I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 451: human touch

Chapter 451 Human touch

Liang Jin’s originally twinkling eyes suddenly dimmed.

 There is a reason for a man, and a rein for a horse.

Their second shopkeeper has always had this temperament, and this stubborn character cannot be changed by a few words.

 However, he still refused to give up and said, "Shopkeeper, you just said you would support me."

People, you still have to have some hope!

Pork Rong patted him on the shoulder and said, "I want you to take charge of the caravan in Saibei. From now on, you have the final say all the way to Saibei."

Liang Jinpei smiled and said, "Shopkeeper, what about my monthly payment?"

  Why does it cost extra to go to that bitter cold place in Saibei?

Pork Rong said carelessly, "If you think about it carefully, how many of the guys in Ankang City can earn three ounces of money a month?"

 I feel very unhappy!

This little gold is becoming more and more dissatisfied, and even a little ungrateful.


After Liang Jin heard this, his eyes immediately turned red.

 Having been involved in the butchery business for so many years, are you really doing it just for a few pennies?

 I have been working so hard until now, not only have I not been read well, but I have also been treated like a fool!

Which one is tolerable?

 It’s too much to deceive others!

 “What am I?”

Pork Rong said nonchalantly, "You kid is taking yourself more and more seriously now. If I can't give you a rag, I'll open a **** shop, and if I can give you some color, I'll open a dyeing shop."

Humility must be ever more humble. In this business world, you still have a lot to learn, and it’s not yet time for you to become a teacher. "

“Shopkeeper, I have been an apprentice for six years,”

Xiao Jinzi couldn’t help but retorted, “You just keep a dog and it has feelings. Do you need to add two more bones?”

 “What the hell, when did I treat you like a dog?”

●Zhu Rong's face turned red and he said, "If you think about it carefully, what did I do wrong to you?"

Liang Jin said bravely, "Shopkeeper, I'm not young anymore. I need more money to start a family."

“Our rule in Sanhe is that the more you work, the more you get, and we distribute according to your work.”

Zhu Rong rolled his eyes at him and said, "No matter how much work you do, how much money you get, there is a fixed amount. You ask me for a raise today. If you follow my example, others will ask for a raise tomorrow. Do you want to continue this business in the future?" ?”


Liang Jin gritted his teeth and said, "I am the oldest clerk in our industry. I have no credit but hard work."

 In this cold weather, he should be on duty, and the private affairs of the butcher and Pork Rong should have nothing to do with him.

 However, he is an apprentice and a clerk, and he must obey the master in everything.

 Standing at the gate of the Governor's Mansion to watch the wind in the middle of the night, only I understand the hardship.

 “I know the hard work,”

 Zhu Rong patted him on the shoulder again and said, "Don't worry, when you and I become prosperous, we will definitely not forget you, kid.

You, do your work well and don’t think about the gains and losses. "

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Seeing that Zhu Zhurong stopped paying attention to him, Liang Jin returned to the gate of the Governor's Mansion and continued to look out.

 The wind is getting stronger and thicker.

If you stand for too long, you will inevitably have a lot on your mind.

 Unconsciously, I remembered many things I said to the prince: There are only a few sane people in this world.

 Successful people are destined to be lonely!

Looking back now, he finally understood.

 Just like the emperor, he feels the cold at a high place. When he turns around, there is no one behind him.

He suddenly turned his head away, straightened his body, and said proudly to Pork, "The shopkeeper!"


Zhu Zhurong still didn't look at him and said impatiently, "Keep a good watch. If you miss it, be careful of your skin. You kid, you have to work hard and your brain is not good. If you continue like this, I can’t reward you with this bowl of rice.”

"what happened again."

Zhu Rong said impatiently, "If your skin is itchy, I'll loosen it for you. You kid is getting worse and worse."

Liang Jin shouted loudly, "I won't serve you anymore!"

“Who the **** are you calling me?”

Pork Rong clenched his fists, strode forward and said, "You are going to **** rebel!"

For many years, no one dared to talk to him like this!

 He was naturally furious!

 It’s simply lawless!

 A young man needs hard work but not hard work. He only needs connections but not money. He only needs money but not money!

Haven't just let him flatten and round it!

Liang Jin looked at Zhu Zhurong, who was approaching in a menacing manner. He took a step back unconsciously due to Zhu Zhurong's many years of power, and his eyes inadvertently glanced at the two guards at the door.

 My heart instantly calmed down again!

 He didn’t believe that Pork Rong dared to commit murder at the gate of the Governor’s Mansion!

Although there is no sworn hatred between Ho Hong and Wei Yishan, they are in the same boat. Despite this, they did not dare to fight at the gate of the Governor's Mansion.

If Pork Rong suddenly becomes stupid and attacks himself in the street, he will actually make a fortune!

