I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 398: Fire roasted

Chapter 398 Roasted by Fire

 Why do you have such a nickname?

How can it be!

The good family in Dongchi Island has four Jinshi in one family and nine outstanding people in one lane. Everyone in the world knows about it!

 If you go out and say that a good person is uneducated, people will only laugh at him for his lack of knowledge.

   Even the good people don’t know about it.

He is not as thick-skinned as the prince. He is not ashamed of his lack of knowledge, but feels proud of it.

 He has only seen the miserable ones!

I have never seen anyone as stupid as Mr. He.

 “How about looking for Prince He?”

Sun Cheng came up with an idea and said, "Pang Geng dares not to listen to what I have to say to the prince?"

Jiao Zhong said angrily, "What are you thinking? The prince has many things to do every day, how can you trouble the prince with such a small matter?

Even if the steward is not here, Miss Mingyue and Zixia can scold you to death, so please calm down and don't disturb the prince's peace. "

 “This is true,”

Sun Chengshan smiled and scratched the back of his head and said with a smile, "When I was young, your kung fu was better than Pang Geng's. Why don't you beat him up?"

  beat him until his parents don’t recognize him, and see if he obeys. "

Yu Xiao rolled his eyes at him, raised his **** and walked away.

"Wait for me."

Ah-Dai shouted inarticulately. Seeing that he didn't stop, he raised his **** and hurriedly chased after him.

Jiao Zhong looked at the two idiots walking away and said with a smile, "What bad idea did you come up with? If it is possible for Ah-Dai to hit my father-in-law, Yu Xiao is not that stupid.

 He knows the consequences of irritating his wife. "

Sun Cheng lamented, “Just because I’m not stupid,


 He was the only one in his family for several generations. "

Jiao Zhong said, "That's true, but if I get beaten up and something happens, you won't be able to get away with the charge of instigating me. You'd better think about how to get out of here."

 One is a general in the army, and the other is a guard of the palace. If a fight breaks out, Ankang City will definitely be in an uproar. It is definitely not a small matter.

Leaving aside the discussion with the prince, Lord He Jixiang will not be able to spare them!

 It's okay to affect the stability and unity of Ankang City? "

 “Mom, am I going to get into trouble now?”

Sun Cheng looked in disbelief.

Jiao Zhong is right. If we really want to calculate it, he will not be able to get away with the crime of instigation!

Moreover, it may be even more serious.

 After all, everyone knows that Yu Shih is an idiot!

 Sun Cheng is considered a so-called "smart" person.

 A smart man instigates a fool with ulterior motives!

 What do you want to do?

Want to rebel?

 At that time, unless his brother is the prince, no one can protect him!

 Master He Jixiang never rubs sand in his eyes.

The more I thought about it, the more frightened I became and my legs trembled.

  “Hey, did you scare yourself?”

Jiao Zhong hurriedly supported Sun Cheng, who almost fell, and said with a smile, "You know how powerful it is, right?

Then why are you still standing there?

 Hurry up and stop him! "

Sun Cheng just ran a few steps, suddenly stopped, and said to Jiao Zhong, "I'm on duty today. If I leave casually, what will happen?"

The crime of absence from duty is not much lighter than instigation.

Jiao Zhong waved his hand and said, "Go quickly, I'll find someone to replace you."

He is willing to be a good person if he does things within his scope of authority.

 “Thank you, Commander.”

Sun Cheng ran away in a hurry.

 Spring plowing in Ankang City has begun.

Thousands of crystal rain lines hanging from the sky made everything hazy and shrouded in smoke.

There are still a lot of people passing by at the South City Gate. In addition to vendors and merchants doing business, there are also officials escorting prisoners passing by from time to time.

 Whether they are officials or prisoners, they are all wet.

"hurry up!"

An officer touched the rainwater on his face and pushed the old man who was wearing heavy shackles and shackles. The old man staggered and fell to the ground. His forehead hit the hard stone slab, and in an instant, the accumulation of blood in front of him fell. The puddle became bright red.

 “Mom, get up quickly!”

The officer angrily put his foot on the old man's side and cursed, "I am unlucky enough to **** you old guys."

The old man groaned and put his hands on the ground. After trying several times, he finally stood up unsteadily, revealing his face covered with blood, and continued to stagger forward.

 “Mr. Lu? How could he be arrested?”

Jiang Yi, who was standing aside, frowned.

Han Long on the side asked curiously, "Sir, do you know him?"

He was originally the gatekeeper of the South Gate. After entering the capital with the prince, he did not go on a killing spree or create vacancies. The old people like him were transferred elsewhere. For example, he was working in the Military and Horse Division, serving as the South Gate under Jiang Yi. Commander of the Military and Horse Division.

 The official position has been promoted, but the duties and powers have not changed. He still guards the city gate.

Jiang Yi looked at the white-haired old man who had entered the city gate and said, "He is Lu Daying, the magistrate of Yunxiao City in Nanzhou. He has a good reputation and is a rare honest official. It's strange."

Han Long said, "My lord, starting from the end of the year, the imperial court has been rectifying the administration of officials. All officials who were corrupt and violated the law were escorted to Ankang City. After the third trial, they will all be executed."

