Chapter 409 Threat

Just when he was frowning and sighing, a shadow suddenly appeared in front of him. He raised his head and found that it was Yu Wenshe, the commander of the Forbidden Army!

“The commander-in-chief is really responsible and will stick to this place every day,”

He Lian said calmly, "No wonder even the prince values ​​you."

Yu Wenshe looked at He Lian coldly, and after a while he said, "It is indeed luck that Eunuch He can survive to this day."

 “What do you mean?”

He Lian was so scared by him, but he still refused to show weakness and said, "You can eat randomly, but you can't talk nonsense. Be careful that trouble comes from your mouth!"

As a military general, Yu Wenshe was as powerful as a mountain and put a lot of pressure on people.

 But, if you really care about it, he is not afraid!

 He has Eunuch Xi as his backer!

 Eunuch Xi said exactly what he said in the palace, and no one dared to provoke him!

 And he is the number one confidant around Eunuch Xi, who dares to do anything to him?

Since the incident of Qi Yong's rebellion, Prince He no longer trusts the old party in the court. Lord He Jixiang has also begun to slowly cleanse the court of people with second thoughts these days.

 In his view, Yu Wenshe and Yu Boxu and his son will inevitably be liquidated in the future!

“You have also grown up in the palace since you were a child. Naturally, you know more about palace affairs than I do.”

Yu Wenshe scoffed, "It's unwise for you to get involved between Concubine Yuan Gui and the prince. In the future, the prince may want to stab you in order to appease the concubine's anger."

"What does it mean?"

He Lian's face turned dark.

"What's the meaning?

 father-in-law naturally understands better than me,"

Yu Wenshe continued, "I think the noble concubine will know who sent the news by now. I hope you will take care of yourself, father-in-law."

He Lian's expression changed again and again. When he saw Yu Wenshe turning around to leave, he hurriedly said, "Commander, stay!"


Yu Wenshe turned around and said, "What else do you want to teach me, father-in-law?"

He Lian snorted coldly and said, "People in the light don't speak secretly. If you have anything to say, the commander should just say it directly."

Yu Wenshe said, "I don't have any other intention. It's just for my father-in-law's good. I hope that my father-in-law will mind his own business so that he can save himself and others harm."

He Lian slowly walked towards Yu Wenshe, and then said word by word, "Miss Mingyue and Zixia are so innocent, our family can't let them suffer misfortune, right?"

The news that Jin Mei wanted to poison Mingyue and Zixia was indeed found out by him and then reported to Prince He's Mansion.

 However, what he didn't expect was that Prince He would be so angry that he would kill Jin Mei directly!

 In the end, Concubine Yuan was furious!

Now after being reminded by Yu Wenshe, he finally understood his situation.

To be honest, he does regret it now.

If you offend Concubine Yuan Guifei, how can you still hang out in the palace in the future?

If Concubine Yuan wanted to kill her, she and the prince would definitely not stop her!

 And Mr. Xi has no reason to offend the imperial concubine and save his own life!

"It's just two girls. If they die, they will die. What's the big deal?"

Yu Wenshe said calmly, "Who makes a noble concubine who can't buy a lot of money be happy?"

 “You have also seen Mr. He’s reaction,”

He continued, "Jinmei's death means that the prince and I care very much about these two girls."

"so what?"

Yu Wenshe said disdainfully, "Father, don't forget, the prince and the concubine are mother and son, blood is thicker than water, how can two girls compare with them?

Even if these two girls are really dead, can the prince still question the empress? "

After hearing what Yu Wenshe said, He Lian thought for a moment, then cupped his hands and said, "Congratulations to the commander, congratulations to the commander."

Yuwen Shedao asked, "Why are you so happy?"

He Liandao said, "Of course I would like to congratulate you, Commander-in-Chief, for getting on the high branch!"

If Yu Wenshe had not joined Yuan Guifei, why would he have to talk to himself so much?

Although the two of them work together in Qilin Palace, one is responsible for patrolling and the other is responsible for serving Emperor Delong. They have always been on the same page, so there is no need for these troubles to arise!

Now there is only one reason why you are making noises with yourself. Yu Wenshe and his son have taken refuge in Concubine Yuan Gui!

 Seriously, this is really a good move!

Yu Wenshe and his son were nominally the prince's servants, and were ordered to defend the emperor and the Qilin Palace. However, in fact, the people in the Qilin Palace had the final say. Yu Wenshe and his son could not move more than ten people!

 As for the close and capable generals, they have long been dispatched elsewhere.

It can be said that He Jixiang, Wei Yishan, Chen Desheng and others are on guard at all times!

Concubine Yuan Guifei and the Prince Regent are mother and son, and they are one entity of their own. Taking refuge with Concubine Yuan Guifei is not considered a change of family at all. Even if she is unhappy with the prince, she will not do anything to them!

