I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 137 Fame and Getting in the Car

"Okay, I will pay close attention to the news from around the world."

"If the other party comes by then, I will go and take a look."

Tony was completely relieved to hear this.

He didn't ask Harvey where the other party would appear at that time.

As long as aliens appear, he will never show mercy if they are definitely enemies.


Harvey was thoughtful when he heard Tony say that he would pay close attention to the news in various places.

The God of Thunder who has temporarily lost the power of the God of Thunder will not be able to harm Blue Star. Even if the God of Thunder has the power of the God of Thunder, he will not harm Blue Star. Tony should not regard him as an opponent.

Tony would at most deal with Loki, so Harvey didn't bother to say anything.

Both Tony and Pepper felt at ease knowing that the trouble was not threatening their lives.

So Pepper also served the table with peace of mind, and the three of them started eating together, talking and laughing.

After lunch, Harvey went home. Instead of watching Tony and Pepper make out, he might as well go for a drive and pick up girls.

Harvey only remembers 2011 as the year when Captain America woke up and Thor arrived.

But to be honest, Harvey didn't know the specific month.

But it's only for a few months at most, just wait for the show to start.

Harvey drives a luxury car and drives down the road, but even during the Chinese New Year.

New York in the United States also has simple folk customs, and some black people may engage in zero-dollar shopping incidents or fights with guns.

However, those who work in New York, as long as they are not new to the industry, will know how to get out of the way when they see Harvey's luxury car and license plate.

They are prone to get angry and take action directly, even fighting for their dignity, but it is impossible for them to risk their lives for the sake of their dignity.

Before Harvey met Tony Stark, New York's richest man, he often drove around.

There has been no danger for several years, so it is definitely not a good thing.

Not to mention that Harvey, a young rich man, has a close relationship with Tony Stark, the former arms tycoon and head of Stark Industries, and often visits Stark Manor.

This kind of thing has long spread throughout the streets and alleys of New York.

Even though Tony Stark has now switched to energy, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse.

Even if we don’t talk about Tony Stark’s identity and abilities as Iron Man, who is regarded as a hero by countless people, everyone in New York knows about Tony Stark’s relationship with the military.

The little gangsters who have been around for several years and are still alive, who are not human beings, can just show off in front of ordinary people. For some big guys in New York, it is impossible to touch them.

Some underground forces and gangs in New York learned that New York tycoon Harvey had escaped again after a year, so they restrained themselves a little to avoid their pistols going off.

Not to mention beating Harvey to death, even if he just scratched Harvey's car, if he didn't have the money to pay back, he would have to pay for it with his life.

As for the circle of New York celebrities and young women, they heard that Harvey was driving outside, so they all dressed up and went out together on the street.

You must know that Harvey's net worth is now more than 8 billion US dollars.

They are earning billions in dividends every year. These are no longer young and promising people, but real winners.

At present, Harvey is not married yet, and he looks very handsome. If he takes the initiative to send it to him, he will not get the reputation of a mistress.

Naturally, Harvey became the star attraction in the eyes of countless beauties in New York.

As for Harvey being Asian, that is not a problem at all. As long as you are rich and generous, let alone Asian, even if you are black, it is not a problem.

Harvey originally just came out for a ride to see if there were any beauties, but he found that on this January 1st, a day when many people in the United States did not return to work.

There were so many beauties on the road, and all of them were beautifully dressed and ogling him.

Harvey was not interested at all.

Harvey does not reject makeup. Appropriate makeup can make women show a more beautiful side.

However, he can only accept that after applying makeup, he can still see the original beauty of a pure natural beauty.

As for those women who look like different women before and after makeup, then makeup should no longer be called decoration.

And Harvey is also very particular about cleanliness. Compared to a woman with a little bit of red lips that thousands of people can taste, even if she is called a beauty by countless people, it is impossible for her to pass him.

Harvey prefers clean, all-natural beauties.

