I! Dragon Lord

Chapter 128:

Because of the crystal wall system

Rules. After any **** passes through the crystal wall system, the sleeve will lose the connection with the original world, that is, it will lose everything obtained in that world, including the godhead, clergy, divinity, belief, etc., although the gods Great, but this may be the limitation of the gods, which cannot cross the crystal wall system!

Normally. If Louis also becomes a true god, he should also be restricted by this rule and cannot cross the crystal wall system, but there is a difference. The method of Louis crossing the crystal wall system is not divine power or magic, but science !!

He directly used the technology of the Tyranid civilization to create a time-space wormhole, which is quite dry. He opened a hole in the firewall of the crystal wall system, and smuggled back and forth, making himself a virus-like existence of the crystal wall system. BUGL_ of a world system

Therefore, Louis believes that he must be able to borrow this BIG to achieve some achievements that cannot be achieved by the gods or even the achievements that cannot be achieved by the Tyranid civilization!

'There is one more thing to do next. After finishing this thing, I will return to the Dragon City. It is time for my church to be built. ’

Thinking of this, Louis opened his eyes.

At the same time, some people hurriedly came to tell something in the ears of the heads of the various kings of Tokyo. When they heard the news, everyone was terrified, and their bodies were shaking like chaff.

"What did you say? L. America's military base in Okinawa was destroyed? In a breath of candle dragon's body?"

Chapter 35: The Destroyed American Military Base

The American military base in Okinawa, stationed as the United States, is the largest base in Japan with about 20,000 American troops and various aircraft and tanks.

Said to be the US military stationed in Japan, in fact, the main role of this base is to contain the entire Asia, borrowing the name of the victorious country in World War II. The United States blatantly deployed its troops in the East Asian region, and the Okinawa base plus the South Korean base formed a restriction on China and the Russian Far East.

However, there are not many soldiers in the US military base now. Most of the soldiers were sent to Tokyo to participate in the battle between humans and monsters. In addition to the senior officials, the only ones left in the base were communication and logistics personnel.

The commander of the U.S. military stationed in Japan was passing through the American satellite at the base at this time. Observe the trend of the situation in Tokyo, and at the same time receive information about the battle between the superhuman and the deep diver.

"God, I didn't expect myths and legends to actually exist, so when will your divine grace and miracles be shown in front of us mortals, "Zero Twenty"?

The commander, a devout Catholic, was holding the cross around his neck and uttering a prayer of shock and joy.

Since there are supernatural beings and gods in this east, does that mean that the Lord also exists, but Xiu just didn't focus too much on this tiny world and mortals.

"'No, I should not question the existence of the Lord, we are all Lambs of the Lord.'

He whispered a prayer, and at this moment, the sound of rapid footsteps came from the war room.

"Sir. Run." L, sir. Run, get on!"

Seeing that his adjutant forgot to salute himself and rushed directly into the combat conference room, the commander was ready to take responsibility for two days.

But before he could say anything, the adjutant just grabbed his sleeve. =During him running, he shouted, "...Sir, let's find a way to get out of here quickly. This base is over. We're all over!⊥"

"What the **** happened"

The Okinawa commander, who was caught by his adjutant and ran away, was silent for a second, and he finally came to the outside of the war room. When standing on that huge observatory and looking at the scene in front of me. Despair loomed over him.

"No ⊥⊥ What is this, what the **** is this. L"

In front of him, an emerald-colored brilliance like wind and fire flickered in the night sky. It was like the wind was blowing and the fire was burning, and it spread from the other side of the base at an incredible speed.

Anything that collides with it vanishes like a sandstorm. From substance to nothingness. Sentinel towers, tanks, aircraft buildings. No matter what kind of human creation.. As long as it is still within the scope of matter, it will disappear with the wind after encountering this wind and fire. The airport was quickly swallowed up, and the earth turned into In deserts, vegetation is no longer alive.

Ten American soldiers at base - running = shouting. However, the speed of human running is simply not as fast as the spread of wind and fire. Some soldiers were accidentally involved in it. They could not even scream and turned into illusory sharp sand. That is definitely not any known weapon box of human beings, more like the black technology of aliens destroying all matter in science fiction.

