Chapter 400 Traitor

  The butcher should really not be allowed to protect the matchmakers.

The butcher smiled and said, "To tell you the truth, it's really inappropriate for you to come to me. I'm going to meet you. In view of our past friendship, it's not bad to have a few words with you, but I'm going to protect you." Matchmaker, really not qualified.

I am, to put it mildly, a meat supplier. To be honest, I am just a pig butcher. I am the jailer and chief arrester of Dali Temple. I have heard people say that although I am not a high-ranking person, I have a lot of authority. .

 I am just a commoner, so I can’t live up to others’ standards. "

 He is very self-aware.

 Don't say that he can't protect the matchmaker, even if he can do it, he is unwilling to do it.

Sun Chongde and Zhou Xun are about to get to know each other. If he interferes, Sun Chongde will be hated to death?

Master Xie Zan once said a saying that is widely circulated in Sanhe: Although Buddhism is wide, it will not help those who are not destined to be undestined; although good words are good, it will not persuade the damned ghosts!

He thinks so!

 He can still tell the difference between offending Sun Chongde and Ye Chen, which one is more serious!

Ye Chen nodded and said, "You are right. Dali Temple handles criminal cases and refutes suspicions of prison. Now it is even more important to the prince. Not only can they refute the cases of the Ministry of Punishment and the Metropolitan Procuratorate, but they can also intervene in the cases of the imperial guards. .

I told the prince directly that the Dali Temple can handle the cases that the Tingwei can handle, and the Dali Temple can handle the cases that the Tingwei cannot handle. Nowadays, the people in the Tingwei avoid the people in Dali Temple when they see them. There is no glory like before.

If something hadn't gone wrong last night, maybe I could have been promoted after some time this week. "

 The butcher asked curiously, "What went wrong?"

Ye Chen said in surprise, "You don't know yet?"

The butcher shook his head and said, "The two of us really don't know. We just felt that something was wrong when officers and soldiers went door to door along the street in the morning to search."

Ye Chen said, "Where were you last night?"

Pork Rong vaguely felt that something was wrong and winked at the butcher. The butcher and him had known each other for many years and had already formed a tacit understanding and kept silent.

I only heard Pork Rong saying, "Yesterday, the two of us took people out of the city to collect pigs. It was already dark when we came back. We cooked two dishes at home, drank a jar of wine, and fell asleep in bed without waiting for the curfew. "

The butcher felt strange when he heard these words, as if a prisoner was answering a question.

Ye Chen smiled and said, "I don't mean anything else."

Pork Rong snorted coldly, "Then what do you mean?

 Could it be that you are suspecting something? "

 He finally understood that the so-called finding a butcher and a matchmaker was just a cover, but he was actually here to get some news.

Ye Chen looked at Zhu Zhurong's face as he spoke, and said with a smile, "Last night, someone used gunpowder to assassinate Ankang Prefecture's agents in Beicheng, and the prince ordered a raid on the entire city."


 The butcher and Pork Rong looked at each other in unison, dumbfounded!

 They are all suppliers of Sanhe, so they naturally understand how strict the gunpowder management of this Ordnance Bureau is!

 The workshop for making gunpowder and the warehouse for storing gunpowder are heavily guarded by the Beijing camp, and they are all of level three or above!

 Let alone the third level, not even a mosquito can come out in front of a master of energy transformation!

When Sanhe officers and soldiers attack the city, they have to go through seven or eight procedures to obtain explosives. After the battle, anyone who dares to hide it secretly will be executed!

 This is the rule set by Mr. He Jixiang!

No matter how great your achievements are or how awesome you are, anyone who dares to break this rule will not end well.

The most incredible thing is that he actually used explosives to assassinate the Ankang City police officer.

And it’s still in Ankang City.

 It doesn’t take more than ten years of hydrocephalus to do this!

This is really because I hate myself for not living long enough!


Ye Chen nodded and said, "You don't have to doubt it. Mo Shun went to the site to check it himself. The power of this gunpowder is a little different from that produced by his Mo family's workshop, but it's not much different.

Therefore, it is initially suspected that a craftsman secretly sold the gunpowder formula. "

The butcher snorted coldly, "Not necessarily. These craftsmen are our fellow villagers from Sanhe and refugees from Yuezhou and Hongzhou. They eat and live in the camp after work every day. I want to go to the camp gate. Thousands of difficulties.

The only ones who can make Mo Shun relax his vigilance are suppliers like us. Maybe you doubt me.

 I tell you clearly that even if I die, I will not betray Mr. He. "

 When he said this, he was not polite at all.

 Anyone can doubt his character!

 But you must not doubt his loyalty to Prince He!

 If you have bad conduct, you will have no friends at most.

 He who is disloyal to Prince He is despised by thousands of people, and death is not a pity.

