I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 529: Leave the palace

Chapter 529 Leaving the Palace

The house is solidly built, the carriage is beautifully driven, and the ink fountain, plane, and construction ruler are all skillfully used. However, all of this lacks an accurate book record and cannot provide future generations with experience that can be used as a reference.

 It all depends on the master to lead the apprentice and teach him step by step. Occasionally, there will be connections between people, such as intermarriage.

If there are two or more blacksmiths, carpenters, or beauties on a street, it will be difficult to do business.

In order to prevent human-to-human transmission and ensure that the "special skills" are not passed on to others, we can only deliberately hide them. Naturally, we invented the strange rule of "passing on from male to female".

 The feudal society’s awareness of patent protection was much stronger than that of modern people!

Of course, these people never imagined that the craftsmanship they are now proud of and regard as a treasure may be included in the "intangible cultural heritage" protection list in the future.

“They are both melons and cucumbers, but I didn’t expect the appearance and taste to be so different,”

The prince said with emotion, "If the people can plant it extensively and transport it to the city, they will have an extra livelihood."

Lin Yi glanced at the prince in surprise. He didn't expect that he was quite business-minded.

   "Brother, I would like to say that watermelon is easy to grow and does not require much land. If grown well, you can earn more than growing wheat or sweet potatoes. The only disadvantage is that you cannot grow it in winter, otherwise you can eat it all year round."

After the prince finished eating the watermelon, he put the watermelon rind on the table, wiped his hands with a handkerchief, and said slowly, "As long as you like to eat it, you can grow it in winter, but it will be more expensive.

 The fresh fruits and vegetables in Ankang City in winter are grown in greenhouses and are very expensive.

Master Chen Yan once wrote a poem about this:

  ‘At first sight, cucumbers are as small as ginseng and are as small as a hairpin worth several gold. A trivial thing cannot live a long life, so what’s the point of eating a meal with ten thousand dollars?” "

“Then I will let the people of Ankang City eat fresh fruits and vegetables in winter. Otherwise, it would be very uncomfortable to eat big pancakes every day.”

Lin Yi has seen it before. Cucumbers that grow in winter are like melon eggs and can be swallowed in one bite.

Although this level of planting is also a technological breakthrough, it still sticks to ancestral craftsmanship and is complacent without substantial progress. He cannot praise it.

 Otherwise, we would not start anew and build a new greenhouse.

The prince cupped his hands and said, "The regent has high ambitions, but his ministers are indeed inferior to him."

Lin Yi said, "Brother, you have changed."

  Why don’t you have the same temper as before?

He is a little used to being so easy to talk to now.

The prince smiled and said, "The regent is gracious and allows my wife and children to accompany me and surround me. I am extremely grateful.

Now that there are no trivial things to worry about and no desires and desires, isn’t that a kind of happiness? "

Lin Yi stood up, walked barefoot in front of the prince, and asked curiously, "Are you really able to let go? Are you willing to let go?"

“So what if you can let go, so what if you can’t let go?”

The prince asked rhetorically.

Lin Yi said calmly, "Brother, what do you think I should do?"

The prince shook his head and said with a smile, "I said I let it go. Does the regent believe it?"


Lin Yi nodded firmly.

The prince sighed and said, "I just let it go."

Lin Yi praised, "Just let it go, you and I are both brothers, why are you fighting to the death?

 Brother, if I get better, can I still give you a bite to eat? "

The prince stood up, straightened his clothes, bowed and saluted, and said respectfully, "I am so grateful that I shed tears of gratitude!"

Lin Yi lifted him up and said cheerfully, "You and I, brothers, do you want to be so polite?"

The prince said seriously, "The etiquette cannot be abolished."

Lin Yi patted him on the shoulder and said, "Big brother, you understand me best, and I am very pleased."

Then he sighed and said, "Since I believe my brother, let me tell the truth. I wonder if my brother believes it?"

The prince said politely, "I am naturally convinced of the regent."

Lin Yi said word for word, "Actually, I don't want to be an emperor. Working from six to nine, with no days off, and being as tired as a dog every day is meaningless."

Hearing this, the corners of the prince's mouth twitched despite trying hard to control his expression.

Aren't you afraid of getting beaten for saying this?

 Don’t want to be an emperor?

 Look, this is human language!

He lowered his head, and after a while, he gritted his teeth and said, "Thank you, Prince Regent!"

 “It’s good if you understand,”

Lin Yi said anxiously, "Ever since I came to Ankang City, the daily troubles are either hurricanes or droughts. The people are either rebelling or on the road to rebellion. There are places to spend money everywhere and money is needed everywhere. , I am really tired of coping.