"Lord, you have abandoned us...

The commander looked at this miserably = everything.

There was a helicopter that wanted to take off.. But the wind and fire were too high and too fast, almost covering the sky and the sun. In an instant, it was like a tsunami and the helicopter was thrown on the ground, and the steel turned into dust again. Sand fly ash.

"This is the Chinese old man's revenge on us..."

The commander watched the wind and fire gradually approaching himself... He suddenly said calmly

"Remember what we saw in the picture just now, the last breath of the summoned god? The direction of the sleeve's breath is exactly our Okinawa base."

"Is this the power of the gods? This is the power that human beings cannot resist: Perhaps only the Lord can save us."

At this time, the commander kneeled down reverently.

His adjutant grabbed him.. shouted eagerly, "..sir. Our plane is still moving, we still have time to run."

"It's too late, pray to God as I do, the airport has been destroyed, there is not enough space for fighter jets to take off, and the speed of helicopters can't keep up with the light of this destruction. All we can do now is pray that we can go to heaven. "

"Have you ever done anything sinful in your life? If you do, take advantage of your repentance now and see this miraculous existence. Don't you still believe in heaven!"

In a word. Let the adjutant also calm down. Thinking of the fear of going to **** after death, the fear of going to **** can't be restrained in my heart.

He knelt down with his superior, weeping and repenting, longing for a chance to ascend to heaven.

The emerald-colored brilliance swept the world, and everything was turned into nothingness.


The American base in Okinawa was left with a desert-like scene. Nothing is left, no matter whatsoever is not preserved, just as the saying goes that dust returns to dust, mortals return to mortals, and gods return to gods

A single breath of the candle dragon actually destroyed an overseas military base in the United States. When this news was passed on to the governments of various countries, the shock was even greater than that = - the miracle of the Night Candle Dragon turning night into day.

That is an American military base. It is a US military base where nearly 30,000 US troops and 20,000 American family members and citizens are stationed.

, which is the most fully equipped American base overseas. Possess the four military branches. It is also the most important overseas base of the US military. It is the protection of American interests in the Far East

But under the breath of the candle dragon, everything from tanks to armored vehicles, from helicopters to fighter jets, from military buildings to airport runways, all disappeared. It disappeared strangely, and what was left in the end was just a desert loess.

In addition to military bases, other residential areas in Okinawa can be said to be infallible. Demonstrates the gods' control over their own power.

= A breath of destruction = A military base This may be the power of the real gods, it is a power that is completely different from those of the supernatural beings. For a true god, perhaps destroying the entire human civilization is just a small matter.

America's loss is unprecedented

The Japanese side was very fortunate after learning the news. Fortunately, they solved the crisis in Tokyo. If the high-profile Cthulhu, who was terrifying no matter how he looked at it, came to his will, then I am afraid that Tokyo's 30 million population will be lost. Might actually be buried.

At the moment when the American base in Okinawa was destroyed, a giant dragon that no one could see was soaring in the sky.

The image of the old man Louis left in Tokyo was nothing but a false shadow. He himself came to the U.S. military base using the "Hidden Posture L". With the cooperation of the candle dragon virtual shadow in Tokyo, he quickly sprayed the 'emerald dragon's breath' with divine power at the U.S. military base. That's what caused such a scene like the arrival of the end of A. _

You must know that every -_'emerald dragon's breath' exhaled by Louis is composed of divine power, which is already the power of a demigod to approach a god. Overseas military bases are also reasonable.

"My saliva is almost dry. I finally sprayed this base."

Cursing in the mouth of the distant giant dragon, Louis checked the remaining divine power in his godhead twice, and immediately wanted to cry without tears. Divine power is completely bottomed out⊥

But since the United States has carried your face, you will be too cluttered if you don't fight back. In order to make the American government think more about things in the future, Louis also made a lot of money this time.

"I hope my 'Crystal Wall Faith Experiment' can be successful. If it fails, I will lose too much"

While muttering, the figure of the giant dragon also disappeared. _

Chapter 36 You have provoked another evil god

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