I, Doomsday, Beat Darkseid At The Beginning

81. The Terrifying Power Of Origin

After dissuading Alice and not letting her help, Lu Yuan turned to Yuga Khan again.

"Come on, continue" Lu Yuan beckoned, as if he didn't take Yuga Khan seriously.

Because he really didn't get hurt.

Just now, he obviously took Yuga Khan's two attacks head-on, but he didn't seem to be affected at all.

Because during the battle between the two, Lu Yuan has gradually begun to be immune to Yuga Khan's attack, don't forget that he is the day of destruction-ah.

Yuga Khan's attacks started to have no effect on Lu Yuan, from ordinary fist attacks, to terrifying energy launches, to his unique ray and so on.

Yuka Khan also noticed it, his expression became gloomy, he squinted his eyes slightly to look at Lu Yuan, and said slowly: "You said you want to see my origin power?"

Lu Yuan nodded: "Indeed."

Yuga Khan raised his head and laughed loudly: "Hahaha, what an arrogant guy, if that's the case, then I'll let you see it."

Suddenly, a terrifying aura emanated from Yuga Khan's body, and a force that even made Lu Yuan feel palpitated slowly emerged, wrapping Lu Yuan up in an instant.

It was an indescribable feeling, that power did not belong to any kind, but it seemed to be related to all powers.

That is the power of origin, from the other side of the wall of origin, from the 'place of origin'.

There is a mysterious origin outside the wall of origin, where the truth of the universe comes from, but no one can approach it, only those supreme beings can visit, including Ghost.

And those lamp beasts that can be seen on the emotional spectrum all come from outside the wall of origin, so it is said that the talents possessed by those lamp beasts are so extraordinary.

For example, the Ion Man in the form of Green Lantern, the Blood Tucker in the form of the Red Lantern Demon, and the Parallax Demon and so on.

At the moment, what Yuga Khan radiates is exactly the power of origin that he has mastered.

He is known as the god of origin, and before he got the power of origin, his name was Zonos.

Only after becoming the god of origin, he is Yuga Khan.

At this moment, even Lu Yuan felt threatened, because the power of origin was doing a very dangerous behavior, and Yuga Khan's power of origin was actually disconnecting him from the world.

In other words, the power of origin is making Lu Yuan not belong to this world, which is equivalent to obliterating his existence.

Can Yuga Khan do this? It seems to affect the real world, which is equivalent to someone using an eraser to erase a drawn character.

It was terrible, and even Lu Yuan didn't know how to resist.

Once the power of origin disconnects Lu Yuan from all of this, the proof of his existence, and even himself, will disappear.

Maybe, even Alice will forget him, as if nothing happened, as if everything related to Lu Yuan never happened.

"Damn it, how could this happen, I am me, I am Lu Yuan from Earth in the real world, and I am Lu Yuan Al from Krypton, although I no longer recognize Krypton, but no one can put me No one can deprive you of existence," Lu Yuan cried out unwillingly, and finally stopped holding back, and wanted to use all means.

Yuga Khan looked at Lu Yuan's futile struggle with a sneer: "It's useless, no matter what abilities you have, only the power of origin can fight against the power of origin, otherwise you are all ants. Even if you get my son's Omega So what about Ray, I can still disconnect you at will.


As soon as Yujia Khan's voice fell, the connection between Lu Yuan and the Omega effect was interrupted.

Lu Yuan felt unbelievable, Yuga Khan is so powerful? The power of origin is so unreasonable?

He was careless, and insisted that he was the immortal day of destruction, thinking that no one in this universe could be his opponent anymore.

As a result, Yuga Khan flew back from the wall of origin. In theory, Yuga Khan neither belongs to any universe, but also belongs to any universe at the same time.

In order to experience the power of origin, Lu Yuan deliberately didn't make a full shot, but he ignored that even if the lion catches the rabbit with all his strength, he will eventually pay the price for his self-satisfaction.

But the price of this lesson is too great, once it is true what Yuga Khan said, he will not be able to bear it.

Alice was also in a hurry and came back here again.

She wanted to rush in immediately to rescue Lu Yuan, but Yujia Khan stopped in front of her.

The extraordinary Yuga Khan, who already knew Alice, would never underestimate this girl again, and said with a sneer: "You can only watch him disappear, and then you will be next.

You want my allegiance. "

Alice's expression was as cold as ice: "If you dare to hurt my husband, I will wipe out all the new protoss in the endless multi-universe, I will kill your kindred in every universe, and I will chase you to the cape of Tianya, No matter how big the universe is, you can't escape."

But even Yuga Khan could feel her sternness, if begging was okay, she would kneel down for Lu Yuan without any hesitation.

She knew that begging was useless, so she was using threats to warn Yuga Khan, hoping that he would have some scruples.

...asking for flowers...

However, Yuga Khan didn't follow that set.

"When you went to Xinchuangshixing to kill those new protoss, when you killed Steppenwolf, my younger brother, did I ever care about it?" Yuga Khan sneered: "I don't even care about myself." I don't care about the life or death of my sons, if necessary, I can kill them with my own hands, do you think I will care about your threats?"

Alice gritted her teeth and shouted: "Then you will die."

She rushed towards Yuga Khan desperately, at this moment she went crazy, and made a stormy attack on Yuga Khan, clenched her fists with both hands, the speed has far exceeded the speed of light, and even the whole person seems to have disappeared Same, ordinary people can't see her existence anymore.

But Yuga Khan is not an ordinary person, he also entered the same speed, resisting Alice's attack with all his strength.


But Yuga Khan has a huge advantage over Alice, that is, it is enough for him not to let Alice get close to Lu Yuan.

Alice was very anxious, but there was nothing she could do.

Yuga Khan is by no means an opponent that can be easily dealt with, so what should we do?

On the other side, the trapped Lu Yuan was also in a hurry. He found that his strength was indeed being corroded by the power of origin, and he could even feel that his own realm was also falling.

When the connection with the Omega rays was disconnected, he was peeled off from the sixth dimension, and then fell from the fifth dimension, and now he only has brute force "but even his own strength seems to be disappearing.

This made his resistance more and more weak.

Lu Yuan has tried all means, heat ray, physical power, doomsday spores, all the means he can think of, but they are all useless.

Rather, if the current Lu Yuan can break through the power of origin with his own strength, then that is to say, he has reached the realm and qualification to cross the wall of origin to visit the origin.

In that case, he would already be close to the Almighty Universe.

At least for now he is not qualified enough, not a question of strength, but a question of some kind of qualification.

He is even far inferior to the significance of Darkseid's body in the DC universe.

At least not now.

Could it be that Lu Yuan really wants to leave the stage so aggrieved?

How is it possible, he is the protagonist.

At a critical moment, a green shark swam over from the depths of the universe and plunged into Lu Yuan's body.

In an instant, Ion Man Lu Yuan was born.

But, didn't he just kill the Green Lantern Corps? How come the Lantern Beasts of the Green Lantern Corps came to accomplish him?

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