I! Dragon Lord

Chapter 376:

Hearing Louise's words, Sunie's lightly pointed, Ruhan's situation was such a tangle. Louis and Dan Luciel couldn't give up, and this involved Sunie's face issue, and she couldn't give up either.

"So my suggestion is, let me protect Dan Lucier L and wait until she is conferred a god, let her add A to my pantheon to become my god, so that even if I give her some of my faith, it doesn't matter. It is a gift from the Lord God to the slave God, and it will not involve my face:"

"--Of course I know that this will make your Highness Sunne suffer, so I am willing to take the 'Styx Oath'. I would like to become a true ally with Her Royal Highness Sunne. Even if the gods are to be your enemy, I will I will stand by your side and support you forever, what do you think?"

Louis opened his mouth slowly. If Dan Lucier is his reward, then he is talking about his contribution now.

This time Sune was finally moved. Even the goddess of joy, Li Ila, and the goddess of silver moon, Su Lun, were a little stunned. They didn't expect Louis to be so heroic and open-minded and dare to make such an oath. This is almost equivalent to Louis tying himself and Sune together, willing to pay unilaterally for Sune, which is very difficult for a **** like this to do.

"Uh... Your Royal Highness Louis, although it's a bit rude to say that. But did I hear something wrong?"

Even Sunie herself is a little unsure because Louis's words are like a mortal male confessing his love to a woman, saying that I am willing to give everything for you. The point is that this oath is only a symbol for mortals, but it can happen directly when it is issued by gods.

"You heard that right, Your Highness Sunie:: so I don't know if you agree_"

"If I choose to refuse such a manly suggestion, it would be too shameless, but I am still surprised that His Royal Highness Louis will make such an incredible promise. I wonder if you can answer my questions and tell me why you want to What to do?"

Sunie's lustful eyes flashed with fiery lust, and she had been very curious about Louis before. Now her eyes are showing a kind of greed, wanting to understand the will of the **** in front of her.

God's curiosity is even more terrifying.

"Of course you can... I have a good relationship with Su Lun. And His Highness Su Lun has received your favor and help, I don't want to be an enemy of you, but the matter about Dan Luciel is also a choice. When it comes to my belief as a god, there is absolutely no compromise. Therefore, after thinking about it, only in this way can I make up for your loss with all my support and commitment to you."

"...Today's 'Unrestrained Wilderness' is only my [Dragonbone Wilderness", the Moon Gate of His Royal Highness Su Lun and your "Palace of Clear Water". If the three of us join hands to make an alliance. The relationship is more intimate, the entire "unrestrained wilderness." will belong to the king. We will not allow any other gods to interfere, and this plane will also become our base. Let us manage it. Even if Shar returns to its heyday, it will definitely be It is impossible to threaten us. Even the gods can only sigh in admiration."

Louis took Shar out as two villains without hesitation, and at the same time did not forget to compliment the silver moon goddess, as if he did it for the goddess.

Listen to this flattery from Louis. Even a cold goddess like Su Lun, the corners of her mouth showed a smile unknowingly.

If a **** pays you so much, the goddess will be moved.

And following Louis, the conversation turned to "... Besides, such a beautiful goddess as your Highness Sune, how could I be my enemy, what you should have is 'beauty' and 'love', yes Happiness and romance. Instead of the strife and strife that bores you too much, I don't want your beautiful battle of Mingshui to be stained with a trace of filth."

Louis was sincere. His upside-down pupils looked at Sunie with fiery light. And Sune is double and bright. He looked at him with the same emotion.

"Ah, Your Royal Highness Louis, you are really a gentleman and a romantic man. Your fiery confession made me, the goddess of love, completely unable to refuse. In response to your frankness and determination, would you like to share with me? What about the in-depth romantic exchange of the goddess of love?"

The goddess of love and beauty, Sunie, boldly, enthusiastically and boldly launched a romantic invitation directly to Louis.

Chapter 18 The Nature of God

Dan Lucille did not expect things to turn out like this. In the confusion, her ownership changed from Sune to Louie

The two gods sold her as a demigod in the exchange of interests, although this behavior of being placed on the case like a pig and being arbitrarily marked by me made Danxia Xier a kind of insult. It was uncomfortable, but she had to admit that the final result made her a little happy

The outside interference on her road to consecration has disappeared. Louis is the true **** who may have achieved the 'God of Wealth' before her, but this true **** who has a deeper understanding of 'wealth' than himself has become his own master. The future main god, and the dangers that may be encountered when conferring gods will also be blocked by Louis.

For today's Dan Lucier. The only problem that she needs to face in conferring a **** is whether she can succeed. No one dares to say that she will succeed in conferring a god. Even if Louis had a godhead at the beginning, he still thinks that he still has the possibility of failure.

But Dan Lucille did not refuse. In addition to Louis being her main god. In addition to her need to rely on Louis in the future, it is also because she is by the side of the goddess of love and joy. Influence, I just want to live a rotten and flashy life.

"__Il participate in the private banquet between Zu Ming, this is a rare opportunity to be invited by His Royal Highness Sunni. It is too late for me to be happy. I should thank His Highness for this."

Dan Lucier said respectfully

At this time, Louis had already embraced the goddess of joy and shared love and desire with him.

The goddesses in this pavilion. Whether it was Sunie, Lila or Dan Luciel, it was the first time Louis had met. The sleeves followed their own nature and lived the life they wanted without any worries.

This is the life of the gods that mortals cannot imagine. The life of a **** is a life in which the nature of God is completely released. Either animal or human.

If this is the kingdom of the **** of war. I am afraid that what I see is the fighting and killing of every fish falling, and the entertainment activities with the God of War will probably be wrestling. -

Chapter 19 The battle for kingship

In the hidden hall deeper in the "Palace of Mingshui", Louis and several goddesses were lying on the soft sofa.

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