I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 408: Carry everything

Chapter 408: Carrying it all

Chen Desheng said with a smile, "Diligence can make up for weakness, and God rewards diligence. As long as the prince is willing to put in some effort, I believe there will be progress."

He himself felt a little guilty when he said this. Regarding the essence of calligraphy, he had told Shi Quan, Wang Qingbang and others countless times. However, the old habits with the prince were hard to change. They started and stopped the pen and kept drawing circles.

 To be honest, it’s not much better than a newly enlightened child.

 If you pick it up with care, its shape will be slightly off and not round, which is not a serious disadvantage.

 Those who are careless and careless will have a careless and uneven body, which is the disadvantage of not being diligent.

 Having its form but not its spirit, it will never be able to enter the Tao, and it will be in vain even if it is practiced until old age.

  However, this cannot be said.

This prince is very moody and angry, and usually gets angry on the spot when he is unhappy with you.

Pity him for his old age. How can he put his face when he is scolded in front of everyone?

 So, it doesn’t hurt to pay a compliment even if you don’t mean it!

What’s more, if you don’t say it yourself, others will.

No, as soon as he finished speaking, He Jixiang bared his teeth and said swornly, "Your Majesty's words are fast and orderly, with magnificent momentum, ups and downs, turning again and again, and the Qi veins are connected, flowing thousands of miles, quite... Imperial bearing!

 Lao Chen admires you! "

These words made Chen Desheng feel ashamed!

 In terms of thickness of skin, compared with He Jixiang, I am still inferior!


After hearing this, Lin Yi's brows jumped and he said happily, "Really?"

 “Don’t dare to deceive the prince!”

He Jixiang and Chen Desheng said in unison.

 Jiao Zhong, He Hong, Xiao Xizi and others standing next to him all had astonishment on their faces.

 As people close to Prince He, they themselves couldn’t remember how long it had been since they had been so happy!

Now that I’m laughing with the prince, it shows that I’m doing the right thing!

Older gingers are more spicy!

 They still have to learn more from these old guys!

 Otherwise, you won’t be able to survive in the future.

Lin Yi smiled and said, "Yes, I can't compare with talented people like you, and can't compare with those emperors who are ignorant and unskilled?"

 Everyone laughed.

 In terms of neither learning nor skills, from ancient times to the present, which emperor is older than you?

 Their prince He often writes typos!

Famous name: Simplified Chinese characters.

 It was said that the fonts were too complicated for the popularization of culture, and there was a need to carry out character reform in Sanhe. Fortunately, Shanqi, Xie Zan and other senior figures tried to force them to death, so it did not lead to a big mistake.

If Prince He is really allowed to do it, not only will Prince He become the laughing stock of the world, but they, all the great scholars, will also be infamy for thousands of years!

 They are scholars!

Scholars can be shameless, monopolize power, and be corrupt and bend the law, but if Sven is allowed to fall from grace, he will really be abandoned by the world!

 Future generations will not be able to stand up!

 “What the prince said is,”

He Hong finally got the chance to add a sentence, "The prince is so wise and powerful, how can he be compared to ordinary people."

“You don’t even know a few Chinese characters, but you only know football.”

Lin Yi rolled his eyes at him and said.

 “The subordinate is aware of his guilt.”

 The same fear of flattery, but the treatment received was different, which really hurt Ho Hong.

 Who are you looking down on?

Lin Yi continued, "If you don't go to work in broad daylight, why are you hanging out in front of me?

Qi Yong's head was chopped off by you, but you still don't know why Qi Yong suddenly rebelled. He is simply a waste and cannot be used anymore. "

 “Subordinates deserve to die!”

 After hearing this, He Hong felt very regretful!

There is reincarnation in the way of heaven, who will be spared by heaven?

 with the prince you are right, why come here to join in the fun if you have nothing to do?

Isn’t this just making yourself uncomfortable?

Lin Yi waved his hand and said, "Hurry up and catch all Qi Yong's gangsters. I want to know what happened. Don't treat me as a fool!"

If this continues, whoever of you is willing to be the regent should be the regent. I will sail across the sea in a boat and be at ease, regardless of the floods. "

 He said this from the bottom of his heart.

 If nothing can be done, he will go to sea and become the owner of the island!

 Anyway, the level of education and medical care is quite balanced these days. Where can I not be a rich man?

What’s more, no matter where you go, there is no internet, no games, and it’s the same everywhere you go, just eating and waiting to die.

The reason why I have reached this point is because of helplessness.

 “My lord, you must not do it!”

He Jixiang and others were startled. He Jixiang said loudly, "Don't worry, Your Majesty, I will do my best to catch all Qi Yong's gang members!"

 He also does not doubt He Wangye’s words!

