I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 44: Let yourself go

Chapter 44 Let yourself go

 Luo Han saw Qin Hu was defeated and was standing there happily. Lin Yi looked at him and ran away in a panic.

The house had not been quiet for long before the black-haired dog and the small yellow-haired dog started making trouble in the house again.

One used his physical strength to tease him, while the other refused to give in. He was young, but his momentum was not lost, and he grinned.

 “A male and a female can also fight,”

Lin Yi kicked Xin Quan angrily, "You deserve to be single all your life, and you can't even pick up girls!"

The thin dog was kicked on its back and ran out of the house aggrievedly, and went to play with the old black dog of the commander.

Hong An picked up the little yellow dog, lowered his head and said, "I'm sorry, Your Majesty."

Lin Yi smiled and said, "Don't say sorry, you kid is just too worried."

For the first time, he discovered that it is not a good thing for children to be too sensible. This will make them feel that they were born to atone for their sins and owe the whole world.

Hong An lowered his head and said nothing.

Mingyue touched her head with pity and said, "It's no better here than in the old capital. You need to wash your hair more diligently."

Hong An said, "Sister, I understand."

  Looking at Lin Yi, he hugged the little yellow dog and left.

Lin Yi shook his head helplessly, took a sip of tea and then continued, "Why is there no news at all about that living ancestor?"

Before entering Baiyun City, Wen Zhaoyi separated from them, saying that he had something to do, and his whereabouts are still unknown.

He was not worried about Wen Zhaoyi's life safety, but he should be worried about others.

Just out of curiosity, what can happen to Wen Zhaoyi, who has been in the palace all his life?

 Hong Ying shook his head to express his ignorance.

Lin Yi didn’t expect him to know, so he just asked casually.

 At night, there are stars.

Lin Yi tossed and turned and couldn't sleep. As soon as his feet landed on the ground and he was about to drink some water, the candle on the table was lit.

Lin Yi smiled and said, "Sorry for waking you up."

No matter what he asked, Mingyue and Zixia insisted on sleeping on the floor in his house.

There are many young people in Baiyun City, and they want to protect him.

At this time, Lin Yi realized his useless nature.

 A man actually needs a woman to protect him!

 “Your Majesty.”

Mingyue straightened the chair in front of her, and when Lin Yi sat on it, she handed him a cold drink.

Lin Yi asked, "No one has been sick recently, right? In hot and humid areas, I urge everyone to maintain good hygiene."

Zixia said, "These are all Hu Langzhong who are watching. Everyone is doing well."

Lin Yi took a sip of boiled water, took the handkerchief, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and said with a smile, "I was prepared to endure hardship, but I didn't expect it to be so hard.

 Let you suffer the same misfortune. If you are willing now, arrange for someone to take you back. "

 The two of them knelt down immediately.

Mingyue said, "I am willing to follow the prince for the rest of my life."

Zixia followed, "It's the same without the prince in the capital. People like us are just meat on the chopping board."

The truth in the stupid Hu Lang in her eyes, how could they not understand?

 What about women who know martial arts?

 They are still women, and they are still powerless to resist when faced with real powerful people.

Lin Yi said, "People, the most important thing in life is to be happy. If you are not happy, you don't have to force yourself."

Mingyue said, "As long as I can follow the prince, I will be happy."

Lin Yi said, "I'm not happy to chat with you. I just talk about lifeless things. Is there anything new?"

Zixia Guan'er smiled and said, "I found that the prince has become more comfortable since he came to Sanhe than in the capital."

Lin Yi touched his chin and said, "Is there any?

Is it possible that I, the king, am humble and happy to endure hardship? "

Mingyue covered her mouth and smiled, "My lord, you are joking again. This servant has noticed it a long time ago. It is probably because Sanhe has lost his restraints and scruples and is becoming more casual."

Lin Yi nodded and said, "It seems true. In this **** place, even if I say the table is white, no one dares to say it is yellow."

Thinking about his previous life, his highest official position was the penguin colony administrator, and his highest title was the pillar of the country.

How could you imagine that you would be a prince as soon as you were born here?

 Not to mention his limbs are still intact.

 Now he is the uncrowned king of the land!

 It’s just like Mingyue said, no one is restricted and you can completely let yourself go.

 You ask him if he is happy?

Of course he answered happily!

Zixia said, "Your Majesty, this place is actually quite good.

 There are beautiful scenery that I can’t get enough of, and there are all kinds of fruits that I can’t finish.

I heard it’s not cold here in winter, so you can wear whatever you want. "

Mingyue said, "Yes, Your Majesty, the fruits here are so delicious, you don't have to spend money to buy them.

 Moreover, Nunu and Zixia no longer have to learn any more rules, and they are even more happy. "

Lin Yi said, "I have never set any rules for you."

Mingyue smiled and said, "Your Majesty is merciful."

The aunts who followed her from the palace all the way to the palace were not so easy to talk to. She kept a close eye on them, and even if there was nothing wrong with them, she would deliberately pick out some of them.

 Otherwise, her aunt would have no sense of existence.

 They did not dare to contradict him at all.

 Otherwise, if they get into trouble with Concubine Yuan Guifei, they will have no choice but to leave Hewangfu.

 But they cannot say these words in front of Prince He, otherwise it will appear that they are complaining about Concubine Yuan and that she is an ignorant person.

 Thank God, this aunt could not endure the hardship on the way to Sanhe and returned home due to illness.

 Now, she and Zixia don’t know how chic they are.

  The prince had talked so much with them tonight, and the two of them simply let go and lost their usual depression.

Lin Yi yawned and said, "It's too late, go to sleep."

  After saying that, he fell on the bed, his eyes not opening again all night.

 After getting up, washing up, eating, and watching Fang Pi and Hong An practicing Kung Fu in the yard.

 Hong An is honest and meticulous.

Fang Pi is like a monkey. He is not honest for a moment. If Hong Ying doesn't pay attention, he will stretch and beat his legs.

 “Boy, you dare to be lazy,”

Lin Yi sipped his tea and said, "If a young man doesn't work hard, the old man will be miserable."

Seeing Hong Ying looking over, Fang Pi hurriedly said, "Mr. Hong, don't worry, I will definitely not be like the prince. I will definitely work hard!"

 Everyone knows that Prince He was afraid of hardship when he was learning martial arts when he was a child, but now he has no strength to restrain a chicken.

Lin Yi's hand holding the tea cup trembled, and he shouted with a dark face, "Xiao Yingzi!"

Hong Ying quickly bowed and said, "The little one is here."

 “He is still a child, it is a good time to learn martial arts and cannot be wasted,”

Lin Yi pointed at Fang Pi and said, "If you don't practice, you won't become a good man, so you must not relax."


 Sprinkle salt on his wounds!


Hong Yingying agreed without any hesitation.

Looking at Hong Ying walking towards him slowly, Fang Pi turned around and ran, jumping out of the courtyard wall in a few seconds.

Hong Ying said calmly, "Hong An, bring it back to Master."

Hong An jumped over the courtyard wall and chased out without hesitation.

“Sister An, I bought you fried fruits yesterday, oh, don’t hit, don’t hit.”

 Then, Lin Yi only heard a scream.

 ps: Now I just want votes

 (End of this chapter)

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