Chapter 81 Posthumous Affairs

 Seventeen living lives!

They are so young, many of them have not even started a family or started a business, and have not yet had time to enjoy the prime years of their lives.

 But everything came to an abrupt end.

Thinking about it, tears instantly slid down my face.

 He shouldn't have let them go suppress the bandits.

 They all paid with their lives for his willfulness.


Shen Chu couldn't stop crying, "It's my subordinate who is incompetent!

 Failed to bring them back properly! "

 “My condolences, Your Majesty!”

 The large living room was filled with people.

"Your Majesty," Bao Kui consoled him, "being able to serve your Majesty is also their blessing in this life."

“Fuck you!” Lin Yi said with his eyes closed, “Whoever’s life is not his life!

 Who is more noble than anyone else? "

 “It’s all small sins!”

When Hong Ying heard this, he was trembling all over.

Lin Yi sighed and said, "Flying pigeons passed the message and took good care of the young and old in Ankang. I will take care of them for the rest of their lives. This is what I should do."

Hong Ying cried and said, "If the little ones know this, I will not let them suffer."

Wang Qingbang said, "Although I have been away from Ankang for many years and am still alive now, my disciples and former officials are all over the world. It is not a embarrassment for them to arrange a family background."

Lin Yi waved his hands feebly and said, "Just look at the arrangements and be sure not to wrong them."

 As the sun sets in the west, wild geese fly south.

Lin Yi was lying on a chair, looking at the wild geese flying by in the sky from time to time, his eyes dull.

 “A man is a real man, and he naturally does things informally,”

Wen Zhaoyi said calmly, "Everyone has his own destiny, why do you have to think too much about it."

 “Who the **** wants to be a man?”

Lin Yi snorted coldly, "I just want to live well, and I just want the people I care about to be happy."

Wen Zhaoyi shook her head helplessly and said, "You are still childish. You are not satisfied with your life. In all likelihood, why should you care."

“Their parents mind, their children mind, their wives mind,”

Lin Yi said, "I just want to live with a clear conscience, but now I feel guilty."

Wen Zhaoyi was silent.

 In the end, he only uttered one sentence: a woman’s kindness.

Baiyun City suddenly had more than 20,000 refugees, which caused a lot of problems, but there were also many benefits.

Bian Jing never complained that he was short of people again.

Even if they are only given one copper a day, these people are still struggling to get three meals a day!

 At the same time, the militia and nursing home were expanded again.

Hong An brings a yellow dog with him every day when he comes in and out.

I wanted to imitate him for the rest of my life, but I always felt that pulling a dog was not impressive enough. So I caught a black bear from somewhere and held it in my hand with a rope made of tree vines.

Not to be outdone, Ah-Dai simply went into the forest and brought back a tiger with his arms.

 For a time, everyone in Baiyun City was in danger.

Black bears and tigers have entered the city, no one is afraid of them!

Naturally go to the militia, the black men they call them, and file a complaint!

Wang Xing has a headache. He has never encountered such a problem since he took office.

Yu Shih and Ah-Dai are both idiots with high martial arts skills. Even if they can barely win, there are no rules to follow!

  There is no prohibition against raising wild animals in the prince’s regulations!

 He was very helpless and could only go to Lin Yi to complain.

Lin Yi didn’t believe it at first, until he called the two idiots over and saw a black bear weighing nearly half a ton and a tiger taller than Cui Gengsheng.

“Your Majesty, look at how well-behaved it is!”

While talking for the rest of the hour, he had to lead the black bear in front of Lin Yi.

Lin Yi quickly took a step back and said through gritted teeth, "Put it in the forest! Don't raise it!"

 After saying that, I stopped talking to these two idiots.

Yu Shi and Dui were still arguing, but when they saw Hong Ying, they immediately became honest.

They still know who can be offended and who cannot be offended.

On New Year's Eve, Lin Yi received ginseng, deer antlers, and some gold and silver jewelry from Ankang City.

 Not to mention too much, it was all sent over by his mother.

 The mother is worried when her son travels a thousand miles.

 “The old lady is interested in me, but I didn’t give her anything.”

Lin Yi vaguely regretted it.

 I just gave it to the emperor as a gift.

  And neglected the biological mother.

Hong Ying smiled and said, "Your Majesty, your Majesty will definitely not care about this."

 “I hope so.”

Lin Yi sighed.

 This is the most boring and boring Spring Festival he has experienced since he came to this world.

Hong Ying, Mingyue and others did not dare to serve the dishes. He stared at the dishes on the table in a daze, eating alone without any taste.

 After the Spring Festival.

 The temperature remains normal.

 The squires, salt lords, and pirates of Sanhe sent tribute ranging from 10,000 to 50,000 yuan.

  Another good start.

 Schools, nursing homes, and militia began normal training, and Bian Jing began construction again.

 More and more businessmen are coming to Sanhe. They feel the same as the locals. Doing business here is so easy!

 There are no ruffians, no exorbitant taxes, and no forced buying and selling!

 Even if the journey is far away and even if the income is a little less, it still makes people feel refreshed!

Baiyun City is prosperous.

The brave grain and oil shop openly sells private salt.

Lin Yi is not used to their problem. If he wants to sell salt, he must have a salt lead.

If you want salt, you can ask the envoy to buy it with money!

 Otherwise, "black leather men" would come to the shop to collect salt without any discussion.

 Fortunately, it did not cause a huge backlash. After all, everyone knew that they were in the wrong.

He and the prince were merciful enough by not killing them!

 It is enough for them to be grateful.

 Furthermore, Prince He has issued regulations that require those who refuse to change despite repeated admonitions to go to labor camps!

The only thing that worries Lin Yi is that the news has been leaked for some reason, and more and more refugees are crossing the mountains and ridges from Yuezhou to enter Sanhe.

 The Yuezhou Rebellion was beyond Lin Yi’s imagination.

Rebels are rising everywhere, but Mei Jingzhi has not yet put them out.

And with the construction of the road from Sanhe to Nanzhou, there are even people coming from Nanzhou to escape the disaster!

There are only some sporadic hurricanes in Nanzhou. It can be said that the weather is smooth, but the harsh government is fiercer than the tiger!

 People in some places really can’t survive.

“Grandma is a bear. Can Sanhe afford to raise so many people?”

Lin Yi is worried.

Xie Zan said happily, "Your Majesty, you can rest assured, I will definitely make arrangements!"

Lin Yi said, "Just don't starve people to death. And the children must be sent to school, no matter how far away."

 Besides these children, he doesn't really care about anything else.

 After all, no matter how poor we are, we cannot afford education, and no matter how miserable we are, we cannot suffer for our children.

 Whether it was in the previous life or in this life, these concepts have been deeply rooted in his bones.

 The classrooms built last year can no longer meet the demand.

Lin Yi had no choice but to build a branch.

 The orphanage, which also functions as a student dormitory, is not large enough and must be rebuilt.

On the day of completion, Lin Yi wrote in the name he had already thought of.


“The name Wangye is a wonderful one,” Xie Zan praised without hesitation, “Since the old days of Yanliang, it has always been difficult to maintain the integrity of the country.

Thousands of trees have been replanted, with peach and plum blossoms standing beside them. "

 ps: Please vote!

 (End of this chapter)

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