This prince rarely thinks twice about what he says and does!

 Just do it!

 What kind of island owner would he really do?

 All those who depend on He Wangye will die without a burial place!

 “Okay, let’s do it,”

Lin Yi threw the brush on the table, leaned back on the chair, hugged the tea cup and said calmly, "There are three things at hand, find the eldest princess, capture Qi Yong's accomplices, and whether He Jin is dead or not!"

Everything in front of you is confusing and confusing!

 It seems that his so-called regent is a joke.

 “As commanded!”

 Everyone knelt down and said in unison.

Hot day.

Lin Yi was lying in the garden, with the bright moon on his left and purple clouds on his right.

 This was the first time he discovered that these two girls were so clingy.

At night, he was particularly afraid of the heat. These two girls couldn't get rid of it, but they still insisted on "warming the bed" for him!

 You have committed a crime!

 In just a few days, prickly heat broke out on his originally smooth back!

With no other choice, he arranged for someone to change the bed to a big bed so that he could be further away from the two girls when sleeping at night.

It is a good thing to be a groom every day, but no one can resist being a groom all the time!

 He is shy by nature, and sometimes he doesn’t know how to reject these two girls.

 What surprised him most was Hu Miaoyi's attitude.

  After learning that he had favored the two girls, he actually gave them gifts.

  I don’t mean to be jealous at all.

 After that, he couldn’t figure it out.

In any case, she, Hu Miaoyi, is the wife, and the Ming matchmaker is marrying her.

 The two girls can only be concubines, or they were "accepted".

 The so-called "na" is no different from things and can be bought and sold at any time.

 Whether you are a landlord, a rich peasant, or a relative of the emperor, a "concubine" is an important asset.

Hu Miaoyi, no matter how careless she is, still understands these "common senses".

“You guys, can you mind your own business?”

Lin Yi pushed away the bright moon next to him and said helplessly, "It's really hot."

Mingyue put her hand on Lin Yi's shoulder again and said with a smile, "I'm not afraid of the heat."

Lin Yi said angrily, "You are not afraid of the heat, I am!"

 There is no sense of sympathy at all.

Zixia smiled and said, "My lord, you have been very tired these days. Sister Mingyue and I wanted to beat your legs for you to relieve your fatigue."

Lin Yi rolled his eyes at her and said, "Is this really the case?"

Zixia raised her palm and said, "I swear, everything I say is the truth."

 “Okay, let’s do that.”

Lin Yi could not refuse this gentle countryside.

 by Jinmei, the tutor of the palace, is thirty-three years old, but still has a graceful grace, and every move is organized.

 She, like the deceased Lai Ru, has been serving Yuan Guifei.

Now that the princess is pregnant, she was once again arranged by Concubine Yuan to enter the Prince's Mansion.

 At Hewang Mansion, I talked to the prince exactly, but no one dared to make irresponsible remarks about her Jinmei.

 If you don’t give her face or embarrass her, you are not giving face to the empress in the palace.

After she and the prince left the garden, she stood upright next to the rockery in the garden, crossed her hands, and looked at the bright moon and purple clouds in front of her.

 “Are you two little **** worthy?”

 “I don’t know what my aunt means by this,”

Mingyue said neither humble nor arrogantly, "Auntie's words are becoming increasingly confusing."

Jinmei held the white handkerchief in her hand, slowly walked towards Mingyue, looked directly at Mingyue and said, "You little bitch, don't pretend to be confused because you understand. The imperial concubine can see your little thoughts.

Thinking about reaching the sky in one step, you don’t even look at what you are. "

Mingyue said sternly, "Auntie, we will serve the prince with all our heart and soul, and we will never have any second thoughts."

Jin Mei smiled and said, "Since there are no second thoughts, just drink the soup."

 After speaking, he raised his hands towards the two maids behind him.

Two maids carrying saucers walked up to Mingyue and Zixia, lowering their heads and saying nothing.

 “Auntie, what do you mean?”

Mingyue looked at the bowl of soup in front of her and said angrily, "I hope my aunt will make me understand!"


Jin Mei shook her head and said, "I'm not that unreasonable, and you won't be punished to death.

 Drink this bowl of soup and be good.

Slaves must have the consciousness of slaves. How noble the prince is, how can he be defiled by **** like you?

 If you don’t know what is interesting, you will make yourself uncomfortable. "

Zixia hurriedly said, "I hope Auntie Mingjian, we have never had this idea!"

 They are indeed the ninth grade!

 But, he is still a slave!

It would be a great blessing if the prince and the prince did not drive them out of the palace.

How dare you expect to leave an heir for Prince He?

Jinmei snorted coldly, "You **** like you can't decide this kind of thing. Drink it quickly so that I can return to your life."

