Chapter 528 Naming

 Only by continuously creating inventions, human society will continue to progress.

 Craftsmen and scholars of this era already have a good understanding of the mechanical structure of gears and connecting rods. More complex water-powered mills, water-conservancy textiles, and shipbuilding are all relatively developed.

Even the steel technology is top-notch.

 Not as unbearable as Lin Yi imagined.

 The only disadvantage is that it only pays attention to "practical" and does not have a scientific theoretical system.

 The skills and techniques of skilled craftsmen have not been written down, recorded, or quantified.

 After death, if there are disciples, the inheritance can still be passed on. If there are no disciples, the inheritance will be lost.

 In front of him, various invention competitions were held in Daliang Kingdom, using high bonuses to attract the best "inventors".

The blind cat kills the mouse, there are always a few outstanding talents.

Many of these people were illiterate, and they were all sent to the newly established Daliang Academy of Sciences for "reconstruction". Literacy was the first priority!

 The second step is to teach them mathematics, physics, and chemistry, and tell them some principles of steam and some laws of the operation of nature.

 Finally, let these people often hold "academic" meetings together, discuss frequently, and hope that some sparks of ideas can be generated.

 In short, he spent money to support them.

Although he is stingy, he is generous enough to these people.

Last year alone, he allocated five hundred thousand taels of silver.

These people are well-known in the countryside as capable people, but their craftsmanship is only enough to support their families and they have little status.

In this city of Ankang, a black chicken suddenly turned into a phoenix. Not to mention droughts and floods, the iron bowl of rice is guaranteed. The money you get in one year is more than you will earn in a lifetime!

For fear of being driven away from one day, they all sold it and wanted to study a little invention that satisfied the court.

 “What the prince said is,”

He Jixiang bowed and said, "A few days ago, the Agricultural College commissioned maritime merchants to introduce some crops from overseas to prepare for trial planting. The old minister also allocated a thousand acres of land for them nearby."

Lin Yi knew he was talking about potatoes.

 He rarely pays special attention to affairs between the DPRK and China, but he pays special attention to crops and inventions.

 A few days ago, when he was in Jizhou, one of the packages Pan Duo sent over was a trial planting of potatoes. At that time, he also gave special instructions to increase the planting area.

“I know, the thing you are talking about is called a potato. It is very easy to grow, and the yield should not be lower than that of a sweet potato.

Eating sweet potatoes every day will probably make you tired, but there should be no problem if you eat this.

 Efforts should be made to expand the planting area, which will also be a line of defense to ensure food security in the future. "

 It is said that foreigners eat mashed potatoes as a staple food.

 It should be the same as rice and wheat, right?

No matter what, it should be much better than sweet potatoes, right?

 “The prince is well-informed and the old ministers admire him.”

He Jixiang said it sincerely. Sometimes, he had to admire Prince He for always having his own unique views and insights on some strange skills.

Lin Yi said nonchalantly, "You guys have many advantages, such as being sophisticated and prudent in doing things, but you also have many shortcomings. It's easier to become complacent and unable to accept new things.

As I said before, you must open up your ideas and don’t be afraid of making mistakes in everything. If you really pursue stability, you can also conduct pilot projects. Don’t deny it before doing anything.

 A few days ago, someone from Qin Tian Jian applied for a project to build an astronomical observatory on the mountain of Baima Temple. You thought it was a waste of people and money, so you rejected it. This is wrong. You should encourage them to do it.

Although I look down on fortune tellers, those people are good at observing the weather, so we should encourage them to do so.

And the missionaries there are also really capable. I heard Zixia invited them to teach in the school before, and they were very good.

Not only can you replace them with "scholars", but you can also encourage them to invite their relatives from the hometown and promise them generous salaries.

 Whether they are foreign devils or people from Daliang, those who can contribute are all good people. "

 There are many differences between the history of the West in this era and the history of the West in his previous life.

 However, through the oral accounts of missionaries and maritime merchants, there are still similarities in many places.

It also went through a stage that was probably similar to the Renaissance.

 At this moment, mathematics, painting, sculpture, architecture, philosophy, and astronomy are all experiencing a huge explosion.

 Especially overseas colonization and slave trade are simply a replica of Europe.

 The most important thing is that on an island in the west, there is also a queen named Beckinsale.

 Not yet of age.

He Jixiang blushed and said, "Old minister, I understand."

“Every time you explain it clearly, but every time you do something different,”

Lin Yi couldn't help but complain, "As I said just now, we should clearly understand the priorities. The most important task for us in Daliang is to develop the economy and fill people's stomachs, but this does not prevent us from investing huge sums of money in education and scientific research.

