I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 402: man nature

Chapter 402 Men’s Nature

 According to his Nine Emperor Brother’s so-called genetic theory, everyone’s appearance is “mold”.

 Now that he saw his cheap grandfather, he began to believe this.

 It makes sense that I am so beautiful and that I am so handsome.

 “Please sit down,”

After Lao Twelve asked Tang Yi to sit down, he continued, "Come to Kuan and serve tea and cakes. My grandfather must be hungry already.

 Grandpa will pacify his belly first, and then hold a banquet in the evening. "

Tang Yi bowed and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty. I can't thank you enough for this humble position."

Lao Twelve pretended to be magnanimous and said, "We are all from the same family, so there is no need to speak the same language."

Lai Kuan came over with a tea tray, put the cakes and tea on the table in front of Tang Yi, walked up to Lao Twelve, and whispered a few words.

 Lao Twelve frowned and didn't understand a word. He finally became impatient and said angrily, "If you have anything to say, just say it. This is my biological grandfather. If you have anything to hide, just say it."

Lai Kuan said with a smile, "Your Majesty, the Regent and Princess are happy, and every family is sending gifts. What should our family prepare?"

 Let’s make arrangements for the little ones. "

 Lao Twelve had a headache. He was already poor enough, but in the end, he still had to deal with favors!

So he said helplessly, "What do you think is a good gift?"

After he escaped from the palace with the carriage of his Nine Emperor Brothers, Dali Temple confiscated all his family property. After that, the mansion was abandoned. The servants below sold the remaining belongings in his mansion without authorization, and then ran away. No shadow can be found.

 The so-called loyal servants only exist in dramas.

However, what he didn't expect was that the boy beside him, Laikuan, would come back again with his vassal king's golden seal book.

It is true that a friend in need is a friend indeed!

At that time, he looked at the ragged clothes, hugging his thighs, tears streaming down his face, and almost moved to tears.

 So, the only trustworthy person in front of him is this one!

 Lai Kuan said, "Your Majesty, as a small matter, let's just send some red dates and new rice. I believe Your Majesty can understand our difficulties."


 Lao Twelve shook his head and said, "This princess will be a queen in the future. If she is so petty and petty, she will definitely not get good results in the future."

Tang Yi hesitated for a moment and said, "Your Majesty, can I please say a word of humiliation?"

Old Twelve smiled and said, "Grandpa is willing to give me advice. I should be very grateful."

 In my heart, I don’t think so.

If you have the ability, why are you just a ninth-grade sesame official now?

How can a general who leads the army like the Yuan family say that he doesn’t envy his Nine Emperor Brothers? That’s all lies!

Tang Yi pondered for a moment and said, "Now that the regent is in charge of the court, Concubine Yuan Guifei has naturally gained power in the palace. The work of the Guangzhou Secretary and the Manufacturing Office are made of flowers, silk, jade, ivory, inlays, and enamel. Countless gold and silver jewelry.

If the empress feels sorry for the princess, she will naturally not be short of it.

 No matter how much the prince gives, it is just the icing on the cake.

If the empress does not care about the princess, and the prince goes overboard with the empress and makes the empress unhappy, the gains outweigh the losses. "

 He finally understood.

This King of Yong'an is even poorer than him.

Leaving aside the overgrown weeds in the yard, the table in front of me has all its patent leather peeled off!

Still reluctant to change one!

 It sounds good to me that it is frugal, but it sounds bad to me that it is worse than a dog!

 Perhaps he is the most miserable vassal king!

 Lao Twelve shook his head and sighed, "That's what I say, but you have to plan for the long term. Concubine Yuan has the final say now, and I'm sure it will be the princess who decides in the future."

Tang Yi smiled and said, "As far as I know, the princess is the daughter of the Prince of Heshun County. She is both civil and military. She is unwilling to marry Prince He.

 This must be something Prince He didn’t like.

 In the future, when she and the prince ascend the throne, it is still unclear whether this princess can become the queen. "

Lao Twelve was stunned for a moment and then said, "Although my Nine Emperor Brother often goes to and from the land of fireworks and is criticized by others, he is not really a lecherous person. Since he was a child, the only woman who has ever slept with him is the princess.

 With a big treasure, it's hard to tell when he will choose his concubine again. "

Tang Yi smiled and said, "I suddenly remembered something. Before the Holy Emperor ascended the throne, he worked hard and did not indulge in beauty.

After ascending the throne, He Jin led the imperial edict of the Emperor of Liang Kingdom to travel throughout the world, regardless of princes, prime ministers, military and civilian families, but those who were above fifteen and below twenty, with good appearance, were selected to fill the harem in the future. "

 Lao Twelve said, "My father is my father, and my emperor brother is my emperor brother. They are not of the same temperament."

 “Your Majesty, what you said is wrong.”

