I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 46: and the king's ban

Chapter 46 and the King’s Prohibition

“I understand, it’s okay for you guys to suffer and be tired here. I’m just afraid of wronging the prince.”

Hu Shilu seemed to understand their prince. He looked carefree and indifferent on the surface, but in his heart he had a beautiful scene.

 Hence, I won’t say more.

Lin Yi said, "Take it slow. Once you get through it, the world will be vast."

 In the evening, Xie Zan posted notices written by Lin Yi all over the town.

Arhat stood on a large millstone and read condescendingly:

 “One: Kill for life, pay for debt!”

“Two: Do ​​not cause trouble or fight. If you win a fight, you will be jailed. If you lose a fight, you will not be punished!”

Arhat ignored the chattering people below and read louder and louder.

“Three: Don’t bully men and dominate women.”

“Four: No robbery or theft.”

“Five: Do not bully and dominate the market.”

ˆ “.”

“Any grievances or grievances can be reported and acted upon accordingly.”

After the Arhat read the ten prohibitions loudly, he put his hands behind his back and continued to speak loudly,

“From now on, Baiyun City will implement a curfew, and those who break the night will be slapped with twenty boards!

 And the royal guards have the right to investigate and arrest all suspects. "

As soon as he finished speaking, the crowd exploded.

 Not allowed to go out at night?

Even when the Southern Expeditionary Army came to Baiyun City, this rule was not established!

 “Why don’t you let us go out at night?”

“Yes, I have to go out at night!”

 “If you have the seed, come and catch it”

ˆ “.”

 The crowd is excited.

A big man with a beard jumped up onto the stone mill, glared at the Arhat and said, "When will it be your turn to be the master of this Baiyun City!"

 He and the prince are just vassals."

Suddenly, a flash of sword appeared in front of his eyes, and his voice suddenly stopped.

 He heard the sound of blood dripping on the millstone. Just as he was about to lower his head to look, his head suddenly fell to the ground.

Then his whole body fell off the stone mill, and blood was still pouring from his neck.

Even those who were used to seeing scenes of life and death in Baiyun City could not help but be stunned when they saw this **** scene. Panic spread and everyone fled in droves.

Looking at the Arhat on the stone mill from a distance, the red stain on the knife raised in his hand shimmered under the sunset.

The scene was so silent that you could hear a pin drop.

Arhat said in a deep voice, "Everyone must remember the last command clearly, for those who are disrespectful to Prince He!

 Kill without mercy! "

 The last three words, word for word, are frightening to all listeners.

 After nightfall, local residents heard the sound of gongs and drums for the first time in their lives.

  Accompanied by the sound of gongs and drums is "The sky is dry and things are dry, be careful of the fire."

 Arhat, the head of the Dongfeng Escort Bureau, who was a cook and worked as a watchman for the royal palace, did the watch himself.

 Behind him were twenty uniform guards of the royal palace.

  Many people would quietly open the door crack and take a few secret glances at the palace guards who were gradually retreating. They finally realized that things had changed in Sanhe and that Baiyun City was different from before.

Of course, there are more people who do not believe in evil.

It was night. Three thieves who resisted were killed, fifteen were beaten, and twenty-seven were imprisoned.

Lin Yi was eating breakfast and listening to the report of Arhat who was smelling of sweat. He couldn't help but sigh and said, "It's not a good idea to fight and kill."

Arhat was about to explain when he heard Lin Yi say, "Since they are seeking death, I can't blame the king.

 If you jump out to be a villain, you must be aware of being crushed. "

"Your Majesty is wise," Arhat said with a long sigh of relief, "Your Majesty, don't worry, there is no wronged soul.

Shopkeeper Song had been following the man whom I killed yesterday for a long time. He was a gangster with more than a dozen murders. He happened to show disrespect to the prince, so he killed him easily.

At night, when the two thieves found out, they killed the whole family of four. The younger one was really angry.

There is also a flower-picking thief, relying on his good dexterity skills, he dared to show his knife to us. Fortunately, Miss Mingyue is here, otherwise we would not be able to catch up with him. "

The prince in their family is good at everything, but he is too soft-hearted and if he doesn't explain things clearly, he will be in trouble in the future.

 “Did you kill him?” Lin Yi looked at Mingyue who was making tea for himself.

Mingyue bowed and said, "I made a mistake, please forgive me."

 “Well done, but it would be a disaster to keep this kind of **** that ruins a person’s reputation,”

Lin Yi wanted to kill such people with a thousand knives, "The key now is those people who were captured by you, where are they being held?"

 They don’t even have a place to live?

It's not a joke to give prisoners a place to live!

Xie Zan smiled and said, "Your Majesty, I am a Tongzhi Prisoner, so naturally I am a prisoner.

 In the past, new prisoners had to stay there for a few months. "

Lin Yi asked in surprise, "Is there a cell?"

Xie Zan said, “Right next to the fodder warehouse, there is an underground cell where at most a hundred or ten people are imprisoned.

 If you are interested, Your Majesty, you can go and have a look. "

 “Let’s go and see it again when you have time,”

Lin Yi would naturally not be too busy to visit such an unlucky place, "Incarceration also wastes food. Instead of doing this, it is better to assign them to work."

 When you go to Etou Mountain to build a road, aren’t you sending people?

 Allow them to undergo labor reform. "

 After finishing speaking, I couldn’t help but hope that Arhat would arrest more people.

Xie Zan smiled and said, "Your Majesty is wise."

 It not only achieves the purpose of punishment, but also saves labor money.

Lin Yi picked up the teacup and felt it was hot, so he put it down again, and then said, "You can almost go back."

Song Cheng and Luo Han looked at each other. Song Cheng said first, "Your Majesty, I made proper arrangements before I came here. It won't be a big deal even if I don't go back."

Arhat cupped his hands and said, "The same goes for the little one."

Lin Yi waved his hand and said, "Except for you two, I can't trust anyone, so go back and help me guard the stall.

 The other mother's people are still alive, but the money is gone. "

 After hearing this, everyone couldn't help but laugh.

“The prince trusts me so much that I won’t give up even if I die!”

Song Cheng choked up.

 “Same as small ones.”

Arhat also hurriedly knelt down.

Lin Yi looked at Song Cheng and said impatiently, "A man, crying like this?"

 The key point is that he still can’t tell whether it’s true or false!

 Who the **** did you learn this from?

I can't help but fall into self-doubt. Do I really have the spirit of a **** in me, and no one or two can bear to leave me?

“Your Majesty, please forgive me, I couldn’t help myself at the moment,”

Song Cheng stood up and said, "Since the prince has given instructions, I will return to the capital in a few days. I will definitely live up to the high expectations of the prince."

Lin Yidao, "Everything depends on money, money on money."

Song Chengdao said, "I understand, little one."

Three days later, Song Cheng and Luo Han left with more than 50 bodyguards, and the construction of He Wang's mansion also officially started.

Lin Yi watched boat after boat of limestone being transported to the shore, feeling very pleased.

  Thanks to the effective maintenance of public security by the palace guards, batches of free labor were sent over, including those who violated curfew, some who got into fights, some who committed theft, and some who failed to repay debts, just to name a few.

 It’s quite suitable to be a porter.

ps: Recommendation votes for new books are very important, please give me your support.

 (End of this chapter)

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