I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 540: Show true strength

 Chapter 540 Showing true strength

Lin Yi really couldn't stand my mother's nagging.

He sighed and said, "Old lady, if you're really bored, I'll call that guy Xue Dawu over and give you a show for a few days!"

Xue Dawu was the son of Xue Tongji, whose head he beheaded.

his mother inexplicably gave him the title of "the best martial artist in the world". I don't know whether it was to contradict him or because she really liked him.

 He has never made things difficult for Xue Dawu, but only banned him from entering the palace.

In order to stop his mother's mouth, he was ready to compromise and let Xue Dawu enter the palace to sing.

It saves his mother time to find trouble with him.

 He is not a saint, but he really likes Concubine Tang, and he never avoids anyone.

 However, this does not mean that he is willing to discuss this topic with his biological mother.

 I always feel like something is weird.

  Probably similar to the embarrassment of being masturbated in a house but having your parents break down the door.

"If I want to listen, I will naturally come out of the palace to listen. There is no need for you to be sentimental."

Concubine Yuan Guifei snorted coldly and said, "I just don't like your temperament. If you really like it, just be generous. Even if your father knows about it, what can you do?"

ˆ “.”

Lin Yi was stunned after hearing these words.

 He even doubted whether his mother had been reborn. She was more open-minded than he was!

 “Okay, I know you can’t wipe your face,”

Concubine Yuan Guifei said angrily, "Since I have nothing to do, I will train that little vixen for you to save you from being manipulated by her."

 “Old lady, what do you want to do?”

Lin Yi wants to cry but has no tears!

Concubine Yuan Guifei said calmly, "I remember you used to have a mantra, saying that as long as you go in the right direction, cheer up and suffer less, I also learned from you."

 After speaking, he left without looking back.


Lin Yi put his hand on his forehead, "What is this!"

 “Your Majesty.”

 Xiao Xizi appeared behind Lin Yi at the right time.

 “Did you hear everything?”


 Xiao Xizi didn’t know how to answer.

 Should we hear it, or should we not hear it?

 It’s really difficult!

While I was thinking about it, I heard Prince He urging me again, "I'm asking you a question, are you mute?"

 “Your Majesty,”

Xiao Xizi hurriedly said, "The empress now manages the harem well and has won the respect of all the concubines. It is natural for her to train the concubines."

 Even what Tang Guifei could only dream of!

 Emperor Delong now lives in seclusion in Qilin Palace, and many concubines are wandering all day long. Without the favor of the prince, they would only be able to weep until they grow old in this hierarchical palace.

Maybe even if you cry, you will be bullied by the palace maid.

This is unacceptable to many concubines who are used to rich clothes and fine food.

All the concubines are naturally the Eight Immortals crossing the sea, each showing their magical powers.

 “This king and Lao Twelve are brothers,”

Lin Yi couldn't help but sigh, "Wouldn't this be too embarrassing in the future?"

I think back then, the eighth king of Chu slept with Concubine Zhan, the biological mother of the seventh king of Nanling, and Concubine Zhan committed suicide.

 Lao Qi now sees that Lao Ba’s eyes are red and he wants to skin and remove his bones.

For Lao Ba, the gains outweigh the losses. After all, Concubine Zhan’s biological father is General Mei Jingzhi.

 General Mei Jingzhi’s old troops are all over the army. No one dares to support the King of Chu easily, whether emotionally or legally.

The King of Chu was like a pug and wanted to mess with King Yong. King Yong was afraid of offending Mei Jingzhi and King Nanling, but he was eager for the money in King Chu's hands and did not dare to do anything. He could only stay away.

Even the prince, he and the King of Chu are brothers from the same mother, but because of the matter of Concubine Zhan, he is not willing to get too close to the King of Chu.

Of course, the King of Chu was not very close to the prince, and he only wanted to follow King Yong.

Lin Yi couldn't figure out what was wrong with these two brothers.

 Sometimes he also thinks that if he had such a bear brother, he would just kill him.

 Things that don’t make people worry.

“Your Majesty, I remember you said that as long as you are not embarrassed, others will be embarrassed.”

 The flesh on Xiao Xizi’s cheeks that was not rich was piled together.

 “You damn, you’re getting better and better at talking,”

After hearing this, Lin Yi was actually a little relieved, "Have you seen Mr. He?"

Xiao Xizi said, "Your Majesty, Master He is in the court room, discussing the matter of Nangu with all of you. I gave him the letter and didn't dare to stay any longer."

 “What has the prince been doing these past two days?”

Lin Yi almost forgot about him.

Xiao Xizi hurriedly said, "Since the envoy from Moxi returned, the prince has been staying in the Prince Yong's Mansion all day long. All daily purchases are left to the clan's manor."