Tang Yi boldly said, "The farmer has harvested ten more bushes of wheat, and he still wants to change his wife. How can the emperor have a queen, so why should he predict personal affairs and raise objections?"

 “This is a great thing to say!”

 Lao Twelve suddenly understood, "Everyone in a wealthy family loves to wear singing clothes and dancing sleeves. As a man, my brother, the emperor, is no exception!"

Standed up and bowed to Tang Yi again and again. Tang Yi stood up and supported him and said, "No, it's a shame to destroy the humble position. The humble position is frightened."

Old Twelve smiled and said, "Grandpa is a shrewd and capable man. He must be able to understand my king's thoughts. There is no need to deliberately act in such a panic."


Tang Yi said in a deep voice, "There is a difference between superiority and inferiority."

 Lao Twelve hesitated for a moment and said, "Let me tell you straight away, the reason why you are suffering such grievances now is all because of me.

 You and I are close relatives, and Qi Yong wants to use you to sow discord between me and the regent.

 Fortunately, the regent was wise enough to see through this trick."

 He ​​told in detail how Qi Yong ruined Prince He's reputation and how he escaped.

Tang Yi suddenly smiled and said, "Congratulations, Your Majesty, Congratulations, Your Majesty!"

 Lao Twelve said in surprise, "Why are you so happy?"

Tang Yi said, "If the humble post is true, this Qi Yong must not have escaped from Ankang City."

 Lao Twelve stood up and said, "What do you mean by this?"

Tang Yi smiled and said, "I don't dare to deceive the prince. I was a Jinshi in the same year as Xie Zan and Qi Yong. I was first awarded the Hanlin Academy for compilation. In the fifth year of Delong, I became the lecturer of the second prince, Prince Pingchuan."

 Lao Twelve asked curiously, "Have you ever done editing?"

 He has never heard anyone say this, including his mother-in-law!

Tang Yi sighed and said, "Just because of the rift with He Jin, why Jin was demoted to Qizhou in the sixth year of Delong, where he has been until now."

 Lao Twelve said, "You want to say that you know Qi Yong very well?"


Tang Yi smiled and said, "How proud is a person who can write poems like 'The earth reaches the boundless sky, and I am the peak when the mountain reaches the top.' No matter whether it is the Holy Emperor or the prince, he will not give up easily."

 Lao Twelve hurriedly asked, "How to find Qi Yong?"

As long as he can find Qi Yong, he will be considered a meritorious service!

Although Brother Jiuhuang is stingy, he will definitely not treat him badly if he takes care of his worries!

Tang Yidao, "Does the prince know what Qi Yong's biggest shortcoming is?"

 Lao Twelve said anxiously, "Now that things are like this, grandpa, please don't show off."


Tang Yi said in a deep voice, "He will definitely not be able to bear it if he is allowed to hide in secret without seeing women. What's more, he himself is a conceited person and disdains obscurity."


 Lao Twelve is becoming more and more impatient.

Tang Yidao said, "Qi Yong disdains women from brothels and loves good families.

To be careful, most of these women will not survive.

 As long as you search for the missing woman in the city, you can find Qi Yong's hiding place. "

Lao Twelve said helplessly, "Ankang City is so big and there are so many women. It will take a year and a half before the investigation comes out. Qi Yong has already run away."

Tang Yi shook his head and said, "If a girl from a good family goes missing, her family will definitely report it to the official. No matter how cautious Qi Yong is, there will always be loopholes and traces to follow."

 Lao Twelve thought for a while and said, "Then I'll go to Dali Temple and tell them. I don't know whether they will listen or not."

 There is only one person around him who can help, so he definitely cannot find it himself. He can only go to Dali Temple to find someone to cooperate.

Tang Yi nodded and said, "That's very good."

 Kilin Palace.

Emperor Delong lay on his back on the chair. After listening to Liu Chaoyuan's words, he suddenly laughed and said, "Qi Yong, I really didn't misjudge him."

Liu Chaoyuan bowed and said, "Now Qi Yong is missing. He and the prince are searching the whole city, but no one has been arrested."

Emperor Delong said, "There is someone who can command the imperial guards. Could it be that He Jin, that slave, is still alive?"

Liu Chaoyuan smiled and said, "I don't know."


Emperor Delong said to himself, "He is the most loyal, so how could he abandon me so easily?"

Liu Chaoyuan said, "But Pan Duo has seen my father-in-law's body with his own eyes."

 Emperor Delong said, “What you see may not be what you believe.”

Liu Chaoyuan bowed again and said, "Your Majesty is wise."

Emperor Delong stood up and walked back and forth in the palace, "Has the prince been doing anything these days?"

 Liu Chaoyuan said, "The prince is devoted to worshiping the Buddha and does not care about worldly affairs."

