I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 54: One sword moves through the air and scares gods and ghosts

Chapter 54: One sword moves through the air, fearing gods and ghosts

As the chief manager of the government, if there is a traitor in the government, how will his face be bright?

Even if he is not a traitor, just because a servant or guard gossips a few more words outside and allows someone to listen, it is because he is not strict in discipline!

 After all, it is his responsibility as the manager.

 What he was afraid of was not that the prince would blame him.

But he was afraid that the prince would not blame him, which would be a hundred times more uncomfortable than killing him.

The sun is rising.

The sunlight that used to disgust Lin Yi was now flooding into the house through the window, sweeping away the moisture trapped in the house due to the heavy rain, making people feel refreshed.

“Du Sanhe’s original name is Nie Youdao,”

Lin Yi said with a smile, "I didn't expect that the dignified and dignified fourth-grade Xuanwei Tongzhi actually became a pirate. It's really a big world, and there are all kinds of surprises.

Mr. Wang, you were once the Minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, in charge of the appointment, removal, promotion, transfer, and honors of officials in the Liang Kingdom. Do you have any impression of Nie Youdao? "

Wang Qingbang cupped his hands and said, "The grassroots have lived in Sanhe for a long time and have long heard of the reputation of Du Sanhe, but they have never seen it.

 But he didn’t expect that he was Nie Youdao.

Speaking of Nie Youdao, I wonder if the prince knows about Liangzhou Wang Linchang’s rebellion? "

Lin Yi nodded and said, "Of course I know, this happened in Delong's eighteenth year.

At that time, the king was still young, and the palace was very frugal. He could not even eat a few pieces of meat. This made the king suffer. "

Wang Qingbang nodded and said, "The concubine of King Liangzhou is Nie Youdao's sister. King Liangzhou rebelled, so it is unbelievable to say that he did not know about it.

 But the Nie family did not participate.

In His Majesty's rage, the Nie family was affected. There were 116 people in the house, all the men over the age of fifteen were beheaded, and all the female relatives were confiscated into the Jiaofang Division.

 Only one Nie Youdao escaped.

 At that time he was the magistrate of Xuanwei in Chuanzhou. "


Lin Yi asked curiously, "Is he from the second emperor brother?"

 He thought of the second prince who died tragically under the elephant's hooves.

Wang Qingbang said with a smile, "Nie Youdao did accompany King Pingchuan in the north and south, and made great achievements in battle, which is why he was able to do this to comfort his colleagues."

Lin Yi nodded and said, "That's it.

 You know that the commander of my king's bodyguard was shipwrecked at sea this time.

 I am not proficient in martial arts, but I still know a little about Shen Chu’s ability.

Even if he is no match for the pirates, not to mention that he has more than thirty guards with him, he can't just be knocked down, can he?

   This king’s face is sore from being beaten.

 How good is Nie Youdao? Is his martial arts very high? "

“Commander Shen is a seventh-grade master, and there are many other fifth- and sixth-grade guards.

 It’s just that Nie Youdao is indeed not an easy person.

They are dragons and phoenixes among people, with spiritual and intelligent nature.

 At the age of thirty-five, that is, Delong's sixteenth year, he was already at the peak of the eighth rank, only half a step away from the ninth rank!

 It is not an exaggeration to say that he is a genius! "

Wang Qingbang became more and more passionate as he spoke, "At that time, the person in charge of ransacking the houses was the capital's army and horse division. Nie Youdao used his sword to move the air, fearing the gods and ghosts, and he rode out of the capital with one sword and one ride.

 After that, Qi Yong implemented a new law, and I wrote a letter to the Holy Emperor regarding the shortcomings of the new law.

Qi Yong was furious when he learned about it and asked the imperial censor to go up to the emperor and slander him.

 After I was demoted to Sanhe, I no longer knew the specific situation of Nie Youdao.

Unexpectedly, he was able to escape the pursuit of both the imperial guards and the secret guards. He also came to Sanhe, changed his name and became a pirate. "

 I can’t help but feel sad when I think about being demoted and still not being recalled.