 “Shopkeeper, I won’t reconcile without two hundred taels of silver!”

Liang Jin directly raised his head and met Zhu Rong's fist.

 Hearing the word "two hundred taels", Zhu Zhurong's fist stopped directly in front of Liang Jin's eyes.

 “You **** thing, how dare you threaten me?”

Pork Rong became angrier the more he thought about it.

The guys are responsible for their own jobs. As long as their skills are lower than their own, they will beat them up and scold them whenever they want, but no one dares to take the initiative to report them to the official!

 As time passed, he almost forgot about Liang Lu.

Now, Liang Jin suddenly resisted himself, which made him at a loss.

"Shopkeeper, don't wait, just hit him if you want."

As long as you don't die, what's the point of getting beaten?

As long as he insists on not conciliating and enters the litigation process, he will definitely be sent to a labor camp if he does not pay compensation!

If Zhu Rong insists on going to a labor camp directly without losing money, then generations of his family, like Deng Ke, will have no chance of "fame" in the future.

 “You really don’t dare to act like me?”

While Pork Rong spoke, he couldn't help but glance at the motionless guard at the door.

Hearing the noise, the butcher raised the thick curtain of the carriage and stuck his head out. When he saw Liang Jin with a rebellious look and Zhu Zhurong with an angry look, he knew that the two people were at odds.

If it were normal times, if these two people were quarreling at the gate of the Governor's Mansion, he would be eager to watch the excitement.

 But it certainly won’t work today, as his daughter is in the Governor’s Mansion.

Pork Rong is his partner, and if things get too big and he is implicated, in the end it is his daughter who loses her face.

How can her daughter be happy if such a joke is made to her when she first arrives in Ankang City?

 It’s not just you who needs to keep a low profile!

 Pork meat has to be kept low-key!

 Don’t cause any trouble to your daughter!

“Zhu Rong, what is your identity, why do you care about a child?”

He trotted over to the butcher, pushed away Liang Jin who was holding his neck, pulled Pork Rong aside, and while brushing the snow off his body, said, "I spread the word, I thought you were short-tempered."

 “That’s right, that’s right,”

Deng Ke on the side joined in, and then said to Liang Jin, "Xiao Jinzi, what's going on, makes your shopkeeper so angry?

Hurry up and make amends to your shopkeeper. There are so many people in charge of your shop that they won’t bother you anymore. "

"I am right!"

The more Liang Jin thought about it, the more aggrieved he became, and tears started to fall down his eyes.

He started working as a butcher at the age of nine and worked as a butcher for six years.

 Pork glory targets itself, and the butcher will not help itself.

 No one really treats him sincerely!

 “Hey, you kid, why are you crying?”

While the butcher was talking, he looked awkwardly at the two guards at the door and said with a smile, "My children like to make trouble, please forgive me."

 The two guards stood motionless at the door, expressionless, as if they had not heard the butcher's words.

The butcher was asking for trouble. He turned to Liang Jin again and said helplessly, "Xiao Jinzi, you have been with me for so many years and I treat you as my own child. The second shopkeeper has a bad temper, so don't go there." Go to your heart.”

 “The big shopkeeper,”

Liang Jin sobbed as he spoke, "Since I became your apprentice, I have been working diligently and I have never felt sorry for you."

Think of yourself as your son?

 Think of yourself as a grandson!

 Among the apprentices of Jiang's family, apart from Domazi, who had been with Jiang Butcher in adversity and was helpful in saving his life, Jiang Butcher didn't treat anyone as a human being!


The butcher quickly comforted him and said, "If anything happens, let's talk about it later, okay?"

“Is there something that you can’t explain clearly to your face, but you have to cover it up and talk about it later?”

 A kind woman's voice suddenly appeared in the air.

 Liang Jin felt happy, turned around suddenly, and saw Mrs. Sang suddenly appearing at the door of the Governor's Mansion.

Hurryly wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, leaned down and said, "Mother-in-law."

 He was an orphan in an orphanage and was greatly favored by Mrs. Sang.

To Mrs. Sang, he regarded her as his grandmother and treated her with great respect.

                  by Mr. Sang'

 Pork Rong and the butcher and others lowered their eyebrows and were very respectful to Granny Sang.

Although Mrs. Sang is just an old woman, she is a third-rank official personally promoted by the prince!

 In the newly built Ministry of Health, Mrs. Sang’s power is second only to the Minister of Health, Hu Shilu!

The most important thing is that this old lady is respected by the blind man, the monk, and Yu Xiao. Even if she is not an official, not only will no one dare to offend her easily, but there will not even be many people who will not betray her face.

That **** Ma Jie once lamented that this is the real "uncrowned king".