Emperor Delong shook his head and said, "He is my son. I understand him. He will not give in so easily. This is like me."

"What the Holy One said is," Liu Chaoyuan continued, "in the morning, General He Jixiang ordered his troops at the camp, Yuan Qing was the leading general, and 70,000 to 80,000 people went to Jinzhou in a mighty manner."

Emperor Delong snorted coldly and said, "They are all my good sons."

 In the evening, Zhou Xun dragged his tired body back to Dali Temple and slumped down on the chair.

These days, in order to capture Qi Yong and the assassins, the Dali Temple's police officers have no chance to rest!

  When someone suddenly informed that the housekeeper of Prince Yong'an had come to see Kuan, she was very surprised.

I didn't want to meet him at first, but considering that this was a person close to King Yong'an and I didn't want to offend him, I asked someone to invite Laikuan in.

 “Come to the housekeeper, if you have anything to say, just tell me.”

Zhou Xun held the tea cup and said lazily, "I've been very busy today, so I apologize for my lack of hospitality."

 “Zhou Captou,”

 Lai Kuan said loudly, "I have important news, please report it to the head catcher."

 After he finished what King Yong'an told him, he said loudly, "Zhou's arrest is clear!"

Zhou Xun opened his eyes wide and asked, "Do you really mean what you said?"

 Lai Kuandao said, "I don't dare to deceive you."

Zhou Xun snorted coldly and said, "It's best this way."

Zhou Xun stood up and shouted, "Someone, go to Ankang Prefecture and the Bingma Division to check the case files of the missing women in the last ten days!"


 A small flag hurriedly ran out.

The sun is shining brightly.

Pork Rong sat shirtless in the teahouse, wiping the sweat on his body with a towel whose original color could no longer be seen from time to time.

The butcher said, "There must be some news again. It must be abnormal for the officers and soldiers to search these fireworks places."

Pork Rong said, "It's probably difficult. We've been searching for so long and still found nothing!"

He smoked the butcher's pipe, and then continued, "I didn't realize that this old guy Hu Banquan is so bold, he dares to collude with outsiders and plot a rebellion."

Liang Qingshu said slowly and leisurely, "It is human nature to sacrifice money for people and birds for food. What he probably didn't expect was that it would suddenly cause such a big fuss."

Mo Shun gritted his teeth and said, "Let me just say, he values ​​me so much that he spent a long time just to get my gunpowder formula.

Now I'm in trouble! "

Just because of a so-called "poor management", Lord He Jixiang fined him 30,000 taels of silver!

 At the same time, the gunpowder workshop was suspended for three months!

How much money will this cost?

 “This old boy’s eyesight is dim,”

Li Sanniang said bitterly, "Death is not a pity!"

Mo Shun said, "This time, he is doomed."

 “Death penalty?”

Pork Rong said curiously.

“What he should be most fortunate about is that Daliang Lü no longer has Lingchi to execute him,”

Han Dongsheng snorted coldly, "Even if I die now, I can die happily."

Liang Qingshu waved his hand and said, "Let's not mention such an unlucky thing. It's rare for everyone to be so united. Let's think about how to catch the remaining traitors."

Mo Shun sighed and said, "Tingwei, Jingying, and Dali Temple are all so capable. They can't catch people. What can we do?"

 “Don’t inflate other people’s ambitions or destroy your own prestige,”

Liang Qingshu smiled and said, "If nothing else, just look at the benefits. General He Jixiang said it himself, as long as the traitor can be caught, it will be a credit to the country.

Everyone, even if you have never read a book, you can still understand what merit is in the country, right? "

 “I don’t have that ability,”

Zhu Rong yawned, stood up, and said carelessly, "Whoever wants to do this is the one to go. I have to go back and catch up on my sleep."

 After saying that, he left the teahouse.

"me too."

 The butcher also kept up with the pork boom.

After the two of them walked out of the street, Zhu Zhurongcai smiled and said, "They want to use us as knives. Let's check ourselves and don't get involved with them."

The butcher sighed and said, "We have sent out so many guys and asked pig farmers from dozens of miles around to help find out, but we still haven't got any decent news.

 It’s really difficult to make meritorious deeds. "

Pork Rong chuckled and said, "Why are you only searching brothels in Beijing today?"

 They must have gotten some news.

Let’s try our luck by following behind. "

The butcher said disdainfully, "There are so many capable people in the capital camp but they haven't found out everything. Why can we find out?"

 “I miss the girl anyway,”

Zhu Rong smiled and said, "If you don't want to, just go home."

  He strode directly into the Xinghua Building next to him.

“You two gentlemen, please come in.”

The warblers and Yanyans in Xinghua Tower gathered around the two of them and went upstairs.

 Pork Ronghe hugged the butcher from left to right, feeling very proud.

 (End of this chapter)

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