I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 452: caught off guard

Chapter 452: Unprepared

A trace of confusion appeared on Jiang Zhen's beautiful face.

“There are a group of birds on a tree. If you shoot an arrow through it, how many birds are left in the end?” This question is too simple!

Everyone who has heard He Wangye’s story or read He Wangye’s novels will know this!

I'm afraid people like Yu Shi and Dui who are not clear-headed can give the answer directly.

 From her mouth comes out that she is smart?

 Still reassured her?

  Why is Master Jixiang deliberately pretending to be stupid?

 But, what is the status of Lady He Jixiang? Is there anything that cannot be said in front of a little person like her?

Why bother pretending to be stupid?

 That’s not necessary!

  There is no need to take care of the emotions of a little person like her!

 “Your Excellency, you are so complimentary,”

Although Jiang Zhen didn't understand, he didn't ask any more questions. He said respectfully, "Please give me your orders. I will definitely die without hesitation."

He Jixiang stroked his beard and said, "What is death? Immortal, the forbidden area of ​​the palace, is it a place where Xiaoxiao can come and go at will?"

Where do you need to go through life and death?

 After entering the palace and becoming the commander of the escort, the most important thing to protect the imperial concubine is to be rigorous and careful. How good this skill is is not very important. "

 Jiang Zhen hurriedly said, "Don't worry, Your Majesty, I will definitely do my best!"

 She was directly promoted from a small chief catcher to the commander of the palace guards, which did not make her very happy!

 The palace is like a prison. You spend your whole day being humble and submissive among a group of nobles. How can you have the freedom and ease of catching thieves?

He Jixiang nodded and said, "That's good. From now on, the safety of Concubine Yuan Guixiang will depend on you alone.

 Where is Liu Kan? "

 “The official is here.”

After hearing this, Liu Kan stood up from his seat. While replying to He Jixiang, he occasionally glanced at the heroic General Zhen.

 Although he and Jiang Zhen were not childhood sweethearts, they had known each other since childhood and had grown up together, but Jiang Zhen's changes still made him unable to believe it.

 It is really a transformation of women!

He Jixiang and other servants filled the tea cup with water, slowly picked it up, and said in an unquestionable tone, "Jiang Zhen came to Ankang City for the first time, so he is naturally not familiar with this northern land. Please take more care of him.

The aunts in the palace are the best at making trouble, but they are all very familiar with the rules in the palace. After you bring her into the palace, send her to those aunts to learn for a while, so as not to be rude. Empress. "


 Liu Kan and Jiang Zhen said in unison.

He Jixiang nodded happily and said, "I am getting old. From now on, you will be the true ministers of the Regent!

 Do you know? "


Jiang Zhen didn't react for a while. It wasn't until he saw the generals sitting on both sides kneeling down without standing upright that he realized that the "Prince Regent" was Prince He!

 He and the prince are the regents!

The knees unconsciously knelt down along with everyone else, shouting in unison: "The Regent is a thousand years old, a thousand years old!"

 He lowered his head and did not dare to say a word.

He Jixiang then continued, "When you work hard, you must not let the prince down."


Everyone said respectfully again.

 “Get up,”

He Jixiang put down the tea cup, waved his hand casually and said, "I'm tired, you can go down."

 Everyone saluted again and filed out.

 Jiang Zhen followed Liu Kan out of the hall. When the people around him dispersed, he whispered, "Are you going to the palace?"

Liu Kan smiled and said, "Am I so impersonal?"

 Jiangzhen pursed his lips and smiled, "It looks like it to me."

Liu Kan said as he walked, "I've been waiting at the city gate since noon. I'm probably still looking at him outside the house now. You'd better go and see him first."

 Jiang Zhen said proudly, "Thank you very much."

 “Take this,”

Liu Kan threw out a waist card casually, waited for Jiang Zhen to take it and said, "I will only give you three days of leave. After three days, you can directly take this waist card into the palace and say my name, and someone will naturally lure you." Enter the palace."

“I didn’t expect that you, the commander of the flag-bearer and guard, would be quite prosperous,”

 Jiangzhen said with a smile, "It's enviably tight."

 “You don’t have to be envious,”

Liu Kan said lightly, "Lord He values ​​you so much that he personally promoted you to the position of Commander-in-Chief of the Guards. In this huge palace, you are second only to the Commander-in-Chief of the Imperial Guards Yu Wenshe and me. Your future prospects are naturally limitless."

 “You’re joking again,”

 Jiang Zhen suddenly sighed and said, "Actually, you can feel it. I don't like to be a guard or commander like this. I still like a more comfortable job.

 It’s a pity that this is Master He’s order, so I naturally dare not disobey it. "

Liu Kan smiled and said, "It's good to know, it will save me a lot of trouble."