Mrs. Sang ignored Deng Ke and others, walked straight to Liang Jin, patted the snowflakes on his head for him, and said with a smile, "Good boy, why are you crying? A man will not shed tears easily."


These kind and kind words made Xiao Jinzi's eyes suddenly burst into tears, and the patch on his chest turned into ice **** in a short time.

 “Don’t cry,”

Mrs. Sang smiled and said, "You already have one bad eye, but you still cry like this. Do you want to be like Wang Dong?"

 “I got it, mother-in-law,”

Xiao Jinzi wiped away his tears, lowered his head and said, "I'll let you worry."

 “There are too many children, and I really can’t take care of them.”

Mrs. Sang still smiled and said, "You say you have difficulties, but in fact there are more younger brothers and sisters who have difficulties than you. Some of them can't even speak. Don't blame your mother-in-law."

 “I know my mother-in-law, how could I blame you,”

Liang Jin shook his head like a rattle and said loudly, "You are my life-long benefactor, Liang Jin. Mother-in-law, don't worry. When I make a lot of money in the future, I will definitely build a hundred orphanages for you!"

 How could he not know about the situation in the orphanage!

 Grandma Sang is right. In terms of difficulties, he, Liang Jin, cannot be ranked high in any case.

 “Hey, it would be great if there were no orphanages in the world in the future,”

Mrs. Sang shook her head and smiled bitterly, "I hope that all the children in the world can stay with their parents and be loved by their parents. No matter how difficult it is, it is still better than this."

 “What you say is absolutely true,”

Deng Ke said with a smile, "This child without parents will always have a hard time."

He and Mrs. Sang actually lived on the same street before. Baiyun City was so big that we couldn’t see each other without looking up. Who didn’t know each other?

I can’t say how good the relationship is, but at least they understand each other in detail.

 He didn't need to be so respectful to Mrs. Sang.

 But, he is an official!

 As an official, you can suppress yourself!

 It’s better not to offend easily!

 “You know it too?”

Sang Pozi suddenly asked.

Seeing Mrs. Sang looking at him, the butcher hurriedly said, "Sir, we hire workers in strict accordance with Liang's laws. There is nothing illegal."

Pork Rong also followed suit, "Your Majesty, I am aware that monthly payments are never withheld and are always paid on time. There is no need to embarrass this child."

Mrs. Sang smiled and said, "The shopkeepers have not violated this law, but they have lost their humanity. If this child succeeds in the future, he will have no good relationship with them."

Although the butcher didn't agree in his heart, he still hurriedly echoed, "That's what your Excellency said."

 “Listen to the teachings of adults,”

Pork Rong smiled and said, "I will definitely change my temper."

 “That’s right, that’s right,”

Deng Ke followed, "From now on, I will definitely take care of this child."

After Mrs. Sang shook her head helplessly, she looked at Liang Jin and said, "I also know your child's temper. He is just too talkative. If you lose your rapport with the shopkeepers, this fate will naturally be gone.

You kid should find a way to make a living on your own, and don't cause any more trouble to the shopkeepers. "

Liang Jin nodded without hesitation and said, "I understand, mother-in-law."

 The butcher explained, "Master Sang, I don't mean this."

“The shopkeeper doesn’t need to explain too much. We’ve been on the same street for so many years, so I understand your temperament. I just saw your girl. I haven’t seen you for many years and she’s getting more and more depressed. I have to congratulate the shopkeeper.”

After speaking, Mrs. Sang cupped her hands and said, "It's too late. My body can't stand the cold, so I left first. The shopkeeper will wait here slowly."

 “Congratulations, Your Excellency!”

 The butcher, Pork Rong and Deng Ke said in unison.

Only Liang Jin said nothing, and after banging his head three times to the carriage that was driving away, he disappeared directly into the darkness.

The lantern at the door of the Governor's Mansion was still swaying left and right in the wind and snow.

He Jixiang was sitting on the main seat, looking at the generals and officials sitting on both sides, and suddenly looked at the general at the bottom.

 “Please give me your orders!”

 Jiang Zhen stood up, walked to the center of the hall, leaned over and saluted with fists in his hands.

He Jixiang said calmly, "I will arrest you. You have always been smart, so I just asked you a question in the school exam."

 Jiang Zhen said, "You are too smart to be worthy of your praise. Your Excellency has given you too much praise."

He Jixiang stroked his beard and said, "There are a group of birds on the tree. If you shoot them with an arrow, how many will be left in the end?"

 “Naturally there is not one left.”

 Jiang Zhen answered without hesitation.

This kind of problem is an old routine in Wang Ye's novels.

"good very good,"

He Jixiang nodded with satisfaction and said, "Now that you can guard the palace, I will feel at ease."

 (End of this chapter)

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