I! Dragon Lord

Chapter 111:

This, this shouldn't be, we are so far apart. My voice is still so small. In this noisy environment, even with any eavesdropping device, it is impossible to hear what I say.

Mrs. He temporarily stopped his words. He first took a sip of water to moisten his throat, and said to the staff next to him, "I noticed the old man just now, but at this time, the most important thing for us is to make the Chinese people present. Safely send it back to China, the old man's affairs = we will talk about it later. "

After speaking, the envoy He pressed his throat again. Shouting to everyone, "Please don't worry. Our government is discussing countermeasures with the Japanese government.

The government will send a plane to take everyone to @motherland as soon as possible. It's just that there are some problems with the facilities at the airport. There is sufficient food and water resources here. We will definitely be safe, and the government will not give up on everyone. "

Ambassador He's words made A feel at ease, or it was precisely because he was here that people felt at ease. As China's ambassador to Japan, his status was very high, and only he could take charge of the overall situation now.

Seeing that people were finally at ease, Ambassador He was relieved and called the armed police next to him.

How is the whole question?"

"Ambassador He rest assured that we have discussed with the armed police of the embassies of other countries to build a defense line. As long as those monsters do not come too many, we will not be in danger here. Before we shed the last blood, we will definitely protect you. And the safety of the people of the country!"

Ambassador He let out a breath. He opened his mouth and was about to say something. There was a loud bang in the airport hall =

"Monster L⊥"

"The monster is here ⊥⊥."

The crowd screamed and turned into chaos in an instant.

I only saw that the glass around the airport was all shattered, = only hideous and ugly monsters appeared in everyone’s sight, conservatively estimated that there were more than 30 people.”l

The faces of the armed police officers and soldiers were condensed. They had already experienced the combat effectiveness of these monsters. If there are heavy weapons such as tanks or machine guns, these monsters are indeed easy to deal with, but when there are only ordinary firearms in their hands, they want to defeat These more than 30 monsters, they will definitely pay huge casualties.

However, the duty of the soldiers (Nuo Wang Zhao) prevented them from taking a step back. No matter which country they were, the officers and soldiers stepped forward and used their own flesh and blood to construct the defense of Article =-.

"Everyone calm down, calm down!"

The staff of the embassies of various countries shouted. What they are most afraid of now is the idea of ​​a stampede accident in the chaos inside the airport.

"The old cow first. Old gentleman! Don't go over there, it's dangerous over there!"

The female staff of the Chinese Embassy saw that the old man in retro clothes was walking forward slowly, and in a panic, she reached out her hand to grab him.

But the old man is like a loach. With a flick of her body, she avoided her hand, and walked towards the monster unswervingly step by step. He faintly sighed _ that voice actually overcame the noise of everyone in the entire airport, and echoed in everyone's ears, _ "Hey. I didn't expect the evil spirit to return to this world first, this is a great chaos."

After he finished speaking, the old man threw out a fist. While everyone was stunned, the power of that punch was like a cannonball. There was a harsh whistling sound in the air, and a monster didn't even respond.

Chapter Thirteen One Punch Man!

With two fists, the entire Haneda Airport fell into silence.

Accompanied by a burst of ear-piercing whistling: The monster was bombarded more than 20 meters away, and people could see a dent on the monster's body with the naked eye. The shape is like being hit by a huge fist.

Ga Yi

The cry of the monster stopped in the summer, and the flying monster stared at its bulging eyes. A piece of the body began to crack, the skin was peeled off, the flesh was disappearing, and it split into countless pieces in an instant, and then the pieces of flesh became smaller and smaller, as if it began to melt from the cellular level until it completely collapsed.


The airport hall was quiet, only the sound of people gasping for breath. Even the monsters seemed to be stunned, standing there in a daze, I didn't expect the result would be the same.

The surrounding armed police swallowed their saliva. The look in the eyes of the old man changed immediately. With a little adoration and horror.

These monsters know too much about the way to the airport. They have fought against these monsters. The speed of the monsters is extremely fast. It is very difficult to use the check to hit, especially these monsters are very resistant to firearms. Except for those heavy weapons. Ordinary firearms need an unknown number of bullets to kill a monster.