Mingyue said coldly, "Auntie, do you have to be so aggressive?"

 She and Zixia are already in the ninth rank!

 Except for the prince and the steward, there is no need to swallow your anger in front of anyone!

 Including blind man, Ye Qiu, and monk!

Jinmei said expressionlessly, "So what, if you two disobey the order and disrespect me, I have no choice but to report to the Queen truthfully."

Zixia pulled Mingyue's sleeve and signaled her to stop talking.

Mingyue looked at Zixia, and the two of them nodded together, facing the two soup bowls in front of them, their outstretched hands trembling.

 They finally understood what Jin Mei meant.

 They are not worthy to bear children of the prince.

 The prince and the prince don’t need a bitch.

 They must drink this bowl of soup, and the possibility of pregnancy will be eliminated from now on.

 They are not willing to give in!

 But if you resist!

 How will you and the prince get along with each other if the empress finds out?

 The one who is in trouble in the end is He Wangye!

 They don’t want to embarrass Prince He~!

Facing Jin Mei’s aggressive eyes, the two finally picked up the bowls.

 They know what kind of medicine this is!

 Can’t have any more children for life!

Jin Mei looked at it coldly, the two bowls were already at the lips of the two women.

 Suddenly, a flash of bright red appeared on her snow-white neck.

 She felt a little pain.

Stretched out his green-white fingers and just touched his neck, he fell directly to the ground amid everyone's puzzled expressions.

I saw that the upright body that was still standing was bleeding, and then fell to the ground.

 The blood stains on the ground were still steaming under the sun.

Mingyue slowly turned her head and saw Ye Qiu coming out of the forest.

She said in a trembling voice, "You killed my aunt, how will you explain it to your mother-in-law?"

Ye Qiu didn't even look at her and said coldly, "I only listen to the prince's instructions. I will do whatever the prince asks me to do."

 “Your Majesty?”

 Zixia understood the meaning immediately.

 Ye Qiu killed Jin Mei because of Prince He’s order!

 However, she didn’t understand why Prince He did this!

 Ye Qiu said coldly, "Do you have any questions?"

Mingyue took a step forward, stepped on the blood, and said, "Ye Qiu, you really killed her."

Ye Qiu said, "This is an order from Prince He, and no one is allowed to disobey it.

The prince said that you are his woman, so you cannot allow others to bully you. "

As soon as he finished speaking, tears gradually welled up in the corners of Mingyue and Zixia's eyes.

 The bright moon hangs high.

Jinglan Palace.

Concubine Yuan Guifei dropped one tea cup after another and one ornament after another.

Her son, the person she cared about the most, dared to trample her face on the ground.

 “Jin Mei is dead, Lai Ru is dead,”

Concubine Yuan Guifei sat on the chair and said with dull eyes, "From now on, I can trust anyone!"


Xiao Xizi walked forward cautiously and looked at the tearful Concubine Yuan. She didn't know how to comfort her for a moment, so she could only stiffen her hair and say, "The descendants will continue. This is also the intention of the Holy One. Why should I do it?"

"Shut up!"

Concubine Yuan Guifei suddenly scolded, "How can these **** be worthy of my son!"

Xiao Xizi lowered her head and did not dare to say any more words.

 “Ye Qiu,”

Concubine Yuan Guifei suddenly said with hatred, "I want her to pay with blood!"

 Xiao Xizi's face flashed with joy.

 “My mother is still unhappy?”

Lin Yi spread his hands and said, "Then there's nothing I can do."

She only thought about her mother's strong jealousy, but she never thought about how cruel her mother was.

If the news from the palace had not been accurate, I am afraid that Mingyue and Zixia would have been mummies at this moment.

 It is said to be a contraceptive pill, but in fact it is poison.

 After drinking it, there is no chance of death.

 “Your Majesty,”

Jiao Zhong looked at Lin Yi's expression as he spoke, "The empress has been unhappy these days, and my subordinates are quite worried after seeing her."

Lin Yi waved his hand and said, "Let her do whatever she wants."

After saying that, regardless of the heat, I took the hook, bait and wooden bucket and continued fishing.

 The moon sets and the crow crows.

 It’s swelteringly hot.

"Ha ha."

 Emperor Delong of Qilin Palace laughed.

 No one knows why he laughs or why he laughs so loudly.

Xiao Xizi, who was standing at the door, said to He Liandan who was standing next to him, "Just keep watch these days.

If he dies, you should be buried with him. "


He Lian was shocked!

Hurrying to catch up with Xiao Xizi, the faster he chased, the farther away Xiao Xizi was.

 As the sound got louder, Xiao Xizi's figure gradually disappeared.

 “What is this?”

He Lian looked like he was in love with life!

 After all, one person took it all on his own!

 (End of this chapter)

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