Chapter 453 Expectations

 He was born into poverty. He was in poverty in the first half of his life, but suddenly became rich in the second half of his life. It always felt a bit unrealistic.

 However, the biggest surprise in life is the death of my daughter Jiangzhen.

He never imagined that the yellow-haired girl he once "disdained" would be as powerful as she is now!

 After so many years, he still remembered the day she was born.

The sun had just set, and his wife looked at the dark clouds in the sky and sighed, saying that heavy rain was coming.

 The rain in Sanhe comes at any time. There is never a precise number. Everyone has always been accustomed to it.

 However, his wife is still very annoying.

The endless heavy rain from the sky hit the thin roof, and soon it was soaked through. The inside of the house was the same as the outside.

She is unhappy and unwilling, so what can be done?

I could only hold my big belly and bend down with great effort to move the wooden barrel containing pork belly at home to the house, and put it under the roof that had not been repaired last time to catch the rainwater.

Just when she was about to take a breath, her stomach suddenly hurt.

The butcher only heard a loud scream. Realizing that something was wrong, he hurried into the house and saw his wife rolling on the floor in pain, covered in sweat.

 While he was in a daze, his wife yelled at him to find Po Wen.

Originally we agreed not to find a stable woman, but Chen Xilian, that little girl, even though she is young, she still has to give her some benefits!

In Baiyun City, most of the wives’ births are done by their own elders!

 There is absolutely no reason to find a stable wife!

However, after all, they were a married couple, and he couldn’t bear to hear his wife’s pitiful cries. Regardless of his mother’s dissuasion, he took two coins and a pair of pig livers and invited Chen Xilian, who was only sixteen years old at the time, to come over.

The firewood in the kitchen was all wet. He heated hot water for Chen Xilian, but he couldn't light it anyway. In the end, his mother lit it.

 At night, there was a thunderstorm.

 In the midst of his nervousness and anxiety, he finally heard a loud cry.

He was hiding at the entrance of the stove to warm himself by the fire. As soon as he ran out of the kitchen, he saw the old lady walking out of the room with a gloomy face.

I could only hear his mother muttering about paying for things.

He felt a chill in his heart. The "Guzai" he had full of expectations for had failed.

However, regardless of whether they were men or women, they were all his children. He still had to take a look, but he was scolded by his mother again.

His wife said impatiently, "What are you doing, are you going in here to seek bad luck?

 Tell me, that belly is so unsatisfactory that it has eaten so many of my fish. "

The child's cries gradually drowned out the increasingly loud sounds of rain and wind outside, making him even more upset. He had no time to pay attention to the complaining old woman and rushed into another room.

He didn't inhale hard, but he could still smell the strong fishy smell in the damp room.

His wife was lying on a bed made of two wooden boards, sweating profusely and not knowing whether she was alive or dead. Next to her was a baby with a naked buttocks and no covering, who was crying in confusion.

He became a father for the first time in his life. Looking at this wrinkled child who looked like a little old man, he looked at Chen Xilian at a loss as he was washing his hands in a basin full of blood.

He couldn't help but said, "Big sister"

 “Mother and daughter are safe,”

 Chen Xilian stood up after washing her hands and said calmly, "I didn't get that pig liver of yours in vain. Fortunately you came to me, otherwise I would have killed two people."

 “Thank you, thank you very much,”

Handing over the butcher's hand, he looked at his wife who didn't even open her eyes. He hesitated and said, "Then what is she?"

 Chen Xilian said with a smile, "I walked around in front of the gate of hell. Fortunately I didn't die, but it took a lot of effort. I'm exhausted now, so I naturally need to take a good rest."

"I see."

The butcher did not dare to look at the dirty and crying child. He ran to his wife and wiped his sweat with a towel.

 Occasionally, I couldn't help but take a look at the child, but I didn't dare to stay longer. No matter what, I couldn't figure out how I could give birth to such an "ugly" child.

Chen Xilian seemed to have figured out what he was thinking, and said with a smile, "Don't worry, it will grow in two days, so you don't have to be embarrassed like this."

 “So that’s it.”

 The butcher breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing Chen Xilian pick up the child, wrap it in a rag, and then put it on his wife's chest, he glanced at Chen Xilian gratefully.

Chen Xilian said, "Brother General, I'm leaving. If you need anything, please call me again."

 “Then I won’t give it away.”

The butcher said this, but he still sent Chen Xilian out of the door personally, "Sister Chen, why don't you wait until it stops raining outside before leaving?"

Chen Xilian said with a smile, "The lonely old lady of the Liang family has already sued me today, so I have to go and take a look."

The butcher said curiously, "Then I won't keep him. Please be slower on the road."