 The world’s elite must understand that as long as they have the ability, the court will not be stingy with money.

 Occasionally, you have to do things like buying horse bones for thousands of gold. "


 He Jixiang is sad.

 He has been with Prince He for many years and has a good understanding of Prince He’s temperament.

 This time I was a little angry with the prince.

 Seems dissatisfied with their work.

However, after a few days of introspection, he still hurriedly asked the Ministry of Rites to supervise Qin Tianjian and asked him to choose a suitable and auspicious time to name the newly born prince.

At the same time, the Hanlin Academy checked the names of imperial contemporaries for Lin Yi's reference to avoid duplication of names.

Of course, it is indispensable to draw up several alternatives for Lin Yi.

Lin Yi sat at the desk, holding a red pen, writing and drawing on the folded book, but he couldn't think of a suitable name.

 The royal family names its heirs: not after the sun and the moon, not after the country, and not after hidden illnesses.

 To put it bluntly, you cannot use commonly used words or words with bad meanings.

 Otherwise, it would be difficult for people and officials to avoid taboos.

After Lin Baozhi ascended the throne, he even specially asked the "magic stick" to stipulate a set of naming rules for his descendants. The second character is seniority, and the third character must conform to the five elements.

For example, among the royal family there were people named Lin Qiao, Lin Qi, Lin Xiao, Lin Jing, and Lin Jin.

 However, after Emperor Yongguang, this maverick emperor no longer cared about this.

 When it comes to his father, he has no scruples anymore.

 Having many sons and being busy with affairs in court, how can one find time to name the children?

 Even the draft sent by the Hanlin Academy, I didn’t even bother to take a look at it.

 Except for Prince Lin Zhan, who put serious thought into it, the others were just mentioned casually.

 For example, his name is Lin Yi.

Now it's Lin Yi's turn. He is relatively indifferent. He can follow this rule or not.

 You can do whatever you want.

 As long as the name is nice and catchy.

 However, he was not satisfied with what the Hanlin Academy proposed, and he couldn't figure it out himself.

Hundred years after the founding of the People's Republic of China, there were countless royal heirs.

  You can have the same name no matter what you choose!

 So the further you go, the more obscure characters there are in the names of the royal heirs!

 What else should we do?

 Commonly used words should be used with caution, and names should not be repeated!

 Finally thought about it a few times, but some old guys from He Jixiang rejected it.

too difficult!

 Zixia stood aside, rubbing Lin Yi's shoulders and said, "Your Majesty, how about you take a rest?"

 I can’t help but feel frightened.

 Both boys and girls are treated differently.

As a princess, Hu Miaoyi gave birth to a little princess. At first, she was just named by the prince at random. The whole court was applauded by civil and military officials, and there was a happy and peaceful scene.

Ming Yue, like him, is just a girl. Just because she gave birth to a boy, she made the government and the public uneasy.

 Even a naming ceremony was specially held!

 This is a treatment that the princess does not have.

However, she did not dare to say more.

"do not care,"

Lin Yi put his hand on his forehead, glanced at the Zhezi in front of him and said, "Let's call him Lin Yan."

As he spoke, he picked up the ink pen and drew a red circle on the fold.

Hong Ying hurriedly took the folder and said with a smile, "Your Majesty is wise. This name is not easy to cause taboos and will not be repeated. It also has a lofty image. It couldn't be better."

Lin Yi said helplessly, "That's it."

 It is gradually getting clearer in Ankang City.

 The weather is getting hotter and hotter.

 There are also more and more Sanhe people coming from the south.

 Pairs of elephants and horses travel through the streets and alleys of Ankang City.

“You guys, you guys don’t know how to put a dung bag behind your butts!”

Sun Chongde, the cleaning lady, cursed at the Guizhou man who was leading the elephant.

 She is the only one among the sanitation workers who dares to scold her like this.

She has stayed in Sanhe for several years. When she was in Baiyun City, she often cleaned the streets. Many Guizhou people are familiar with her. Even if they don't know her name, they at least look familiar to her.

Hearing her scolding, he led the elephant over with a playful smile, pretending not to see her.

Sun Chongde said angrily to Jiang Yi, who was standing on the left and right to maintain order, "I don't need you to clean up, you guys just pretend you didn't see me, right?"

 Take good care of it!

 It’s becoming more and more unruly!

If you continue to fail to act, I will have to go to the palace and sue you. "

 “Aunt Sun,”

Jiang Yi hurriedly smiled and said, "You don't know something. They are sending military supplies this time, so we let them go directly into the city."