The book says that running a big country is like cooking a small one. This is all nonsense. I am clearly a mason, tearing down the east wall to repair the west wall, which is miserable. "

The prince tried his best to show empathy, but unfortunately, he failed in the end. He could only say with a guilty expression, "The regent has many things to do and works hard, and it is really shameful for me to wait for my corpse to eat nothing."

“It’s okay, it’s okay, we are all a family, why bother so much,”

Lin Yi waved his hand generously and said, "There will be a place for you to work soon."

The prince hesitated for a moment and said, "Please make it clear to the regent that I will do my best and never regret it even if I die!"

 “It’s tiring to sit down and talk, and it’s tiring to stand up,”

Lin Yi pushed him on the chair and said slowly, "Princess Xuanguo is coming back, and I have to trouble you to greet her in person, otherwise my sister will come all the way back without anyone to entertain her, which makes me, the younger brother, seem ignorant. "

 Emperor Delong had more than twenty children, and Princess Xuanguo was one of them.

 Emperor Delong came to the throne for the first time. There were people at home who were holding back, people who were breaking down the door outside, internal and external troubles, and a lot of trouble.

At this time, Mo Xi asked for a marriage, saying that she only wanted a real princess and did not want a fake princess replaced by a palace maid.

Emperor Delong had no choice but to send Princess Xuanguo to Moxi for marriage, and the two countries signed an alliance.

Logically speaking, the princess who is getting married is unlikely to have a chance to return to her country in this life.

However, who would have thought that he, Lin Yi, could be in charge of the government?

Who could have imagined that he actually drove away the Wadan people?

The Wadan people were unable to capture the Liang Kingdom. After retreating, they began to attack the surrounding small countries and tribes. They had already annexed large tracts of land in Moxi.

Moxi, like Wadan, is a political power composed of nomadic tribes.

 It is said that now there is not much place to graze cattle and sheep because of the pressure of Wadan.

 In order to seek help from Liang Guo, he had to play the emotional card.

 So, Princess Xuanguo, who had been married for more than 20 years, returned to the country.

 “It turns out that the imperial sister is back,”

The prince was stunned for a moment and said in a deep voice, "It is a big matter to receive foreign envoys. I am afraid that I am not able to handle it. Please ask the regent to choose someone wiser."

“Huh, what did you say before that you will never regret it even if you die without regrets,”

Lin Yi said disdainfully, "You have thought about it carefully. If you accept this job, I will let you leave the palace, but you can't go back to the East Palace. I have packed up Prince Yong's Mansion. You can take your sister-in-law and nephew with you for the time being." My son and niece live there.”

 Princess Xuanguo's return to the country is both a family matter and a state matter.

 It must be someone from the Ministry of Etiquette who comes forward, but it is not suitable for reception. After all, he is not a member of the family.

 I can be considered a member of the family, but if someone wants something from you, it's not the way to do business.

As for the people in the harem, it is not suitable to go out to meet men.

 All he can think of now is the twelve old men, the acting king and the prince.

 Lao Twelve and Dai Wang are not worthy enough. Although the prince has already lived up to his name, he is still the prince.

 Hand in person, it is reasonable and legal.

 Most importantly, he wanted to take this opportunity to resolve the deadlock between him and the prince.

 It is a waste of food to keep such an idle person who does not do any practical work!

 Even if it is waste, it must be used rationally!

The prince suddenly raised his head and said in disbelief, "The regent is letting me leave the palace?"

As for why he couldn't go back to the East Palace and why he wanted to live in Prince Yong's Mansion, he would definitely not ask.

If he was really asked to go back and live in the East Palace, he would not dare to leave the palace.

 In the palace, watching over his father is the only way to make the years peaceful.

Lin Yidao, "Because, I believe in you."

The prince sighed and said, "I will definitely live up to the regent's kindness."

Lin Yi peeled a grape himself, spitting the seeds on the ground, and said, "Don't be so stressed. Brother, my goal has always been: hello to you, hello to me, hello to everyone."

 “I will be taught,”

The prince thought for a while and said, "Princess Xuanguo has returned to the country. I wonder if the regent has any regulations?

I will understand it carefully so as not to miss the important events of the court. "

Lin Yi was sore that his teeth dropped, and he gasped, "Just eat and drink with them. If you ask any questions, answer them truthfully and don't lose etiquette."

 At that time, my sister will not have to live in Honglu Temple. She can go directly to the palace and enjoy the happiness of her family with Empress Sun. "

 “I obey the decree.”

The prince said loudly.

 “That’s it, there’s nothing more to say,”

Lin Yi wiped his hands on his pants, and then said, "You can leave the palace today. Go back and prepare. If nothing happens, my sister will arrive in Ankang City in five days."

 Stop it, you don’t have to send it away, I’ll go to my old lady in my hometown and explain it to you. "

Before the prince could speak, Lin Yi had already walked out of Changqing Palace.

