Chapter 428 Lying down

As the leader of the Liang Kingdom, he never imagined that there would be someone he couldn't handle, and she was a woman!

This woman was lying in his arms, as if she was cheating, pulling his hair tightly, and he tilted his head, not daring to be careless for a moment.

 “It’s unscientific,”

Lin Yi didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, “Where did this kid get such strong hands?”

 Normally speaking, children under one month old will rarely engage in difficult movements such as "pull" except for eating and sleeping, and occasionally waving their hands.

Even if there is such a gifted person, he wouldn't have such great strength, right?

 This made him very confused!

Is it because he has come into contact with too many abnormal children in the orphanage and no longer understands what normal children are like?

Mingyue smiled and said, "Your Majesty, the princess is smart and smart. I am really happy and congratulated."

“It would be best if she is smart, but I don’t have any big requirements for her,”

Lin Yi let her hold her hair and shook it while saying, "Being safe and healthy is better than anything else."

As the daughter of the chief minister of the Liang Kingdom, it is impossible for his daughter to be a student, not even in this life.

 Generally speaking, rationally speaking, he hopes that his daughter will not have the ambitions of the eldest princess Lin Yuner, and just be able to live peacefully.

In his previous life, many of his college classmates were working as essay writers in rural areas or towns. The pride of the village and the most handsome boy in the town finally entered college, but before he could shake off the mud on his feet, he hurriedly returned. Entered society.

 Parents in rural areas have no pension, no medical insurance, and no ability to resist risks.

His classmates, even though they didn't care about marriage or a house, they were still trembling with fear, and no one dared to lie down.

 Otherwise, if a parent becomes seriously ill, the whole family will be plunged into a desperate situation. If the medical expenses cannot be paid, the parents will have to lie down in the morgue.

 So, no matter what, they dare not really lie down.

 At most, after complaining for a few words, continue to enjoy the blessings.

As for an orphan like him, although he does not have the burden of supporting his parents in old age, he still has a house to live in, right?

 Where would you lie down without a house?

What's more, he later became disabled and it was even more difficult for him to lie down.

 I am running around for three meals every day.

 There is no mine at home, so I don’t dare to lie down.

 “What the prince said is,”

Mingyue stepped forward to take the child from Lin Yi's arms and carefully placed it in the hands of the wet nurse next to her. "The princess vomited milk this morning. Please be careful when holding her."

The wet nurse hurriedly said, "Don't worry, girl, I will definitely take good care of the princess."

Mingyue held the child's body with her hands for a while, and waited until the wet nurse was fully hugged, then smiled and said, "Actually, as the princess's wet nurse, your responsibilities are yours, and with the permission of the prince, you only need to hold the child in your arms." Princess, no matter who you meet, there is no need to salute."

 “Thank you, Your Majesty for your grace!”

As the wet nurse said this, she knelt down again, and as soon as she bent halfway, her whole body was lifted up by Ming Yue again.

Mingyue smiled and said, "Be careful of the princess in your arms. If you make another mistake, I won't spare you."


 The wet nurse hurriedly responded.

Zixia came over and said, "Your Majesty, Prince Heshun is here."

Lin Yi thought for a while and said, "It is the right thing to care about your daughter. Will it come more often?"

In less than half a month, Prince Heshun has come here at least ten times!

As for money, he sent 500 taels of silver to Hu Miaoyi on the second day after she gave birth.

He was so happy that he got a daughter of gold. As a foreigner, Prince Heshun would not look good if he came here empty-handed.

 You say you care about your daughter, right?

 Definitely not.

As long as this old man had a daughter's place in his heart, he would not do so many embarrassing things and embarrass the princess Hu Miaoyi in every possible way.

Have you discovered your conscience when you are getting old?

  Remake up the relationship between father and daughter?


Even if the conscience of such a person has not been eaten up by dogs, there is very little left.

 Hence, he has always been wary of this kind-faced old man.

 Zixia glanced at Jiao Zhong behind her, then took a step back.

Jiao Zhong hesitated for a moment and said loudly, "Your Majesty, Fang Pi's people found the prince of Heshun County in Ankang City. The prince probably wants to ask the prince to make the decision for you."

Lin Yi did not reply. He walked straight to Hu Miaoyi, who was sleeping, and said with a smile, "Jiao Zhong, there must be no deception in front of the princess. I have said it to the letter."


Jiao Zhong lowered his head and said calmly, "On the second day after the princess was born, the people from the imperial guard discovered that the prince Hu Xin'an, the princess' concubine, went to the prince's palace twice and had a big quarrel with the prince. There was a fight, and the king was very angry.

