I! Dragon Lord

Chapter 112:

"Looking for death"

The figure of the old man appeared behind the monster, he snorted an unruly stance, and threw a fist at the monster again.

This bottom-up blow sent the monster flying in a straight line. Not even a scream came out. It just blasted the ceiling of the airport, leaving behind a piece of broken glass and a twisted steel frame, and the monster turned into scum just like the previous monster.

Looking at all this, Yue is already stunned. Look at the height of the ceiling, which is dozens of meters. How many tons of power does this punch have to knock the monster flying and break through the ceiling? No physics should be useless here. . I didn't see that the monsters were all smashed into pieces, is this the so-called "concentrating power on one point" without any waste?

The armed police all around came back to their senses after being surprised for a moment, and began to shoot at these monsters. The monsters are so famous that even this old man can kill them with one punch, but as long as there is one The monster rushed into the crowd, and that was a huge casualty.

"Da da da da 111 ="

The fire of the firearm lit up at the airport, and the Huang Cancan shells bounced to the ground. The old man seemed to not care about these bullets at all, and continued to walk forward without hesitation.

Suddenly, he stretched out his hand as if he did something. When his hand stopped, everyone saw that there was a bullet between the old man's two fingers. It was a ricochet.

"Young man, be careful, but don't hurt innocent people."

The old man threw the bullet and patted the soldier on the shoulder

This black soldier from an unknown country looked at the warhead in amazement. Although he didn't understand what the old man was saying, he nodded slyly.

Immediately after. I saw this old man take a step and seemed to shrink into an inch. The next second, he appeared dozens of meters away and entered the monster.

Chapter 14 The old man has lived for five hundred years!

This unknown old man in fancy clothes is naturally Louis pretending to be.

For Louis, the earth is equivalent to a giant treasure house of material, which can become his solid backing. For him to get enough materials to enrich the city of the dragon, and build a huge dragon **** church for him

There is no way, the world of Saint Soron and the earth are not in the same universe at all, not in the same crystal wall system, and the rules of the two worlds have huge differences in some details. The belief and occupation system in the world of Saint Soren can't be reproduced on Earth at all. Earth doesn't have that mysterious energy fluctuation at all

This is why there are so many religions on earth. There is such a belief. For thousands of years, there has been no reason for the birth of any gods, let alone gods. There is not even a person with extraordinary power.

So Louis simply can't give up the world of Saint Soren. If he wants to achieve immortality, he can only do it in another world. Even if all the human beings on earth believe in him, he will not make him a god. This is the difference in the world. Even the Tyranid civilization was confused when it first faced the rules and gods of the world of Saint Soren. forced _.

Since Louis regards the earth as his material repository, he absolutely does not want the earth to fall into danger and war. Only a peaceful earth has a huge production. Nine provides him with enough supplies. He created such a monster just for the sake of It's just to add more chips to yourself, and there is no idea of ​​​​initiating a war.

Even the current status of Louis was chosen by him after careful consideration.

At first, Louis wanted to pretend to be an older, mythical and legendary character. But he carefully thought about it. First, such a god-like character is not easy to play and is prone to mistakes. The second is that his purpose is to cooperate with the government to obtain sufficient supplies. If you pretend to be some kind of Gonggong Zhurong, and then let mortals ask for money and materials, wouldn't it seem too I, and all of a sudden the gods are gone.

The so-called coercion must also abide by the Basic Law, and the coercion must be carried out step by step. If you want to communicate with humans as much as possible and get material assistance, then you must first contact as a human being, and secondly, your identity must not be too arrogant. It must be a little close to the people

Modern humans are not as easy to fool as in ancient times. When you turn into an oriental dragon and come out, people will pay their respects.

For modern humans, unless you can show absolute invincibility. Make people have to surrender, or your first thought to become the Oriental Dragon government is definitely to cramp your skin and study: - Get down on your body composition and genes. You become three emperors and five emperors, if you obey the rules and laws, it’s fine, but as long as you show a little bit of desire to replace the regime. The next-second is the plane, too, the gun, the tank, and you say hello.

The government doesn't care whether you are your own ancestor or not, for government agencies. Dominion is what matters. Even if you are the resurrection of Pangu, as long as the ultimate weapon of human beings can kill you: modern human beings will never surrender everything of their own obediently.

lo_ And the strength that Louis has today is not enough for him to play the characters of those myths and legends. It is too easy to expose his own shortcomings and wait until when he is stronger. Even if he directly conferred the gods, he could use his extraordinary power. At that time, he said that he was Cthulhu, that he was Cthulhu, that he was Zeus, that he was Zeus, and that he was Taiyi, that was Taiyi, and no one could refute him and stop him.

'So everything has to take it slow. Now let's use this kind of person who has passed the identity of the past to contact the world, and at the same time find a way to tell others that there is a stronger boss behind him. After you have enough strength to support other identities, you can show those legendary characters little by little. ’

Louis was fighting the deep diver. In his mind, he wondered if there were any flaws in his plan, so that he could find out the omissions.