“One thing I don’t understand is that both our Sanhe Army and Ankang City are full of talented people.”

Jiang Zhen said with a puzzled look on his face, "Why would Mr. He let me, a fledgling girl, take on such a big responsibility?

Your Majesty is so noble. If something goes wrong, how can I bear it? "

Liu Kanhun said nonchalantly, “In the story of Prince He, there is a soldier king who once said:

 Faithlessness without absolute loyalty is disloyalty.

Mr. He deeply thinks so.

There are certainly many capable and intelligent people in the world, especially in Ankang City, the most prosperous place in the world, where there are countless young talents.

 But if they are not loyal to the prince, what is the use of their knowledge and talents? "

Jiang Zhen only pondered for a moment before he understood what Liu Kan meant. He cupped his hands and said, "Thank you, Mr. Liu, for clarifying my confusion."

 For Prince He and his Sanhe, loyalty trumps everything.

  Without loyalty, a strong subordinate is just a grass on the wall that will fall to either side at any time.

 He Wangye doesn’t need help, and neither does Sanhe.

 So, "nepotism" is the best solution at present.

 “Mr. Liu?”

Liu Kan shook his head and said, "You are too polite. You and I are in the same spirit. From now on, we will be in the same palace, so we will naturally take care of each other and be less polite."

“You are the commander of the standard guard, I dare not be disrespectful to you,”

Jianzhen covered his mouth and smiled, "However, Brother Liu has said so, why should I be a little bolder?

 Can I ask for advice again? "

Liu Kan waved his hands proudly and said, "Please tell me, of course I know everything I know and can tell you everything."

Jiangzhen whispered, "In my opinion, aren't Sister Mingyue and Sister Zixia the best candidates?"

These two people have been with the prince since they were young, and they are naturally familiar with every plant, tree, brick and tile in the palace than he, a wild girl from the countryside. If he doesn't know the rules and bumps into the empress, it may be a death penalty. .

"These two people have reached the peak of the ninth level. They are highly skilled in martial arts and should not be approached by ordinary people."

 Liu Kan also agreed with her words very much, but then changed the subject, "However, they are not the best candidates."


 Jiang Zhen said in surprise.

Liu Kan looked around and saw no one around, so he whispered, "It is said that the empress does not like these two girls."

 Jiangzhen asked curiously, "How do you say this?"

Liu Kan said, "You and I have grown up together. I don't think you will harm me, right?"

 Jiang Zhen rolled his eyes at him and said, "What do you think?"

“Then I will say it boldly, you know it, I know it, God knows it, and the earth knows it, and you must not let a third person know it,”

Liu Kan and others nodded and continued, "There is a first-class girl named Lai Ru next to the queen, and the queen is very fond of her.

But I don’t know what stupidity I suddenly made, and I dared to enter the house without authorization and harm Miss Mingyue and Zixia. "

 “I have known about Lai Ru since I was in Jinling City,”

Jiang Zhen pondered for a moment and said, "Although she has practiced Hui Yuan Gong, she has no talent. She has always been a third-level student. How dare she act so presumptuously in front of the two girls?"

 “I don’t know that,”

Liu Kan shook his head firmly and said, "When the prince found out, he was very angry and asked Ye Qiu to kill Lai Ru, and Lai Ru naturally died with his eyes open."

 After that, he became more convinced that the previous rumors were true.

As expected, Wang Ye and Mingyue accepted Miss Mingyue and Zixia.

Although the two have not yet decided on their names, no matter how confused He Jixiang is, he will not send the person who sleeps with the prince into the palace.

Isn’t this looking for scolding?

“Did Ye Qiu kill her?”

 Jiang Zhen's expression changed several times.


Liu Kan said with a smile, "The prince was worried about your mother's health and never told her the details. She only thought that Lai Ru had stolen the gold and silver from the palace and ran back to her hometown in the countryside. She was furious."

"I see."

 Zhang Zhen politely handed over his hand again.

 It was interesting enough that Liu Kan could talk to him so much!

If it were anyone else, I’m afraid I wouldn’t even say a word!

Based on these few words of Liu Kan, she will be able to make more plans after entering the palace.

“No wonder Cao Xiaohuan said you are the smartest among the female detectives,”

Liu Kan continued to walk forward, "However, this palace is still no different from other places. You must be more careful."

Seeing that Liu Kan was about to reach the door, Jiang Zhen suddenly stopped on the sidewalk and said, "My little sister is acting like a king. I hope my brother will give me more praise."

 She understood clearly that this strategic alliance must be ended, otherwise Liu Kan would not reveal more.

“I am one year older than you, so it’s okay to be your brother.”