The old women in Baiyun City cannot be messed with because they all have their own talents, and maybe they are family members of the fifth, sixth, or ninth-grade peak.

The old ladies in Ankang City are also not to be messed with. As the old saying goes: If you don't come to Ankang City, you won't know that you are a junior official.

Maybe the old ladies on the street are family members of officials or military personnel.

 When he was working in the Military and Horse Department, he always had the attitude that doing more was better than doing less, and he tried his best to avoid these old ladies.

  Otherwise, if they can do what they say, they will really go to the palace to complain!

 “Are you bluffing me?”

Mrs. Sun Chongde rolled her eyes at him and said, "The military camp is outside the city. What are they sending into the city?"

Jiang Yi smiled and said, "Aunt Sun, there are garrison camps and military divisions in the city. Are there no guards in the palace?"

 “It makes sense to you,”

Sun Chongde pointed to the puddle of dung on the ground and said, "But this is too disgusting. You can find a way to make them put a dung bag behind the animal's buttocks."

 Otherwise, if I really refuse to comply and go to the palace to sue you, I will also go to the Army and Horse Department to find your commander. As a rule, this person must have a dung bag. You just don't do anything and your official uniform is in vain. "

"It's a small matter, it's a small matter. I'm going to tell you to go down now. You are not allowed to enter the city without a dung bag."

Jiang Yi was startled by her words and hurriedly patted his chest.

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a carriage coming slowly, accompanied by Lei Kaishan and Jiao Zhong on the left and right of the carriage.

He was so frightened that he snatched the broom and dustpan from Mrs. Sun Chongde's hand and scooped the excrement into it.

Such a smelly thing was exposed to Prince He, what would happen to him?

The sanitation worker next to him also reacted and hurriedly flushed the area with water without anyone else's instructions.

 After the carriage passed, everyone heaved a long sigh of relief.

Sun Chongde said angrily, "I almost got you killed. If the prince sees it, this year's evaluation will definitely be lost."

Jiang Yi said with a sneer, "I must strictly manage the livestock in the city, so I can rest assured."

 He is still frightened.

 Zhen Rang and Wang Ye saw it, and the responsibility for their "dereliction of duty" must have been eliminated!

The sun is high.

Lin Yi was sitting in the airtight carriage, and finally couldn't help but go shirtless.

When he arrived at the entrance of the palace, he hesitated and did not put on the long shirt, only short sleeves.

 A group of guards looked at the prince and the prince who were dressed in big pants, short sleeves, and wooden clogs, and looked at him intently.

 It’s not the first time we’ve met.

 On the contrary, the prince in Changqing Palace was dumbfounded.

 After a long time, he suddenly said, "The regent is an extraordinary person and can do extraordinary things."

 “It makes the emperor laugh, the weather is too hot,”

Lin Yi took off his clogs without a care and sat cross-legged on a large chair with bare feet. He held a watermelon in one hand and said, "This is a crop I introduced from overseas in Sanhe. It's called watermelon. It's very sweet." , chilled in summer, quenching heat and thirst.

Brother, please give it a try. "

The prince took a piece from Xiao Xizi's hand. After hesitating for a while, he took a small bite, chewed it carefully and said, "The juice is sweet and very delicious. It is not ordinary."

Lin Yi smiled and said, "As long as you like it, I've also asked people to plant a large area in the Royal Garden. It's probably almost ripe. If you like to eat it, just let people pick it."

He adhered to the principle of not wasting all the open spaces in the palace and planted various practical and economic crops, including pear trees, peach trees, cherry trees, apple trees, and the most common ones were watermelons.

 He even thought about using those empty palaces as greenhouses to grow vegetables in winter.

 It’s better than running around with mice, right?

He was helpless. As soon as he said it, he was opposed by many people, including his wife.

 Two words: nonsense.

 Four words: Unseemly.

But he didn’t care, people from Ankang Agricultural College were already building outdoor greenhouses outside the city.

Hong Ying also showed his cleverness and asked his elder sister Hong Mei to build two houses next to the village. Lin Yi went to see them. They were more luxurious than the houses built by the villagers.

 There is no plastic film and the roof is thatched, which is opaque to light and air.

 He was not sure whether the vegetables would grow.

However, he didn’t say anything.

 True knowledge comes from practice, just let everyone explore slowly.

 Having been here for more than 20 years, he has long been accustomed to this slow pace.

 In agricultural societies and primitive societies without the blessing of modern industry, everything can only be "about the same" or "not bad at all".

 (End of this chapter)

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