I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 397: Get married and start a career

Chapter 397: Starting a Family and Starting a Business

 In short, you can attack when you advance, and you can defend when you retreat. The general manager will never find anything wrong.

“Actually, the most grateful person should be Fuyao, the lord of Chunshan City,”

 The blind man smiled and said, "She never imagined that her own unintentional actions would help you to overcome life and death and directly enter the Grand Master."

And, most importantly, it can actually surpass his skill in one fell swoop!

 “I didn’t even think of it myself,”

The monk sighed and said, "I only know that when I saw her, I was no longer afraid. I can beat her."

Lin Yi smiled and said, "It's a good thing that your kung fu is high, there's nothing to sigh about.

 Since you abducted someone else's disciple, you must be responsible and give him a name. "

 Speaking of this, he was actually a little bit interested.

He has seen so many women, and in terms of looks, Xie Xiaoqing is definitely one of the best, probably only behind Du Yinniang.

Thinking of Du Yinniang, his lower abdomen felt slightly hot.

 He shouldn't have acted like that!

 As a feudal lord, eating, drinking and having fun is a normal character!

 “Your Majesty,”

The monk blushed and said, "I am a monk, and a monk cannot take a wife."

Lin Yi said, "Since you know you can't marry a wife, why do you want to save her?

  Since you are compassionate, you can just find a place to settle down by yourself. Why bring you back to Ankang City?

 Are you causing trouble for yourself? "

The monk said helplessly, "The monk's momentary negligence led to such a big mistake."


Lin Yi's heart suddenly lit up with the flames of gossip, "Did you sleep with him?"

 The blind man, Ye Qiu and others on the side also listened with their ears pricked up.

The monk shook his head and said, "The young monk has already made a big mistake, how can he make another mistake again and again?"

 “Wine and meat passed through the intestines, but the Buddha kept them in his heart and just married a wife.”

Lin Yi said nonchalantly, "What do you have to be afraid of?"

“Your Majesty, I forgot, there are two more sentences at the end. If people in the world imitate me, it will be like entering the devil’s path.”

The monk clasped his hands together and said, "How can Xie Xiaoqing settle down? This young monk really has a headache."

Lin Yi smiled and said, "Don't be stupid, what if you enter the devil's path?

Just because of this girl's unwavering love, she deserves to go to hell.

Don’t you always say something like, If I don’t go to hell, who will?

  I really let you in, but you were hesitant and not happy enough.

 Besides, if you want to see through the world of mortals, how can you say you can see through the world of mortals if you don’t go and experience it? "

 Ye Qiu and others admired Lin Yi very much.

What their prince is best at is turning black into white, and he can even say three points when it is unreasonable.

 The most annoying thing is that sometimes there is no way to refute.

 “Thank you, Your Majesty, for your teaching.”

The monk smiled bitterly. He and the prince did not understand Buddhism and liked to elaborate. However, he could not refute because it was in vain. It was a chicken-to-duck talk.

“As a human being, you must be able to listen to advice,”

Lin Yi walked back and forth in the garden, "Your parents died young. If they were alive, I think they would be happy to see you get married and start a family.

It was also because of my lack of consideration. At first, I just wanted you to find a job because you were not in good condition, so I sent you directly to the Baiyun Temple. As a result, you really wanted to be a monk. "

Sometimes he had to sigh at the magic of martial arts. Both Hong An and the monk were obviously lame, but because of practicing the martial arts, they can now walk almost like ordinary people.

He didn’t know whether the originally defective or deformed bones had returned to normal.

 “The prince’s great kindness and virtue are so great that it is hard for a monk to repay them.”

 Thinking of his parents, the monk shed tears unconsciously.

 The blind man also lowered his head for an instant and stopped talking.

"Who expects you to repay your kindness?"

Lin Yi smiled and said, "I just hope you are all doing well. If you don't get married, I will really be ashamed of your parents."

The monk lowered his head and said, "Your Majesty's kindness is as high as the sky, which makes this young monk feel ashamed."

 “Stop saying these useless words,”

Lin Yi thought for a while and said, "In the future, whether you live in the mansion, live in a horse house, or simply go home, you have bought a house anyway. It's up to you. You can do whatever you like."

The monk leaned over and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty."

Lin Yi waved his hand and said, "Okay, it's settled. You've been staying in the house for such a long time, so Xie Xiaoqing must have been impatient for a long time, so go home and take a look."

The monk bowed again and then left the garden.

Lin Yi lay on the chair and dozed off. Ye Qiu had nothing to do, so he prepared to return to the horse.

As soon as he reached the edge of the rockery, he met Sun Cheng head-on.

Sun Cheng said politely, "Master Ye, Master Ye Chen would like to see you."

 After saying that, you lowered your head and didn’t dare to look at Ye Qiu?

