Chapter 90 Elimination

Ge Laoshan was secretly cursing when a chill suddenly came from the bottom of his heart. When he looked up, he saw the dead eunuch!

He was so frightened that he knelt down and said loudly, "Common people, please see the prince!"

 Your Majesty is a thousand years old! "

 “Oh, long time no see, get up,”

Lin Yi turned around and waved to him, then continued to look at the otter, "You really made it difficult for me!"

 Really killed?

 Sin shall not lead to death.

 Keep it?

That is abusing oneself. Who can bear this unpleasant cry?

He hesitated for a while, then sighed and said, "Throw it away. Throw it far away. Don't let me see him again."

Bao Kui stepped forward and untied the rope from the otter. Ignoring its screams, he put it directly into a sack and carried it out of the palace.

Lin Yi washed the handle in the basin, wiped it with a towel, took the tea cup, and sat on the chair before he had time to look at Ge Laoshan.

He said kindly, "Tell me, what do you want to see the king for?"

 I just ransacked someone’s family last year, and now I still feel a little guilty and don’t have the confidence to speak.

Ge Laoshan smiled and said, "Your Majesty, since I listened to your teachings, the common people have become enlightened!

 Now he is a businessman. "

 “Keep a long story short and speak in human terms,”

Lin Yi smiled and said, "Don't beat around the bush. If you don't do your best, King of the Mountain, why are you here at Sanhe?"

Ge Laoshan was stunned for a moment, then said with a sneer, "Your Majesty, Nanzhou is in turmoil, and many people are looking for common people to join the gang, but the common people don't have the guts to agree.

He didn’t dare to refuse, so he came to seek refuge with the prince! "

Lin Yi smacked his lips and frowned, "You mean someone is pulling you to rebel?"

Ge Laoshan smiled and said, "Although there are thousands of people among the common people, the prince knows that they are all old, weak, women and children."


He didn't have the guts to say the word out of his own mouth, so he could only equivocate.

Lin Yi said, "Come to me and join the king. All right. Go and command the envoys. Someone will allocate land for you."

Ge Laoshan kowtowed again and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty."

Lin Yi saw that he had no intention of retreating, so he asked again, "What else do you want?"

Ge Laoshan said, "Common people also want to serve the prince!"

 After saying that, he couldn't help but look at Qin Hu next to him.

This kind of waste can be kept, why can’t I?

Lin Yi touched his bare chin. Did he really have the spirit of a **** now?

  Excluding Qin Hu who fled, not counting Tian Shiyou who was forced to do so, Ge Laoshan was the first person to take the initiative to join him!

The look in Lin Yi's eyes immediately changed when he looked at him.

 “What are you planning?”


Ge Laoshan was also stunned when asked, "Does it need to be so direct?"

“Three Harmonies are all decided by the prince. The ordinary people will naturally become prosperous by following the prince. It’s just around the corner!”

 “This king is a vassal king,”

Lin Yi shook his head unconsciously and said, "I came here hoping to get promoted and make a fortune. Are you afraid that you have come to the wrong place?"

 “Your Majesty, ordinary people don’t want to be officials!”

Ge Laoshan said loudly, "The common people just want to get rich!"


Lin Yi was speechless. Do you have such a bad memory?

 Last year I emptied your fortune!

"Your Majesty," Ge Laoshan said with a smile, "I heard that Your Majesty has opened a shipping business, and ordinary people can find a way to get ships."

 “So that’s what you had in mind,”

Lin Yi smiled and said, "You must have asked about it. If you want to sail, you have to go to the auction. The one with the highest price will get it."

 Without a license, it is difficult to make a fortune. "


Ge Laoshan smiled bitterly.

You took away all my money.

Lin Yi said curiously, "You bandit, go run into the sea. Isn't this nonsense?"

Ge Laoshan said, "Your Majesty, you don't know. We have been fishermen for generations, hiding in the mountains and forests, and struggling to make a living."

“Okay, you’ve made money, just don’t forget my share.”

Lin Yi thought that this person was the first to defect to him, so he gave him a shipping license and used it as a thousand pieces of gold to buy horse bones.

 “Thank you, Your Majesty!”

Ge Laoshan was overjoyed.

Seeing that Lin Yi stopped talking, he stood up and left.

The wars continued in Chuzhou and Yuezhou, and even Hongzhou and Nanzhou were affected. More and more refugees poured into Sanhe, each bringing their families with them.

Those who are better off may even drive cattle and sheep.

However, most of them are extremely poor people, and some of them have very clear goals and rush directly into Baiyun City.

Lin Yi couldn't pretend not to see this kind of thing. He was so hungry that he could do anything.

Still following the old method of providing relief through work, Bian Jing recruited them all to build roads.

There were many people building the road this time, and combined with past experience, the road to Yuezhou was built very quickly.

 More refugees are aimless and go into the mountains and old forests to open up wasteland for farming, or hunt and fish.

 Lin Yi couldn't do anything about this kind of thing.

Although he is the King of Sanhe, the area he has the ability to govern is within a hundred miles of Baiyun City. A little further away, the mountains are high and the roads are dangerous, beyond the reach of a whip.

Time passed faster than Lin Yi imagined.

 It’s summer harvest in the blink of an eye.

 Many local residents have become landlords and even started hiring workers.

 This also solves part of the employment problem for Baiyun City.

The nursing homes of He and Wangfu are expanding very quickly, but no matter how many people are recruited, they can't keep up with Hong Ying's elimination rate.

 After all, those who are not attuned to Hua Jin cannot enter his eyes.

 Shen Chu was helpless, while He Jixiang stared blankly.

He Jixiang said, "Mr. Hong, your request is too high. Many people may not be able to achieve success if given time, so we still need to give them some time.

 It would be a pity to drive them away like this. "

 There are currently 371 people in the nursing home, and all of them are masters of energy transformation!

 Among them, there are more than 20 people of the third and fourth grades walking all over the place, and there are also more than 20 people of the fifth and sixth grades.

 There are even three seventh-level players who have the possibility to surpass Shen Chu.

 He has been the governor of Beijing for many years and knows what this means.

There are tens of thousands of people in the entire Beijing Camp plus the tens of thousands of soldiers and horses in Ankang City. There are only a hundred or ten people with strength, and only a few dozen people with grades!

Even if they are all elite forest guards, there are only a hundred masters of energy transformation!

 He really doesn’t know what this **** **** wants to do!

Hong Ying snorted coldly and said, "Then where is your palace?

 Can cats and dogs come in? "

Shen Chu quickly stood up to smooth things over and said, "Manager Hong, do you think this will work? How about putting those who can't enter the nursing home into the militia?"

 “What does this have to do with our family?”

After saying that, he put his hands behind his back and walked straight away.

 He Jixiang and Shen Chu looked at each other.

He Jixiang sighed and said, "Commander Shen, let's do what you want.

 Put them all into the militia. We have worked hard to train them. If we let them go, it will be a waste of our efforts. "

Shen Chu said, "It has to be like this."

In this way, Wang Xing's militia suddenly became a team of nearly 4,000 people.

However, not long after he was happy, the eating, drinking and urination of these people became a headache for him.

 The funds for his militia are limited.

Thousands of people came out of the Hewangfu Nursing Home, but the funds did not come with them.

 He had to find Shen Chu and He Jixiang secretly.

He Jixiang and Shen Chu had no choice but to go directly to Lin Yi.

The money bag is with Mingyue and Zixia, and it is impossible for these two people to give money if they don't let go of the prince.

 (End of this chapter)

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