Lin Yi said with a smile, "It seems that I should trust him. Tell King Dai and Lao Twelve that they can accompany the prince if they have nothing to do. In addition, instruct Pan Duo to try his best to find the whereabouts of the eldest princess."

 After returning from Jizhou, he personally supervised the delivery of money and grain from the Ministry of Household Affairs to Jizhou.

 Not long after, the foreign library was able to escape the rats again.

Gan Mao looks sad every day.

 Short of money!

 So, Lin Yi is now eager to find the eldest princess. If he has dates but no dates, he will hit two poles first.


 Xiao Xizi was secretly happy.

If Pando still can't find the eldest princess, what will happen?

Lin Yi walked out of the main entrance of the Imperial Garden without taking any detours to avoid the sun, and went straight to the direction of the Golden Palace.

In front of Jinluan Palace, in the huge square, there are people everywhere, everyone talking loudly, and they seem to be very excited.

Xiao Xizi stepped forward and explained, "Your Majesty, the Wuzhou Chamber of Commerce is hosting a banquet here today.

Gan Shangshu originally disagreed, but the money given was too much. "

“Just give me the money,”

The current financial situation was tight, so Lin Yi asked the Ministry of Household Affairs to rent out the Jinluan Palace, the Imperial Kitchen Room, and the Supreme Harmony Palace. "One million taels of silver a year is like picking it up for free. Don't give it up if you don't want it for free."

 Xiao Xizi said, "Your Majesty is wise."

Lin suddenly had an idea and said, "We can also auction the emperor's dinner, the emperor's lunch, the one with the highest price will get it!"

He remembered that Buffett once launched a charity lunch auction, and many Chinese entrepreneurs flocked to it.

In order to have a meal with Buffett, I am willing to spend tens of millions!

 And his father, Emperor Delong, is a serious and serious emperor!

 Isn’t this more impressive than Buffett?

 The most important thing is that although Emperor Delong has no power, he is still nominally the supreme leader of the Liang Kingdom and the most powerful person in the world!

Emperor Delong's lunch, not to mention tens of millions of silver, should be fine for a few hundred taels of silver, right?

 The more I think about it, the more excited I get!

 Shenzhouxing, I think it’s OK!

 “Your Majesty.”

Xiao Xizi did not dare to say a compliment after all.

Is this really wise?

 Let He Jixiang and other elders know about it, wouldn’t it mean that “the general will not be the country”?

“Why are you still standing there? Hurry up and call Gan Mao over.”

As soon as Lin Yi finished speaking, he felt a little impatient. He stopped Xiao Xizi who turned around and said, "Don't bother me. I will go directly to the court."

Chaofang is a resting place for ministers before going to court.

At this moment, He Jixiang, Chen Desheng, Gan Mao, Chen Yan, Xie Zan and other cabinet ministers are discussing the matter of Nangu.

 Seeing Prince He come in, he quickly saluted.

 “Okay, there’s no need to be so polite,”

Lin Yi sat on the main seat carelessly, "I have thought of a way to make money."

When the "Emperor's Lunch" auction plan was announced, everyone couldn't help but look at each other.

What kind of trouble are you and the prince going to make?

How will it behave if this continues?

 Everyone finally looked at He Jixiang.

He Jixiang knew he couldn't escape, so he smiled bitterly and said, "Your Majesty, I think this is inappropriate!

 It is really undermining the royal majesty! "

No matter what Emperor Delong was like, he wouldn't be so depressed that he would greet some merchants who smelled of copper with a smile, right?


Lin Yi said disdainfully, "It's gone a long time ago. Don't you even look at how poor the imperial court is now. Summer hurricanes along the coast, mildew rain in the south of the Yangtze River, natural moat floods, Huangshui bursting its banks, money is needed everywhere!"

 At that time, you will definitely be crying for poverty again. "

Xie Zan Putong knelt down and said, "Please give me your long-term consideration, Your Majesty!"

If Emperor Delong's face has fallen like this, how can the face of these ministers be saved!

Lin Yi waved his hand and said, "There is no need to discuss it any further. I just came here to inform you, and you can just carry it out."

Now that you are so poor, why do you still need face?

 “I obey your orders!”

Everyone looked at He Wangye's expression, and after all, they couldn't say anything to object.

 “And, you have to be innovative,”

Lin Yi inspired, "For example, if someone has given so much money, can you ask me to reward you with something, such as a pair of calligraphy treasures, a jade pendant, and a piece of clothing? Customer satisfaction should be your goal!"

Lin Yi returned to Qilin Palace again and revealed the lunch auction plan.

Emperor Delong couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth several times. After a while, he said, "It would be great if my rotten body can be of some use."

 “It’s still the general knowledge of the father and emperor,”

Lin Yi said with great satisfaction, "My son, I would like to thank my father for this."

If Emperor Delong doesn't cooperate, this matter will be really difficult to handle.

Within two days, the news of the emperor’s lunch auction spread throughout Ankang City.

