I Eat Monsters In the Town Monster

Chapter 351 Fusion Monster


A thick and unmatched corpse aura spewed out from the corpse king's body without warning, not only blocking Qin Shaoyou's hammer of subduing demons, but also instantly corroding the hot blood aura attached to the hammer.

"Why is the corpse aura of this corpse king stronger than before?"

Qin Shaoyou was shocked.

It is said that this corpse king has not yet matured, and after the spine and back acupuncture points were destroyed, he should have been killed on the spot.

But why didn't he die? Instead, it became even stronger?

Could it be that he cheated, the worse he was beaten, the more potential he could explode?

While guessing, Qin Shaoyou did not forget to use [Bright Eyes] to observe the corpse king.

Seeing this, he really made a discovery.

The corpse king's body is rapidly merging with the branches that make up the floor of the secret room!

The extremely dangerous corpse aura just now did not come from the corpse king, but from the mysterious big tree that formed the main part of the nine-story underground palace under everyone's feet!

Can this tree also be used as a charger? Can it be overclocked? !

"We can't let the corpse king continue to merge with the mysterious tree, we must cut off their connection!"

Qin Shaoyou immediately made a judgment, and yelled to remind everyone, and at the same time changed the hammer into a knife, and slashed out with all his strength.

The sharp demon-slaying knife was full of hot blood, and with the momentum of cutting mountains and seas, it slashed at the joint between the corpse king and the mysterious tree.

At the same time, Cen Biqing, Cui Yougui, Ye Zhiqiu and others who were reminded also launched a new round of attacks.


Another thick and incomparable corpse gas spewed out.

Stronger than the previous moment!

Qin Shaoyou was knocked back a few steps by the men with swords, and the attacks of Cen Biqing, Cui Yougui, Ye Zhiqiu and others were all blocked or knocked into the air.

The corpse king's body, which had been beaten to tatters, was recovering rapidly.

The corpse dispersing poison that invaded his body was directly wiped out by this powerful and tyrannical corpse aura!

The corpse king suddenly opened his eyes, as if he had turned into a black hole, a huge suction force was generated in his body.

The ghost wave that was entangled with the night watchman was the first to bear the brunt, and was immediately sucked into the corpse king's body.

No matter how these ghosts struggled and howled, it was useless. They were swallowed by the corpse king in an instant and became a part of his body.

Immediately afterwards, the rotting corpses in the blood pool also flew towards the corpse king and were swallowed by him.

Although the night watchmen launched an attack immediately after realizing that something was wrong, destroying many carrion corpses, but even broken limbs, rotten flesh and bones would still be swallowed and fused by the corpse king.

In the blink of an eye, the corpse king completely changed his appearance.

It became a bloated, huge, weird goo monster with countless heads, limbs, and torsos on its body!

It was much weirder and more terrifying than the ugly meat tree that Qin Shaoyou saw in the prison of the demon priest in Luocheng Town!

The change of the corpse king is not only in appearance. After devouring ghosts and rotting corpses, the corpse energy he absorbed from the mysterious tree was further enhanced.

Although everyone launched a new round of offensive, the corpse king put the carrion and ghosts that he devoured and fused into the outermost periphery of his bloated body, and together with the increasingly powerful corpse aura, they blocked everyone's attack.

Not only that, these stumps, broken hands and ghosts also tried to launch a counterattack to capture more prey for the corpse king.

Cen Biqing was entangled.

Her long whip was firmly grasped by dozens of hands that had merged into the corpse king's body.

And the green light emitted by her snake-shaped green hairpin was also blocked and corroded by the corpse aura.

Those ghosts who were swallowed into the corpse king's body also showed strange grimaces from the billowing corpse aura.

Three female ghosts in wedding dresses were also among them, and they seduced Cen Biqing with extremely bewitching tones:

"Come on, sister, you are the concubine of the king, hurry back to the embrace of the king, and join us to become a god forever with the king."

The rest of the ghosts stretched out their hands from the corpse's breath and grabbed Cen Biqing.

Cen Biqing couldn't dodge, and was caught by countless ghost hands, trying to pull her into the corpse king's body.

Once Cen Biqing is dragged into the corpse king's body, he will be swallowed and fused by the corpse king like a rotting corpse or a ghost, becoming a part of his body.

Cen Biqing was very aware of the danger, so after being caught by the ghost's hand, she immediately mobilized her blood energy and demon spirit energy, trying to break free from the ghost's grasp.

