Chapter 82 Yan Shiqi

“Ci Wu lost his mother and became dumb and mournful,”

Xing Shou said respectfully, "Your Majesty has done a great job in protecting them."

Lin Yi said with a smile, "It's just too much to look at, and we really can't let them live on the streets and fend for themselves."

He Jixiang said loudly, "Your Majesty, bandits are everywhere right now, and the people are in dire straits. Cao Datong in Chuzhou, Han Hui in Yuezhou, and Gong Lianyi in Liangzhou have all become powerful. I am afraid that General Mei will not be able to stop them.

 When the time comes, there will be many displaced people, so we, Sanhe, had better make preparations in advance. "

Lin Yi said curiously, "I went to the city a few days ago and found a lot of refugees speaking with Nanzhou accents. Ordinarily there shouldn't be that many, right?

When I was enthroning the vassal, I passed through Nanzhou and lamented that it was indeed a blessed land. Compared with the land south of the Yangtze River, it was no less generous. "

He Jixiang said, "Chuzhou and Yuezhou have suffered from floods and droughts for many years, so Nanzhou, Yong'an, and Qizhou have become important tax areas. The foundation of the country lies in the southeast.

The current situation is becoming more overwhelming and life is becoming more and more difficult. Some people are selling their houses, some are selling their fields, some are selling their cattle, and some are selling their children.

 Therefore, people have been coming to Sanhe all the time, not just today.

 It's just that the prince has built the road to Nanzhou, which makes it more convenient for them.

 Of course there are more and more. "

Wang Qingbang said, "I have also asked some refugees from Nanzhou these days. The land south of the Yangtze River is really in decay.


No matter how deep the mountain is, there should be no way to avoid conquest. "

Lin Yi sighed and said, "The rogue bandits and Wadan have been fighting for years. Fighting requires money, and taxes and corvee are naturally heavy.

I heard that in the war with Wadan last year, there were more than 300,000 civilians alone.

 Hing, the people suffer;

  Perish and the people suffer. "

Wang Qingbang said, "Your Majesty, there is no need to blame yourself. The general trend has already been this."

Lin Yi shook his head and walked away.

 Five miles away from He Wangfu's residence, the newly built branch located next to the road can be heard singing every day.

 These were taught to them by Lin Yi.

Lin Yi was a little desperate.

We are not afraid of heaven or earth, but we are afraid of Sanhe people talking in official language.

He couldn't correct the accents of these kids.

With nothing to do, he went in and taught another class of Ge Wu.

“When white light shines on an object, part of it is absorbed by the object and the other part is reflected by the object. This is reflected light.

 What we see is reflected light, and the color of an object that does not reflect any light is black.”

He didn't care whether these children who had just learned Pinyin could understand it.

 That is what Mingyue and Zixia should worry about.

These two people have learned a lot of messy things from him since they were young. Lin Yi has more confidence in himself than they do, and he is at least as good as a second grader in physics.

 After teaching for more than an hour, it was time for the students to get out of school.

 Looking at the ragged, malnourished children queuing up to receive porridge in the school playground with brand-new white porcelain bowls, I couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness.

I couldn't bear to look at the scene in front of me anymore, so I walked to the foot of Baiyun Mountain without knowing it.

 Walking straight up the mountain along a path trodden by woodcutters, herb gatherers, and hunters.

 “Don’t follow me.”

Lin Yi said to Hong Ying, "I want to relax alone."

 When I used to feel sad, I would bring a lot of things to the orphanage.

 Now I feel sad but I don’t know where to go.

Hong Ying bowed and said, "Yes."

Lin Yi shook his head. There must be something wrong with agreeing so readily.

 Maybe he will follow me secretly.

Moreover, there are still many secret whistles behind the scenes.

However, he didn't bother to care about it, as long as it wasn't an eyesore in front of him.

Walking on a steep hillside, from time to time you need to use your hands to grab the branches and dead grass on the side of the road to use your strength to climb up.

 He regretted it a little.

   should not come up.

Not only will the road be difficult, you might even encounter wild beasts like tigers and wolves!

 Looking around again, I saw no sign of Hong Ying and others.

 However, having already walked more than half the way, going back seems a bit like giving up halfway.

 I can only grit my teeth and continue walking up the mountain.

There is a fork in the road made by pedestrians. Look to the left, the path is buried in weeds, and you don’t know where it leads. Look to the right, and you can see the spire of Baiyun Temple in the distance.

 Decisively choose the right side. If you can reach Baiyun Temple, it will be much easier to go down the mountain.

  Picked a bagful of oranges and ate them at the same time.

Suddenly, he was stunned. The orange he held in his hand had been put into his mouth, but he forgot to chew it.

A woman was sitting on the edge of the cliff, bathing in the sunset, holding her chin up, looking at the endless flow of the Xijiang River in a daze.

 He did not dare to move for fear of scaring the other party.

 When he fell down, his whole body was broken into pieces.

 He simply squatted on the ground, preparing to just look at her quietly.

 Unexpectedly, she had already turned around.

Lin Yi was stunned.

 I didn’t expect him to think about it day and night, but I didn’t expect to meet him here.

 Yan 17.

"Excuse me."

He sneered and said, "I was just passing by. I had no other intentions. Don't worry, I'm not a bad person."

 “You don’t know how to do martial arts.”

She pursed her lips and said, "So what if he is a bad person?"

  “It seems to be true.”

Lin Yi felt so embarrassed.

Even if you want to be cruel, you don't seem to have the ability. "Why are you a girl here?"

Yan Shiqi pointed to the towering spire of Baiyun Temple and said, "I went to burn incense, so I dropped by. The scenery here is quite good. There is no more beautiful place in Baiyun City than here.

 Especially in summer, it’s very cool. "

Lin Yi smiled and said, "It's very dangerous. There are big tigers and black bears here."

 He carefully sat down next to her.

Yan Shiqi raised his head and said, "You are not afraid of an ordinary person, so what should I be afraid of?

 I am a fourth-grade person! "

Lin Yi cupped his hands and said, "Master!


admire! "

Yan Shiqi said, "You are perfunctory with me, don't think I don't know."

"Have it?"

Lin Yi was surprised.

Yan Shiqi said, "You clearly don't admire me. It's as hypocritical as saying 'I have admired you for a long time' to someone you don't know."

Lin Yi laughed dumbly and said, "I don't know martial arts, so of course I admire you."

Yan Shiqi looked him up and down and said suspiciously, "Your face is clean and your hands are not calloused at all. You are not used to doing rough work. Who are you?"

Lin Yi said, "I was originally a wealthy family in Yuezhou, but unfortunately I suffered a disaster and had to escape to Sanhe."

“Then can you say a few words in Yuezhou dialect?”


"Liar," Yan Qiqi snorted coldly, "My ancestors are from Yuezhou. I have been able to speak Yuezhou dialect since I was a child. Don't try to lie to me."

ˆ “”

Lin Yi smiled bitterly.

 Is it okay for girls to be so smart?

 “Then who are you?”

 “My name is Yan Shiqi.”

 “The name is simple and nice.”

 “You are clearly laughing at me.”

 “No.” Lin Yi smiled and said, “I’m telling you the truth.”

Yan Shiqi pouted, hugged his legs, looked at the sunset, and stopped talking.

 The two fell into silence for a while.

 (End of this chapter)

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