The discussion of the topic gradually overtook Sichuan's dispatch of troops to Nangu and became the number one hot search topic.

 Many people began to discuss who could come out on top.

 Some people say it is the historians of Jinling, some say it is the Cao family of Ankang City, some say it is the Wang family of Sanhe, the Liang family, or even the Tan family of Wulin City.

In less than a month, there were many more merchants, big and small, in Ankang City, all of whom came from far away just to participate in the so-called Emperor's Lunch Auction.

What Lin Yi didn’t expect was that the one with the greatest momentum was Jin Buhuan from Jizhou.

 The Jin family's silver cars can be seen as far as the eye can see, and they look determined to win.

 The people of Ankang City saw for the first time what it means to be arrogant.

Liang Qingshu stood on the top floor of Chunxiang Building, looking at the silver cars escorted by Dongfeng Escort Bureau, and said to Liang Gen next to him, "My boss, this Jin Bu Huan is so domineering, a little arrogant."


Liang Gen yawned, and with the help of the servant, he slowly straightened up and looked down at the crowded street, "I didn't expect that when I came to Ankang City for the first time, I would be able to join in such a big excitement."

Liang Qingshu said, "My boss, we don't need to be on the same level as them."

Wang Cheng on the side glanced at Liang Qingshu, and then said to Liang Gen, "Liang Weng, you are the shopkeeper, the more you live, the more you go back."

Liang Qingshu blushed and wondered what he meant. Why is Wang Cheng competing with him?

I heard my boss snort coldly, "On the sea, my Liang family will give him three points, but on land, his Jin family will have to control him even if he is a tiger."

Liang Qingshu couldn’t help but said, “My boss.

 Now we are in charge of the court with the prince, so why should we."

 Now the court has the final say with the prince!

 Emperor Delong is just a decoration!

It’s not worth spending so much money and getting such a little light!

Wang Cheng said calmly, "The world has always regarded me as a barbarian in Sanhe, and I have been in various difficulties in the business world. Today's auction is an opportunity for me as a Sanhe to make a name for myself. If I miss this village, it is just a shop like this." .

This top spot will be decided by someone from my side! "

 “Haha, what Wang Weng said is,”

The bearded Shao Qing, who was once the largest landowner in Sanhe, joked, "If we didn't show off our power, they would think that we Sanhe people are afraid of them. Everyone, we, Sanhe people, should unite as one this time." Money will naturally provide money, and strength will naturally provide strength.

 I am not very talented, no matter what the final bidding amount is, I will pay 20%! "

 The supplier system was first implemented in Sanhe.

 Those Sanhe merchants are very familiar with the so-called auction.

“That’s right, according to the rules of this auction, the winning bidder can bring three companions, that is, four places,”

Yan Kuisheng's slightly closed eyes slowly opened, "I want a quota, so I'll take 20%."

Liang Gen looked at Wang Cheng and said, "There are still 60% left. Wang Weng, I will listen to you."

Wang Cheng is the richest man in Sanhe. In terms of financial resources, he should be the first in Sanhe!

 He dare not rob its beauty.

"Ha ha."

Wang Cheng laughed and said, "We are all old acquaintances. It's easy to talk."

The remaining old men looked at each other, cupped their hands and said, "It all depends on the king."

 “This time, there is no retreat!”

After finishing speaking, Wang Cheng looked at the boy aside and said, "Say hello to Sanhe Bank and tell me that I, Wang Cheng, want to use silver!"

Liang Gen on the side also winked at Liang Qingshu.

 Liang Qingshu hurried out.

 Jiang Dasheng, Li Sanniang, Mo Shun, Huang Daoji and others had been standing at the top of the stairs stretching their necks. When they saw Liang Qingshu coming down, they hurriedly surrounded him.

Liang Qingshu looked at the endless convoy of Jin family's silver cars and said disdainfully, "These bumpkins only use their posture to scare people. Several old bosses have said that this time we Sanhe people have to show them how powerful they are and don't be arrogant. "

 “That’s right, that’s right,”

 Jiang Dasheng quickly agreed, "These people from Jizhou are too arrogant!"

 Others followed closely and chattered.

 Jiang Dasheng couldn't say anything anymore, so he squeezed out in a hurry and approached Zhu Zhurong who was sitting at the door, "Whatever, I'm right, Dong Wang's family and Dong Liang's family will definitely not give up.

 In the words of us and the prince, it’s time to show our true strength! "

Although Zhu Zhurong has stayed in Sanhe, he is a native of Ankang City after all. Sometimes when people from Sanhe gather together, he feels a little out of place and can only drink on the sidelines.

Looking at the excited butcher Jiang, he said tastefully, "Don't get too happy too early. Wuzhou and Yong'an are the richest places in the world, and they haven't come yet."

 (End of this chapter)

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