Liu Kan turned around, looked at Jiang Zhen, and said word by word, "When you enter the palace, be careful of anyone around you. Don't trust anyone easily."

 Jiangzhen nodded and said, "This is natural."

Liu Kan said again, "You can't be a good person in the palace. Good people never end well."

 Jiang Zhen said modestly, "I hope my brother can clarify my doubts."

 When they were in school, whether they were talking to the prince, Mingyue or Zixia, they always advised them to be good people.

 Even when he became a policeman, it was also to catch bad people and deliver justice.

"You are no longer a spy. Forget all your current identities. Be careful with your words when entering the palace. Learn more and see more. As time goes by, you will understand everything."

Liu Kan said with emotion, "This palace is just like in Jianghu. The easier you are to talk, the more others will bully you, because there is no need to pay for bullying you.

 Things that cost nothing, everyone is willing to do and enjoy doing it. "

 “My younger sister has remembered what my brother said.”

 Jiang Zhen hesitated for a moment, but in the end he did not refute him with Prince He.

He Wangye often laughs at himself as a "good old man".

 But there is no "good person" around Prince He.

From Hong Ying to Stanley Ho, Tan Fei, Chen Xinluo, and even the confused Yu Shih-hour and Ah-Dai, which one is not ruthless?

She once saw with her own eyes Yu Xiaoshi and Ah-Dai competing to see who could smash their heads more badly with a hammer. The one with the most pieces of meat would win.

She, a woman who had seen big events, vomited her stomach completely and didn't eat for three days.

 With these people around, who dares to bully Mr. He?

Who dares to turn a deaf ear to what Prince He said will end well?

Liu Kan continued, "Everything in the palace is based on the respect of the empress. Everything ordered by the empress must be done without any disobedience."

 Jiangzhen hesitated and said, "What if the empress wants me to be like that Lai Ru?"

Liu Kan smiled and said, "Then just go ahead and do it."

 Jiang Zhen’s puzzled way, “But.”

Liu Kan waved his hand and said, "Do you think I, the commander of the flag-bearer and guard, am deaf and blind?"

 “That’s it.”

 Jiang Zhen nodded and said.

Liu Kan whispered, "The one who needs to be careful most is Tan Xizi."

 “Happy father-in-law?”

 Jiang Zhen did not think of this.

 I think back when Tan Xizi was in Sanhe, they got along pretty well.

 She was also planning to visit him in person after entering the palace.

“Just remember what I said. If you have any doubts, talk to me later. I’ve told you so much now that you can’t remember it.”

Liu Kan saw Pork Rong and Deng Ke waving at them at the door of the mansion, as well as Jiang Butcher, who stood straight and straight. He smiled and said, "Your father is here, just let him go first, don't let them wait." Anxious."

 “So little sister, I’ll take my leave first.”

 Jiang Zhen walked straight towards the butcher Jiang and others outside the door.

The butcher had a straight face, and without waiting for Jiang Zhen to speak, he said directly, "Your two uncles are so cold that they can't move their hands and feet because they were waiting for you. Please stop chatting here and go home first."

Deng Ke hurriedly said, "No, no, it doesn't matter if you wait for a while, but I think you have to travel all the way, so you should quickly find a place to rest your stomach and wash away the dust."

Pork Rong couldn't call Jiang Zhen by his name, and he couldn't be as flattering as Deng Ke, so he could only echo, "Yes, yes, go home quickly. This northern land is no better than our Sanhe. I'm afraid you will be very cold." "

 Jiang Zhen smiled and said, "Thank you uncles so much."

 Speaking, he got into the carriage without hesitation.

The carriage turned left and right in the white snow, and finally left the city. Seeing the confusion on General Zhen's face, Zhu Zhurong smiled and said, "The city is crowded. Na Tian Sixi got the support of Prince He, outside the city Your father and I have really made some money over the years by building a new house.

Your father will return to Sanhe in the future. I was born and raised here, so I simply bought a Sanjin house.

My family will definitely not be able to live in such a big place. Your father doesn't mind it, so he settled in my place. "

He handed Zhen over and said, "This will cause trouble."

 Zhu Rong saw that Jiang Zhen was very respectful to him, and said happily, "You're welcome.

However, your father loves you very much and is afraid that you will be inconvenienced by me. At noon, he bought a new house and hired servant girls. There was no shortage of clothes and bedding. It was very complete. "

Although the butcher was disdainful of Zhu Rong's words, he did not refute. He only saw his girl looking at him slowly and saying, "Thank you so much, father."

ˆ “.”

 The butcher was suddenly caught off guard by his daughter's attitude.

Is this still my girl?

 (End of this chapter)

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