Xiao Xizi followed Lin Yi, who was walking unsteadily, and said after hesitation, "Your Majesty, do you really want the prince to leave the palace?"

Logically speaking, it is a miracle that the prince is still alive, so how can he leave the palace?

 I don’t know what He Wangye thinks!

Lin Yi stopped, turned his head and glanced at him. He was so frightened that he knelt down and said, "I'm sorry!"

Lin Yi said angrily, "I don't do any serious work every day and just worry about useless things. Is that your responsibility?"

Xiao Xizi said with a sad face, "It's a small death penalty."

Lin Yi rolled his eyes at him and said, "Why are you still standing there? Hurry and prepare for the prince."

Xiao Xizi also wanted to ask the prince about the guards, but when he saw Lei Kaishan standing not far away and watching eagerly, he secretly hated himself for being so stupid!

 This is something you should worry about!

 Looking at the back of He Wangye, he sighed.

I haven’t seen Mr. He for a long time. I’m so excited!

 Why don’t you know the rules?

Lei Kaishan walked over and said with a smile, "Eunuch, how are you doing lately?"

Xiao Xizi said with a sad face, "Is our family like this?"

Lei Kaishan shook his head and said, "It doesn't look like that."

Xiao Xizi looked him up and down and snorted, "You kid, don't be so proud. Nowadays, pickets are everywhere checking the appearance of soldiers. You should be careful, don't get caught."

Lei Kaishan was shocked after hearing this.

 Ever since Prince He founded the army in Sanhe, no matter the policemen, guards, or soldiers, they have emphasized military discipline.

They are not afraid of the sky or the earth. What they are afraid of is the picket in front of them headed by the food shortage.

In the winter, you have to keep the military appearance and a big snot. Those patchworks see it, and you can wipe it clean for one.

 They usually act casually and don't take it seriously.

 But, if we really meet each other, should we be cowardly?

 What about the eighth and ninth grades?

 Fly into the sky?

Aren't you afraid of being slapped to death by Mr. Hong?

He wore casual clothes when he went out today. After all, he had been with Prince He for a long time, and he was a ghost if he could learn well!


Lei Kaishan looked around and said, "You didn't trick me? Are you in the palace without food?"


Xiao Xizi pointed in the direction of the palace gate and said, "You still have time to run away now."

Lei Kaishan said bitterly, "Are you afraid that I won't die quickly enough?"

 He was going out with the prince today. If he left his post without permission, he would definitely die a worse death.

 “Hey, there’s nothing our family can do to help.”

 Xiao Xizi left after finishing speaking.

 “B*tch, a thing that gives birth to a son without an asshole,”

After Lei Kaishan spat behind him, he remembered that the other person was a eunuch, "You will never be able to give birth to a son in this life!"

 Under the sun.

Lin Yi stood at the door of Ci'an Palace, thinking that his mother was really willful, so she moved in right away.

 A group of eunuchs and maids were so frightened that they knelt on the ground when they saw the sudden appearance of Prince He.

Lin Yi didn't even have the strength to open his mouth to speak. He just waved his hands feebly and said, "If you want to get up, you can get up. If you don't want to get up, how can he pull him up?"

 The courtyard has exquisite architecture, sparse flowers and trees, rockeries and rocks surrounded by ponds, and peach blossoms flowing with water.

Concubine Yuan Guifei was lying on her back on a chair under an ancient cypress tree, with her maid holding a large fan.

Lin Yi finally understood why his mother insisted on moving here.

This is a smaller version of the Imperial Garden.

 “Old lady?”

“It’s hard for you, but you are willing to come and visit me,”

Concubine Yuan Guifei raised her eyelids casually and said dissatisfiedly, "You are so happy with your son that you didn't even bring him in for me to take a look at?"

Lin Yi walked up to him, sat on a stone, took the tea cup handed by the maid, took a few sips, and then said, "My **** is not even hot yet, and you are starting to scold me?"

Concubine Yuan Guifei looked Lin Yi up and down again, put her hand on her forehead and said, "Now that you are the regent, how can you be dressed like this?"

Lin Yi said with a smile, "The reason why my son is the regent is so that he can do whatever he wants and wear whatever he wants. If he can't wear anything because he is the regent, what's the point of his son being the regent?" "

Concubine Yuan Guifei said angrily, "There is no formality all day long, talking nonsense."

 I still can’t stop sighing in my heart!

Even though this was her biological son, she still felt that God was blind!

Why did he let his son get such incredible wealth?

 It makes no sense at all!

 Sometimes, she really can’t figure it out!

 “My son came here today to discuss something.”

Lin Yi continued, "You should still remember Princess Xuanguo, right?"

 “Why don’t you remember?”

Concubine Yuan Guifei sighed, "Even now, Sister Sun can't stop crying when she mentions her."

 (End of this chapter)

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