He is not old **** like Wang Cheng and Liang Gen, holding the next generation in their arms and talking about belated love.

Ye Chen said with a smile, "What uncle said is serious."

Pork Rong rolled his eyes at Ye Chen and said, "Even if we want to investigate the case, it's still the Yamen's business. What does it have to do with you?"

Ye Chen smiled and said, "I, Ye Chen, were born as Sanhe people and died as Sanhe ghosts. Now that there is a traitor in Sanhe, we are naturally responsible for sharing the worries of Prince He."

The butcher said bitterly, "But if you come to see me, you are a bit foolish."

 In Sanhe dialect, it is equivalent to calling someone stupid.

Ye Chen was not angry. He stood up, patted the hem of his robe, and said with a smile, "Since you two have said so, I will leave first."

 Pork Rong waited for Ye Chen to leave, then sighed, "Things are getting a bit big."

With a bang, he punched the butcher on the table and said, "You rest at home, I'll go out to inquire and see what's going on."

●Pork Rong said, "What else is there to inquire about? It's obvious who leaked the formula of this gunpowder to outsiders."

 After that, the two of them said in unison, "Catch the spy!"

 The butcher asked, "What?"

Pork Rong said, "Gather all the guys together, these **** chew their tongues every day and let them inquire."

At three o'clock in the morning, Lin Yi got up from the bed, yawned and waved his hand towards Jiao Zhong, saying, "There is no need to rush to repay now. I want to wait for the final result. Let's not talk about things without results."

Jiao Zhong said with a smile, "Your Majesty, why don't you go fishing today?"

 “Fishing, of course fishing, why not fishing?”

Lin Yi said angrily, "If I'm angry with them, I won't even have to eat."

 Walking all the way from Hewangfu Street to the South Gate, there were few pedestrians, the shop doors were closed, and there was a strange atmosphere in the air.

Lin Yi was riding on the donkey, frowning and said, "It's really a trick that the people can't live in peace with such a big fanfare.

 The order is passed, the martial law is withdrawn, and everything is the same as usual. If you can find the assassin, find it. If you can't find it, hang yourself on the southeast branch. "


Jiao Zhongming knew that he was joking with the prince, but he was still frightened. If the assassin could not be caught, Cao Xiaohuan and others would be spared the death penalty, but they would not be able to escape the crime of living!

 The spring breeze is warm.

Lin Yi was squatting by the river. Before the sun went down, he caught a bucket of crucian carp. Many of them had big bellies. When the bellies were opened, they were filled with yellow roe.

 At night, there was a big pot full of fish soup.

Lin Yi personally filled a bowl for Hu Miaoyi and said with a smile, "Drinking more is good for your health."

 “Thank you, Your Majesty.”

Hu Miaoyi covered her mouth and vomited as soon as she took a sip.

Lin Yi said, "Where do you feel uncomfortable?"

Hu Miaoyi took the handkerchief handed over by Mingyue, wiped her lips, and said with a smile, "The prince is worried, I am just a little uncomfortable."

Lin Yidao, "How long has it been?"

 In the past few days, he had been communicating in depth with Hu Miaoyi and did not pay attention to Hu Miaoyi's situation.

Hu Miaoyi said, "Please tell me, Prince, it's been five days."

Lin Yi said loudly, "Call Hu Shilu over and take the princess's pulse."

Jiao Zhong retreated before Hu Miaoyi could speak.

In the side room, Hu Miaoyi was lying on the bed. Hu Shilu took her pulse through the curtain and said after a while, "Congratulations, Your Majesty, Congratulations, Your Majesty."

Lin Yi, who was standing aside, asked curiously, "Why are you so happy?"

Hu Shilu smiled and said, "The princess is happy."

 “Am I going to be a father?”

Although he had been prepared for it, Lin Yi could not conceal his excitement when he heard the news.

Hu Shilu cupped his hands and said, "Exactly."

 In less than three days, the news that he and the princess were pregnant spread throughout Ankang City.

 “Send me my gift list,”

Concubine Yuan Guifei stood in Jinglan Palace, looking at the fireworks in the sky, and said, "Bring two more aunts over. Pregnancy is a big deal. There is no one sensible in the palace. With the guidance of the aunts, they can also know some rules."

Xiao Xizi said, "Don't worry, Madam, I will definitely take care of everything."

Concubine Yuan Guifei continued, "I heard that there were thieves a few days ago. I don't know what you were doing. Can they be arrested and brought to justice?"

Xiao Xizi said, "You are so young, what's the big deal?"

Concubine Yuan Guifei said, "I heard that the prime minister is also involved?"

 “Reply to the empress,”

Xiao Xizi smiled and said, "I have been in the palace these days. I really don't know the details."

 It’s clear, but I can’t say.

Concubine Yuan Guifei said angrily, "Is there anything else that a slave like you doesn't know?"

