I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 80: Foolish loyalty

Chapter 80 Foolish Loyalty

Lin Yi ran down the steps in three steps at a time. He was in a panic, which frightened Hong Ying quite a lot. He followed behind with two hands to support himself, fearing that Lin Yi would accidentally fall.

Lin Yi swatted his hand away and said anxiously, "There's no one in sight here. Don't be stunned. Hurry up and catch up for me."

Hong Ying smiled and said, "Your Majesty, don't be anxious. Han Deqing has already chased me."


Lin Yi looked around and saw no sign of Han Deqing.

Hong Ying said, "Han Deqing is an old man who has followed the prince. He can still handle this matter appropriately."

When Lin Yi heard what he said, he stopped and gasped, "Grandma, you're such a bear, you can't even breathe after walking like this."

He is not willing to take more followers with him every time he travels. It is too ostentatious and he doesn't like it very much.

This time Hong Ying secretly arranged for Han Deqing to serve as a secret sentry. Not only was he not angry, he was even a little happy, otherwise he would have been lost!

Hong Ying said, "Your Majesty, that woman is very skilled in kung fu. From what I've seen, she's at least the third level. The light kung fu she just performed was pretty good."

Lin Yi sighed, "No wonder I can't catch up with her even if I run so fast."

Slowly and leisurely walking down the mountain, I met Han Deqing waiting with his donkey at the foot of the mountain.

Lin Yi was very happy when he saw the donkey. Finally he no longer had to walk on two legs.

He stepped on the steps, got on the donkey, and asked, "Where are the people? Are you following?"

Han Deqing said with a smile, "Your Majesty, three groups of people are following us. Do you want to follow us?"

Moreover, my subordinates inquired and found out that she was a young lady from the Yan family and could not go anywhere. "

 “A monk who can run away cannot run away from the temple,”

Lin Yi finally felt relieved, "Let's not go back yet. We'll wait at the tea stall."

Han Deqing said with a smile, "Your Majesty, why should I worry about such a trivial matter? Why don't I go to Yan's house to invite you over in person?"


Lin Yi certainly understood what he meant. He was probably using force to suppress others. If he couldn't suppress them, he would be tied up.

Lin Yi has never used this routine himself, but he has seen it a lot in Ankang City.

Therefore, he said angrily, "If I become a dandy one day and live the way I hate the most, none of you will be innocent!"

Han Deqing was not ashamed, but rather proud and said, "The fact that the prince likes you is a blessing that the Yan family has cultivated over several lifetimes!"

Lin Yi said, "The Yan family is a prominent local family after all, and they just received a tribute of 80,000 taels from others a few days ago.

Now playing with people, the king is not so thick. "

 He could feel the loyalty of these people.

 As long as you can make him happy, you can throw away all standards of right and wrong.

 Whatever he says is right, and whatever he does is what he should do.

He also gradually understood why the richer the family, the easier it was for dandies to appear.

 Because there are such a group of "really mean people" around us, it is really difficult to become an "upright" person!

Han Deqing smiled and said, "Our prince is the most kind."

Lin Yi said impatiently, "Stop farting and find a tea stall to rest."

Han Deqing led the donkey, turning left and right, and finally stopped at a tea stall on the side of the newly built road.

 The seven or eight tables at the tea stall were all filled with people.

Hong Ying helped Lin Yi get off the donkey, and Han Deqing ran to a table first, threw a bunch of copper coins at two middle-aged men who were drinking tea, and said, "You two, this tea money belongs to me. Okay, it’s convenient.”

 The two looked at each other, picked up the copper plate on the table, and left happily.

 Han Deqing hurriedly asked the waiter to clean the table. Disliked that he didn't wipe it clean, he grabbed the rag and wiped it back and forth on the table and chairs several times.

Lin Yi sat down on the table and bench, waved his hands and said, "Okay, I am not such a squeamish person. Waiter, bring me a pot of tea and some food."

