I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 401: Really expensive

Chapter 401 It’s so expensive

Seeing that He Jixiang had no more instructions, he left the governor's house with a gloomy face!

These days, he has really lost face and made a fool of himself!

He and the prince trusted him and let him serve as deputy commander of the imperial guards.

After he took over the imperial guard, he carried out drastic rectification and eliminated some of the unruly bad apples. Most of them remained, and he also added shadow, partridge sentry and secret guard personnel.

Of course, he did not relax his vigilance to prevent these people from backlash in the future.

However, what he didn't expect was that even though he was on every possible precaution, these people still took advantage of him!

How dare you conspire to assassinate Ankang Prefecture’s detective on the street!

 And also took Qi Yong away!

 All this happened under my nose!

His face is still burning even now.

 He has sworn that if he catches these bastards, he will cut them into pieces.

"grown ups,"

When Fang Pi saw Pan Duo coming out of the Governor's Mansion, he hurriedly jumped out of the carriage and whispered, "What did General He say?"

Pan Duo said with a calm expression, "After this incident, Mr. He no longer trusts our imperial guards. He said he would handle this matter for me, but in fact, General He still relies more on the Beijing Camp, the Military and Horse Division, and the Dali Temple."

Fang Pi said anxiously, "Sir, this matter was brought about by us. If we let them take the lead, how can we get along in the future?"

The people who stabbed people in the street were all members of their imperial guards, so they had to find the place themselves!

 Let others do it for them, and they will lose face!

Pan Duo asked, "Have you prepared all the things I asked you to prepare?"

Fang Pi nodded and said, "Two luminous pearls and two pieces of jade Ruyi. Sir, would it be too wasteful to give them to these two guys?"

These things are given to the blind man and Ye Qiu, hoping that these two people can help.

Pan Duo said, "If the prince and I don't order them to intervene, I have to beg them. This matter is not that simple. If you really meet a powerful person, you still have to ask them to take action."

Fang Pi said, "Sir, I grew up with a blind man. If I go to him, he won't refuse."

Pan Duo shook his head and said, "This is a business matter. It's your business to have a good relationship with him. Besides, there's also Ye Qiu. He's not that easy to get rid of."

Fang Pi muttered, “They don’t necessarily know how expensive this thing is?

How can we let them know that the things we send are expensive?

 If that didn't work, I told them that according to Liang's law, accepting bribes was a crime, and the value of these things was enough to behead them. "


Pan Duo laughed after hearing this, waved his hands and said, "Stop talking any more, go to the horse stable quickly and get the matter settled."

Fang Pi said, "Sir, aren't you going?"

Pan Duo said, "Since you are familiar with them, you can go and I will take people to Jizhou."

 “He Jin’s hometown?”

Fang Pi vaguely guessed something.

“Yes,” Pan Duo looked at the tall city wall not far from the Fifth Army Governor’s Mansion, “He Jin died too easily, easier than we thought. This matter needs to be investigated again.”

Fang Pi said seriously, "Don't worry, sir, I'll go now."

 Jump directly into the carriage and go to the horse carriage of Hewangfu.

Ye Qiu and the blind man sat opposite each other in the yard of the horse house. Ye Qiu looked at Fang Pi who came in with a red wooden box and said, "Are you so free? You have already done everything."

Fang Pi placed the box gently on the stone table and said with a smile, "I came here to ask you for help because I couldn't handle it properly."

Ye Qiu snorted coldly, "The most unlucky person this time should be Pan Duo.

He was ordered to take charge of the imperial guards. As a result, those who were assassinated on the street this time were all members of your imperial guards, and many of them even stayed in the imperial guards.

 At least you can't get away with the crime of poor control.

·Who contacted these people and how they contacted us is still unknown. What’s the use of asking us? You still have to rely on yourselves. "

Fang Pi said with a smile, "Although we only captured one Hu Banquan, it was enough. If we follow the clues and investigate, no one will be able to escape. It's just that Master Pan is worried about encountering masters like the Grand Master. We are powerless. You two, give me some face and help me."

Ye Qiu said to the blind man, "I remember you calculated it for Hu Banquan. Isn't it pretty accurate?"

The blind man smiled and said, "If your mind is not right, you will definitely suffer this calamity. There is nothing to be surprised about."

Ye Qiu continued, "Since you can count, why don't you count? Who could have instigated him?

I won’t have to run around and search everywhere later. "

 “Thank you Mr. Ye!”

Hearing this, Fang Pi was overjoyed. Did he agree?

Then he turned his head and looked at the blind man, only to hear the blind man say, "This is difficult to say, easy to say. Do you remember the queen?"

Fang Pi whispered, "Are you talking about the prince's biological mother?

The one who was taken away by Monk Jingangtai Fahui? "

 The blind man said, "Both the Holy One and the Vajra Platform seem to be deliberately hiding something."

