I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 541: Strength does not allow

Chapter 541 Strength does not allow

The butcher finished the wine in his glass, then picked up a peanut and said disdainfully while chewing it, "All the big families in Jiangnan have been managed by the prince. Like the Xue family, the girl is an oiran and the son is a big opera singer." Yes, he is so depressed.

The remaining ones are as timid as mice. Who dares to risk showing such a face in front of Prince He? "

Zhu Zhurong frowned and said, "That's because you don't understand. It's because of being punished that you have to think of ways to send money to the prince and feel proud, otherwise there will be nothing to do with them on the trade routes of Daliang Kingdom from now on. You are good Let’s see, we don’t have to wait until next month, maybe the big businessmen from Wuzhou and Yong’an will come over, so just wait and see.”

The butcher snorted coldly, "Then let's see who is more powerful, the people from Jiangnan or the people from Sanhe!"

"Look at what you are capable of. If Wang Cheng and the others win, it will make you feel proud. What does it have to do with you? If you have that time, you might as well imagine collecting more pigs and spending less time with them. "

 Sometimes Pork Rong also raises eyebrows just for the sake of arguing, mainly because he can't see the arrogance of Jiang Butcher.

The butcher blushed and said, "I am from Sanhe. I understand the principle of prosperity and loss!"

Zhu Rong raised his eyelids and glanced at him, then continued, "Whether it's Wuzhou, Yong'an, or even Yuezhou, there are chambers of commerce, hometown associations, and annual associations, and all kinds of guilds in Ankang City. This is what we call mutual prosperity and loss!”

 “You know nothing!”

The general butcher snorted coldly, "If people are not united, no guild hall will be of any use. Take a quick look at Ankang City, whether it is in the army or in the palace, are there Sanhe people everywhere in Ankang City?"

 Isn’t it unnecessary to set up those kind of guild halls?

 Only those who are disunited need to use these names, we Sanhe people do not need it. "

Pork Rong poured him a drink and said, "You, you are deceiving yourself. Have you forgotten that when we first arrived in Ankang City, who, whether it was Mo Shun or Liang Qingshu, looked at us seriously?

Oh, by the way, you wanted to unite with Zhang Shun a few days ago. Are they willing to unite with you? "

 After saying that, he raised his head and glanced at Liang Qingshu, who was still standing at the top of the stairs, receiving compliments from everyone.

 Suddenly someone tapped me on the shoulder.

“Pork Rong, speaking ill of people behind their backs, in Ankang City terms, is unethical!

 What do you think, right? "

 “Ouch! Shopkeeper Zhang’s!”

The butcher reacted first, stood up, and said to Zhang Shun, "Sit down and have a drink."

Pork Rong didn’t even move his buttocks, he chuckled and said, “Shopkeeper Zhang, these days, although it’s not honest to tell the truth, it’s not against the law!”

If Ye Chen came over, he would still be polite, but he had nothing to be polite about Ye Chen's lack of integrity.

He is different from Jiang Butcher. He is not from Sanhe, he is not a fellow villager, and he is not in the same circle. There is no such thing as looking up but not looking down. If you offend someone, you will be offended. It doesn't hurt.

“Shopkeeper Zhang, he is a rough man. You must not be as knowledgeable as him.”

 The butcher suddenly felt a little panicked.

Zhang Shun didn't sit down, just stood there, and just said lightly, "Our boss often teaches me that you need to be friendly to make money. If you don't cultivate virtue, you will definitely have no chance of getting rich in this life."

The butcher chimed in, "What the Ye Dong family said is that if there are conflicts between people, there will be no need to do business."

But Pork Rong chuckled and said, "I'm just a meat seller. I don't expect to make any big fortune in this life. Only when you are content can you always be happy, don't you think?"

Zhang Shunpi smiled and said, "I'm afraid that not only will I not get rich, I won't even be able to eat."

Seeing that the two people were talking more and more awkwardly, the butcher hurriedly said, "Shopkeeper Zhang, would you like to sit down and have a drink?"

“No, I’m here to send a message on behalf of our boss.”

After Zhang Shun glanced at Pork Rong, he passed Liang Qingshu at the bottom of the building and went directly upstairs.

Pork Rong finished the glass of wine, slammed the glass on the table, and snorted, "How dare you threaten me."

The butcher sat down again and said helplessly, "Why bother? Their business is indeed bigger than ours. Let's keep our heads down and say nice things. It won't be embarrassing. Why are you so stubborn?"

Pork Rong said, "My bones are hard."

 “You mean my bones are weak?”

 The butcher looked worried.

 Pork Rong said, "I didn't mean that."

Li Sanniang also squeezed out from the crowd and sat unceremoniously between the two of them. Looking at the two people who looked wrong, she joked, "Why, what are you two causing trouble?