Jiang Yi snorted coldly and said, "I believe that others are corrupt, perverting the law, and engaging in malpractice for personal gain. I believe it, a hundred times. Being an official for thousands of miles is just for money. Who the **** doesn't love money.

 But it is absolutely impossible for this old man.

Go and inquire, find out what this old man has committed, and then report back to me. "

Han Long cupped his hands and said, "Don't worry, sir. I'll go as soon as possible."

 “There’s no need to go,”

 Fang Pi, with his single and triple crowns, and Zhou Jingye suddenly appeared behind them, "If you want to know anything, just ask me."

“Brother Fang, please give me more advice,”

Jiang Yi leaned over and cupped his hands and said, "As you know, I am a native of Yunxiao City in Nanzhou. I am aware of this old man's situation.

There are many wise people in Yunxiao City, why have they fallen into this situation? "

 He himself is definitely not a good person.

 However, I never disdain the company of people of the same type as myself. Even if I look for a son-in-law in the future, I will not find someone with whom I can have "common topics".

“This old man is indeed a good official. When he was taken away by the officials, thousands of people came to see him off. If he hadn’t stopped him, those people would have rebelled on the spot and would have saved this old man even if they died.”

Fang Pi sighed with emotion, "It's rare for us in Nanzhou to have such a good official, but the result is not good yet."

Jiang Yi said in confusion, "Then why do you want to arrest this old man?"

Fang Pi snorted coldly, "Prince He is determined to rectify the government. Some people who are dissatisfied with Prince He are not willing to rebel, but they are not willing to obey, so they start to stir up trouble.

Tell the prince what this is called, oh, by the way, it's called low-level red and high-level black. I support you on the surface, but I want to do things in a desperate way.

Last year, the earth dragon in Yunxiao City turned over, landslides and ground cracked, houses collapsed, and tens of thousands of people were injured.

There was no time to report to the city. The old man was also kind-hearted and took the decision without permission. He opened a warehouse to store grain and provided relief to the victims, so he was caught and impeached.

 Now that the new accounting system has been implemented, it is difficult to understand it clearly at the moment, let alone explain it clearly. "

Jiang Yi sighed and said, "So, the prince and you already know about this matter?"

Fang Pi pursed his lips and said, "Do you think we are freeloaders?

These people actually played these tricks with the prince. They clearly wanted to create a wedge between the people and make the people complain. It was so bad that it oozed pus. "

Jiang Yi continued, "These days, the number of prisoners escorted to the capital from all over the country is not only 500, but 300. If the chaos continues like this, I'm afraid it will damage the prince's reputation."

Fang Pi glanced at him sideways and said, "You think the prince doesn't know?

  No, you should take care of your affairs less and guard your city gate well. "

 After saying that, he left without looking back.

 At night, the rain kept falling.

 A carriage stopped at the gate of Dali Temple Yamen.

Chen Jingzhi and Cao Xiaohuan, who were standing at the door, were about to kneel down when they were stopped by Jiao Zhong on the side.

Jiao Zhong whispered, "The prince's whereabouts must not be leaked, so you should keep quiet."


 The two of them lowered their heads and responded.

Cao Xiaohuan continued, "Don't worry, the ones staying behind today are all trustworthy brothers. Anyone who dares to say a random word will have their tongues pulled out."

With the support of Ye Qiu, Lin Yi got off the carriage, glanced at Cao Xiaohuan and Chen Jing, and went straight to the Dali Temple prison.

 “Your Majesty, please come here.”

 Chen Jingzhi could not be more excited!

He secretly came to Dali Temple with Wang Ye, and did not tell others, but let yourself know!

 What a trust this is!

 But what he said next to the prince frightened him out of his mind.

“Chen Jingzhi, I have really wanted to kill you for a long time, but it’s a pity that you are too smart.”

Lin Yi said as he walked, "I am very pleased that I did not participate in this matter."

 Chen Jingzhi put his heart into his stomach after hearing the last words. He resisted the urge to kneel down and said tremblingly, "I am willing to devote my whole life to the prince!"

"That's good,"

Lin Yi sat down in the lobby, yawned and said, "What I hate the most is being in a position of betrayal. Otherwise, I will definitely make him regret it."

  Such people are really smart!

 “I obey the decree.”

After seeing no one around him, Chen Jingzhi knelt down and kowtowed.

Lin Yi was bored and fiddled with the oil lamp with his hand, and then said, "Bring everyone here."

 Chen Jingzhi said respectfully, "Yes."

After a while, Lin Yi heard the clang of shackles on the ground. When he raised his head, he saw a dozen prisoners wearing prison uniforms and shackles brought over by Cao Xiaohuan.

Cao Xiaohuan said loudly, "You are still not polite when you see the prince!"

Everyone was stunned and looked at the handsome young man in front of them. Many people did not react for a while.

 Your Majesty?

Which prince?

 They suspected they had heard wrongly.

 “My lord, Lin Po meets with the prince!”

An old man with white beard and hair knelt down in front of Lin Yi, trembling slightly.