 “Eighth grade?”

Lin Yi humbly asked for advice, "I am a bit puzzled. Civil servants are the lowest in the ninth rank, why is this warrior the highest in the ninth rank?"

He has been following the palace instructor since he was a child, and he barely understands the level of martial arts.

 However, he still had a lot of puzzles. He asked many people for advice, and they told him that the ninth grade was the highest and had been the same since ancient times. There was no reason for it.

 When I asked Wen Zhaoyi later, as a great master, she couldn't explain why.

At this moment, it is rare to meet someone as knowledgeable and knowledgeable as Wang Qingbang, who is both civil and military, so naturally he will not miss the opportunity.

“In ancient times, the emperor Yi taught him how to hunt in the fields and practice the five military affairs.”

Wang Qingbang suddenly saw the confused expression on Lin Yi's face and couldn't help but laugh. He once again committed the problem of "drawing off the text" as the prince said, so he could not use simple words, "The five armies are bows and arrows, swords, spears, and guns." , halberd, five weapons.

 The best among them are like flying birds, moving like thunder and lightning, and sending out blows like wind and rain. Don’t block those in front of them, and don’t harm those behind them.”

 He thought he had said it simply enough, but unexpectedly he was interrupted by Lin Yi.

 “Wang Shangshu, Mr. Wang, Mr. Wang”

Lin Yi sighed, "Can we keep the story short?"

Wang Qingbang pondered for a while and then said, "There were more and more martial arts techniques. During the Five Kingdoms period, a remarkable figure appeared.

I wonder if your lord has ever heard of the saying, "I created the ninth grade of martial arts, and I presume to blaze a new trail with the authentic one"? "

Lin Yi finally heard something about it and hoped that he would continue talking, so he quickly shook his head and said, "I don't know."

“The person who wrote this poem is called Sun Changxu. The seventy-two lines of boxing and the thirty-six locks we practice today were all created by him. He is truly an unprecedented figure.”

Wang Qingbang said with emotion, "He loves martial arts as much as his life, and his martial arts are unrivaled. At that time, he was invincible in the world, but because the emperor did not like it, he was still only a small ninth-grade county magistrate.

 Any person like this should be a little arrogant.

So he deliberately divided them into nine ranks, the ninth rank being the highest, which coincided with his ninth rank county magistrate.

Since then, the world's warriors have been divided in this way, and until now, they have never changed. "

Lin Yi smiled and said, "I understand, is it just for competition?"

 Wang Qingbang said, "That's exactly it."

Lin Yidao, "Then did Sun Changxu later become a great master?"

 Wang Qingbang said, “Naturally.”

Lin Yidao, "What grade are you in, Mr. Wang?"

Wang Qingbang said with a smile, "The grass-roots people have been in the third-level position for more than thirty years, but fortunately they have some martial arts foundation, otherwise they would not be able to survive today in this land of Sanhe."

 “I am an old man for a while, an old man for a while, a commoner, are you tired?”

Lin Yi smiled and said, "I have never treated you as outsiders. If you are invited to come over, I will naturally ask you for advice. Will Nie Youdao take revenge on me?"

 After all, he, the emperor, killed his whole family.

 It can be said to be a deep hatred.

“Your Majesty, actually Nie Youdao is nothing to worry about at the moment,”

Wang Qingbang shook his head and said, "The most suspicious thing is the person who sent the message. The secret guards and the imperial guards searched all over the world, but no trace of Nie Youdao was found. How did the person who sent the message know about it?"

"Yes, if the secret guards and imperial guards knew the whereabouts of Nie Youdao, they would capture him even at sea."

 After all, the emperor is still in power, so catching him is a great achievement.

Lin Yi thought and said, "Then what is the purpose of this messenger, why did he send it to me?

 Do you want to pass it on to the imperial court through the king’s hand?

Taking off your pants to fart is unnecessary. "

 The more I think about it, the more confused I become.

 (End of this chapter)

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