Chapter 53 Heavy Rain


After Hong Ying finished sighing, he looked at the big fish in his arms and threw it into the yard in desperation.

 The fish was free and began to flow with the rainwater again.

 The rain kept falling all night and never stopped for a moment.

After Lin Yi got up, the sun came out, but the water still hadn’t receded, leaving a swampy country.

 He finally understood why no one in Baiyun City came to build houses here!

 Because the terrain here is too low!

I have no choice but to continue living in the place I chose with tears in my eyes.

He was worried about school due to such a heavy rain. After having breakfast, he rode a donkey and waded through the water to Baiyun City.

Although the newly built road is crude, it is wide open and has a high foundation without any accumulation of mud. The donkeys can walk steadily on the water-logged road.

Lin Yi said very proudly, "Look, this road has not been built in vain. We still need to continue to build it."

Bian Jing, who was riding a horse, said, "Your Majesty is wise."

The capital commander's office has been built a long time ago, and the old men like them have moved in. Only the school is not yet completed, so they have to ride horses to Baiyun City to teach every day.

 Along the way, he was uneasy. After all, when the prince chose to build a house here, he not only did not stop him, but also recognized the Feng Shui here.

 I never thought I would be so unlucky!

  It has been many years since he saw such heavy rain in Sanhe that even the rivers were full.

Baiyun City was built at the foot of a mountain. The terrain was high and it was not flooded, but many low-lying areas still held water.

Moreover, the quality of some people's houses is not up to par. The heavy rain last night caused holes in the roofs, and even some wall columns collapsed.

The woman squatted on the roadside with her child in her arms and cried bitterly. Lin Yi couldn't bear to look at it and just said to Xie Zan, "Remember to cook porridge, and then those whose houses collapsed will help rebuild them."

Xie Zan said happily, "Your Majesty is really kind-hearted."

 In just these few days, these old men have completely changed their views on Prince He!

It is true that he regards wealth as his life, and it is also true that he is narrow-minded and far-fetched. If he is uneducated and unskilled, it is certainly not unfair to him.

 However, they had to admit that the merits of this prince were indeed endless.

 He is kind-hearted and unconventional, and always surprises in his behavior and actions.

They old men even felt a little regretful that he was not a prince

From time to time, a fishy smell entered Lin Yi's nose. He frowned and said to Bian Jing, "Mr. Bian, please go find Hu Langzhong now and ask him to take charge. You can coordinate and spread lime throughout the city."

Bian Jing slapped his head and said with a smile, "I almost forgot about this, otherwise an epidemic would be a serious matter."

 After saying that, he turned the horse's head, patted the horse's belly with both legs, and left.

 At the school gate, most of the people chirping were children from the health center, and basically no local children came.

 The children saw Lin Yi approaching and started to circle around him before he got off the donkey.

Lin Yi was impatient with them, waved his hand and said, "No stories today, everyone is on holiday."

He said to Fang Pi and a tall, thin boy named Cui Gengren, "You two have them all under surveillance. If anyone dares to run around, play with water or mud, hold them down and beat them to death." "

Fang Pi said loudly, "My lord, don't worry, I will beat them half to death!"

Cui Gengren also patted his thin chest and said, "Your Majesty, I know that there are bacteria in the water, and the bacteria are invisible and invisible!

 You will get sick if you get it!

 If you get sick, you will die! "

“Yes, so, wash your hands frequently, look back to see if the well water is mixed, and drink boiled water, otherwise just a diarrhea can kill you.”

Lin Yi was very pleased. It seemed that his work in popularizing hygiene knowledge was not in vain.

 “I don’t want to die”

 A little girl of seven or eight years old immediately started crying at the top of her lungs.

 “I don’t want it either”

 The other children also started crying.

 After a while, we all burst into tears.

Lin Yi, who had a big head, got off the donkey, stepped on the muddy road with his boots, and walked over to coax everyone.

 Fortunately, Mingyue and Zixia came and freed him from the sea of ​​suffering.

 After getting on the donkey again, I walked around the streets of Baiyun City. Fortunately, there was nothing serious.