 If the partnership business can be done, just do it. If you can't do it, break up the partnership as soon as possible. Spending time together every day is not exciting. "

 “Never get tired of it,”

Pork Rong raised his eyelids and said with a smile, "Why, don't you go upstairs and join in the fun?"

Li Sanniang rolled her eyes at him and said, "You know that I don't have the ability, but you still say such things deliberately. What do you mean?

 You are such a coward, no wonder the veteran has to quarrel with you every day. "

Whether it is in Sanhe or Ankang City, she, Li Sanniang, is the number one figure.

 But when compared with elephants like Wang Cheng, Liang Gen, Yan Kuisheng and Shao Qing, she is just a pitiful ant.

 Let alone attend any auctions and have dinner with the emperor, he is not even qualified to have dinner with Wang Cheng and others.

This gap is similar to that between stars and fireflies. No matter how hard the fireflies try, they cannot make up for this gap.

 “He’s just a mean-mouthed person,”

  The butcher said bitterly, "Sooner or later I will be beaten, otherwise I will not be honest."

Zhu Rong said carelessly, "I don't know if others can beat me. Anyway, you don't have to think about it. If you practice for a few more years, you won't be able to beat me."

Li Sanniang poured the wine and said, "You are becoming more and more irritating."

Pork Rong’s kung fu is not as good as hers, she is sure that she can kill Pork Rong.

However, there is no guarantee that you will not be missing arms or legs. After all, Pork Rong’s butcher knife has become so good that it can tear human bones into pieces.

Even the newly-minted Grand Master Pan Duo mentioned him: He is a genius for being able to bring heresy to this level.

Although there is a lot of disdain in these words, there is also a certain element of admiration.

 “What does this pass mean?”

Pork Rong pursed his lips towards the upstairs, "There are only four places in total. If you don't come early, you won't come later. Now I want to join in. Who can agree, Shao Qing or Yan Kuisheng?"

Li Sanniang said with a smile, "Just watch the excitement. No matter who goes in the end, they will build momentum for us Sanhe people. We all have to thank them."

The butcher nodded with approval and said, "That's true, but I'm still curious whether they will sell Ye Chen's face."

On the top floor, Wang Cheng glanced at Zhang Shun, who was bowing his head in a respectful manner, and snorted coldly, "Your boss is really busy, and he actually asked a **** like you to come here."

 “Master Wang’s family calm down,”

Although he was scolded, Zhang Shun did not dare to show any anger, and still said with a smile, "Our boss caught wind and cold a few days ago. He has been lying down these days. He was afraid that he would be exposed to all the bosses, so he didn't dare to come over. Only then did I send someone to inform all my bosses.

Our boss has said that he is still young and that the auction depends entirely on the bosses. He is willing to help behind the scenes and cannot lose the face of us Sanhe people. "

Yan Kuisheng asked curiously, "What do you mean, your boss won't go to the emperor's luncheon?"

 Zhang Shundao said, “Of course I completely rely on my bosses.”

Shao Qing smiled and said, "In the past two years without seeing you, your boss has become more stable. Ye Weng is very good at teaching his son."

This sounds like a compliment to their boss, but bringing their old boss out seems a bit like making fun of him secretly.

Zhang Shun could only laugh and couldn't answer the question.


Lying in the pool, Lin Yi gradually felt the coolness of the mountains.

 However, as soon as I ran up, I was sweating all over again and it was extremely hot. From time to time there were mosquitoes, flies, and unknown insects surrounding me.

 “Grandma is a bear.”

Lin Yi had no choice but to sit on the shore and hide his lower body in the water. When the mosquitoes were too noisy, he would hold his breath in the water for a while.

 “Your Majesty,”

Han Deqing came over and said, "The letter has been delivered to King Yong's camp. It is said that King Yong stayed up all night."

Lin Yi yawned and said, "It's just that I can't sleep.

 Is there any news coming from Moxi? "

Han Deqing said, "The Saibei and Daizhou armies gathered in Shuozhou have all entered Moxi, and have not encountered the Wadan people yet."

When it got dark, he returned to the house. The little girl ran around the table, and several maids chased her around, making the little girl giggle.

Lin Yi hugged her and touched her back carelessly, "My back is sweating. Just rest."

 The little girl is babbling so dishonestly that she just wants to go to the ground.

 “It seems like I rarely hug you.”

Lin Yi’s face was scratched by her long nails, and he grimaced in pain.

 Several maids on the side were frightened out of their wits.

Lin Yi said, "It has nothing to do with you. Just cut off her nails later while she is asleep."

Several people breathed a long sigh of relief and said in unison, "Yes."