If you like God Station, remember to collect it, and recommend it to more book friends.

In the eyes of others, that is the strength of this mysterious old man is extremely strong, he can easily go back and forth in a group of monsters, every punch and every palm can easily kill two monsters.

In fact, Louis does have this powerful power, it belongs to the power of giant dragons, but when facing these undead creatures made by himself, he is too lazy to use force, as long as he throws a punch, he controls the legend The spell removes the spell support of the undead creature in front of it, and the undead bull will immediately disappear into pieces.

That is to say, the current Louis is completely unable to show his strength, how to make people shocked, but in fact he is useless at all.

Louis thought about some of the boxing techniques he had just found on the Internet that he had just learned and sold, and used them on the deep diver in every way. Within a few rounds, the thirty deep divers were almost completely killed.

ask for flowers,

The last surviving deep diver seemed to be enraged by the death of his kin. It grabbed a collapsed thick stone pillar and swung it hard at Louis.


The old man played by Louis - shouted loudly and bowed his body slightly, followed by people's stunned mouths, and punched the stone pillar made of reinforced concrete. The stone pillar weighing more than ten tons was in plain sight. The bottom turned into a piece of dust, which was scattered with the wind.

Everyone swallowed. Thinking that if the human body was hit like this, no, let alone the human body. I am afraid that even an armored vehicle and a tank will be scrapped with one punch.”

"Hi:. This old man is so terrifying. It seems that the tricks he uses are like martial arts boxing. But can martial arts really achieve such a degree?_"

Some young people who have read a lot of novels murmured in disbelief.

After the last deep diver was dealt with, the old man played by Louis was still blushing and breathless, as if he had killed more than 30 monsters in a very short period of time. His behavior was just like entertainment and fitness, he looked at the monster corpses in this place with his hands on his back, and lamented:

"=I don't know how it's been since the Jiajing period until now. For several years, this old man thought he was the first person to return to this world, but he didn't expect that as soon as he stepped into this world, he felt the evil spirit that permeated the world, those evil gods and demons. To wake up two steps first, = one step ahead. One step ahead. The era of demonic chaos has come again, so sorry. Sad, sad, sad, go on.”

Louis said sadly. As if mourning for the hardships this world is about to suffer

But those who heard his words were shocked.

During the Jiajing period? Isn't that the Ming Dynasty?

Some good historians calculate that the Jiajing year was about 1500 AD, and it has been a full 500 years since then.

Hearing the old man sigh, he seems to be someone from the Jiajing period who left this world for unknown reasons. This old man is not at least five hundred years old! L

Even if this is not those immortals who are truly long-sighted, it is absolutely impossible for them to be ordinary human beings. Have you ever seen an ordinary person live to be five hundred years old_

Chapter 15 Don't go back to the Qing Dynasty and restore the Ming Dynasty!

Louie's exclamation surprised anyone nearby who heard him speak.

The Chinese ambassador to Japan and the embassy staff of other countries who can understand Chinese silently memorized this sentence. They carefully took out the equipment and quickly reported the detailed news of what happened here. domestic.

Many of the people who were rescued looked at the old man with admiration and gratitude in their eyes. At the same time, they also had the awe of ordinary people facing these extraordinary powers.

The soldiers at the embassies of various countries were also frightened by the strength displayed by Louis. But even so, they silently retreated to their side, the people who should be guarded, and watched Louis carefully, for fear that this man would be extremely terrifying. The old man, who was more terrifying than those monsters, violently wounded people.

Seeing this, Louis sighed, no matter which country the real soldiers belong to, they are worthy of respect, and they are the symbol of defending the "630" country.

It's a pity that people are selfish, and Louis has to bring them some casualties for his own purposes.

Seeing that his effect has been achieved, it is estimated that the scene of his appearance will be passed on to the whole world. It is estimated that tomorrow will not be used tomorrow, starting from now. The internet and TV will be full of his fights and people will be writing about it

Since such a terrifying monster appeared, things like dragons and Cthulhu, who were demons in any way, ran out. Naturally, there should be righteous people resisting them, which is more in line with the expectations of the public.

Louis has no interest in pure killing and destruction. All of his goals are to grab benefits for himself. If there is no benefit, he is too lazy to do anything.

Carefully maintain yourself and the governments of various countries to maintain a balanced relationship between 'justice' and 'evil'. Only when the situation is stable, but the governments of various countries cannot be separated from themselves, is it best for you.

In his position, seeking his own government, as a lord for a long time, his vision has also broadened after he has power. Louis found that his thinking is not only getting closer and closer to the dragon, but also getting closer to the real superior.

After Louis sighed, he was about to leave, and he had to hurry to carry out the next plan to get rid of these monsters that he had created. It's also a good thing for the Japanese government to obediently send supplies.

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