 Did you say something right?

 It won’t offend him, right?

When he first entered Prince He's Mansion, his brother repeatedly told him that the first person He Prince's Mansion should not offend was neither Prince He nor Hong Ying, but Ye Qiu!

Although He Wangye is petty, he can be kind to others. As long as the money in his pocket is not touched or the crime is extremely heinous, He Wangye will not bother to deal with him.

The manager is ruthless, but as long as he doesn't break the rules of the house, he usually doesn't embarrass anyone.

The most terrifying thing is Ye Qiu, who is inhumane. As long as you say something wrong and you don't even have a chance to defend yourself, he will draw his sword.

  Oh, if he is like this, there is no need to draw a sword, he can be stabbed to death with one finger.

So that every time he saw Ye Qiu, he was frightened. If it weren't for helplessness, he wouldn't want to talk to Ye Qiu.

He stood in front of Ye Qiu. Suddenly, Ye Qiu's toes were no longer visible. When he raised his head, Ye Qiu had disappeared.

“As expected of a great master, this light skill is truly superb.”

 He couldn't help but sigh.

Wearing a blue gown, Ye Chen stood at the door of Prince He's Mansion. He suddenly found that there was another person in front of him, his brother Ye Qiu, and he hurriedly said, "See you, brother."


Ye Qiu turned a blind eye to an old servant kneeling next to him, and only said coldly to Ye Chen, "I still haven't made any progress in my skills. I'm a waste."

 “My little brother is stupid,”

Ye Chen didn't care about Ye Qiu's accusation and still said, "Of course I can't compare to my brother, a genius."

He grew up with his brother and knew him very well. His heart was as cold as he appeared on the outside, extremely cold.

 So, he was not surprised that his brother treated him like this.

Ye Qiu continued to say with a cold face, "Tell me, what do you want from me?"

Ye Chen took out a stack of banknotes from his arms, held them above his head with both hands and said, "Before I came to Ankang City, my mother specifically told me that it would be very difficult for my brother to be alone when he was poor and rich. Please accept this money." "

 Ye Qiu said expressionlessly, "Am I someone who is short of money?"

As long as his sword is revealed, there are countless people in the world begging to give him money.


Ye Chen said, "This is the share you deserve."

 Ye Qiu said with a smile, "It is indeed what I deserve."

 “My brother said,”

Ye Chen didn't pay much attention, and the banknote in his hand disappeared. He put down his hand and continued, "My father has become much calmer since he took the pills from Divine Doctor Hu. My mother has practiced Huiyuan Gong. This My body is also stronger than before, so I don’t have to worry about my brother.”

 Ye Qiu asked, "Are you the clan leader?"

Ye Chen cupped his hands and said, "The eldest brother is in order, but the younger brother dare not."

 Ye Qiu said with cold eyes, "Are you questioning my decision?"

Ye Chen shuddered all over and hurriedly leaned down and said, "Since brother insists on doing this, I would rather obey my order respectfully."

Seeing his brother taking another step forward, although he was scared, he did not dare to take a step back. He only heard his brother say in a tone without any emotion, "When you act in this capital, put away your hypocritical behavior. Do you think you are If you are a humble gentleman, others will treat you well. It is simply wishful thinking.

 The better you treat others, the more likely others will think you are easy to bully.

It doesn’t matter whether you die or not, but what you lose is my face. "

 “That’s what my brother taught me.”

 Ye Chen did not dare to refute.

 “That’s good.”


Ye Chen still had something to say, but unfortunately it was only in the blink of an eye that Ye Qiu had disappeared at the end of Hewangfu Street.

The old servant wearing a narrow-sleeved robe stood up and said to Ye Chen, "Congratulations, sir."

Ye Chen shook his head and said, "Being a so-called clan leader is nothing more than a burdensome title."

 The old servant said, "Sir, this is the master's wish."

“Then I will follow his wish. As soon as I become the clan leader, I will separate the family so that I can smile at the old men in the family later.”

Ye Chen sighed, "It's a thankless job.

Brother is right, don’t give up everything. "

The old servant said, "Don't worry, young master, the old servant has done the accounting carefully. Even if the family is divided in the future, they won't be able to find any fault."

“Don’t take it lightly. Many people have studied accounting in school, and their accounting skills are better than yours.”

Ye Chen said calmly, "Anyone who graduates from school this year and is good at accounting, no matter the price, will definitely invite me to come over and help check for omissions and fill in the vacancies. There must be no mistakes."

They are all elders. They can't be beaten or killed. It's boring to make trouble. "

The old servant bowed and said, "Young Master is right.

Since the eldest son has already agreed, do you still have to send the arranged house to the eldest son? "

 “Zhang Shun.”

 “The villain is here”

“The longer you live, the more you look back.”