That night of thunder and lightning, Liang Yuanzhi came out an hour after his daughter was born.

He was originally very unhappy when someone else's mother-in-law gave birth to a son and his own mother-in-law gave birth to a daughter.

 However, as he looked at his increasingly lovely daughter, his heart melted inadvertently.

As long as the girl can have enough to eat, it doesn't matter how much he suffers?

 When Prince He joined Sanhe and opened a free school, he was one of the few who actively responded and sent his children to school.

 Because He Wangfu’s meat is bought from him, and only he knows how good the meat is!

He is reluctant to let his daughter eat his own meat!

Go to the school and eat whatever meat is available in the school!

He doesn’t care about etiquette. Men and women don’t have separate banquets. It’s okay for girls to eat what they have!

The only thing that he didn't expect was that his daughter was so unintentional that she was not only better than his son who only knew how to eat, drink and have fun, but also outcompeted many men in Baiyun City!

When he entered the city the next night, he looked at the magnanimity of the general leading the army and his blood boiled with excitement!

 In the words of Deng Ke, an old boy, the future is definitely limitless!

What makes him even more proud is that no matter how powerful his daughter is, she is still his daughter, and there is no way she can escape from the palm of his father!

It's just that his daughter suddenly spoke to him in such a polite and outrageous tone, which made him confused!

This kind of meeting scene was completely inconsistent with his expectations.

When he was hesitating and didn't know how to reply, he heard Deng Ke say, "Your father has worked hard for you. You will know when you look at the house later. The rich man in Ankang City is evil. That house How dare you ask for a thousand taels of silver!

If it were a weekday, there would still be a chance to choose one. Time was urgent, so it was decided. In the evening, I dragged on the relationship with Fuyin Yamen and directly processed the house deed. It was all in a hurry. . "

   Jiang Zhen said with a bright smile, "That's a lot of work, Dad."

The more respectful the girl was, the more uncomfortable the butcher became. He couldn't figure out the situation for a while, so he could only sneer and say, "I am your father, and I should do whatever I do.

Hurry up, the curfew is coming soon, and the police are all acquaintances, but it will always be more troublesome if you encounter them, so as not to let them bend the law for personal gain. "

 The wind and snow were pulling hard all the way.

In order to develop the economy in the south of the city, the south gate is open twelve hours a day. Unless there is an emergency, the gate will not be closed.

 So at this moment, there are still many carriages passing through the south gate.

Needless to say, apart from the caravans coming from the south, who else is willing to run like this in the dead of winter?

 However, there are also some vegetable farmers coming from the southern suburbs.

Since the prince and I started growing vegetables in thatched huts and wooden huts in the Northland, green vegetables have gradually appeared in the barren Northland in winter.

Now in Ankang City, the price of these vegetables is more expensive than the meat he sells!

 Sometimes, he and Zhu Zhurong were so angry that they wished they could build a shed and grow vegetables themselves!

 However, after having been in business for so many years, he and Zhu Zhurong still know what they are capable of.

They definitely can’t do such a thing as farming!

The rubber wheel invented by Deng Ke creaked and trudged through the snow, and soon arrived at the "Heaven and Earth" community outside the south gate.

 The four words "Heaven and Earth" were inscribed by the prince himself.

Because of these four words, all the brothels in Ankang City, big and small, opened around this area.

 In just half a year, this place has become a bustling place for fireworks.

 It was late at night, even though it was snowing, there were still many guests coming in and out.

Occasionally, you can hear the loud burps of guests and the quarrels of boys and coachmen.

Zhu Rong said carelessly, "Master He Jixiang's move is really instant. There is a curfew in the city, and all the guests looking for fun come outside the city."

   He had no scruples about Deng Ke winking at him.

Deng Ke was very helpless. Do you need some discernment in speaking and doing things?

 Since entering this land of fireworks, Jiang Zhen's face has become increasingly ugly. Are you still talking about it?

For this kind of person, getting rich depends entirely on luck!

Zhu Rong saw that no one responded to his words, so he simply stopped talking. Just when he felt very embarrassed, the carriage stopped.

Deng Ke opened the heavy straw curtain, stretched out his head, and said with a smile, "We're here, we're here."

After waving to the young man who was driving the car, the young man quickly took off the small bench from the car and let Deng Ke step on it without saying anything.

Zhu Rong jumped down without even looking at the ground. Then he looked at Jiang Zhen, who was carefully supporting Jiang Zhen. He always felt that it was not so real.

  Since when did such a rough man become so careful?

 Still to my daughter!

A short, fat man hurriedly ran out from the screen wall of the big house, bowed to the butcher and the general, "Sir, miss!"

