I! Dragon Lord

Chapter 127:

"The position of the sun in the universe has not changed."

"The rotation of the Earth has not changed either.

"Except for Tokyo, it is still late at night in most parts of the Eastern Hemisphere, and the sun is shining on the Western Hemisphere now!_"

"Then tell me, what is this sun above our heads? Is it fake?"

"It:.::It should be false, but it should also be true.".

The researchers are already crying, this is completely beyond scientific understanding!

Unknown researchers are using various instruments to measure (agfal, but the results are telling them that this round of the sun is real, but if this sun is real, why is it still shining now? What about stars in the Western Hemisphere?

"Two suns appeared at the same time. This reminds me of the legend of Hou Yi of Hua who shot the sun"

"Maybe this big sun is not the same as the sun we understand scientifically. It may just be a concept of the sun? Not that star? In mythology. Hou Yi shot down nine such suns?_"

Many Chinese people are opening their minds.

On the other hand, the Japanese people looked excitedly at the priest who didn't speak a word. He was like a withered priest. He had heard from the priest before that he should be the one who summoned Amaterasu to come, not Huaguo. The old man summoned the **** called Candle Dragon. Does this mean that this priest also has the incredible ability to call the sun to come by borrowing Di Ming's power?

You must know that in Japanese myths and legends, Amaterasu represents the sun god, and Shinto is known to have millions of gods. Is this Xiguan Tai A also able to borrow the power of other parts of the gods?

If you like God Station, remember to collect it, and recommend it to more book friends.

Even if the number of millions of gods is exaggerated, no matter how simplified it is, there are still some powerful gods.

The White House of the United States, to make America's greater president, is fiercely probing with his own tombs. The failure of the cloud bomb before has made the United States feel uneasy all the time, although the old man did not retaliate. It seemed like they just laughed it off, but they pushed themselves and others. If they had this incredible extraordinary power, would they recognize that people were **** and urinating on their heads like this and not fighting back?

= After the discussion, the White House believed that the old man would definitely choose to retaliate, but the means of retaliation by the other party could not be guessed for the time being. The Americans who are in Japan now may be in danger. But there is so much trouble there, and it is absolutely impossible for the United States to retaliate now. Bring people back, they also need the third-hand information.

And now the president and his staff are discussing whether they should choose to fight back if the old man retaliates. The final conclusion is to wait and see what the old man retaliates.

However, although it seems that a conclusion has been reached, the president and his staff all know that they are actually cowards. They were afraid that the mysterious old man would forcefully break into the White House and directly kill them physically. At that time, even if the United States really used all kinds of modern weapons to kill people, what would be the use?

"Your Excellency, this is a measurement report from Tokyo. According to various spectroscopic instruments, the light emitted by the sun now appearing over Tokyo is similar to that of the real sun.

"Our satellite detection shows that you can't see where the sun is at all in the universe, but as long as you look up on the ground in Tokyo, you can find it: it's simply

It's Schrödinger's Sun. Both exist and do not exist. "

The person who reported it said incredulously.

"Maybe this magical, inexplicable force has something to do with quantum mechanics?"

Everyone looked at each other in dismay. The confusion about magic made them unable to draw any valid conclusions at all. The final method was still to wait and see

In Tokyo, after summoning the candle dragon and using the eternal blazing sun technique, Louis felt that it was almost the same. He lifted the legendary spell with a single thought, and the undead creatures that were integrated and summoned by his legendary spell let out a scream in cooperation.

Like snow meets blazing sun. The deep divers who are forcing famous humans to kneel in the core area of ​​Tokyo and making blood sacrifices with harsh and unpleasant noises, their bodies begin to melt, their muscles seem to be collapsing, and unpleasant stench of blood is sprayed out.

For a time, people screamed in horror from the entire Tokyo nuclear community, and people scattered, and those deep divers could no longer capture humans this time. The bodies of the monsters shattered a little bit. The spirit is gangrenous, as if the failure of the blood sacrifice was backlashed by the entire ceremony.

The high priest of the deep diver also looked at the figure of the candle dragon, and let out a scream of fear. The shadow of Cthulhu, who had gradually stared at the stars, also slowly dissipated with the collapse of the blood sacrifice, and the head of the high priest did not disappear. The answer is to find = a flowing river and jump into it. Looking at it like that, it seemed that it knew that it was impossible, so it chose to run away.

When the candle dragon appeared, everything became so simple that the deep diver that class A did not know how to deal with was so easily eliminated, and even the blood sacrifices under the stars became flying under the glory of the sun. Ash.

Just when everything is over, people think it's over. The candle dragon in the sky symbolizes that the part of the person suddenly moves = lowers its head, looks into the distance, and then it just breathes a sigh of relief.

