I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 124 The Power of the Void

Tony heard that he could try whatever he wanted, and he also knew that it would not be a wise choice for him to choose Rennoli just after playing.

Because the others were fighting and only Rennoli was resting, it was obvious that Rennoli should have won a lot of people.

But even if he knew he would lose, Tony didn't care. It was just money for a meal, and the most important thing was to have fun.

But when it comes to deciding the winner, Tony won't give in easily.

In the six months since he came to Xandar, he has evolved twice a week on average, and now he has evolved 124 times.

He doesn't know how far his own strength has reached.

He had just arrived on Xandar and needed to find a way to make money, so he focused on research.

There is no time to find strong enemies or equal opponents to let him know his own strength.

Now that making money is gradually getting on the right track, he rarely goes out for a walk. Knowing that there is such a competition, he has to test his own strength, which is a pity for himself.

So Tony threw the ball, jumped up high, and shot it with three points of strength.

With a sound of "Bang!", the volleyball quickly flew over the net and hit the back of Rennoli accurately.

Rennoli disappeared in an instant, caught the ball, and then leaped high and slapped it hard.

The volleyball broke out with a more violent attack, carrying huge force and pouring water down.

When Tony caught it, he felt the impact and fell back three meters.

Fortunately, Rennoli's attacking position was him, and he was standing in the center of the field, more than seven meters away from the boundary.

If Rennoli's ball had hit the edge of the boundary, it would have been enough for him to catch the ball and make him go out of bounds and lose the point.

This made Tony look at Lacey and Kyle who were fighting fiercely behind them. Those two guys were probably used to it.

"You can just jack up and serve, but I'm going to give you some advice."

"If you want to win, the speed from receiving to serving must be fast, the serve must be hard, and the power must be strong."

"Being able to accurately control your own strength is the key to victory. Just having brute force does not mean you can win."

"Kyle had a hard time with it initially and bought a lot of meals."

Rennoli saw Tony's watch bridge and knew what Tony was thinking, so he explained.

"Can I use tools?"

Tony said thoughtfully after hearing these words.

"Although I really want to give it a try with you."

"But this itself is a kind of competitive event for entertainment. Since it is a kind of competition, it is natural to pay attention to some competitive fairness."

"If you use auxiliary tools or superpowers, you will put the cart before the horse."

"But there will be other competition projects in the future, and I can give it a try with you."

Rennoli shook his head when he heard this, and said with a smile. At the end of the sentence, his eyes showed fighting spirit.

After seeing the stronger performance of Tony's steel armor last time, he actually wanted to compete with Tony.

In this way, you can have a hearty battle, compare your strengths and weaknesses, and also increase your combat experience when facing such high-tech opponents, but unfortunately it is not possible yet.

Tony nodded after hearing this, and tried a few more times, and found that after reaching 45% of the strength, the volleyball would explode.

"You can't use the power outside the field, so it should be okay to use some of your own power, right?"

After Tony had a general understanding, when he took the ball thrown by Rennoli again, he spoke.

"Tony, I remember you are not a superpower."

"What power do you have besides that armor?"

"You might as well show it and give it a try."

Rennoli did not deny it immediately after hearing this, but said with interest.

"Okay, then let me try again."

After hearing this, Tony held the volleyball in his right hand and purple void energy appeared.

He had seen Harvey's spatial teleportation ability, and Harvey said it was a type of void magic.

So Tony is also trying his best to get some void energy, although he still has no idea about void magic.

However, multiple evolutions have allowed him to possess more void energy.

So Tony blessed the volleyball. Wrapped in purple energy, the volleyball seemed like a magic ball burning with purple flames.

Under the purple light, it instantly attracted many onlookers.

"Where does your strength come from?"

Rennoli's eyes flickered when he saw the changes in the volleyball in Tony's hands.

"Evolution originating from the void."

"I just used the power from the void, so it shouldn't be a violation, right?"

Tony heard this and spoke.

"No, it's more interesting this way."

"It seems that the quality of the volleyball has become stronger and it seems that it can withstand more force."

Renault said eagerly when he heard Originating from the Void.

The Void Divine Cult basically focuses on strengthening one's physical body and strengthening one's five senses.

Although when I believed in the void, I saw those god-like existences and displayed various terrifying abilities.

But none of them had a clue how to master that power.

Now Tony has actually shown changes in energy, which means they can also evolve to master this power.

There are unknown new evolutionary directions emerging. If you don't understand them, you can't talk about pursuing evolution.


Tony nodded when he heard this, and then threw the ball in the air ahead.

Then he leaped into the sky like an eagle, and the purple energy attached to the volleyball burst into even more dazzling light.

Tony hit the ball with all his strength, and there was a "Boom!". The volleyball withstood Tony's power and hit Renoli like a purple magic star.

This scene is very spectacular. The purple volleyball is like a purple magic star streaking through the air, bringing up a purple stream of light, carrying a terrifying impact, and is about to fall to the earth and destroy everything.

When Rennoli saw this scene, he didn't dare to be too confident. Dozens of afterimages instantly appeared in the fifteen-meter volleyball court.

With the blessing of speed, Rennolli used the potential energy to meet Tony's magic ball with all his strength.

When the magic ball landed on Rennoli's hands, there was a "bang!" and the impact began to explode.

A pothole appeared directly on the ground under Rennoli's feet, and the terrible impact made it difficult for Rennoli's hands to lift up.

Renault let out a series of low roars, and a pit ten meters wide and more than one meter deep appeared on the ground before he lifted the ball and caught it.

This scene made everyone around them widen their eyes with disbelief. They had also heard some words just now.

Tony's ball carries energy from the void. This kind of power is unheard of.

However, when they saw this impact, they all came to a consensus that mastering void energy would give them greater power.

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