I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 542: Break the embankment

Chapter 542 Breaking the Levee

 Lao Twelve said with a sarcastic smile, "You know I, my brother, have always been short of money, how can I compare with the Six Emperors?"

 He has been favored by his father since he was a child, and even his fiefdom is eternal!

His former housekeeper was a good manager and managed things for him outside. As long as he occasionally showed his face and said a few words, he would have tens of thousands of taels of silver.

At the height of his glory, there were more than twenty silk shops, brothels, casinos, and restaurants under his name!

 The annual dividend is more than 100,000 taels!

I have never had the concept of "money" in my mind. If I'm short of money, I can just ask the housekeeper for it.

 Unfortunately, the prince had a coup and had no choice but to run out of Ankang City.

 Ascend the throne, then ascend the throne. What are you going to do with collecting his property?

 When he came back, he and the prince returned the Yongan Palace to him.

The originally luxurious and luxurious Yong'an Palace became overgrown with weeds, and the housekeepers and servants were all gone.

 He wanted to replicate his previous success, especially after becoming Zongrenfu Zongzheng.

 However, good things are gone forever.

At present, Liang State is severely cracking down on tax evasion. No matter whether they are ordinary people or princes and nobles, they must pay taxes in accordance with the law.

No one is willing to put the property in his name anymore.

However, after all, he is King Yong'an and Zongzheng, so there are still many people who send money. As long as the matter is not too difficult, they will not refuse.

 Life is much better than before.

 The wine he drank can only be said to be good, in line with his "temperament" as King Yong'an.

 But compared with Dai Wang, it is far behind.

The king's treasury is full, and there are many industries that are continuously delivering money.

Coupled with the fact that the wine itself is delicious, the drink may be better than drinking with the prince!

 “Don’t cry about being poor when you have nothing to do,”

Lin Yi squinted his eyes and said, "Don't think I don't know, how dare you accept any amount of money now?"

Seeing that he didn't look angry, Lao Twelve breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile, "Brother the emperor is wise, but my brother is not good at management, so I am living in panic these days."

Lin Yi said, "If you use more brains when doing things, collect money randomly, and something happens in the end, don't say that my brother doesn't love you."

 “Thank you, Brother Huang, for your teachings,”

 Lao Twelve vowed, "My brother will strictly abide by Liang's laws and will never do anything illegal!"

Nowadays, wherever there is a poetry meeting that needs to show off, he will definitely be there. After all, he has several thousand taels of silver for a trip.

He is indispensable for the opening of brothels and restaurants, which also brings in an income of several thousand taels.

 If the children of any family in the clan fight and need mediation, it is natural for him to mediate the conflict.

Most of the clan will give Zongzheng some face, it’s better than making trouble with Ankang Prefecture, right?

And if you get stiff, you really have to go to a labor camp.

 He likes to do this kind of thing the most, taking advantage of Zongzheng’s status to gossip and get double the money!


“Hmph, you do nothing every day and complain about everything, but you still want to compete with your Sixth Emperor brother?

Your brother, the Sixth Emperor, instantly sent 30,000 soldiers to the army and donated 500,000 taels of silver to the national treasury. Why don’t you compare? "

Lin Yi said nonchalantly, "Brother, I will teach you a lesson today. This person is narrower than his treatment and his mind is narrower. He can only speak higher and higher when it comes to dedication. You still have to work hard."

 Lao Twelve's head drooped all of a sudden, and he said with a smile, "Brother Chen will learn more from Brother Six Emperors in the future, and strive to make more contributions to our country, Daliang."

 “My twelfth brother’s words are serious, they are all contributing to the Liang Kingdom, just try your best,”

The king stood up, held up the cup and said to Lin Yi, "The regent's coming to the humble residence today really brings glory to the humble residence. I feel honored to drink this cup first."

After speaking, he raised his head and drank the wine in one gulp.

Lin Yi pressed his hands and said, "Sit down and talk. It's hard for us brothers to sit together. Needless to say, ministers and regents. You are so polite. I won't dare to come next time."

 The king of Dai cupped his hands and said, "I know the crime."

ˆ “.”

Lin Yi waved his hand and said, "Just pretend I didn't say anything."

 “I am ashamed.”

 “Old Twelve,”

Lin Yi turned his attention to King Yong'an again, "Brother, I want to ask you something."

 Lao Twelve said hurriedly, "Brother, please feel free to ask if you have anything to say. Brother, I will definitely tell you everything I know, and I will never dare to hide anything."

Lin Yi said curiously, "When I was in your house just now, I forgot to ask, that singer looks familiar to me. Where is she from?"

 Lao Twelve smiled and said, "Your Majesty, that is Xue Yin'er, the daughter of the traitor Xue Tongji."