Fang Pi asked curiously, "What's the secret?"

The blind man said, "Including He Jin and Qi Yong, when they entered Ankang City with the prince, although they had no ability to fight back, they may not have the ability to escape. As a result, none of these people ran away."

Fang Pi pondered for a moment and said, "There must be someone to rely on!"

The blind man picked up the teacup, took a sip and said, "Who is their support, the Vajra Platform? Stars sinking into the sea? Or Spring Mountain City?"

Fang Pi asked in confusion, "Why can't it be King Yong or King Jin?"

Before the blind man could speak, Ye Qiu shook his head and said, "I heard from Cao Xiaohuan that although the assassin was from the Imperial Guard, he actually had the ability to absorb people's internal energy.

Since the year before last, King Yong and King Jin have been arranging sergeants to secretly learn Sanhe’s Huiyuan Gong. Among them, there are many extremely talented people who have reached the eighth and ninth grades.

 The great method of attracting stars, the general manager only taught it to fifty-three people. These people were all recorded in the book, and it was absolutely impossible to spread it to outsiders.

So where do these assassins’ techniques of absorbing people’s inner energy come from?

 As far as I know, Fa Hui from Jingang Tai and Xing Shen Hai from Xihuang both know these exercises. "

Fang Pi lowered his head and said, "Investigating the King Kong Platform and Xingchen Sea, Shadow can't do it, Partridge Whistle can't do it, and the Imperial Guard can't do it either."

All the porters sent to investigate these places eventually disappeared, and there is no news yet.

Ye Qiu opened the square leather gift box, rubbed the smooth and translucent jade Ruyi, and said with a smile, "For the sake of such a good thing, let me run for you."

 The blind man asked, "How much is it worth?"

Ye Qiu smiled and said, "This Yu Ruyi doesn't have thirty thousand taels of silver, so there's no need to think about it."

 The blind man said, "Please convert it into silver for me."

Fang Pi smiled and said, "Don't worry, I'll give you the banknote later."

Just as he was about to put away a jade Ruyi, Ye Qiu put his hand on it.

Ye Qiu said, "I've sent it over. There's no reason to take it back. Leave quickly. Go back and tell your commander that I'll take over this matter."

Fang Pi said hurriedly, "But."

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The blind man also waved his hand towards him and said, "Don't forget to send me my banknote."

ˆ “.”

 Fang Pi wants to cry but has no tears.

 Two bastards, neither of them is a good thing!

 The trap is on him.

With drooped brows, he got out of the horse number and met Zhou Xun and Cao Xiaohuan who were also carrying gifts.

He didn't need to guess too much to know that these two people also came to the blind man and Ye Qiu for help.

 “Two sisters.”

Fang Pi cupped his hands and asked, "How are you doing lately?"

Zhou Xun showed his fist in front of Fang Pi’s eyes and said angrily, “Are you itchy again?

 I haven’t beaten you for two days, are you so arrogant? "

 She and Fang Pi are classmates, and their relationship is not bad, but definitely not good.

Sometimes she wants to strangle this **** to death.

 “Don’t dare, don’t dare,”

Fang Pi chuckled and said, "I have something important to attend to, so I'll take my leave first."

 I couldn’t help but envy the blind man and Ye Qiu for doing the same thing and getting two gifts!

 What a profit!

 When the two girls entered the horse bay, Zhou Jingye, who was behind Fang Pi, couldn't help but said, "Boss, these two girls are too arrogant. Sooner or later, they need to be taught a lesson!"

 They are the imperial guards!

 How can he be so easy to bully!

Shan Sangguan followed closely, "That's right, that's right, boss, as long as you say a word, I will go check them out and save them from being arrogant."

Fang Pi said angrily, "One is from Dali Temple and the other is from Ankang Prefecture. Who the **** can you put on small shoes for?"

Be smart, if you see him in the future, stay away and don’t make yourself uncomfortable. "

 Pan Duo hid when he saw the people in Dali Temple, let alone them!


 Zhou Jingye and Shan Sanguan responded.

Fang Pi sighed, "When you don't have the ability, it's wrong for you to take a breath."

 The sun sets in the west.

 Lao Twelve got out of the carriage and forgot to take a look at the prison in Dali Temple.

  After much hesitation, he still stepped forward. The policeman on duty at the door half-knelt on the ground and said, "See you, Your Majesty."

 Lao Twelve smiled and said, "Get up, I'm here to pick up Mr. Tang Yitang."

This is his mother-in-law, Tang Guifei’s biological father, and his maternal grandfather!

If it weren’t for his mother’s repeated request, he would definitely not get involved in this muddy water.

His maternal grandfather's home is in Qizhou. He has not seen her since he was a child and has no feelings at all.

What’s more, my grandfather was just a small county magistrate in Qizhou, a ninth-grade official!

