I, Doomsday, Beat Darkseid At The Beginning

43. A Fortress Built With Planets

What appeared in front of Lu Yuan and the others was an extremely large and terrifying army and mobile fortress. They saw that it was even a main ship made of a planet.

What a big deal it must be.

Moreover, there are tens of thousands of mothership-class spaceships surrounding the mobile fortress.

Since there is an entire planet as the main ship, it can naturally carry more heavyweight warships.

To be honest, just looking at the information obtained on the surface, this will be a much more terrifying enemy than Darkseid.

No wonder many planetary civilizations can be conquered.

"By the way, did this guy not bump into Darkseid? It's really lucky," Lu Yuan just wanted to complain about this.

Lu Yuan didn't believe that Darkseid would be easily defeated. It wasn't for self-improvement. He was Doomsday, so it was different.

That's Dakseid, who can be his enemy.

So he felt that this group of guys who came out of nowhere were very lucky. If they met Darkseid, they would definitely be destroyed without accident, and even the exaggerated mobile fortress would be taken away.

"Now is not the time to talk about this," Arango said anxiously.

Such a huge team has caused chaos on Arango's home planet.

That was indeed too spectacular, a whole planet suddenly appeared out of thin air, and came straight towards him, and everyone would have to panic.

What's more, Arango seems to be powerful, but he also has self-knowledge, let him alone stand up to the main ship built by an entire planet? how is this possible.

"It seems that I have to ask for support. I hope that the Asgardians and other Green Lanterns in Sector 2813 (the other half of the galaxy where Krypton is located) can come to help as soon as possible," Arango said while lowering his head and using the green light ring to make contact.

Strangely, he didn't hear the voices of Lu Yuan and Alice.

Subconsciously raised his head, there were still figures of those two people beside him.

Looking forward, Arango's eyes widened, and he saw two extremely dazzling golden lights colliding head-on.


Even the vacuum of the universe seems to transmit such a terrible sound.

(In fact, there is no sound, it is just a description.)

I saw Lu Yuan and Alice bumping into each other abruptly, and even with their steel bodies, they not only forced the terrifying planetary fortress to stop, but also left two holes on the surface of the planetary fortress. A hole that must be horrific.

That's right, it's the void, because the two of them have already penetrated the planetary fortress and went out from the other side.

Arango opened his mouth wide, watching all this in a daze.


On the other side, after penetrating the star fortress, Lu Yuan and Alice were immediately discovered and surrounded by enemy spaceships.

There was no communication, and there was no need for it. Pieces of energy shells formed a barrage of bullets, covering the two of them in an instant.

However, Lu Yuan and Alice are no longer in the state they were on Krypton, and Alice is no longer an ordinary Kryptonian. Not only did they not dodge, they didn't even bother to defend, and they even showed a relaxed expression .

It's as if those terrible energy shells are bathing them, and it seems that they can even absorb the energy of those energy shells.

After all, those energies are originally just pure energies, why can't they be absorbed?

It's harmless anyway.

This is like the nuclear weapons of future human beings. It is fatal to ordinary people, but for Lu Yuan and Alice, nuclear energy is also one of the energies they can absorb.

But it’s not interesting to be beaten passively like this all the time. It’s not about the clothes. Their clothes are completely created by their own power, which is equivalent to their own defense. Naturally, the power that can’t hurt them can’t break their clothes. clothing.

It's just that they didn't come to be beaten.

"Shua Shua."

Suddenly, two terrifying heat rays with two terrifying rays of light pierced through the barrage of energy cannonballs, and they were definitely the heat rays of Lu Yuan and Alice.

They started to fight back.

The terrifying heat ray not only has the power to melt any substance, it pierced through two spaceships in an instant, and even after integrating the power of the Omega effect, it can change directions as Lu Yuan and Alice wish.

So their light not only destroyed the two enemy spaceships immediately, but also circled around.

This is extremely frightening, the heat ray not only pierces through the spaceship like a laser ray, but the terrifying omega effect can destroy everything.

So I saw those spaceships start to dissolve and disintegrate one by one, until nothing was left in the end.

The fleet of tens of thousands of spaceships was wiped out by the two in an instant.

After all, their heat ray is also at the speed of light, but those spaceships are too bulky to avoid such flexible light at all.

So in a short period of time, all spaceships were wiped out.

It wasn't until this time that Arango, who had reacted, caught up with Lu Yuan and Alice, bypassing the star fortress and coming in front of them.

"You all did this?" Arango was completely dumbfounded.

Lu Yuan is checking if there is anything wrong with Alice, and Alice is also helping Lu Yuan sort out her hairstyle and the traces that do not exist on her face.

The two just showed their affection like no one else, and didn't pay attention to the planetary fortress in front of them at all.

"It's not us, is it you?" Lu Yuan asked back.

Alice pinched Lu Yuan's cheek amusedly and angrily, and complained, "When did you become angry? You hate the air, even our friends."

Yarango generously expressed that he didn't care, not to mention being bullied, as long as Lu Yuan and Alice can help him protect his mother planet and defeat this group of powerful enemies, it doesn't matter if he feels aggrieved.

"Okay, it's time to meet the owner of this planet," Lu Yuan set his sights on the last planet fortress.

All three of them knew that the fleet that was dealt with just now was nothing more than the escort fleet for this planetary fortress, and it was just a small role.

The real BOSS is the master of this planetary fortress.

And the enemy already knew of their existence, but so far, there has been no attack on the planetary fortress.

What does this mean? This shows that the owner of the planetary fortress not only knows the strength of Lu Yuan and Alice, but is even confident, waiting for them to land on the planet.

"It seems that the enemy is very confident. Is this waiting for us to throw ourselves into a trap?" Alice sneered: "Then what are we waiting for? Just as he wishes."

Lu Yuanxin said that he also said that he was angry, but in fact, after Alice let go of her hands and feet, she was much crazier than him.

After all, she is a female general who went to battle to kill the enemy, so she has nothing to do with a man when she is heroic.

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