I! Dragon Lord

Chapter 377:

Even Louis can't bear it after a series of battles with several goddesses unless he uses divine power to restore his stamina, but if he uses divine power in this respect, other gods know about it. Probably will be ridiculed.

The goddess of love and beauty, Suni, was lying on the sofa, covered with a semi-transparent veil, so that her infinitely beautiful body was looming under the veil, and the beautiful undulating posture of mountains and rivers. Let Louis's eyes flash with greed and endless aftertastes

Sune is indeed the goddess who enjoys the 'beautiful' priesthood in the world of Saint Soron. No matter where she is in her body, she expresses love and desire with an obsessive and maddening temptation.

All of a sudden, Louis was looking forward to the queen of succubus Mecanthut. I don't know how the devil with endless evil beauty will taste between passion and love.

"His Royal Highness Sunnie, our covenant has been established. I have a good gift for you here."

Louis picked up the wine glass beside him and took a sip of the spicy wine. Shu Li let out a sigh of relief. Another sweet fruit was thrown into the mouth.

The sofa in this hall is quite a bit inconsistent with the medieval civilization of the world of Saint Solon. This is definitely not something mortals in the Material Plane can make, and it looks more like a modern sofa.

For the gods, the L-sleeves only need to "think" to create things. The almighty divine power will omit all processes, especially here is the divine kingdom of the goddess of love, when Sune creates some tools and substances. It doesn't even have to cost the Divine Kingdom trait to get it done.

Just like the wine and food in the hands of Louis, they are spontaneously produced by the kingdom of God, and they are real things that can be drunk, but if the kingdom of God is taken out, it will disappear because it loses its regularity.

"What benefits does His Royal Highness Louis want to send?"

Sunie lay on the sofa and didn't want to wake up, I said in a lazy way.

Even the goddess Yinqi, who was on the side, raised her curiosity, and looked towards this side with moonlight-like eyes, waiting to listen.

"Since the division of the Subilon Empire in the western part of the mainland, the most important part is the land occupied by the original royal family. However, Zhi has not been open to the gods. The original emperor was very resistant to the gods. The emperor is not far from death, the largest free territory in the West is about to be fully revealed to the gods, and I would like to come to your Highness Sunne to participate in it."

Although Louis is an interrogative sentence. But the tone was certain.

= The silver moon goddess next to her immediately lost interest after hearing that what Louis mentioned was a Class A country. For Su Lun, she only needs to take care of her elves and other races living in the fields and forests. She doesn't want to be involved in such things, and the gods of the human gods will not allow her to be involved.

Now all the planes are connected again. Except for the elves of the main material world, most of the elves in other planes have also reverted to the belief of the goddess of silver and goddess, only from the number of believers. The goddess Yinqi has completed the accumulation of supernatural power, and she only needs to move forward step by step. It will definitely return to the powerful divine power.

Although it is impossible to completely return to the peak of the original period. But the powerful divine power is already one of the strongest gods in today's world.

This is thanks to Louis, who is the most important source of belief in the silver goddess, the Silver Moon Kingdom. After Louis used the seeds of earth science and technology civilization to cooperate with the land of the world of Saint Soren to plant food, he not only satisfied the dragons rations of the city. There is still enough wealth to support the elf L, which allows Su Lun to be completely assured of the safety of the elves in the main material world.

The alliance between the two has reached a level of intimacy. Together they will benefit both, and if they are divided, they will have two evils. Under such interests, it is no longer an exaggeration to say that they are husband and wife. They also have a common child, Alexia. Both external and internal Western connections are strong and cannot be broken by anyone.

At this time, the silver goddess Su Lun was also quite fortunate that she had agreed to Louis' request to have a child. It was with the existence of Alexia that she could safely tie the Silver Moon Kingdom and the Dragon Kingdom together.

But now, the elders of the Silver Moon Kingdom have begun to choose auspicious days, preparing to let Alexia inherit the throne. Let her become the queen of the entire southern continent.

"My church was also involved in the situation in the Subilon Empire. The emperor who rejected the gods provoked the wrath of the gods. There were gods who wanted to kill him directly. But the other gods denied it again. The gods waited. The lifespan of mortals, in the eyes of the gods, left the emperor to end his life, and he could give the gods time to change their names to compete fairly. That emperor really didn’t know (aib) for good or bad, and he didn’t choose to believe in gods when the gods were awakening. After death, you can only return your soul to the underworld. You will suffer the punishment of unbelievers."

Sune shook her head with regret, and at the same time despised the emperor of the Subilon Empire, thinking that he was extremely stupid.

If you choose to believe in gods. No matter which **** you believe in. After its death, the soul will return to the kingdom of God, and will enjoy heavenly happiness, until hundreds of years later, it will become one with the kingdom of God. Or become the Holy Spirit and be with God.

With such a good ending, he did not choose to become an unbeliever.

Unbelievers will be imprisoned in the underworld after death because there is no messenger of the gods to guide them_Burning punishment for hundreds of years on the wall of the unbelievers, the wall was built by the gods to warn the main material world There must be faith. is a threat.. this can make all races go to the letter

worship God. And thus become the sheep of the gods.

The original Wall of Unbelievers has been destroyed. The new 'Wall' was built not long ago, and Louis also contributed. In this age when the gods have just awakened, there are still a little more unbelievers, but wait until later. In a few hundred years, such people will be rare.