 “It turns out it’s her,”

After Lin Yi suddenly realized this, he said bitterly, "Mother, how dare you let her sit next to me?"

Killing the revenge of the father, do not wear the sky together, actually let the two sit together?

As long as this Xue Yin'er has any evil intentions, how can he still live?

 Old Twelve was stunned.

 After a long time, he slowly said, "I forgot."

  Otherwise, what can you say?

 Could it be said directly that there are a few guests in the teaching department who have no grudges against the actors?

Which actor looks at those officials and doesn't want to kill them?

 Isn’t this quite normal?

 What is there to mind?

Lin Yi tilted his head and said, "Do you want me to die?"


Lao Twelve was so frightened by these words that he knelt down and said with a grin, "Brother Emperor, I didn't know you would come over suddenly. Since Xue Yin'er is here, I thought of letting her cheer up Brother Emperor.

 Besides, my brother, I thought that the general manager was very good at martial arts, but I couldn’t help but be a little careless. "

 That **** Hong Ying is like a shadow, clinging to Prince He. With him around, who dares to cause trouble?

 It’s completely unfounded!


Lin Yi still doesn’t believe it.

 Lao Twelve looked at Hong Ying, who was standing behind Lin Yi with his eyes closed and concentrating, with a sad face.

Hong Ying seemed to sense it, opened his eyes, and said with a smile, "Your Majesty, the Twelve Prince also had good intentions. It was not easy for him to offend his face, so he tapped Xue Yin'er's acupuncture point. She is very powerful. Even though I have the ability, I don’t dare to make any mistakes in front of the prince.”

 “Okay, then I forgive you,”

Lin Yi rolled his eyes and said curiously, "Xue Yin'er has been free for a long time, why does she still stay in Jiaoshifang, and what is her purpose?

 There is also Xue Dawu, who sings opera every day, what is he trying to do? "

 Lao Twelve said with a sneer, "I really don't know."

 “Okay, I also know that you don’t know,”

Lin Yi drank another bottle of wine and yawned, "It's really boring to talk to you."

 Once again, he left the Prince Dai's Mansion without looking back.

 Lao Twelve and Lao Liu looked at each other.

 “Brother Six Emperors, this”

“You are worrying too much, he is probably really bored”

 The King of Dai slowly said, "From the moment he stood in the Jinluan Palace, he had no family ties or friends."

 Old Twelve muttered, "If I were me, I wouldn't have to have friends."

 One day, with the sword in hand, I will kill all the heartless dogs in the world.

Aren’t the rest just friends?

Lin Yi returned home again.

  I heard the cry of a child from a long distance away.

He couldn't help but push the door and go in. Chen Xilian and Yan Hong were both there. Infantile spasms were too common. No matter how they told Mingyue, Mingyue didn't believe it and kept asking them to think of a solution. What could they do?

 You can only keep stroking the child's belly.


Lin Yi came in and took a look and understood what was going on, "Let's hug him on the plane."

Hug on the plane?

 No one understood its meaning, including Chen Xilian and Yan Hong.

 I saw Prince He letting the child lie face outward on his arm, shaking it from side to side.

 Miraculously, the child stopped crying.

“And you can also do carrot squats,”

Lin Yi squatted down and stood up, then squatted down. After a few moves, he was sweating profusely. He looked at Mingyue and said, "You have been in an orphanage. How come you have forgotten this common sense?"

Mingyue wiped away her tears and said, "When I heard her cry, my heart panicked."

He and the prince liked the child very much, and the ministers also valued the child very much.

 The more this happened, the more her heart swayed.

She has heard and seen many dirty things.

She did not dare to let her son leave her sight, and even slept until midnight. She would often use her hands to detect the child's breathing.

For the first time today, the child cried so hard and hoarsely that it really scared her.

“Hey, the colic is just the beginning, there will be teething fever, and maybe pneumonia.”

As Lin Yi spoke, he lost the courage to continue talking about so many horrific diseases. There are no vaccines or antibiotics in this world. I dare not mention all diseases. At least most of them are fatal to already fragile infants and young children. of!

 Just because they are an imperial family, diseases will not bypass them.

“My lord, don’t scare me like this”

 Ming Yue’s tears came down in a steady stream.

"Don't cry. Just follow my example and hold the baby. Take turns holding the baby. It's too tiring for one person."

Lin Yi handed the child into Mingyue's hands and taught her how to hold the baby correctly.

The child struggled for more than an hour before falling asleep.

 Lin Yi saw that there was nothing going on here, so he returned to his wing.

 Do not get up until about three o'clock in the morning.

 At this moment, I was covered in sweat and lay down directly by the pool on the mountain.

He Jixiang came over in a hurry and said, "Your Majesty, the Huangshui River has burst its embankment!"