 If nothing else happens, I will come to the Prince's Mansion to pay homage to the Princess in two days. "

“I know, thank you Commander Jiao,”

Hu Miaoyi suddenly opened her eyes and said calmly, "Just step back."

Jiao Zhong glanced at Lin Yi and said loudly, "Yes."

After Jiao Zhong retreated, Lin Yi said to Hu Miaoyi, "This is your family matter, and I will not interfere with it. As for how to deal with it, you can directly tell me to go down and do it according to your wishes. There is no need to inform me."

Hu Miaoyi hesitated and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty."

 This is the first time that Prince He has clearly given himself the so-called rights of a princess.

Lin Yi nodded, touched the sleeping child again, and quietly left the wing.

Jiao Zhong had been following Lin Yi. When he saw Lin Yi coming out of the gate, he hurriedly said, "Your Majesty, where are you going?"

Lin Yi said with a smile, "Looking at it with my fingers, I haven't fished for half a month. The weather is good today, so let's go fishing."

Jiao Zhong hesitated for a moment and said, "Your Majesty, Wen Zhaoyi specifically told us that before the monk and the blind man come back, for the sake of your safety, it is best not to leave the city easily."

Lin Yi said, "If they don't come back for the rest of their lives, then I won't leave the city for the rest of my life?"


Jiao Zhong gritted his teeth, knelt down and said loudly, "Your Majesty, please think again!"

Lin Yi said lightly, "What should you think twice about? Qi Peng just sent back the news in the morning. Ding Lun has already run away from Ankang City. There is nothing to worry about. Okay, saddle up the donkey and go fishing." If I stay any longer, I will get sick."


Seeing Lin Yi's insistence, Jiao Zhong said no more. When Lin Yi got on the donkey, he personally led it and couldn't help but ask, "Your Majesty, this Hu Xin'an is a despicable person. He really wants to keep the donkey to cause trouble."

Lin Yi sat on the donkey and said with a smile, "Is Prince Heshun a good person?

 If a dog bites a dog, we can still watch the fun.

As long as they don’t violate laws and disciplines or commit crimes, don’t bother with their family affairs. Let’s just let them do whatever they want. "


Jiao Zhong hesitated for a while and then said, "Chen Xinluo has been in Ankang City for some time and has always wanted to meet the prince. However, my subordinates saw that the prince was busy, so they did not inform him."

 “He is an old man in the house,”

Lin Yi said in surprise, "When did he need to report to me when he saw me?"

 “The subordinate is aware of his guilt.”

Jiao Zhong completely gave up the thought of complaining to Chen Xinluo in front of Prince He.

 In Prince He’s heart, both Shen Chu and Chen Xinluo are more important than him!

Lin Yi waved his hands indifferently and said, "I've heard enough of your deceptive clichés. Let's use some fresh words."

 “Your Majesty,”

After turning two alleys in succession, Jiao Zhong said, "According to the spies, Guan Sheng's illness has recovered. He is taking his daughter Guan Xiaoqi to Ankang City these days. I heard that he returned to the village last night."

Lin Yi said angrily, "Why are we talking about such an important thing now?"

Hold the donkey's belly with your legs and speed towards the south gate.

Since the new city was built outside the South Gate, the South Gate has become the only gate in Ankang City that no longer conducts inspections.

Moreover, the imperial court issued a new decree that business and traveling vendors entering the city from the south gate are exempt from all miscellaneous taxes.

 This is part of what he calls an integration strategy within and outside the city.

The official road leading to the south has been repaired again and again under the auspices of the Ministry of Works. Now it is wide enough to accommodate ten carriages running parallel to each other at the same time. It complements the exquisitely carved pavilions and pavilions outside Ankang City.

 In response to He Wangye’s emerging city plan, not only the Dali Temple, the Ministry of Punishment and other functional departments have moved out of the city, but many Chengdu houses have sold their old houses and bought new houses here to settle down.

Even the prince’s lecturer, Chen Yan, the Imperial College’s sacrificial wine minister, compromised with Lin Yi and moved the Imperial College from inside the city to outside the city.

 The condition is to restart the Imperial College.

 Imperial College is still the highest institution of learning in Daliang Kingdom and the holy place for scholars all over the world.

 As for the content to be taught in class, it is still under discussion.

Lin Yi walked southwest from the fork in the road. If it had been in the past, he would have walked for ten minutes at most before getting off the pole.

But now business travel is booming, led by Sanhe merchants, taking advantage of the momentum of emerging urban development, buying land leading to the canal, building roads, inns, restaurants, and hook bars.

What's more, they are even prepared to spend money to build bridges on both sides of the Taiwan Strait and collect tolls specifically.

 Tolls are a special feature of Sanhe.

 In the newly revised Liang Law, the “right to income” of investors is clearly stated.