 When others saw him kneeling down, they quickly followed suit and said, "See you, Your Majesty!"

 “Hey, the prince of Weiyuan County, the emperor’s nephew,”

The reason why Lin Yi was deeply impressed by the Weiyuan Prince was because the concubine of the Weiyuan Prince was so beautiful that people couldn't forget her. "Get up quickly, don't be so polite."

 “Your Majesty.”

The king of Weiyuan County said with tears in his eyes, "My lord, I am wronged!

 Unjustly accused! "

 “I am also wronged!”

Several people also echoed.

“Of course I know your grievances, otherwise I wouldn’t come here,”

Lin Yi smiled and said, "Don't worry, I will release you from prison in a few days. I will never wrongly accuse a good person."

 The hatred towards Qi Yong and others became deeper and deeper in my heart.

The arrest of the prince of Weiyuan County is in response to his so-called "princes who break the law are guilty of the same crimes as the common people"?

You can't pick the soft persimmons and pinch them, right?

If you dare, arrest King Yong or King Chu!

Wang Ba egg, grabbed his own name, did not say, and grabbed some small fish and shrimp, even clean officials, made the people resentful!

It was impossible to take off the **** basin on his head for a while.

 “Thank you, Your Majesty!”

 Everyone was dubious.

put it back?

Then why did you catch yourself here?

 Thousands of miles away, just kidding?

Lin Yi continued, "Where should Lu Da be?"

 “Chen, here!”

Lü Daying knelt down a few steps forward.

Lin Yi smiled and said, "Hurry and help Mr. Lu up and give him a seat."

 “Thank you, Your Majesty.”

Lü Daying didn't want to get up, but he was not as strong as Qi Kuai, so he was dragged down and pinned down on a chair.

Seeing that no one was restraining him any longer, he carefully moved his **** forward, not daring to sit down completely.

Lin Yi continued, "I have heard Master Lu's official voice since the time of Sanhe. He is worthy of being a minister of the country."

 “Your Majesty, you praise me so much!”

Lu Daying knelt down again.


Lin Yi felt dull for a moment. It was really boring to talk to these people. He waved his hands helplessly and said, "You just stay here for the next few days. As for the person who framed you, I will give you a result."

How dare you carry his flag and ruin his reputation!

 “Thank you, Your Majesty!”

Everyone shouted in unison again.

 When they raised their heads, they could only see the back of Prince He.

As soon as he left the Yamen Gate, he saw Chen Desheng who had been waiting for a long time.

Without waiting for Chen Desheng to speak, he said, "Let's talk about it after we get on the carriage."

After getting on the carriage, he casually took the memorial handed over by Chen Desheng, looked at it and said, "You actually asked me to also exempt Nanzhou, Qizhou, and Jizhou from taxes. This is a cruel move."

 He ​​shouted the slogan "Serve the People" loudly every day. People like Qi Yong seemed to have no problem in offering discounts to exempt taxes in these places, and they seemed to really care about the people.

 In fact, it harbors evil intentions.

 Hongzhou, Yuezhou and other places have been experiencing wars for years, the people have been displaced, and the fields are deserted. There is really no tax to collect, so it is better to waive it and gain some public support.

 Qizhou, Jizhou, Nanzhou and other places are different. Although they cannot be compared with Jiangnan, they are also places with great financial resources.

If he were to give it up easily, if nothing else, the gun barrel under his hand would not be able to survive!

 Without guns, how can we ensure peace in the world?

 This is the so-called benevolent government and small benevolent government.

 Small benevolence is the current benefit, giving small favors to the people.

Great benevolence is the long-term benefit, enrich the military strength, solve the problem in northern Saibei as soon as possible, and ensure long-term peace and stability.

Now that this letter has been published and the news has spread, the people of the world must be eagerly waiting for the dawn of time. If you don't agree, why don't you be scolded to death?

And Qi Yong and others not only did no harm, but also gained a reputation of asking for life for the people!

Son of a bitch!

You really put me on the fire!

 “What the prince said is,”

Chen Desheng stroked his beard that was stained with water beads and said, "I thought this piece of hair can be left in the middle for now."

 “No, strike first is the strongest,”

Lin Yi snorted coldly, "If you want to eliminate a piece of news, the best way is to create another news first. Is it okay for Qi Yong to slander the dictatorship and frame Zhongliang?"

 These are all bad ways to play online.


Chen Desheng has long been accustomed to the new words that often come out of Prince He's mouth. Although he cannot understand them thoroughly, he can make a rough guess based on the meaning behind them.

 So Lanxess said, "Your Majesty is wise!"

Lin Yi smiled and said, "Arrest them now and tell them: Rain or shine, I will be here waiting for you.

  Remember, no one is missing. Damn, play with me and let them see what it means to defeat ten with one force. "

 When he first took charge of the court, he had already given face to Qi Yong and others, but now that he was not given face, he had nothing to do.

 After all, he has done his best.

 There is no need to coddle them anymore.


Chen Desheng knew that this time Prince He was serious.

This night is destined to be restless.

 In the drizzle, the barking of dogs alternated with each other and never stopped.

 (End of this chapter)

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