After Rennoli hit the volleyball, he also moved quickly and jumped up to fight back with a fierce slap.

"Boom!" A sound like thunder erupted on the beach, shocking the people around him.

The volleyball was blessed with void energy and did not explode even after it withstood a full blow from Tony and Rennoli.

Faced with this blow, Tony's eyes showed fighting spirit, and he was not afraid to brace himself, squat down, stabilize his lower body, and catch the ball forcefully.

When the collision just occurred, the impact that erupted made Tony feel his whole body shaking, and the beach under his feet was also affected by the impact, causing a large amount of sand to spread outward.

Fortunately, the main direction of Renoli's evolution was speed, so although this full-force blow made Tony lose a little strength and his hands felt a burning sting, he still took it.

Tony launched a counterattack again. The two of them were like two super forts, and every serve caused a terrifying shock and impact.

The volleyball withstood five full-force blows from each other, which was when Rennoli served for the last time. The volleyball still couldn't withstand the force and exploded with a "Bang!"

"It's so enjoyable. Tony, how long have you mastered this ability?"

Rennoli showed some surprise on his face, but when he fell down, he laughed and asked.

"It's been half a year, but I didn't have much void power at the beginning, so I didn't use it much."

"It wasn't until after evolving many times that the power of void in the body became more."

"But I don't know what effect the power of the void has. I just gave it a try."

"I don't know if we can strengthen volleyball, but now it seems to be successful."

Tony didn't hide anything after hearing this, and said with a smile, with some excitement in his eyes.

Because if it can be blessed on a volleyball, it means it can be blessed on other objects, such as his steel armor.

Although Tony still doesn't know yet, after being blessed by the power of the void, in addition to increasing the power and endurance, whether there will be a time limit or other hazards.

But today's discovery definitely opened up a new path for his technology.

The performance of his steel armor may reach a level that he could not imagine in the past.

"How much power did you use to strengthen that volleyball just now?"

Rennoli said thoughtfully after hearing Tony's words.

He is undoubtedly greedy for the void power shown by Tony, so he naturally wants to know more.

"One-fifth, I just exploded just when I thought about it, so I didn't deliberately hold back."

Tony heard the words and felt the remaining void power in his body.

Today can be considered a coincidence, because he participated in this competition and was unable to use the steel armor that he relied on most.

That's why he wanted to use the power in his body to see if he could bring some strength help to his serve.

The most important thing is that the opponent is Renoli, an opponent that he is not sure he can defeat even if he puts on the steel armor, and the object of the Void Power is volleyball.

When the opponent is strong enough and the enhanced items have no cost, Tony naturally has no scruples.

"That means as long as it's under control."

"It can increase the power of the volleyball, but the endurance is only enough to deliver one blow."

"You need to practice more."

After hearing this, Renoli thought about it for a moment and said.

Tony's grasp of the power of the void is obviously very rough and unfamiliar, but unfamiliarity is not a problem.

The important thing is the difference between those who have and those who don't, just like superpowers and ordinary people.

The former has mastered a certain power. Even if it is very unfamiliar at first, it will become proficient as long as it is practiced more.

The latter doesn't have superpowers, so it's better that he doesn't even have a chance to control them.

"Well, I just discovered it today, and I want to combine it with my technology."

"Maybe it can bring about brand-new technology. If it happens, I would like to call it void technology."

Tony said with a smile upon hearing this.

"But Tony, how did you come up with the idea of ​​evolving the power of the void?"

Rennoli was still curious as to why Tony could think of this.

Because now the members of the Void Cult are all strengthening their bodies. Their strong physical fitness can bring a lot of conveniences and they will have more chances of survival when facing danger.

Although evolution seems to be infinite, the speed of evolution will significantly decrease as the number of evolutions increases.

Therefore, everyone’s communication needs to pay attention to the number and direction of evolution at the beginning.

In the end, Tony was better off. He ignored his body and evolved the power of the void that even Tony himself didn't understand.

"...I am also on a whim, and I want to try everything."

Tony paused after hearing this and said haha.

Of course, he couldn't say that he saw Harvey's incredible abilities and wanted to get those powers.

In this way, in the eyes of others, he would be using Harvey's reputation to publicize himself.

"On a whim, that's right. Your main method of making money is not fighting but inventing."

"So the need for the evolution of the physical body is not that great."

Rennoli had no doubts when he heard this.

Speaking of which, many members of the Void Cult will choose the direction of evolving the physical body, mainly because of that guy Kyle.

I had just joined the Void Cult, and when I saw Kyle, a big man, showing his terrifying physical strength, I subconsciously moved closer to him.

Lacey, on the other hand, has met many bounty hunters, has more knowledge, and knows the main reliance of some second-level bounty hunters.

Therefore, Lacey focused on the balance of evolution between strength and speed. Moreover, Lacey was a ruthless person and evolved rapidly in a short period of time, which made Lacey's current strength quite impressive.

But now everyone has discovered the power that Tony has. Even if Tony is not familiar with using it at the moment, everyone can see the infinite potential symbolized by the power of the void.

This is very likely to be one of the cores of void evolution.

As for why it is one of the cores, it is because the gods in the void they saw also had what looked like the ultimate evolution of physical beings. They were as huge as a galaxy and could hold a planet in their mouth.

Facing an existence that was so huge that it could only be described as terrifying, any attack would hardly pose any threat to it.

If it is assisted by the power of the void, its strength will be unimaginably powerful.

"The ball exploded. This time I lost."

"Let's go, I'll treat you to a meal."

Immediately, Rennoli came to Tony and said with a smile.

"You haven't lost yet, it's only one point."

Although Tony really wanted to beat Rennoli, he also knew that he made a mistake and only got one point first.

"Just thank you for letting me see such a good thing."

"It can be said that it points out a new path for us in the future."

"So I have to treat you to a big meal no matter what."

After hearing this, Renoli changed his reason and said with a smile.

"I like this sentence."

When Tony heard this, he stopped worrying about winning or losing, and a smile appeared on his face.

Day 10,000, the first update is here. Chapter 126 is under review. I did not skip the chapter intentionally. It should be released tomorrow. Let everyone know.

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