Most importantly, they had the support of Concubine Yuan Guifei.

“There are some things that my father-in-law just needs to understand in his heart and there is no need to say them out loud.”

Yu Wenshe was noncommittal. His face was close to He Lian's and he said seriously, "Father-in-law, you should think twice before doing anything in the future."

 “Are you threatening me?”

He Lian looked calm.


Yu Wenshe said expressionlessly, "I just hope that my father-in-law can act more appropriately in the future and not embarrass me, otherwise I won't be able to protect my father-in-law."

He Lian suddenly said out of curiosity, "It's a good thing that the prince has a long line of heirs. The imperial concubine is so noble, why should she be in trouble with two girls?"

 This is what he doesn’t understand the most.

Yu Wenshe said with a sinister smile, "My Majesty naturally hopes that Mr. Wang will have a long line of heirs, but their surname is not Yuan."

"I see."

He Lian was dumbfounded.

 He finally understood what this noble concubine was thinking!

Concubine Yuan Guifei naturally hopes that the prince will have more children, but Concubine Yuan also hopes that she and the prince will marry the daughter of the Yuan family, especially Yuan Zijun. This is not a secret in the palace.

He Lian couldn't help but think that Concubine Yuan Guifei would not think that the world would follow Yuan in the future, right?

Is Concubine Yuan Guifei crazy?

Yu Wenshe cupped his hands and said, "Farewell."

 “Go slowly without seeing someone off.”

 Looking at Yuwen She's retreating figure, He Lian was a little confused as to what to do.

According to his conjecture, the pregnant princess may also be in danger.

 At least it is difficult to keep the child in the belly.

 Do you want to inform Prince Yuhe about this matter?

 For a moment, he was very hesitant!

Let’s talk about it, it’s the empress who offended her. Don’t tell her. If something happens in the future, it will always be because of the lack of information. It’s all his fault.

Clenched his teeth and went straight to Gong Xi’s residence.

After having a good meal at noon, Lin Yi disliked the heat and did not go anywhere else. He sat in the garden and sprinkled a handful of fish food into the pond from time to time, causing the goldfish to compete for food.

Without looking back, he explained to Ming Yue behind him, "The princess must be told to go out and walk around frequently, otherwise she will be too fat and unable to give birth to a child at full term. She will be the one to suffer."

Mingyue said with a smile, "Don't worry, Your Majesty, these Doctors Hu have already given the explanation. Besides, the Princess has good skills and her body and bones are much better than ordinary people. She will not suffer too much."

"That's good,"

Lin Yi scattered the last bit of fish food in his hand, clapped his hands, yawned and said, "I'll lie down for a while and wait for the sun to go down. Remember to call me. I want to go to the palace. I really can't finish it." ”

After the sun went down, he woke up before anyone else could call him.

 Wash your face, drink half a pot of tea, and ride a donkey into the palace.

 After entering the palace, I got off the donkey and took a shortcut straight to Jinglan Palace.

Having walked halfway, the young **** came over to report that Concubine Yuan Guifei had gone to the Imperial Garden.

 He turned another corner and headed towards the Royal Garden.

Concubine Yuan Guifei was sitting in an octagonal pavilion, with a pile of fruits and pastries in front of her. She was surrounded by concubines. Lin Yi heard the laughter of Yingying Yanyan from a distance.

For a moment, Lin Yi had the urge to move into the palace immediately.

Damn, there are so many beauties!

 It’s so eye-catching!

Isn’t it a pity not to come in and take a second look?

 “The Prince Regent has arrived!”

  With Xiao Xizi’s shouting, the laughter and laughter in the imperial garden stopped.

According to the rules, the concubines could only leave quietly, and Lin Yi could only look at their backs and sigh.

He walked up to Concubine Yuan Guifei, leaned over and said, "See my concubine."

 “Why are you so polite all of a sudden?”

Concubine Yuan Guifei put the melon seeds in her hand into the palm of a palace maid next to her, and then let another palace maid wipe her hands with a wet towel. She looked at Lin Yi in surprise and said, "It makes me a little confused. "

Her son has never had any rules and cannot say such polite words in front of her.

Lin Yi said with a smile, "My son has no other meaning. I just suddenly thought that my mother and concubine have been working hard for my son these years. It is really hard. If my son is still ignorant, he will be really unfilial."

Concubine Yuan Guifei said angrily, "How can I not know your temperament?

 If you have something to talk about directly and hide it here, it will make it more and more obvious that you and I are separated from each other, which is not interesting. "

 “This is what my son is saying,”

Lin Yi said very seriously, "The concubine has done so much for her son. If the son is not considerate, I am afraid that the concubine will be heartbroken."