Lin Yi sighed, "The flying pigeon sent a message, ordering the Chuzhou and Nanling armies to come to the rescue nearby. Gan Mao coordinated in the middle and sent Chen Yan, Han Jin, Bian Jing, and Chen Jingzhi to form an inspection team and immediately rushed to Yuzhou to supervise the battle. It was natural disasters with all their strength. If it’s a man-made disaster, kill them all and leave no harm behind!”

 In this era where communication relies on shouting and transportation relies on walking, almost all rescue measures are aftermath.

 The main purpose of sending people there now is to prevent the disaster from spreading.

For example, if refugees have no food, will they turn into bandits or even rebel?

If the corpses of people and animals are not disposed of in time, will there be a plague?


He Jixiang didn’t hesitate at all and went down in a hurry.


Lin Yi put his hand on his forehead. Ever since he took charge of the court, he had not been worried about it for a day, "Why is it so difficult?"

 “Your Majesty,”

Hong Ying put a hot towel on his head and said with a smile, "Master He is always heavy-handed, so he will definitely be able to handle it properly."

 “I hope so,”

Lin Yi said with emotion, "God doesn't reward me with food, nor does I recruit anyone."

Even in modern society, relying on modern water conservancy technology, floods and droughts are common occurrences.

 How insignificant human beings are in front of nature!

Hong Yingdao said, "Your Majesty, just feel at ease."

Lin Yi thought for a while and said, "As for Liang Yuanzhi, let him draw up a donation initiative according to past practice. The wealthy households in Liang Kingdom will naturally contribute money, and those who are powerful will naturally contribute. Don't mess with them. It seems like it has nothing to do with it.”


After Hong Ying finished speaking, he withdrew.

Lin Yi glanced at Han Deqing next to him, "Where is Guan Xiaoqi?"

Han Deqing hurriedly said, "The sheepfold is built. Miss Guan went to the market town of Hejiawan to buy lambs today."

Lin Yi said, "There's nothing for sale anywhere near here, so why go so far?"

Han Deqing said, "My subordinate said the same thing, but Miss Guan said that goats in the countryside are cheap, so I asked Tan Fei and two servants to accompany Miss Guan."

 “Then let her do whatever she wants.”

Lin Yi closed his eyes slightly and stopped talking.

 Enter the dog days.

 It is the hottest time of the year in Ankang City, and most people are reluctant to go out.

 On the empty street, a long motorcade suddenly appeared.

In the teahouse, the butcher shook the sleeping Zhu Zhurong. Zhu Zhurong said in a daze, "Let me sleep for a while. What are you doing?"

He pointed the butcher at the convoy with the flag of the Dongfeng Escort Bureau and said, "Is the car escorted by Songcheng a silver car?"

 Zhu Zhurong squinted his eyes, looked at it carefully, and then said, "Besides the silver car, there is no one worthy of Song Cheng's personal escort."

Dongfeng Escort Bureau is the property of Prince He, which is no secret in Ankang City.

 Hence, those business travelers who travel from north to south will find Dongfeng Escort Bureau if they have some strength.

 The main thing is safety. No bandit dares to stroke the beard of Dongfeng Escort Agency without opening his eyes.

The butcher said, "These days, there are silver carts almost every few days. Who do you think this belongs to?"

 “Look at the other flags that say Chen Kee Trading Co., Ltd.”

The butcher raised his head, followed the source of the sound, and saw Liang Qingshu with his hands behind his back.

“Shopkeeper Liang, sit here. Why do you have time to come out for tea today?”

 The butcher quickly poured him a cup of tea.

Liang Qingshu said with a smile, "It's too hot these days and I'm too lazy to go out, but I can't do it without going out. There are too many things to do. I just happened to stop by for a cup of tea."

 Pork Rong asked casually, "Where does this Chenji Trading Company come from? Why haven't I heard of it?"

Liang Qingshu said, "This is the Chen family from Qizhou. They are also the overlord at sea. Now that they have obtained the shipping license, they are even more arrogant and domineering. I didn't expect that they would also join in the fun."

He handed the butcher his hand and complimented him, "Shopkeeper Liang is very knowledgeable."

Liang Qingshu smiled and said, "Actually, you also know them. Fuan Grain Store was one of the grain suppliers last year."

 Pork Wing said in shock, "It turns out it's them!"

The butcher nodded and said, "Fu'an grain stores are all over the city, so there is no shortage of money."

Liang Qingshu said, “Selling grain is only part of their business. They transport silk, porcelain, and tea to the sea, which is where they really make money.

This great show in Ankang City has just begun. In the future, it will definitely be even more lively. "

 The butcher asked in surprise, "What do you mean?"

Liang Qingshu stroked his beard and said with a smile, "The dragon is crossing the river, the wind is heavy and the rain is heavy."

 (End of this chapter)

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