It is almost impossible to find an all-natural beauty who still retains her first appearance in adulthood in the United States.

He only cares about his kidneys and not his heart, so he doesn't require it to be the first time, but women can't have too much experience.

It is also for these reasons that Harvey is very selective in choosing beautiful women.

But the one he chooses will definitely be the one-in-a-million beauty.

Harvey is not a famous pile driver in New York like Tony, who just plays with what he likes.

He had plenty of time, so he was not in a hurry and drove his convertible around New York.

As night fell, Harvey walked around in circles, stopping by the roadside from time to time, waiting for beautiful women to take the initiative to strike up a conversation.

Just when Harvey thought he had nothing to gain and was about to go home.

A tall brown-haired lady with a beautiful appearance and a cold temperament looked around in the distance, and her eyes lit up when she saw her car.

Then he ran all the way and hurriedly came to Harvey's car.

This woman's dress is not very coquettish, but rather simple. She is wearing a black short skirt and professional attire, and her voluptuous figure can be seen with her bulging front and back.

"Are you Harvey Ambelaka, a famous young rich man in New York?"

The woman looked at Harvey and hesitated before asking.

Harvey raised his head and glanced at this woman, and found that she was considered a beauty. The source of life was also complete, which meant that she was still perfect.

"I am, but you are not to my taste, so I advise you to stop thinking so much and go home."

But unfortunately, he could tell that this woman deliberately put on makeup to look more mature and sexy, and even her clothes might have been borrowed, so Harvey asked her to leave directly.

"I heard that after sleeping with you, I can get a lot of money?"

"I'm short of money right now, so please give me a chance."

"Please take another look to see if I meet your vision."

After the woman saw that this handsome man was indeed Harvey, she bit her red lips gently when she heard Harvey's words, with some pleading in her words.

"My ears are getting calloused when I hear this reason: I'm short of money."

"If you are short of money, you can earn it, borrow it, or choose a rich man you think you can afford to support you."

"Although you don't suit my taste, but based on your appearance and youth, I think there should be many men willing to support you."

Harvey saw the pitiful appearance of this young woman and didn't know whether she was real or pretending, so he spoke.

He has a lot of money, and if he finds someone who suits his vision, he is indeed willing to pay a lot of money to completely break off the relationship after sleeping with her for one night.

But the prerequisite for him to give money is that he actively wants to do it.

As for wanting him to pay for some weird reasons or moral kidnapping, that's impossible.

"Please, I have to raise 100,000 US dollars in three days to save my life."

"But now that banks are on holiday, even if you want to mortgage your house to get money, you can't do it."

"I can find other people to support me and collect the 100,000."

"But I asked about some things about the rich people in New York."

"I'm not sure whether they will really cut off contact with me after the time agreed with them."

“I don’t want to ruin the rest of my life for a hundred thousand dollars.

"I found out that you keep your promise, and after spending the evening with you, you will take the initiative to spend millions of dollars to sever the relationship."

"I don't need that much money, as long as you are willing to give me one hundred thousand dollars."

"As long as you are willing to give it and let me take it and pay the money, I can do it for a day, not to mention a month."

"As long as you don't come to me again afterwards, I can guarantee that I will never come to pester you again, please."

When the young woman heard Harvey's words, she reached out and grabbed Harvey's hand on the car window, her eyes and words full of pleading.

"Get in the car."

Harvey heard what the woman said and saw that the woman was so anxious that she shed tears. He thought about it for a while and spoke.

After the woman heard this, she immediately got into the car obediently.

"Thank you, thank you very much."

After getting in the car, the woman kept saying thank you.

It was also because she found out that Harvey Ambelaka was a young rich man who would take the initiative to cut off the relationship after a night of lovemaking, so there was no need to worry about causing her unresolved trouble later.

That's why she came here with high hopes to give it a try, hoping to get some life-saving money without ruining the rest of her life.

Chapter 3 is presented

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