 Hand Wang Ye publicly said that he would not let any investor feel cold!

However, this cannot be charged arbitrarily. The pricing is based on the regulations of the imperial court and the chief secretaries of various places.

 Furthermore, there is also a time limit.

If you can't get your money back within twenty years, you will have no choice but to admit that you are out of luck.

 However, many Sanhe people believed in Prince He inexplicably.

He and the prince will not cheat them or make them lose money.

This kind of trust makes people outside Sanhe baffled.

This area is now filled with an endless stream of vehicles and horses, making it extremely lively.

After walking for half an hour, I slowly walked out of the concrete road and stopped at a tributary on the side of the canal. After putting on the earthworms, I dropped the first pole.

 “It’s getting colder,”

 After Lin Yi sat down, his buttocks felt slightly uncomfortable.

If he didn't have the symptoms of frequent urination, he would even suspect that he had a prostate. It felt cold to the touch and made him feel uncomfortable all over.

 However, he was very sure that this was not his prostate.

There is only one reason, it is really cold!

 “Your Majesty, it’s autumn,”

Jiao Zhong waited for Lin Yi's pole to pull out the water, and before the crucian carp on it struggled, he skillfully took it down and said with a smile, "The weather is dry, and there were two fires in the city yesterday.

 In the early morning, some adults also proposed to increase the number of soldiers, horses and fire squads. "

 “Time flies so fast,”

Lin Yi threw the pole out again and said with emotion, "I don't feel anything at all."

Jiao Zhongdao said, "The prince is busy with everything, how can he know these little things?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a guard rode back. He took a few steps back and listened to what the guard said, and then heard a cold snort from the prince.

He then loudly said to the guard, "Speak directly to the prince, don't hide it, otherwise you will be severely punished!"


The bodyguard Tan Fei is in his twenties. He is a native of Sanhe. He has good talents and has been personally enlightened by the general manager.

 After graduating from the No. 1 Primary School in Baiyun City, he entered Prince He's Mansion with the fifth rank peak.

 It can be said that he grew up in Hewangfu.

 Hong Kong, I don’t have much fear of the people in Hewangfu, including Hewangye.

 What's more, he is now at the peak of the ninth rank and still has a very high status in Prince He's Mansion!

After hearing what Jiao Zhong said, he shouted directly to Lin Yi, "Your Majesty, what the spies said is true. Guan Sheng has indeed recovered from his illness. My subordinates listened outside the door for a long time and did not hear a cough." Voice.

Then Guan Xiaoqi also said that tomorrow he will continue to go down to the river to collect lotus roots and lotus pods, and sell them in the city. "

 “It seems like it’s really an allergy,”

Lin Yi said with a smile, "These two men are very courageous. They came back from the disease just in time. They are really not afraid of death."

Tan Fei lowered his head and said nothing.

Jiao Zhong said, "Please give me your instructions."

Lin Yi said, "As long as you're not dead, let them do whatever they want with the rest. I won't interfere."

 After finishing speaking, he continued to stare at the float on the river.

After the sun gradually rose, Jiao Zhong carefully walked into the forest, glanced at Tan Fei who was standing next to him and said, "Where is Mr. Chen Xinluo today?"

Tan Fei said boldly, "Commander, according to my opinion, Master Chen Xinluo must look down on Cao Xiaohuan. Are you being unfounded?"

 “You know nothing,”

Jiao Zhong said angrily, "I'm so old, is it easy to find a wife?

If I listen to you, I can’t even keep up with hot shit. "

Tan Fei said with a smile, "Commander, you are so humble again. A few days ago, they said that as long as you open your mouth, you can choose the ladies from the official family of Ankang City.

 Cao Xiaohuan is quite arrogant and may not be a good match for the commander. "

Jiao Zhong said angrily, "You know nothing, how do you know she and I are not a good match?"

Tan Feidao said, "My mother once told me that you should buy a pig to look after the pen, and marry a wife to look after the yard.

Captain Cao lives in the Yin Yamen of Ankang Prefecture. Although he is a little busier, look at the place where he lives. I have no shame to look at it. When it was hot a few days ago, flies were flying all over the sky.

It is not necessarily the husband's fault that Commander Cao reconciled with his husband. "

Jiao Zhong said coldly, "Who taught you these words?"

 He did not believe that these would come from Tan Fei's mouth.

Tan Fei smiled and said, "Commander, you underestimate me too much. I don't need others to teach me these words. I can only understand them myself."

Mr. Chen Xinluo probably looks down on Cao Captou, and Cao Captou and you, the commander, may not be a good match. "

 After speaking, he looked directly into Jiao Zhong's eyes without even a trace of dodge.

 (End of this chapter)

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