But such a powerful and incomparable monster was actually beaten into powder by -= an old man in the air. This is incredible.

"Kung Fu? L⊥"_


"God, is he human?"

"Fuck! What is this? Fighting cattle across the mountain?⊥"

"Too, too powerful" The air-punch killed the monster⊥ and also smashed the monster into pieces. ""

The airport hall was buzzing like a thousand flies were flying. The scene = chaos all of a sudden, but this time the chaos was different from the previous panic, and people's expressions were excited and incredible.

People quickly took out their mobile phones and started filming, regardless of whether there were monsters raging here, and some people directly started the live broadcast and shouted to the audience in the live broadcast space to come out and watch Superman.

Various skin colors and languages ​​are flooded in the airport, especially the Chinese people are even more excited. The old man's clothes = look is a combination of ancient and modern Chinese clothes. Although I don't understand his posture, it should be Some kind of boxing or ancient martial arts.

Yes, since dragons have appeared in this world, Cthulhu has appeared, and monsters of the Cthulhu mythology system have appeared. Doesn't this also prove that the ancient myths and legends are likely to be true, and perhaps those immortals who can move mountains and reclaim the sea in legends are real?

The old man in front of him may not be the fairy of those (agb) myths and legends. But it definitely belongs to the second group of people who have understanding and power.

a time. Many people are fiery. I can't wait to kneel down and worship the teacher. For those who live in the present, especially the young people. Who hasn't dreamed of becoming a righteous superman and learned the martial arts of jumping over the wall. Master the incredible power, and even practice to the point of view. Just like the legendary characters of those myths.

In the past people thought these were fake and could only be realized in fiction and fantasy. But now the appearance of this old man, the existence of these monsters, is telling the world that those fantasies are real.

The embassy staff who talked to the old man before patted his heart and secretly rejoiced. Fortunately, he did not speak ill of the old man just now, but was respecting the old and caring for the young. I,: Bian is also itching in his heart to fantasize about whether he can form a good relationship. In case this old man sees that he is kind-hearted, he will be accepted as an apprentice directly.

Ambassador He was also taken aback. After being stunned for a while, he quickly took out his phone and contacted the country, reporting his current love.

Whether this old man looks like a Chinese from his clothes or his words, he may be from the Republic of China period. No, if you think about it in a big way, maybe the old man's age will be beyond imagination.

Looking at the punch he threw, although it looks like martial arts in terms of posture and other aspects, it is definitely not a simple martial arts. Even if the martial arts masters written by Gu Long Jin Yong and other masters are taken out, it will definitely not achieve this effect. what.

This old man is the one who holds those extraordinary powers.”

If you like God Station, remember to collect it, and recommend it to more book friends.

After discovering the giant dragon and Cthulhu, many countries have already speculated that someone in this world has mysterious power, but there has been no evidence. Now the appearance of this old man has proved the speculation of the governments of various countries. .

Ambassador He is also hot in heart, since the other party is a Chinese. Although I don't know if these people with extraordinary power have the concept of a country. But presumably everyone is a nationality, and it should be a lot easier to set up a relationship. If the person in front of him is white or black, then Ambassador He has absolutely no such idea.

It is necessary to get in touch with this old man, in this way, Hua Guo will know about the mysterious side of the situation before other countries change their names. This will have a huge advantage in today's international situation!

"Ah, be careful L⊥⊥⊥"

Just when everyone had a different mind, the monsters also came back to their senses. They rushed towards the old man with a roar, and the monster jumped high and swung it out with a Ligua at the old man. Seeing the old man standing still,

They all exclaimed and more girls screamed, for fear that they would see a **** scene in the next second.

However, this scene did not appear. After the monster's melon swiped across the old man's body, there was no feeling of tearing the body. The meaning of staying in place was = an afterimage.

"Shit. Can you really leave an afterimage?"

"I thought it was made up in novels and anime L".


The crowd exclaimed in shock.

Of course, they didn't know that it was a simple [Illusion Technique J:.

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