Ye Chen snorted coldly and said, "You think that we are helpless. Is it because you have the ability or because I have the ability to establish ourselves in Ankang City?"

“Of course the young master is decisive and far-sighted.”

"shut up."

Ye Chen glanced at Sun Cheng who was sticking his head at the door, arched his hands towards him, turned around and left.

 “The villain realizes his mistake.”

 Zhang Shun hurriedly followed behind.

“I don’t blame you. Sanhe is a remote place. You sit in a well and look at the sky. It’s normal for you to be short-sighted.”

As he walked, Ye Chen waved his fan and said, "Censor, do you know which grade it is?

If someone moves their fingers, all of us will have to fold here. "

Zhang Shun hurriedly said, "Fortunately, the young master and Xigong are on good terms, otherwise the trouble would be big this time."

 “Make good friends?”

Ye Chen snorted coldly and said, "Has he ever looked at me so highly? All this is because I, Ye Chen, have an elder brother who is a great master. If I don't have an elder brother, do you think I have the qualifications to talk to Eunuch Renxi?"


 Zhang Shun had to lower his head.

 He had to admit that what Ye Chen said was right.

“Since I arrived in Sanhe with the prince, both the Liang family and the Wang family have greatly increased in strength. My father is ill and I lack experience, which ruined the good opportunity of my Ye family in one fell swoop.”

Ye Chen sighed, "Do you know why they haven't done anything yet?"

Zhang Shundao said, "At that time, the eldest son had not yet become a master, but his swordsmanship was superb. He was the number one person in Sanhe, and no one dared to provoke him."


Ye Chen said loudly, "There have been rumors outside that my brother and I are at odds.

  But the year before last, I encountered water bandits on the road and I was seriously injured. As a master, my brother traveled thousands of miles and killed thousands of water bandits from all over the lake with one man and one sword. The rumors were self-defeating.

Therefore, whether they are officials or businessmen, they all have to give my Ye family three points of support, including black and white figures like Ge Laoshan, and they have to be polite when they see me. "

 Zhang Shun suddenly realized, "Thank you very much, sir, for clearing up the confusion."

Ye Chen said with a smile, "I came to see my brother not to ask him for advice, but because I'm afraid that over time, others will forget that my surname is also Ye."

Zhang Shundao said, "The little man has cleaned up the house in the past few days and invited the eldest son to live in it."

Ye Chen warned, "Don't forget to hang up the plaque, Zhang Zhai."

 Zhang Shun responded in a low voice.

  In the evening, I was sitting alone on the steps of the gate of Prince He's Mansion, feeling unhappy.

Jiao Zhong asked curiously, "What's wrong with you?"

Yu Shi kept shaking his head without saying a word.

Sun Cheng gloated, "His bud has taken someone else's surname."


After Jiao Zhong heard this, his eyes widened with disbelief on his face.

This Pang Zhirou must be too courageous, she actually dares to steal a man!

Seeing Yu Xiao's crying face, he comforted him, "As the saying goes, if you catch a thief and catch his stolen goods, you can't catch an adulterer in bed, but you can't frame a good person."

 Before Yu Shi could speak, Sun Cheng answered, "What are you thinking about? It was Pang Zhirou who gave the son the surname Pang, not Yu."


Jiao Zhong said angrily, "This is too deceiving!"

 You can’t tolerate the fact that the child is not your own!

 However, it is absolutely intolerable for a child not to have his own surname!

Sun Cheng smiled and said, "Pang Geng only has a daughter. If the child is not named Pang, the Pang family's incense will really be cut off."

Jiao Zhong said curiously, "This is what Pang Geng meant. The old guy is so brave."

He did not dare to say in front of Yu Xiao that even when beating a dog, it depends on the owner.

After all, this guy is different from Cui Gengsheng. Cui Gengsheng is really lazy, while Yu Shi only stays occasionally. Most of the time, he can hear the good words clearly. There is really no good in annoying him.

Sun Cheng smiled and said, "No, if it were me, I would smash the pot at home, so I wouldn't do it."

Jiao Zhong said, "That's not right. This child will be able to walk soon. Why hasn't he given a name yet?"

 “Have a name, have a name,”

Ah-Dai was chewing on the unpeeled raw sweet potato and said loudly, "Stinky head."

 “Stinky head?”

Jiao Zhong said with a smile, "It's better to call him Cat and Dog."

Sun Cheng suddenly said, "Do you know what Master Shanqi's name is?"


Jiao Zhong asked, stretching his neck.

“Hey, I heard the old lady from the Shan family yelling like this once by chance. You can’t tell others.”

Sun Cheng suppressed a smile and said, "Shan Fei.

 You heard it right, the fat of a fat pig. "

 “They Nanzhou people are really good at giving nicknames.”

Jiao Zhong teased.

 (End of this chapter)

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