thirty years to the west of the river, wouldn't he become a joke?"

"Your Majesty, I met an old monk on the road. If you want to say that he is weird, he is indeed weird."

The monk thought of Fahui whom he met on the road.

Lin Yidao, "What's weird?"

 The blind man, Ye Qiu and others next to him listened attentively.

The monk said, "He was carrying a female corpse wearing a phoenix robe. In the hot summer, the woman was still lifelike."

Lin Yiteng stood up and said in shock, "Why are you telling such important news now?

Where are the monk and the female corpse now? "

 The old monk is Fahui, and the female corpse is the queen. Apart from these two people, he can't think of anyone else!

The monk said calmly, "Your Majesty, the monk is dead and the woman's body has been buried."

 He slowly explained the causes and consequences in detail.

After Lin Yi listened, he pondered for a while and then said, "Your skills are still related to that old monk."

Unexpectedly, the blind man next to me also said, "Your Majesty is wise."

Ye Qiu said, "On his way to the southwest, he encountered nothing else except this old monk. He must be inseparable from the old monk."

 He couldn't help but sigh, why couldn't he encounter such a good thing?

He thought that if he had the skills of a monk, what would he do first?

 There’s no need to ask, of course you have to challenge the manager!

 If you win, keep fighting!

  I lost the battle, thank you to the manager for your advice!

 (End of this chapter)

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