I, Doomsday, Beat Darkseid At The Beginning

42. Encounter With Yarango And New Enemies

The universe is vast, and no one knows the actual file size of the universe, unless someone has actually measured it, or only the Creator knows it?

Lu Yuan and Alice are not creators, and they have no spare time to measure the file size of the universe, unless they are really too boring and have nothing to do in the future.

The universe is prosperous, unlike what humans in this era think, the earth is the center of the universe.

On the contrary, even in the solar system, the earth is just a planet of the sun, which is inconspicuous except for life.

In this huge universe, there are not only the bright starry sky, but also countless space civilizations, the so-called aliens.

But the universe is also silent.

In the vacuum of outer space, there is no transmission of sound, even if meteorite groups collide with each other, it is done in silence.

Everything seemed so quiet.

And in space, almost no life can survive.

Unless it is strong enough.

Such as Lu Yuan and Alice.

"Hahaha, come and chase me, if you catch up with me, I'll let you hehehe."

The two are playing, not only can they roam freely in the cosmic space, but also those elements that are fatal to human beings have no effect on them, and they can even ignore the rules of the vacuum space and talk as they like.

Alice was dressed in white, with brilliant blond hair floating behind her, and flew in front quickly.

Lu Yuan, also in a white suit, followed closely behind.

The two have left the earth and the solar system far away, and are wandering aimlessly in the universe.

Although there are large areas of empty space in the universe, it is difficult to find a planet with civilization and life, and it is impossible to replenish food and water sources at any time.

But this is not a problem.

First of all, they don't need to eat normally to replenish energy. For them, not only do they have unimaginable power, but they can replenish enough energy just by being exposed to a little yellow Fixed Star light.

Isn't eating just to replenish the energy you need? But the method of actually supplementing energy by eating is the most clumsy.

How many things and resources do they have to consume if they want to replenish enough energy in their state? I'm afraid there isn't enough food for the entire planet, right?

How can the energy provided by all the resources on the entire earth be comparable to that provided by the sun.

They are not afraid of loneliness, because it is enough for them to be with each other.

In this way, they started from the earth, and first looked around on various planets and satellites in the solar system.

Even if some planets are dead and full of death, they don't mind.

Some planets are extremely cold because they are too far away from the sun.

They even found life on Mars.

It turns out that the Martians from At the moment still exist.

Although scientists believe that Mars was indeed a suitable planet for the birth of life.

But that was at least tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of years ago.

But this is DC. In fact, when Martian Manhunter Rong Enjunzi arrived on the earth, the earth had already entered the modern era.

And the background of the current era is at least five thousand years ago in the era of the Justice League. Don't forget that the "Ancient War" just happened "just now".

So the current Martians are still alive and well.

The Martians could adapt to the harsh environment of Mars, but then a disaster happened. Some stories set that a plague wiped out the Martians, and some set that the white Martians hunted the green Martians. In some settings, the Martian Blacken becomes the villain and exterminates his own kind.

But that's for later.

Lu Yuan and Alice didn't disturb the Martians, but came here quietly, and left quietly after observing the Martians.

When they were still leaving the solar system, they encountered Yarango who was patrolling in space.

"It's been a long time." Arango came to the two of them, looking very enthusiastic.

He had been helped by Alice back then, otherwise it would not have been as simple as breaking off a hand.

Speaking of hands, Yarango's broken hand has been repaired, and it seems that Oua Xing's skills are also good.

"By the way, what would happen to you if you took off your ring here?" Lu Yuan looked at Arango's hand thoughtfully.

Arango was taken aback, and instantly left a long distance at the speed of light.

Alice patted Lu Yuan with her hand: "Are you a devil? Don't be afraid of Arango, he was just joking."

They had no conflict with Arango, and Arango spoke for them at the time, so the atmosphere between the two sides was not bad.

When Arango got the news that they wanted to play in the universe, he also wanted to invite them to his hometown.

Arango is definitely not a human from Earth. He has a head and appearance similar to a legendary dragon, that is, a lizard head.

Lu Yuan and Alice glanced at each other, they had no purpose anyway, so why don't they go and have a look?

But at this moment, Arango's ring suddenly emitted a dazzling green light.

Is that a warning from the Green Lantern Ring?

"Oops, a group of unidentified enemies are invading our sector," Arango said with a change of expression and the news he had received.

"How do you know it's the enemy?"

Arango hurriedly explained in the most concise way: "The news I received shows that, like Darkseid back then, that group of people invaded and conquered many civilized planets in the universe along the way, and they even conquered A few planets. Damn, they are targeting my home planet. Sorry, I have to go back."

As he spoke, Arango quickly turned into a green light and flew away.

Lu Yuan looked at Alice.

The latter knew that Lu Yuan had become interested, but in fact, why didn't her own eyes shine?

The two had a tacit understanding, and at the same time they turned into golden light and chased after them.

In fact, Arango is already very fast. Green Lantern can move at the speed of light, or even exceed the speed of light, and even open a wormhole to travel through it.

However, Lu Yuan and Alice caught up with Arango in an instant at a faster speed.

Their speed is not only the speed of light, but far beyond the speed of light.

"Yarango, let's help," Alice said with a smile.

Arango glanced at the two gratefully: "Thank you."

The three of them immediately turned into three lights, and went straight across the universe to Arango's hometown in the galaxy next to the solar system.

And there, indeed, a terrifying army appeared.

It was a mobile fortress that was even more terrifying than the Darkseid fleet. It turned out to be a terrifying fleet built from a single planet as the main ship.

No wonder it can conquer other cosmic civilizations, and use the planet as a fortress, how terrible the weapons must be?

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