Chapter 91 Shadow

“I understand what you mean. After all, these people are farming and fishing while receiving monthly money from me.”

Lin Yi sighed and said, "This is all my private money, and I will keep it for my retirement."

In order to maintain world peace, is it necessary to spend so much private money?

He Jixiang smiled and said, "My lord, please relax for now. Once the summer harvest is over, I will take them to suppress the bandits. I must find a way to make up for the shortfall."

Lin Yi smiled and said, "That's pretty much it. Don't end up losing money like last time."

 He Jixiang hurriedly responded.

 The hotter the weather is, the more unknown small flying insects are in the air and they are densely packed.

Whether it’s morning or night, they are everywhere, and Lin Yi hardly dares to go out.

Looking in the mirror, I saw that the ulcers on my face were already scarred, and I finally breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, they were not poisonous insects.

These small flying insects are only abundant during the few days of summer harvest. Once the summer harvest is over, they gradually disappear.

 It’s another sultry morning.

Mingyue and Zixia had been practicing their moves there early in the morning. They were dripping with sweat and were very diligent.

Hong Ying clasped his hands behind his back and frowned for a while. Finally, he couldn't help but wave his hand. Mingyue and Zixia fell to the ground with a groan.

 “Please give me some advice from the manager!”

 The two of them quickly stood up, not daring to complain at all.

 “Your kung fu is all taught by our family,”

Hong Ying said dissatisfied, "But the more I practice, the more I go back."

Ming Yue's mouth gradually overflowed with blood, and she didn't dare to wipe it away. She just stood firm and said cautiously, "Wen Zhaoyi said that if we give it time, we will definitely succeed in our red sleeve moves."

Zixia was a little bolder. She spit out blood from her mouth and said unconvinced, "I don't know where I went wrong. I hope the manager will make it clear."

 However, in the end, Hong Ying was staring at him so much that his whole body was numb, and he couldn't help but lower his head.

Hong Ying said, "The Red Sleeve Move is a move made by Gu Yin. You already have an innate Yin body, so why do you need to practice more?

How many times have our families said that nothing can be achieved without Yang, and nothing can be achieved without Yin? "

 The two of them bowed their heads and said nothing.

 Actually, it’s hard to explain. It was clearly the prince’s idea to learn Kung Fu from Wen Zhaoyi.

 “Heaven and earth unite and all things come into being, and Yin and Yang connect and change occurs.”

Hong Ying snorted coldly and said, "It's the same path but different ways. It's a side trick, and it's wronged many people. Don't make any more mistakes, otherwise our family will no longer spare you."

He was very lucky to see this sentence in Wang Ye's novel. Otherwise, how could he achieve the clear mind and earth seal with his acquired pure Yin body?


 The two women said in unison.

“Hmph,” Hong Ying continued calmly, “The prince is about to get up, so hurry up and get ready.”

He stopped talking to the two of them and went straight to the front yard where the guardian of the palace, Shen Chu, and others lived.

 A group of guards had already started their morning exercises under the supervision of Shen Chu.

 Shen Chu's scalp went numb when he saw Hong Ying coming.

He held on to his strength and said, "Manager."

Hong Ying said, "Recruit those two idiots into the house."


Shen Chu knew who the two idiots were talking about without him needing to say more.

 Who else could it be besides Yu Shishi and Cui Gensheng?

These two are indeed prodigies in martial arts.

 It was appropriate for Mr. Hong to let the two of them enter the house.

He just wants to keep these two people from progressing too fast, and when the time comes, his loss won't be so ugly.

Lin Yi finished his breakfast, held his tea cup, and cleared his throat with tea. He looked at Yu Shih and Cui Gensheng, who were suddenly standing on both sides of the door like door gods, and said with a smile, "If you don't go to work hard, why are you here? "

Hong Ying smiled and said, "Your Majesty, when we went hunting a few days ago, didn't you also say that you would let them be the second generals of Hengha?"

 He has watched Fengshen Yanyi.

 You know what the Second General Hengha is!

Lin Yi smiled and said, "If you don't tell me, I'll forget about it. Okay, I'll take them with me from now on."

This job that made Fang Pi and Cui Gengren envious made Yu Shih and Cui Gengsheng complain endlessly. They felt that it was better to forge iron.

 They really wanted to stop doing it, but they didn't dare to disobey Mr. Hong.

Everyone knows that anyone who dares to say "no" to Manager Hong is either in a mass grave or lying in bed.

 They are just not very smart, and they are not stupid enough to seek death themselves.

Sun Yi trotted in and delivered a letter.

Lin Yi took a look at the envelope. It was plain and unsigned. After opening it, he saw scrawled handwriting and handed it to Mingyue.

After Mingyue finished reading, he hesitated for a long time, and finally whispered, "Your Majesty, the letter said that General Mei Jingzhi was assassinated, and it was kept secret.

 Cao Datong moved to Hongzhou and gathered 100,000 people. The signature is a shadow. "

 “Shadow, shadow again,” Lin Yi looked at Sun Yi, “Where is the person who sent the letter?”

Sun Yi said, "Both Commander Shen and Commander Bao chased after him together."

 “Catch this man at all costs.”

Lin Yi gritted his teeth and ignored the content of the letter.

What does the assassination of Mei Jingzhi have to do with him?

Hong Ying nodded to Mingyue and Zixia and quietly left the room.

Lin Yi didn’t pay attention to how or when he left.

 At noon, half of the abalone was half finished and I really couldn’t eat it anymore.

Since big boats started sailing from Xijiang, it has become much easier for him to eat seafood. For example, he can eat shark fins, bird's nests, and abalone until he vomits.

 Touch your belly, grandma is a **** and has gained a little weight.

Got to exercise.

After the sun went down, he walked up to Baiyun Mountain unconsciously.

 The person he was waiting for didn’t come again.

Ming Yue finally couldn't help but said, "Your Majesty, how about we think of other ways?"

Lin Yi smiled and said, "Don't make mistakes. I have always been fair and upright in my pursuit of girls."

Zixia smiled and said, "That's what the prince said."

 She couldn't tell whether the prince was passionate or dedicated.

  After all, last year I was fascinated by the concubine of Yuwen She's family.

Now I forgot about it so quickly, and it attracted the attention of the Yan family girl again.

Moreover, I still miss this girl from the Yan family for such a long time.

"Let's go back."

Lin Yi returned disappointed again.

Be it the militia, nursing home, or school students in Baiyun City, daily training has never been interrupted.

 However, none of them satisfied Lin Yi.

 He did not have time to teach them in person, nor did he have the patience to write teaching materials.

So the young online article writer had a sudden idea, why not teach and learn through fun?

  He started his first new book this year, "The Proud God of War"!

“Any creature with thoughts is warlike.

 The entire history of mankind can be said to be a history of war.

 The essence of war is the continuation of politics and a means to achieve economic goals and distribute wealth.”

I unconsciously wrote these two sentences at the beginning, and Lin Yi couldn't help but applaud them!

 I am really a genius in online writing!

How can you write such a philosophical, poetic and connotative sentence?

 The more I write, the smoother I become. Using a charcoal pen, I feel like I am inspired to write!

 (End of this chapter)

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