But those two breaths made the American side too frightened. _

Chapter 34 I am the bug of the world

-(Going back to another world, the earth is not written to pretend, this chapter has already explained that the earth will provide real power for the protagonist.)

Blow for winter, call it summer. Don't drink, don't eat, don't stop. Breath is wind.

Before the phantom of the candle dragon disappeared, it suddenly took a breath towards the south.

Accompanied by this breath, a wind suddenly blew over Tokyo, which was exactly the response.

The recorded breath is wind

The wind is not strong. .Not the kind of horror people imagined like a Category 15 hurricane whizzing by. It was just a small breeze blowing over Tokyo. People who noticed this breeze didn't care, they just thought that the breath was the wind. Although the candle dragon didn't need to breathe, the sleeve breathing was the same as it is now, and it would blow up a cool breeze.

But those who saw this == scene did not know that a butterfly in North America flapped its wings to set off a hurricane in South America, while a candle dragon in Tokyo took a breath. It was not an ordinary hurricane.

With the emergence of this wind, the figure of the candle dragon gradually dissipated, and the Liege in the sky also turned into nothingness with the disappearance of the candle dragon, and the night came again. The day has passed, and the branches are bent and risen, and the stars are still shining. It seems that the star shift not long ago was just a dreamy dream, illusory without any sense of reality.

Only recorded in the equipment, the video in the electronic equipment tells people that it was not a dream, it was not a hysteria that swept the world, it was a real thing. Someone really used the method of sacrificing ghosts and gods to summon gods. , and the gods performed miracles for this

There are many people in Tokyo kneeling on the ground and praying silently. It doesn't matter whether they believe in God L or which God they believe in. When human beings truly see a miracle coming, they will exude reverence and respect from the deepest part of their hearts, and are willing to dedicate their beliefs

Even if this belief is only temporary, it is real.

What human beings fear most is the unknown primitive man or the ancient man. Because of the unknown, the wind, rain and thunder and lightning are personified. It has been given the responsibility of gods. Because of the development of science, modern people no longer believe in gods. Even those who believe in God, most of them are just looking for a spiritual comfort, and there are very few that kind of true devout believers.

Because human beings can already use science to explain - the power of the gods, can explain how the wind blows the sky why it rains, what the sun is made of and how the moon is to be mounted.

When all unknowns become known, human fear and belief in sleeves will collapse. The reason why religion wants to suppress science is because human ignorance is more likely to give birth to belief.

But now, miracles have really come, and things that cannot be explained by human science have appeared. It is not some kind of alien civilization. It's scary but absolutely understandable. When the candle dragon really opened its eyes as day as recorded in myths and legends, the three views of human science completely collapsed. The unknown turned into fear and into sublime. Faith was born.

The bonfire in front of Louis was extinguished, and he stood quietly in the same place, breathing violently from his chest.

The people nearby didn't dare to step forward, they just looked at each other. Guessing whether the mysterious old man was seriously injured because of the power of summoning the candle dragon this time.

In fact, Louis only felt the faith in the closed month.

But soon Louis was disappointed and couldn't feel faith at all. Not even the slightest wave of belief.

To know even if he is not the real god. But because of the existence of Godhead, he can perceive faith, even in the city of dragons, he can use silk faith to get through the priesthood.

But now he doesn't have any feeling _ the earth is really a mysterious desert.

Louis didn't think that people's belief in the candle dragon just now had nothing to do with him, knowing that it was recorded in the world records of Saint Soren. In the era before the Era of Calamities, there was a case where Shar, the goddess of the night, killed a certain god, and then pretended to be that **** to continue to accept the beliefs of the believers. Those beliefs were received by the goddess of the night perfectly.

And Louis just pretended to be the candle dragon. People believed in the candle dragon because they believed in him, and he just showed a miracle. He also saw many people kneeling and praying, even if the belief in these prayers was weak. Impossible not to feel it at all.

'Sure enough, there will be no belief in the earth, otherwise God, God and the like have been believed by people for so many years, even if these gods are fictitious, these beliefs are enough to create a false god. But the earth is even False gods do not exist. ’

‘This can only mean that the earth, or the rules of the universe, prevent belief from turning into actual power. On the earth, the power of elves cannot change matter. This is really a materialistic world...


"But I can't be discouraged. Since beliefs cannot be turned into real power on this earth, what if I return to the world of Saint Soren. Can these beliefs pass through the crystal wall system and build strength for me in another world? ",

Louis was so hot in his heart that he wanted to go back to the world of Saint Soron now. This is the reason why he wanted to do such a big thing in reality. If he just needed materials, he could get them secretly, but Then he can't get faith, only by performing 'miracles', he Z can replace that god. Let people believe that God is real, and faith will really appear

This is his 'trans-crystal wall belief experiment', and it is also an experiment that no **** in the world of Saint Soren can complete.

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