I Eat Monsters In the Town Monster

Chapter 350 Who is the king and who is the subject? (Third watch, please vote!)

Hearing Shan Daonian's warning, Qin Shaoyou, Cen Biqing and others were all refreshed.

When formulating the battle plan, Shan Daonian said that he carried a poison that could also be used against zombies.

With Qin Shaoyou's consent, everyone quenched the poison called Huashi powder on their weapons, including arrows and hidden weapons.

The corpse powder prepared by Shan Daonian can not only spread through contact, but also spread through the air like spores to find targets.

In the previous battle, the corpse-dissolving poison quenched on the weapon had already filled the entire secret room.

Qin Shaoyou and the others have taken the antidote, and there are antibodies in their bodies, so even if they are poisoned by Huashi powder, there will be no toxic reaction.

But the corpse king and the corpse cultivator Yaodao have not taken the antidote.

Even if they are strong and have a strong corpse aura, when the concentration of the corpse powder in their bodies reaches a certain level, they will still have a poisoning reaction.

Just like the corpse king is now.

Before Qin Shaoyou received the secret signal, he had already noticed something wrong with the corpse king's reaction through [Bright Eyes]. At this moment, he immediately concluded that the corpse king was indeed poisoned, and immediately shouted: "Kill!"

This loud shout was the command for the general attack.

All of a sudden, except for Monk Ma and the burly man under his command, who were holding down the corpse-raising monster, preparing to arrest him with chains and shackles, and some of the night watchmen under Cui Yougui and Ye Zhiqiu, In addition to trying their best to fight against the ghost tide, the rest of the night watchmen, including Qin Shaoyou and Cen Biqing, all launched a fierce focus on the corpse king.

This is a posture to take advantage of his illness to kill him and try to take him away.

After all, no one is sure whether this corpse king will have any way to expel poison and avoid poison.

We can't wait for him to recover, we must kill him when he is weak!

Qin Shaoyou was right to be worried.

Just when they launched a concentrated fire attack, the corpse king was also doing his best to suppress and expel the corpse transforming poison in his body.

He really achieved results - the speed of the wound's decay was controlled, the body listened to him again, and the poorly functioning corpse energy also recovered.

It's a pity that the corpse king has not been able to further suppress and expel the poison from the corpse, and the concentrated fire offensive of the crowd came.

The first to attack the corpse king were Cui Yougui's Chunyang Swordfire and Ye Zhiqiu's Thunder Snake Dianjiao.

The ghost tide led by three female ghosts in wedding clothes could barely hold back the attacks of ordinary night watchmen, but they couldn't stop Cui Yougui and Ye Zhiqiu.

The ghost king let out a roar.

With his current situation, he dare not ignore Chunyang Jianhuo and Thunder Snake Dianjiao.

And once he is injured, more corpse-transforming poison will surely penetrate into his body, so he has to suspend the suppression, expel the corpse-transforming poison in his body, and spew out raging corpse aura to block the pure yang sword fire and thunder Snake Electric Jiao.



Two groups of corpse aura as thick as black ink collided with the Pure Yang Sword Fire and the Thunder Snake Lightning Dragon respectively, shaking the entire secret room.

Before the corpse king could catch his breath, Cen Biqing waved his long whip again, urging the snake-shaped green hairpin to pounce on him.

Cen Biqing's moves were like a poisonous snake pouncing on its food, each move was more violent than the last, and each move was more deadly than the last.

The corpse king didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly fought with Cen Biqing.

And a wave of arrows and hidden weapons tied with talismans blasted at him like a violent storm at this moment. Although he blocked him with his corpse energy, the energy impact after the talisman exploded further weakened his corpse. gas.

At the same time, there was another thing that made the corpse king very uneasy.

The little banner official of the demon town who had the aura of his concubine disappeared!

The corpse king knew that the kid definitely didn't run away, he must be hiding somewhere, and wanted to wait for an opportunity to attack him!

But where is that kid hiding?

In fact, Qin Shaoyou didn't hide, he just used Piaoxue's movement technique to the extreme, allowing himself to shuttle through a talisman explosion, not only was not injured by the talisman explosion, but also used the talisman explosion to cover his figure and aura.

Coupled with the weakening of the corpse powder, this made the corpse king lose his target and fall into panic.

But in the next moment, the corpse king noticed movement behind him.

Someone is rushing towards him!

Immediately, the corpse king turned around and launched a counterattack.