 It is of no use to him.

He was willing to come to pick up this grandfather whom he had never met before, also because this grandfather was of little use.

No one would accuse him of having an affair with a foreign relative.

 One of the policemen said, "Wait a moment, Your Majesty, I'm going to report it right away."

 Lao Twelve said impatiently, "Hurry up, it's so hot today, and I'm not in the mood to wait too long."


 The policeman ran in quickly.

After a while, the policeman came out again, followed by an old man wearing prison clothes and with white beard and hair.

The old man's turbid eyes glanced at King Yong'an, who was wearing silk and satin, shining under the sunset. Just as he was about to kneel down, the old man stepped forward and said, "The family doesn't need to be polite."

He didn’t need to ask for his name, he knew that this was his grandfather, and the eyebrows looked so much like his mother’s!

This old man, like Lu Daying and Prince Weiyuan, became a victim of the struggle between the DPRK and the Central Government!

Just because he didn’t understand new accounting, the eight hundred taels of silver couldn’t be filled up in the accounts, so he was charged with corruption!

 What a bad luck!

The only good thing is that he only has 800 taels, and his Nine Emperor Brother is willing to give him a favor and let him pick up the old man directly.

 The old man bowed and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty."

 Lao Twelve took the rough hand and said, "Grandpa is frightened. Please get in the carriage."

 “Thank you, Your Majesty.”

Tang Yi got into the carriage with the help of the groom.

 Lao Twelve thought for a while and followed him into the carriage without riding a horse.

The two looked at each other, and the more Lao Twelve looked at her, the more he felt that his mother and concubine resembled him.

Tang Yi couldn't help but said, "I'm in trouble, so the empress and the prince have to worry about it."

 Lao Twelve smiled and said, "I misunderstood. This is the grace of the regent and has nothing to do with me and my mother-in-law."

What would the old man think if he couldn't tell the difference between good and evil and went out to make a noise and let Brother Nine Emperors hear it?

 The unlucky ones were still him and his mother-in-law.

Tang Yi was stunned for a moment and then said, "What the prince said is that the lower officials should be taught."

Lao Twelve continued, "Your case is not settled, but the prince is kind and agrees to be released on bail pending trial. You will not be able to return to Qizhou until the case is completely over. Do you know?"

 Now he only hopes that his imperial brother will catch Qi Yong and others as soon as possible!

 He should get rid of this hot potato as soon as possible!

Tang Yi nodded and said, "I understand and will not cause any trouble to the prince."

 Lao Twelve smiled, and then began to close his eyes and rest.

 The carriage stopped at Prince Yong'an's Mansion, and he jumped out of the carriage first.

Then he opened the curtain and said with a smile, "Please."

With the help of the groom, Tang Yi got out of the carriage with a slight trembling and entered the palace together.

 Lao Twelve asked his mother to take Tang Yi to bathe and change clothes, while he held a teacup and played with the parrot in the cage.

The groom came over and said, "Your Majesty, Mr. Tang, come here. This servant girl is not enough. How about we buy another one?"

 Lao Twelve said angrily, "You don't need money to buy a girl?"

His mansion was returned by Dali Temple last year. At that time, his pockets were cleaner than his face.

 Fortunately, his mother-in-law gave him a little help, so he was able to renovate the two bedrooms.

 As for the surrounding area, it is still overgrown with weeds and in dilapidated condition.

The garden pond was clogged and stinky, and he didn't even have the money to hire someone to dredge it.

Had it not been for the windfall he got from the Wadan envoy, he wouldn't even be able to afford servants.

 But even if he did, he would not dare to invite more.

 The huge palace was empty, with only two old ladies and a groom.

There is nothing he can do!

 I am too scared to live in poverty, and I really don’t dare to spend money randomly.

The groom smiled and said, "Your Majesty, in the morning, Mr. Ye Chen from the Ye family sent another message and wanted to invite you to a banquet."

Lao Twelve waved his hands and said, "He is Ye Qiu's younger brother. I don't want to provoke him. He doesn't know what to do. He will send someone over tomorrow and scold him away."

The horseman hesitated for a moment and said, "Your Majesty, as far as I know, Ye Chen wants to open a carriage and horse racing business in Ankang City and put it in the name of the prince. Then he will have five thousand taels of silver every year."

 Lao Twelve said slowly and leisurely, "What my royal brother hates most is tax evasion. He will skin anyone who dares to take money from his pocket."

 So far, the only amount of money he has received was from the Wadan Mission!

 It was his imperial brother who approved it!

If his royal brother doesn't agree, he can't take anyone's money!

It’s frustrating to think about it!

Wearing a gray robe, Tang Yi finished washing, and with his white hair in a high bun, he appeared in front of Lao Twelve, looking a bit like a fairy.

 (End of this chapter)

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