Chapter 45 School

Lin Yi deliberately changed into a short outfit before going out.

The upper body is a white skirt, and the lower body is white crotch pants that I personally designed and cut by Hong Ying.

 Going out is almost the same as a coolie or a servant.

 Wealthy people are well-dressed and well-groomed.

 However, he does not want to be such a rich man.

Wearing such clothes makes you feel uncomfortable.

Why bother if you want to save face and suffer pain?

 After leaving the gate of the Capital Commander's Office, I strolled along the wall to the newly opened school. I could hear Lang Lang's reading in the distance.

At the gate of the school, some children who are late come in from time to time.

Without Xie Zan's words, these children stood at the door consciously, and soon they formed a long row.

From time to time, they would glance at Xie Zan to see when Mr. Xie Zan would be kind enough to let them into the classroom.

 Seeing the familiar scene of being forced to stand, Lin Yi couldn't help but smile.

Sitting on the exposed roots of a large banyan tree, looking at the old man smoking a dry cigarette nearby, he habitually picked up a piece of foxtail grass between his fingers and stuffed it into his mouth, silently reciting: Smoking is harmful to health.

 After Xie Zan's class, it was He Jixiang who came to take the "physical education" class requested by Lin Yi.

This former governor of Jingying, who had a long beard and was unsteady when walking, turned his "physical education" classes into martial arts classes.

More than a hundred children of different heights, fatness and weight were shouting "hum ha ha ha" in their mouths, sending dust flying in the huge yard.

“The head is upright, neither low nor high, and the spirit is pierced through the top of the head, and the whole body is lifted up, which is called top lifting.”

He Jixiang, who usually had no strength to speak, now had a loud voice and high spirits. Facing the group of children in front of him, he seemed to have found the feeling of "fighting on the battlefield in autumn" when he was the governor of the Beijing Camp.

 The dust spread outside the fence, and I couldn't sit by the banyan tree anymore, so I squatted under the eaves of a roof.

He thinks that teaching martial arts is pretty good, at least more interesting than the eighth set of radio gymnastics.

“One to one makes one, one to two makes two, one to three makes three”

 Two two is four, two three is six.”

 Mathematics class is under the bright moon.

She has followed Lin Yi since she was a child. Even though Lin Yi has never taught her and Zixia deliberately, and they have followed closely, their math level is still pretty good.

If Song Cheng is the financial controller, she and Zixia are equivalent to the auditors of the palace.

 Generally, there is no way to get away with fake accounts from these two people.

 Her math class is the most lively.

The idle men and scoundrels in Baiyun City have long figured out the pattern of her classes, and when the time comes, they circle around the fence.

 They have never seen such a beautiful woman in Baiyun City.

  Always arouses people's imagination, I can't help but take a second look.

The wooden fence is waist-high to guard against gentlemen but not villains. At first, some of the brave ones ran in to take a look.

 The results were all thrown out without exception.

Of course there are some who are not convinced. How can you not beat a woman?

Green dragon on the left and white tiger on the right. Before they had time to declare their names in Baiyun City, they were kicked out of the door.

 There are still many people who cannot get out of bed.

Even though they can't afford to mess with this woman, it doesn't stop them from coming to see her.

“Your Majesty, I have some free time today.”

 Xie Zan walked up to Lin Yi and cupped his hands.

Lin Yi smiled and said, "Idle time is idle, why not go out and take a walk."

Xie Zan said, "I wonder if the prince has any advice?"

Lin Yidao, "I have said it, do you dare to do it?"

“Your Majesty, no matter what you say, you will do your best for your humble duty.”

 “Let’s recruit some female students,”

While Xie Zan was dumbfounded, Lin Yi said to himself, "There are only a few people in Baiyun City. If a girl learns something, she can hold up half of the sky in the future."

“For seven years men and women have not shared meals together. Your lord, this is against the moral standards.”

Xie Zan said eagerly.

“A woman has not been born for ten years. She obeys her mother’s instructions, holds hemp sticks, and cures silk cocoons.”

Lin Yi said disdainfully, "The girl you are talking about is a girl from a noble family. Do children from poor families have such a good life?

Look at those herding cows and sheep by the river. Are there too few girls? "

 “Having said that”

Xie Zan smiled bitterly and said, "But it's a big mistake. If anything happens, it will harm the reputation of the prince."


How good is my reputation now? "

Lin Yi waved his hand and said, "Okay, I won't make it difficult for you, just open a private school for girls.

 You still have some spare fodder warehouses, put them there.

 I don’t care about the others. "

Xie Zan smiled and said, "That's all right."

 In golden autumn, the sun is no longer so hot.

Lin Yi was not in a hurry to go back for lunch. He turned left and right on the street and unknowingly came to Hulu's newly opened medical clinic.

The hospital is located on the busiest street in the middle of Baiyun City. It is a large stone house with broken and shapeless tiles on the roof.

The dust outside the house has already penetrated into the house, because the time was too short, and there was no time to put the medicine cabinet, and the medicinal materials on the table were covered with cloth.


Hulu quickly stood up from the chair and asked his mother-in-law to pour tea.

 “You’re pretty good, not bad.”

Lin Yi sat down on the wicker chair and looked around the room curiously. This was his first time here.

If it weren't for the quietness in Tuxiezan, he would really like to buy a big stone house nearby, which would at least be spacious.


Hu Shilu sighed and said, "I don't mean to complain, but look at it."

In just these few days, because he treated several patients who seemed to him to be ordinary patients, he transformed from a bad man to a great doctor.

However, there are many difficulties. For example, medicinal materials that can be purchased everywhere in the capital are extremely difficult to find here.

There is really no other way. These days, he goes to the mountains to collect herbs and prepares them himself.

 The most helpless thing is that there are many poor people and they cannot pay for medical treatment.

 Although not all of them are poor, there are still many rich people.

 But just relying on a few rich people can only make up for the shortfall and not make much money at all.

Lin Yi smiled and said, "Do you regret it?"

Hulu said with a smile, "Of course I have no complaints or regrets.

Your Majesty, you have not seen the rich households in the countryside, who live in deep houses and courtyards with hordes of slaves.

According to my opinion, if the prince is willing, they will happily dedicate their house. "

Lin Yi understood what he meant, it was nothing more than taking possession of it for himself.

It’s just that he didn’t plan to do it yet, so he smiled and said, “Let’s talk about it later.”

 Sanhe poverty, the wealthy households can be counted on two hands.

 He asked Song Cheng to conduct an investigation. None of these people were clean, and there were countless lives on their hands.

 No matter how you deal with it, it is not an injustice to them.

 However, Sanhe relies on them for material circulation related to food, clothing, housing and transportation.

 If something happens to them, Sanhe's economy will be paralyzed.

What's more, there are only a few sheep, and if they are caught and strangled to death, which rich person will dare to come to Sanhe?

By then, Sanhe may really be a backwater.

 For a local economy to develop, it must first be stable.

 When the time comes, it will not be too late to settle accounts later in the year.

 (End of this chapter)

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