But at this moment, he heard the voice of the corpse raising demon, coming from behind him:

"It's me, you fight the enemy in front of you with all your strength, and I will help you protect your back."

The corpse king frowned slightly. He remembered that he saw a big man covered in a corpse cultivator just a moment ago. How could he get out of trouble so quickly?

But the corpse king didn't think much about it, because the person behind him, not only his voice, but also his aura was the same as that of a corpse raising demon.

The corpse king immediately said yes, and was about to deal with Cen Biqing with all his strength.

He wanted to kill this snake monster first, and then find out that brat and kill him, so as to defeat them one by one, destroying this group of night watchmen who dared to commit crimes!

But the next moment, the corpse king realized something was wrong.

"You are not Xu Fangjun!"

The corpse king turned around while shouting angrily, and released the evil spirit of the corpse.

It's a pity that it's too late.

A demon-slaying knife with raging blood and anger flew towards it, killing the evil spirit of the corpse hastily released by the corpse king in one fell swoop.

Immediately afterwards, a figure appeared chasing the light of the knife, holding the hammer with three runes fully opened in both hands, as if a god descended from the earth, he hammered hard, and smashed it on the corpse king's back.

If it was hit, with the corpse king's current state, the acupuncture points and vertebrae on his back would have to be completely crushed!

The weak points of zombies are the acupuncture points and vertebrae on their backs.

This corpse king has not yet matured, so this weakness is also valid for him.

Although the corpse king tried his best to protect his back, he was still a step too late.

Before he could use his back move, the demon-subduing hammer had already hit his back.

The powerful blood energy surged out like a flood that broke through the embankment, instantly broke through the corpse king's protective body energy, and smashed his back as hard as a rock, tearing his skin apart and shattering his flesh and bones!

Even though the battle lasted for a long time, Qin Shaoyou's blood was still surging, just like at the beginning of the battle.

Isn't he the most persistent man in the town demon division of Mianyuan County!

At this moment, the corpse king also saw clearly who was attacking him...

It turned out to be Mr. Xu Fang, the corpse cultivator.

A trace of astonishment flashed in the corpse king's eyes.

But in the next moment, a flash of light flashed in his mind: No, no, this is not Xu Fangjun, this is the disappeared General Banner of Zhenyaosi, and he changed into Xu Fangjun's appearance!

When the corpse king wanted to understand all this, it was already too late.

The acupuncture points and spine on his back were all smashed by Qin Shaoyou's blood, and he also collapsed to the ground.

"It's done!"

"Kill the corpse king!"

Everyone was overjoyed and relieved when they saw this scene.

Qin Shaoyou took off the human skin mask at this moment, revealing his original appearance.

It turned out that when throwing Xu Fangjun to Monk Ma, Qin Shaoyou used the human skin mask to read Xu Fangjun's appearance, voice and smell.

And when he went around behind the corpse king to launch a sneak attack, Qin Shaoyou put on a human skin mask and became exactly like Xu Fangjun.

It's just that Qin Shaoyou didn't expect that the corpse king could see through the changes in the human skin mask.

It should not be a problem with the voice, nor the appearance and breath.

Then there is only possibility, in terms of attitude and appellation...

Could it be that the relationship between the corpse raising demon way and the corpse king is not as guessed, the corpse raising monster way is the master, and the corpse king is the servant.

but in reverse...

The corpse king is the master, but the corpse raising monster is the servant?

Recalling that the corpse king kept claiming that he was lonely, he couldn't really be a king, could he?

What kind of king would turn himself into a zombie?

Qin Shaoyou's heart was full of doubts.

Fortunately, although the corpse king is extinct, Mr. Xu Fang, the corpse cultivator, is still alive. After the torture, he will know what the corpse king is from, and what is going on with the nine-story underground palace and the strange tree .

Qin Shaoyou let out a foul breath, turned his head and asked someone to interrogate Xu Fangjun, and at the same time opened the mysterious recipe in his mind, wanting to check the results of this battle.

However, this look gave him a pause.

On the mysterious recipe, no new recipe was created because the corpse king was killed, and no related ingredients were collected.

Or, the corpse king can't eat it.

Or... the corpse king is not dead yet!

"The battle is not over yet! The corpse king is not dead yet!"

Without hesitation, Qin Shaoyou swung his hammer at the corpse king who fell to the ground while shouting violently.

(Third watch, ask for a monthly ticket~ask for a recommendation ticket~)

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