The piece of bread I ate on the mountain was completely digested on the way down, and now I'm a little hungry again.

Tea and cakes were served. He held the cakes in one hand and the tea bowl in the other, watching the sun gradually set.

When Su An came on horseback, even the tea stall owner was ready to close the stall.

 “Stand and talk, don’t make so much noise.”

 Lin Yidao.

"Yes." Su An stepped forward and whispered, "Your Majesty, the young lady went back after buying the rouge and gouache."

"gone back?"

Lin Yi was a little disappointed, "How far is the Yan family from here?"

Su An said, "The Yan family lives in the countryside, at least fifteen miles away from here."

Lin Yi said, "Recently, stop doing other things and just keep an eye on the Yan family.

 Let her know when she goes out for shopping. "

 After saying that, he got up and got on the donkey.

With more than ten days left before the Spring Festival, Bian Jing’s bandit-suppressing team finally returned, but the girl he was waiting for had not yet arrived.

More than 20,000 people with exiles are all over the mountains, and all the mountains are all over the mountains.

 “Your Majesty, I am fortunate to have lived up to my command!”

He Jixiang, who is in his seventies, is wearing armor and has a dry body. He makes a clanking sound when he walks, but he is still high-spirited.

 “Have someone give you a suitable suit of armor.”

Lin Yi took a lot of effort to stop laughing.

  It would be too hurtful if you laugh while others are working hard for you outside.

 “Thank you for your concern, Your Majesty,”

He Jixiang handed the sword that was taller than him back to Shen Chu and said loudly, "The culprit has been eliminated, and I have brought back 20,000 refugees!

 50,000 taels of gold and silver, 15 carts of grain and grass, and a thousand horses, cattle, and sheep were seized! "

 “Hey, dealing with a bunch of poor people is definitely a loss-making business.”

Lin Yi was very happy to hear that He Jixiang was back at first, but when he saw that Mingyue and Zixia had collected the bills that were as high as one person, his face quickly fell again.

 Refugees are all gold-eating beasts!

Xie Zan cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty, these refugees need to make arrangements early, otherwise they will cause trouble sooner or later."

Lin Yidao, “Didn’t you measure the acres before?

 Divide the ownerless land of Sanhe to them on a per capita basis, regardless of age or age, and give each person one acre of land. "

Shi Quan said, "Your Majesty, these people are poor and have no place to live. I don't know how much money each of them should have to settle down."


Lin Yi glanced at him with disgust, "Do you think this king is being taken advantage of?

 How can it be given?

 This king is the vassal king!

  Of course I’m borrowing it! "

 No wonder we can only make a general judgment!

 Not enough brain.

Wang Qingbang smiled and said, "I have the same intention. I can lend them gold, silver, grain, axes, cattle and sheep, and let them build their own shacks. Anyway, there is a lot of wood on the mountain."

"Then let's do it," Lin Yi nodded and said, "Wang Xing."

  “The subordinate is here.”

Wang Xing said hurriedly.

“There are a lot of people among the refugees, so your militia team still has to patrol day and night,”

Lin Yi said bitterly, "If you have nothing to do, please read my king's regulations to them again. Whoever dares to commit an offense will not be spared lightly."

Wang Xingdao, "I understand, I will live up to the prince's trust."

Lin Yi then looked at the pension list handed over by Shen Chu, and said sadly, "They all followed me all the way to Sanhe. I didn't expect that they would lose their lives here."

Those are all living human lives.

 A few days ago, I was still lively and flattering myself.

 It’s gone now.

  ps: Thanks to the leaders of A Dubu Tianxia, ​​Na 326, Tabu Xiaozhai and other big leaders, I will put the additional updates later for now.

 Because this is the first time I write this type of article, I still have a lot of worries when I write it and cannot speed up the update.

 When the old hat writes smoothly, I will update it.

 (End of this chapter)

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