 Jiang Zhen looked at the short fat man for a long time, and finally said in an uncertain tone, "Zhang Shun?"

The short fat man smiled and said, "Young lady has a good memory, she is just an old slave."

 Jiang Zhen said with a smile, "Shopkeeper Zhang, I can't stand such a young lady."

The man in front of me is Zhang Shun, the chief steward of the Ye family and the personal henchman of Ye Qiu's younger brother Ye Chen!

 How come this straight appears here?

Why do you still call her Miss?

Deng Ke hurriedly explained, "Master Ye Chen has returned to Sanhe. Shopkeeper Zhang is in charge of the business in Beidi. We fellow villagers saw Shopkeeper Zhang's house and knew that you were coming to Ankang City, so we helped to choose someone to serve. , it’s all up to him to prepare everything, so it’s quite tiring.”

Zhang Shun smiled and said, "Shopkeeper Deng, what you said is just out of reach. We are all members of our own family, so why are we tired?"

Just as the butcher was about to speak, he suddenly heard a cold snort.

 Then he saw the cloudy daughter.

No matter how stupid he is, he still knows that his daughter is angry.

 If he had ignored it in the past, what would happen if he got angry again? How could he be able to overshadow me?

 But, today is different from the past!

In order not to be embarrassed in front of Deng Ke and others, it is better to take a closer look at my daughter's face.

 For a moment, there was total silence.

Zhang Shun was so frightened by Jiang Zhen's gaze that he lowered his head and said, "Jiang Baotou is tired from traveling all the way. The girls have already prepared hot water, so it's better to go inside and wash up first."

 Jiang Zhen said with a smile, "This saves the shopkeeper from worrying."

 After saying that, he didn’t care and strode directly into the mansion.

After the butcher waited for his daughter to come in, he smiled at the stunned Zhang Shun and said, "I'm sorry to worry you."

“The person who will be arrested is an official. For a person like me, I was born to be a slave. What can I do?”

 After Zhang Shun finished speaking expressionlessly, he directly held up his hands and said, "I can only help you as a shopkeeper and a fellow villager in my hometown."

If he were an ordinary person, he would definitely not suffer such injustice!

In normal times, even in Ankang City where he has no foundation, everyone has to sell his face!

 Because his Ye family has a great master named Ye Qiu!

 He is the chief steward of the Ye family!

 The "Zhang" of Zhang Shun is the arrogant Zhang!

How could you suffer such humiliation in front of the general’s family!


The butcher wanted to talk, but Zhang Shun had disappeared into the snow.

 He was very helpless.

Pork Rong finally felt something was wrong and hurriedly left.

Deng Ke saw that Zhu Zhurong was about to leave and it was difficult to stay, so he followed Zhu Zhurong and left.

 The butcher was the only one left in the hall.

 He waited and waited, and finally saw his daughter who had finished washing.

Without waiting for his orders, the maid began to serve wine and food.

The butcher said as he was serving vegetables, "This **** place is extremely cold. It's no better than my hometown. There's not much to eat. You just have to make do with it. When spring comes, there will be all kinds of vegetables."

 Jiang Zhen said with a smile, "Dad, you're welcome, but my daughter is not that squeamish. When I was a child, I was very happy to have enough to eat."

The butcher didn’t like the tone of her voice very much, but what could he do if he didn’t like it even more?

 She is my daughter after all!


He could only smile helplessly and said, "Life was hard in the past. Let alone having enough to eat, just living was difficult enough."

 “That’s what daddy said,”

As he spoke, Jiang Zhen stood up, raised the jug, and poured wine for the butcher himself, "My daughter will have a few drinks with daddy to thank daddy for raising him."

The butcher Jiang always felt that there was something wrong with what he said, but he couldn't figure it out. He smiled and said, "I didn't expect you to have such a capacity for drinking now.

 He will definitely not refuse his daughter’s toast.

After three rounds of drinking like this, he was already drunk and hazy, but his daughter's expression remained unchanged.

After all, he couldn't help but sigh and said, "You are so ambitious and become the commander of the escort. From now on, daddy will be able to take advantage of you."

 Jiangzhen said calmly, "Dad, do you think this is a good thing?"

The butcher asked, "Why isn't this a good thing?

 The royal palace!

 Is that something that ordinary people can go in if they want to?

You have served your empress well. How can the prince, who is so nostalgic about old friendships, treat you badly?

Girl, do your job well and don’t let down the prince’s expectations. "

ˆps: Recommend a book "The Doomsday Rats", the author's tenth name.

This boss doesn’t need me to say more.

Hong rat is resurrected again

 (End of this chapter)

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