Back in time, just before the battle between Lu Yuan and Yujia Khan, when Yujia Khan yelled to death and finally defeated Green Lantern, when the Green Lantern Corps was completely wiped out, countless green lantern rings turned into a dazzling rain of green lanterns Return to Oa Star.

The Asgardians of the universe felt it right away, and they knew right away that the Green Lantern Corps was wiped out.

"So, it really is still necessary to activate the Third Army plan."

"Without further delay, the situation has gotten out of control. In order to prevent those two people from coming back to retaliate, we must immediately launch the Third Army plan."

"It's time, he has been imprisoned for ten billion years, it's time for him to contribute his strength.

The little blue people started not knowing what to do again.

But they overlooked one thing, in the Oua star, which is the total power supply of the Green Lantern Corps, there is a more noble and great "spirit of existence" one three zero"

That is the embodied entity representing the will, that is, the ion shark.

The ion shark is the same as the blood butcher, it is the embodiment of will, and has its own wisdom.

When it first felt the destruction of the Green Lantern Corps, it was angry and full of hatred.

Because every Green Lantern seems to be its child and continuation.

But when Ion Shark went to the Asgardians in the universe, wondering if they could form a new Green Lantern Corps as soon as possible, they heard the Asgardians in the universe talking.

"The Third Legion will not have superfluous emotions, and they can assimilate everything they touch. When the entire universe is purified and all superfluous emotions disappear, the universe will usher in true peace."

In other words, it is to erase the self-awareness of all life in the universe except them.

Is this their way of peace?

Ion Shark was shocked, although negative emotions like greed, fear, and anger do exist on the emotional spectrum.

But there are also positive emotions such as will and hope.

And for a long time, the Green Lantern Corps has been obeying the command of the Asgardians and scattered all over the universe to protect the so-called peace.

What is the result in exchange?

Who sent the Green Lantern Corps to kill?

And what about them? Are they actually thinking about this?

Even when these cosmic Asgardians headed to an incomparably mysterious shadow area in order to form the third legion, even their kindred, some of them who had stayed here since countless billions of years ago to guard a certain dangerous creature, still had The big blue people with the same height as ordinary people were also shocked by the plans of the little blue people.

"Are you going to let him out? Damn, don't you know how dangerous he is? You guys took away your emotions and built a great heart, but then forced the great heart on him, In the end, he sealed him because he couldn't control him, and now he wants to use him? It's crazy.

There is an extremely dangerous existence imprisoned there, even existed ten billion years ago, and it has not died yet.

Some secrets were faintly revealed from the mouths of those big blue men.

It's just not convenient to explain in detail now, and I will mention it later.

In short, Ion Shark finally recognized the true colors of these little blue people, and also learned a huge amounts of secret.

Without any hesitation, the ion shark escaped from the Oa star, it traveled countless cosmic distances, and came to the Apocalypse star.

Just in time for Lu Yuan to encounter difficulties, Ion Shark plunged into Lu Yuan's body without even thinking about it.

Before Lu Yuan could stop him, the voice of Ion Shark sounded in his heart: "I will not control your body, I will give you strength, I come from the other side of the wall of origin, we are the emotional spectrum and the power of origin, You can use my strength to fight against the power of origin. And after you defeat your opponent, I hope you can do me a favor."

Lu Yuan's heart moved, and in an instant, he was covered with a battle suit full of Green Lantern style, and he even felt that the power of origin could no longer easily surround him.

Even the previously disconnected forces are beginning to return.

At this moment, Lu Yuan's mood is complicated. He caused the demise of the Green Lantern Corps not long ago, but he didn't expect to become Ion Man in a blink of an eye? Isn't this too messed up?

Why on earth did Ion Shark come to help him?

Lu Yuan didn't know why Ion Shark did this, and he didn't have the time to ask. Feeling his own strength recovering rapidly, he re-entered the fifth dimension from the realm of ordinary people, and immediately broke through to the sixth dimension, and even had some insights. There is a faint sign of going to a higher level and reaching the mysterious seventh dimension.

Lu Yuan couldn't help sighing: "As the saying goes, all saints are ants, although this sentence may have other meanings, but under the power of origin, they are really ants..."

Lu Yuan felt it, he finally got his wish to see the power of origin, but he almost paid a heavy price for it.

This taught him a lesson, and from then on, he never dared to take it seriously.

Looking at Yuga Khan again, Lu Yuan looked down at his current form again.

The terrifying physique of Doomsday, which was three meters tall, was covered with a layer of green tights, which looked awkward no matter how you looked at it.

"Can't I just change the color?" Lu Yuan muttered that the green made him a little flustered.

If Ion Shark didn’t hear it, it represents the will of the green. It’s impossible to change it to something else.

Lu Yuan had no choice but to leave it like this for the time being.

Raising his hand, Lu Yuan plunged into Yuga Khan's power of origin. The power that had put him in a huge crisis before was quickly absorbed by him at the moment in front of the spores of the doomsday.

"What?" Yuga Khan sensed something, and came quickly from a distance.

Alice also quickly took the opportunity to come to the other side.

Both saw Lu Yuan's new form and saw that he was absorbing the power of origin.

"No," Yuga Khan shouted, anxiously wanting to take back his power of origin, which must not be lost, just like the omega ray for Dakseid, and it seems to be for Darkseid The Anti-Life Equation for the Anti-Monitor.

That is the lifeblood of Yuga Khan, the source of all his strength, and if there is any loss, his original existence will also disappear.

Why didn't Yuga Khan use the power of origin on Lu Yuan from 1.8? It's because he didn't want to take the risk.

But how could Lu Yuan let go, and winked at Alice, and after his wife understood and left a certain distance, Lu Yuan's body suddenly shone brightly.

He exerted the terrifying power of the doomsday spores with all his strength, not only absorbing the surrounding origin power as much as possible, Yuga Khan who was connected to this place was surprised to find that his vitality was rapidly disappearing.

Originally, the new protoss were immortal, especially him, who almost lived and died with the universe.

But now, Lu Yuan took a breath in his direction.

Yuga Khan immediately aged several decades.

"What is this?" Yuga Khan was shocked, he was going to be sucked to death by Lu Yuan?

This time it was his turn to be in danger of being erased from existence. .

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