At the same time, she also urged the snake-shaped green hairpin to change the target of Qingmang's attack, no longer entangled with the corpse, and turned to cut off the ghost's hand.

However, these ghosts have now become a part of the corpse king's body, and their strength and strength are far superior to those of the past.

Cen Biqing tried his best, but only broke free and cut off some of the ghost's hands.

However, the ghost hand that was broken free would immediately grab her again, while the severed ghost hand would recover immediately with the rush of corpse energy.

At the critical moment, Qin Shaoyou urged his blood to flow out with all his strength, and entangled Cen Biqing.

While pulling her back forcefully, he also shouted loudly: "Senior Brother Cui, Master Ye, kill the devil and save people!"

Without his order, Cui Yougui's Raging Flame Sword had already struck with billowing sword fire!

Immediately afterwards, the thunder cloud controlled by Ye Zhiqiu, and the Lianzhu arrow shot by Zhu Xiucai also attacked one after another!

"Boom boom boom—"

Amidst the continuous explosion, the ghost hand and corpse energy were successfully suppressed.

Qin Shaoyou, who had mustered all his energy, finally pulled Cen Biqing back.

At the same time, Monk Ma is pressing the held-up corpse demon Taoist Xu Fangjun: "What's going on? Is there any way to stop him? If you don't want to die, just tell the truth!"

After seeing the corpse king merged with the mysterious big tree, Monk Ma immediately lifted the bound Xu Fangjun up to prevent him from also merging into the big tree.

Xu Fangjun looked at the corpse king who had turned into a cohesive monster, his face was full of despair, and he kept chanting:

"It's over, it's over, it's completely over now..."

Hearing Monk Ma's questioning, he was even more insane:

"You night watchmen, you don't care about the things you should be in charge of, but you have to come here to take care of these things that you shouldn't be in charge of, and you can't manage things... Do you know who this is? Dare to do something to him? According to " According to the Law of the Great Xia, assassinating the king is a crime of treason! You will all die, and none of you will escape!"

Assassin the king to kill him? Could it be that this corpse king was really changed by a certain prince?

Monk Ma frowned, curious in his heart.

But he knew that now was not the time to ask about this matter, so he simply put the warhammer behind his waist and put a knife on Xu Fangjun's neck: "Stop talking nonsense, tell me how to stop him!"

"It's useless, even if His Highness is stopped, he won't be able to change back...failed, we have completely failed!"

Xu Fangjun let out a strange smile of despair, then changed the subject, and said in a serious tone: "I can't survive, and you all don't want to live, stay here and become the fertilizer of the sacred tree!"

Hearing this, Monk Ma's expression suddenly changed, and with a sudden force, he was about to cut Xu Fangjun's neck and kill him.

It's a pity that it's still a step too late.

A vine did not know when it was wrapped around Xu Fangjun's feet.

Because of the environment and fierce fighting, none of Monk Ma and his team noticed this situation.

The moment Monk Ma moved the knife, the vine also plunged into Xu Fangjun's ankle.

Immediately, a powerful corpse aura poured into Xu Fangjun's body, allowing him not only to block the throat-cutting knife of Monk Ma, but also to break through the iron chains and shackles that bound him, and to break free from the shackles held by Monk Ma. his hand.

Xu Fangjun's eyes turned green and weird at this moment, like ghost pupils.

Immediately afterwards, he activated the secret technique and activated the mechanisms in the nine-story underground palace with corpse energy.

The weird and weird Feng Shui pattern here has changed drastically in an instant.

It has become a situation of desperate death, nine secluded purgatory!

In an instant, the suction released from the corpse king became stronger, like a hurricane, not only the corpses in the blood pool, but also many corpses outside the secret room were sucked by him and swallowed into his body.

The size of the corpse king continued to grow, and the entire secret room was almost unable to accommodate him. Even the entire nine-story underground palace was shaken by the violent corpse energy released by him.

"This place is about to collapse! Get out first!"

Qin Shaoyou hurriedly gave the order, and took the initiative to stay behind with Cen Biqing and others to cover the other night watchmen and leave first.

In the chaos, Qin Shaoyou saw something.

His eyes suddenly brightened, and his nervous and anxious mood stabilized a lot.

I went to do nucleic acid in the middle of the night last night, and I fell down on my bike, and my face was disfigured... so miserable! Everyone should pay attention to safety recently!

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