Xiao Xizi smiled and said, "My dear, forgive me."

Concubine Yuan Guifei snorted coldly.

Xiao Xizi quietly exited Jinglan Palace.

He Lian came over and said, "Eunuch, Jiang is still too old. Ankang City is heavily guarded. He actually let an old guy like Qi Yong escape."

Xiao Xizi said calmly, "If you have anything to say, say it directly. Don't play tricks in front of our family."

He Lian hesitated and said, "Father-in-law, is it true that my godfather is not dead?"

 Xiao Xizi said, "What do you think?"

He Liandao said, “I’m not even sure.”

Xiao Xizi said, "If so many people in the imperial guard rebelled at once, besides He Jin, who else could be there?"


He Lian hesitated and said, "Although Pan Duo did not kill my godfather, Pan Duo and others have seen my godfather's body with their own eyes.

  No matter how bold Pan Duo was, he would not dare to deceive the prince, would he? "

Xiao Xizi smiled and said, "There are some things that are still uncertain. Moreover, this matter is also related to Sanhe wealthy businessman Hu Banquan, which makes it even more exciting."

 Dali Temple Prison.

  It is still dark and dark in broad daylight.

Hu Banquan was tied to a wooden frame, with no intact part of his body.

With swollen and narrowed eyes, he looked at Cao Xiaohuan and Zhou Xun standing in front of him, and said feebly, "I'm wronged. I'm really wronged."

Cao Xiaohuan said, "Lao Hu, you are an old man from Sanhe. You know the policy of leniency but strictness if you confess, and strictness if you resist. For the sake of our acquaintance, as long as you make it clear, I'll give you a treat."

Hu Banquan sighed and said, "Captain Cao, I really don't know. If I knew, why would I suffer like this?"

Pan Duo took a step forward and said in a deep voice, "Hu Banquan, when death is imminent, are you still stubborn?

 We will not wrongly accuse a good person, nor let a bad person go.

 Speak quickly and suffer less. "

Zhou Xun continued, "Yes, Lao Hu, tell me directly, who instructed you to steal the gunpowder formula!

 Otherwise, we really have no friendship and will be severely punished. "

The whipping that Hu Banquan was given just now was not considered torture.

Hu Banquan shook his head and said, "The person looking for me was dressed in black and masked. I have never seen his true face. When he started looking for me, he wanted to use my identity as a Sanhe supplier to sell private salt.

 I was greedy for small profits, so I responded directly.

 After that, he got deeper and deeper into the situation. If I didn't agree to help him, he would report me to the government, forcing me to have no way to go to heaven and no way to go to earth.

I really had no choice but to get the gunpowder formula from Mo Shun and give it to them.

 If I knew they were harming Mr. He, I would not even kill them. "

 After speaking, he couldn't help but made a sound.

Pan Duo said, "If you were asked to guess, who do you think these thieves are?"

Hu Banquan said, "I can see some clues about their Qinggong."

“When I fought with them yesterday, I found that they actually practiced Huiyuan Gong and Lingbo Weibu. I almost thought they were from the Beijing Camp and the Bingma Division.”

Cao Xiaohuan said coldly, "No matter what, I will make his life worse than death."

 Only Sanhe people know Yuan Gong and Lingbo Weibu.

Hu Banquan swallowed his dry throat and said, "Excuse me, please give me some water. I'm really going to die of thirst. Just do it."

 “Everyone has to pay for his actions.”

 Cao Xiaohuan walked out of the prison on the steps.

Pando and others followed closely behind.

Everyone was sitting in the yamen of Dali Temple, headed by Pei Kuang, the minister of Dali Temple, Chen Jingzhi, the minister of Honglu Temple, Gan Mao, the Minister of Household Affairs, and He Jixiang, the commander-in-chief of the Fifth Army.

Pei Kui glanced at everyone, then looked at Pan Duo and said, "Commander Pan, do you dare to guarantee that He Jin is really dead?"

Pan Duo was stunned for a moment and then said, "Sir, He Jin died tragically. I have witnessed it with my own eyes."

Pei Kuang said, "What if I say he's not dead?"

 Pandora said, “How is it possible?”

Pei Kuang said, "When you saw his body, did you see his complete face?"

Pan Duo said, "The younger one saw it. There were sword marks all over his face. No one was normal, but he was vaguely sure it was him. He definitely didn't look like he was disguised."

He Jixiang continued, "This matter is really getting more and more interesting. Let's continue to search closely."

Pan Duo said, "Then how to deal with Hu Banquan?"

He Jixiang said, "This person is a Sanhe supplier. He is very sophisticated. Things are definitely not as simple as you think."

Pan Duo bowed and said, "That's what your Excellency said."

He Jixiang said, "You will be punished, so don't be tortured to death."


  Pando bowed his hand.

 (End of this chapter)

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