 “You are my son, and whatever I do for you is due to you,”

Concubine Yuan Guifei looked at Lin Yi's face as she spoke, "Even if you go too far, what else can I do except forgive you?

 Do you want to stop being a mother and child? "

 “What the mother-in-law said is,”

Lin Yi walked to Concubine Yuan and sat down, picked up the tea cup, drank it all in one gulp, and sighed, "I think my mother must also know that Jin Mei was killed by her son."

Concubine Yuan Guifei said expressionlessly, "I'm just a cheap servant. If I die, I will die. I don't deserve you to say a special word."

Lin Yi smiled and said, "She is an old man next to the mother-in-law. The mother-in-law is used to it, but her son is suddenly killed. If there is no one to rely on in the future, it is the son's fault."


Concubine Yuan Guifei snorted coldly and said, "There are so many smart aunts in the palace. One more of her is not more, and one less of her is certainly not more. Why should you take it to heart?"

 “If the mother and concubine can think like this, the son will feel relieved,”

Lin Yi glanced at the two maids behind Concubine Yuan as he spoke, "From now on, if anyone dares to cause trouble in the palace, my son will be executed directly in Ling Chi. There will be no more scruples."

The two palace maids felt cold all over after being glanced at by Lin Yi.

He and the prince said this to them!

 Warn them not to do anything for the concubine in the future!

“You came all the way to say these things to me, is that filial piety?”

Concubine Yuan Guifei rolled her eyes at him angrily.

Lin Yi smiled and said, "Of course there are other things. Hu Miaoyi's belly is getting bigger. These mothers and concubines know that, and they will give birth in a few months.

The son became a father for the first time, so he naturally felt a little uneasy and didn’t know what to do for a while.

 Thinking about it, the child’s name must be the most important thing.

The son is uneducated and has no skills, so he can't come up with a good name, but he can't ask outsiders for help with this kind of thing.

It is said that my grandfather, Zhu Guo, was both civilized and military, but it was a pity that there was a gap between his son and him. I didn't know how to talk to him for a while, so I asked my mother and concubine to help me. Once the child was born, I asked her to help me name it.

If the grandfather and his son have misunderstandings again in the future and are in trouble with his son at every turn, think more about this child and the name he gave him, and it might calm him down. "

 “Let your grandfather name the child?”

Concubine Yuan Guifei was stunned for a long time. She didn't expect that her son would actually say these words to her when he came over.


Seeing that her mother didn't react much, Lin Yi was afraid that her mother wouldn't be able to hear the flattering words, so she couldn't help but make her words more clear, "My grandfather is old, so my son naturally hopes that he will live a long life. When this child is born, he can help Come up with a name.

 According to folk customs, naming a child by a person with a long life is the best blessing to the child. "

He almost pointed at his mother’s nose and said: If something happens to my baby, I will let the Yuan family that you care about and be proud of be buried with him!

 Especially your dear Lao Tzu Zhu Guo!

 He himself didn’t understand what his mother was thinking.

 His baby will be his mother’s grandson in the future!

For the so-called glory of the Yuan family, why do you dare to do this?

 “There’s something a little bit cursed about both inside and outside the words.”

No matter how stupid she is, Concubine Yuan Guifei can still hear the threat in her son's words.

 “The son dare not,”

Lin Yi said helplessly, "My son really wants his grandfather to name the child. My mother-in-law must convey it to my son."

His mother used to be a fool at best!

 Why have you become so stupid now?

 Between him and the Yuan family, it was hard to tell the difference between inside and outside!

Concubine Yuan Guifei said, "That is your biological grandfather. He will definitely not refuse such a small thing."

Lin Yi smiled and said, "This couldn't be better."

How could his mother have the nerve to say this?

The most powerful opposition to him is the Yuan family!

If it weren’t for the fact that the Yuan family still had a sensible person like Yuan Qing, he would have let the whole family go to guard Liangzhou or Saibei even if he didn’t kill him!

“Okay, since you care so much about that girl from the Hu family, you should go back and watch over her. I am also here, and I know that this pregnant woman cannot be tolerated. You must be kind to her and don’t make her frightened.

The provincial child cannot be saved, and you lose your temper again."

Concubine Yuan Guifei waved her hands impatiently and said, "I'm exhausted, so I won't leave you here to make noise."

 “The son resigned.”

Lin Yi breathed a sigh of relief.

 It seems that using the Yuan family to threaten his mother is more effective.

As soon as he left the imperial garden, he heard someone calling him from behind.

Xiao Xizi said, "Your Majesty, Princess Huaiyang is here."

After finishing speaking, he took the two young eunuchs and stepped aside far away.

 (End of this chapter)

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