After dinner, he strolled to the top of the mountain. Han Deqing whispered, "Your Majesty, Miss Jinxiang is following me again."

“You dare to fight in this place?

 Aren’t you afraid of feeding mosquitoes? "

Lin Yi couldn't help but shiver when he thought of this, and hurriedly ran along a path.

He can't afford to offend this tiger girl, so he can only hide!

 He is under a lot of pressure now!

Since Mingyue gave birth to a child, both Zixia and Jinxiang have regarded conception as a top priority and worked hard for this goal every day.

Especially Du Yinniang, seems to regard pregnancy as her only purpose.

 Affected by this atmosphere, even Guan Xiaoqi, who had just entered the house, galloped on the road.

As for Hu Miaoyi, it was not much better. Every time Lin Yi went to see his daughter, Hu Miaoyi wanted him to stay overnight.

Hu Miaoyi also wanted to have a son.

Lin Yi had no choice but to agree several times.

What's worse is that the pretty maids in the house also take Mingyue and Zixia as inspirational examples, and they are all eager to try it!

 The look in his eyes was like looking at a stallion.

It seems that as long as you sleep with him, you will be able to prosper and prosper in the future, and your ancestors will be honored!

Facing this scene, he became timid.

His kidneys are not made of iron!

 He also needs a few days a month to rest!

 Otherwise, I really won’t be able to survive!

 Walking down the path, I walked down the mountain unconsciously.

 Looking back at He Wang's Mansion standing on the top of the mountain, he waved his hand and said, "I'm not going home tonight."

 The wolves are at home and I can't stay any longer. Let's stay out of the limelight for now.

Han Deqing said, "Your Majesty, where should we go?"

Lin Yi hadn’t seen Lao Twelve for a long time, so he said, “Go and have a drink with Lao Twelve.”

 King Yong'an is now the Zongzheng of the clan, and there are not a few people who please him, and he is gradually not short of money.

After several renovations, the Yong'an Prince's Mansion looked a bit prosperous.

When Lin Yi told him that he wanted to drink, he dared to wave his hand and said in a tone that he was not short of money: good wine and good food.

Lin Yi drank two bottles of wine and was in high spirits.

However, what he didn't expect was that Lao Twelve actually arranged a singer for him!

 He also wanted to make the same mistake that every man would make, but his strength did not allow it.

 “Luxury, extravagance and lewdness are not advisable!”

 “Brother, this is my kind intention.”

 Looking at He Wangye walking away with a dark face, Lao Twelve wanted to cry but had no tears.

 What did he do wrong?

 These are the things that Brother Huang particularly likes!

 Why are you unhappy today?

 Could it be that the emperor is trying to make excuses?

   to make him.

Thinking of this, he couldn't stop trembling with fear, and hurriedly got into the carriage and went to Prince Dai's Mansion. He wanted to go to Prince Dai for advice.


Lin Yi rode on the donkey and looked up at the bustling Chunxiang Building in front of him, "People must live meaningfully."

He never imagined that one day he would be indifferent to the land of fireworks.

 Do you feel misogynistic?


 “I want to play LOL.”

 As a teenager who is addicted to the internet, I will never get tired of this.

 “Your Majesty?”

Han Deqing has been walking around with Prince He for a whole night, but he still doesn’t understand what Prince He is going to do.

"You do not understand,"

Han Deqing didn’t understand what LOL was about, so he didn’t explain it. He just sighed, “I can’t get what I want.”

ˆ “.”

Han Deqing only hates that he is stupid.

 Can’t understand what Mr. He means.

I really want to ask directly, what else do you want but can’t get?

 “Go to Prince Dai’s Mansion.”

Lin Yi suddenly remembered Lao Liu.

 Lao Twelve doesn’t understand him, Lao Six should understand him.

He rushed in. The servants were kneeling on the ground, and no one informed him. As soon as Lin Yi entered, he saw the sad-looking Lao Twelve.

 “Emperor brother.”

 Old Twelve couldn't hold himself any longer.

 Speaking with a cry.

The king was still looking calm and calm. When he saw Lin Yi, he saluted and said, "See you, Prince Regent. May you be a thousand years old!"

 “Sixth brother, I’m here to ask for a drink.”

After saying that, he rolled his eyes at Lao Twelve next to him.

 Lao Twelve drooped his head, not daring to look directly into Lin Yi's eyes.

 “It is a great honor for the Prince Regent to come to visit us.”

 “As long as I don’t bother you,”

Lin Yi passed by Lao Twelve and couldn't help but kicked him, "You're a coward. You won't be able to eat four dishes in your life."

 The food and wine are served.

Lin Yi finished a glass of wine and said, "Your wine is much better than Lao Twelve's."

 (End of this chapter)

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