On the other hand, I met a man on the way. He drank alcohol in the morning and beat his wife and children with a wooden stick while he was in a daze. After being picked up by the guards, he was sent to a labor camp.

Of course it is not free labor. Lin Yi finally couldn't bear it when he saw the mother and son, and asked Mingyue to secretly stuff a piece of silver into them.

 “Thank you, sir”

Lin Yi thought for a while and said, "We have to add another regulation."

Xie Zan said, "Your Majesty, just give me your orders, and the humble posts will be posted immediately."

“It’s against the law to beat your wife and children!”

Lin Yi said it simply and easily understandable.

Everyone in Baiyun City now knows that as long as they break the law, they must either pay with their lives or do hard labor. There is currently no third way to choose.

Xie Zan was a little confused. He never expected that Lin Yi would issue such a regulation.

He couldn't help laughing and said, "I understand the humble position."

Lin Yi smiled and said, "These stinky men must be treated well. If they refuse to change despite repeated admonitions, support their wives to remarry, and we will help raise their children."

This is the first time Xie Zan has heard of this kind of operation, but the more he thought about it, the more interesting it became, so he readily agreed.

He himself didn't realize that his thoughts had quietly changed, because he was gradually recognizing that women are also human beings.

 As noon approaches, the sun is getting higher and hotter, and the air is filled with the burning smell of lime powder.

 The water has basically receded, and the wide simple concrete pavement is shiny in the sun, and is cleaner than most people's houses.

  Many people simply put the rice and clothes soaked by the rain on the road to dry.

Lin Yi was careful not to step on someone else's quilt when he passed by on his donkey.

The guards of the palace were each holding shovels to dredge the accumulated water and smooth the road.

 Some dead branches and leaves were shoveled directly into the river that ran from the north to the south of the palace.

Lin Yi looked at the tidy and new mansion, and his mood improved again.

Just after drinking a cup of tea, Sun Yi handed over a letter.

 “Who sent it?”

Lin Yi was curious.

 Such a large envelope would be impossible to pass by a carrier pigeon.

Furthermore, there is no inn in Sanhe and there are very few merchants coming and going. Who can send him letters?

 “The little ones don’t know,”

Sun Yi shook his head and said, "Someone threw him directly into the concierge. When the villain went out to look for the person, there was no sign of him. This envelope had the prince's name on it, so I took it over."

After Lin Yi asked Sun Yi to go down, he opened the envelope.

 The handwriting is elegant, but it’s a pity that it’s in cursive style.

 He could only recognize a few of them with difficulty.

 Looking directly at the signature on the last page, it is also very sloppy.

 “Who the **** wrote this? You have a grudge against me.”

Lin Yi said angrily, "Go to the backyard and call Mr. Wang."

A heavy rain overnight soaked the pigeon cage. At this moment, Wang Qingbang was taking his apprentice Fang Bin to repair the pigeon cage and take care of the pigeons. Hearing the prince's call, he hurried over.

After reading the letter, he said, "Your Majesty, this is what someone has given you about the life of the pirate Du Sanhe."

"anything else?"

Lin Yi continued to ask.

Wang Qingbang simply followed his belief and said with a smile, "Your Majesty, that's it."

"Who wrote it?"

“Your Majesty, the name of the person signing the letter is: Shadow.” After Wang Qingbang finished speaking, he put the letter on the table.

“Shadow? You’re still doing all these tricks with me.”

Lin Yi said calmly, "Only everyone in the palace and eight people from Du Yinniang's side knew about the conversation between my king and Du Yinniang and others that day.

Either there is a traitor on their side, or "

 “Let’s go and investigate thoroughly now!”

Hong Ying knelt down before Lin Yi could finish speaking.

Lin Yi smiled and said, "Don't be nervous. People in our house know everything. Maybe the problem lies with Du Yinniang. It's normal for there to be a few traitors among the pirates.

I am now curious as to which kind person shook off Du Sanhe's old ways.

 Is it Wang Cheng or Shao Qing and others? "

Hong Yingdao said, "Young man will definitely get to the bottom of it."

 He turned around and walked out of the house, his face suddenly darkening.

ˆps: Thank you guys for your recommendation votes and rewards

 (End of this chapter)

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