"Louis beats you up for mentioning the Subilon Empire, and the matter you are looking for is related to that country?"

"Yes, Your Highness Sunne! The Princess of the Subilon Empire, she has great ambitions to find me..."

Louis has given Sune the details of the story about Andrea. I hope she can make her church support Andrea and make her usurp the throne successfully, and the church of the goddess can also get a lot of money from the seizure of power. benefit. There is no need to compete fairly with other gods.

"That princess is really interesting. She is also a great person. Listening to you-= I really want to meet L. If she can really win the throne on her own, of course I will protect her."

Sunie's eyes full of **** lit up. She laughed softly.

The gods will not participate in the change of kingship, because if all the gods go to participate in the change of kingship. That will make the main material world chaotic, so gods return to gods, and people return to people. The church of the gods will only choose to support those who compete for power, and give shelter to the competitor. If the competitor wins The final victory, then the church that supports him will also get good things.

Now Louis has told Sune that Princess Andrea has a strong backer. It is no different than letting her win the final victory directly. This is indeed a benefit, which can make her church's mission in the Kingdom of Subilon more effective. Easy and fast, the church supported by the king cannot be the only church, but it can use the administration to gain benefits.

As for what Louisa implies. He hoped that Sune would join forces with him to face the annoyance of the gods being calculated, but Sune didn't care. When she eats the benefits, of course, she will also deal with possible troubles.

Seeing that the **** of love and beauty agreed to help Andrea, Louis just nodded, and his agreement with Andrea was completed, and now he can put all his mind on the dragon.

The battle for the kingship of Subilon, just wait for it to fall and admire it _

Chapter 20 The Life of Dan Lucille

"Danluble female soil, I think we may need to have a good talk."

After Louis finished his visit this time, he pleaded guilty with Sunie, the **** of love and beauty, and came to Dan Lucille.

The appearance of Dan Luciel is also a surprise to Louis. The God of Wealth is very promising. At least it can achieve 'power such as electricity'. Especially, dragons and wealth are the same in the eyes of many races. Let the future The **** of wealth becomes his own god. It is also in line with the nature of the dragon.

This not only allows Louis's pantheon to be expanded too. And because the God of Wealth is a human being, it will allow Louis to take root in the human pantheon more deeply.

The blond woman who was leaning on the sofa wrapped in clothes was a little helpless, her eyes shining like gold coins were a little dazed at the current situation, and she sat on the edge of the sofa with her legs bent. The jewel-encrusted gold clothes covered the upper body, only revealing the long jade legs and bare feet.

"His Royal Highness Louis, what do you want to talk to me about - what?"

Dan Luciel quickly squeezed out a smile when she saw Louis's arrival, with a humble tone.

She actually wanted to directly call Louis the main god, but she also knew that she was only a demigod now, and there was still a long way to go to the realm of high conferred gods. If she succeeded, she would achieve immortality.

She is not used to the private life of the gods, but she is trying her best to get used to these lives, especially the place full of eroticism in the Palace of Mingshui.

The civilization of the world of Saint Soren is close to the Middle Ages, and there is no rejection of Cheng Zhu's philosophy. Therefore, Dan Luciel does not have any sadness for his first loss. In this world with nobles, the relationship between L lovers and chaos abounds

Besides, Dan Luciel felt that he actually earned it. Because the one with whom she had a relationship was a true God, a powerful true God. If this kind of good thing hadn't been in the "House of Clear Water, L. Dan Lucier might never have met L. To know that if you want to see the true **** outside the gods' kingdom of gods, that kind of low probability is outrageous.

Moreover, having a relationship with his future main **** can also make himself more intimate with the main god, and he can also get certain preferential treatment in the gods.

Dan Lucille couldn't stop thinking about her past life.

She was born four hundred years ago, when the capital of wealth was not called the capital of wealth. But a city full of sin and poverty. Dan Luciel was born in this dilapidated city slum. She didn't know who her father was, nor who her mother was. When she became conscious, she already lived in the slum.

In order to survive, she learned the means of stealing, suffered inhuman beatings, and in the repeated theft, she gradually discovered that she had a very high talent for stealing. Slowly became a powerful thief, and even mastered some assassin's methods

Although this process was difficult, she also became the leader of the thieves in the Fifth Middle School of the Sin City, although she did not have a bright identity. But I will never waste my computer or even risk my life for a piece of brown bread.

in the process of stealing. Dan Luciel also had an obsession with wealth?: The worldview that if you have wealth means you have everything.

Under normal circumstances, she would spend her life like this as a fairly good thief. . but when she has = times to go back to the ghetto again. _ When she saw the children who were just as miserable as her past self, she suddenly had the idea of ​​wanting to change all of this.

When she has an idea, she will have motivation, and the talent of a motivated person will completely inspire her to use the means of stealing to obtain the first fund and subordinates, and then use this fund to start a series of operations. Her keen sense of wealth was brought into full play. Decades of hard work and perseverance allowed her to obtain amazing wealth. She controlled most of the industries in the sin city, and she gained enough popularity to become a legend.

Afterwards, this woman solved all the corrupt and greedy nobles in the city by economic means and became the owner of the city. She is not a qualified lord... but a qualified businessman , She operates the city where she was born as a 'company', and uses various opportunistic means to make the city richer with her keen sense of business opportunities.

Since then, the once poor and backward city has become a capital of wealth. Under the leadership of this lady, almost all the residents of the city became businessmen.

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