I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 138 Good Deeds and Rumors

"Let me tell you the rules, this matter is between you and me."

"I will give you the money that should be given to you, but don't come to me again afterwards."

"I also don't want to hear you use my name in the future to publicize that I had a relationship with you."


Harvey was so happy that he cried when he saw the woman, and he said it without any nonsense.

"I understand, I understand, thank you for giving me this opportunity."

The woman nodded repeatedly after hearing this.

Seeing her like this, Harvey took the woman back to his manor.

The two of them spent the whole night in a tormented mood until morning.

At around three o'clock in the afternoon, the woman woke up leisurely.

She felt some pain, but when she saw the piles of U.S. dollars on the table, adding up to a total of five hundred thousand, the pain subsided a lot.

She got out of bed and came to the table, and found a note next to the money, asking her to take the money and leave, and not to disturb her again.

Obviously, even if she does not fully meet Mr. Harvey's criteria for selecting a woman, since Mr. Harvey has agreed, he will still give her a lot of money.

However, after the woman saw the content on the note, she first put on her own clothes to cover up the traces of the night.

She looked at the amount of money on the table, picked up a sum on the side, wrote a note to express her gratitude, and left the manor with one hundred thousand, enduring the weakness and pain in her legs.

Since Mr. Harvey Ambelaka kept his promise, she naturally could not break the contract. One hundred thousand as promised was enough.

Harvey stood in the room and watched through the window as the woman left.

Harvey saw the note thanking him for his help and saying he was a good guy, so he sent him a good guy card.

This half million is actually Harvey's test.

If this woman only takes 100,000 yuan away, it means that she is really just here for life-saving money.

If he planned to take them all away, Harvey would have to torment this woman for a month, even if she was left hanging there, she would still have to be kept nearby.

But now it was confirmed that the other party really just wanted life-saving money, so Harvey didn't care about it anymore.

Harvey casually released void energy and directly evaporated the good guy card.

I made a call and asked the housekeeping cleaning company to send someone to clean it, while I went straight to playing games.

If he couldn't find it yesterday, he would go out for a ride today to have fun.

But since he found it yesterday, he will rest for some time and talk about it later if he is interested.

To put it bluntly, picking up girls was just a pastime that Harvey occasionally did when he was bored at home.


More than four months have passed without realizing it.

During these four months, Harvey occasionally went out, but for some reason, more beautiful women came to him for help.

Faced with these women who came to his door, Harvey found that some of them were really in urgent need of life-saving money, and some of them were pretty.

He was kind and helpful after spending the evening together.

It was obvious at a glance that Harvey was just pretending and was too lazy to respond.

But on this day, when Harvey went out to find food,

While passing by a park, I saw the young woman who had begged him a few months ago and stopped the car.

However, at this time, this young woman no longer deliberately dressed up like a royal sister to take the sexy route, but put on makeup to look more youthful and natural.

But even if the makeup changed, the source of life would not change easily, so Harvey recognized it directly.

If this woman had approached him with this face, he would have agreed directly.

Now this young brown-haired woman is pushing a middle-aged woman's wheelchair out of the park and walking slowly.

After the brown-haired young woman discovered Harvey, her eyes did not dodge and a smile appeared on her face.

After seeing this, Harvey nodded slightly, started the car, stepped on the accelerator and drove away.

Since it was agreed, the clouds and rain that night should be regarded as a memory of each other.

"Daughter, do you know that handsome guy?"

The old woman who was pushed by the brown-haired lady suddenly smiled when she saw her daughter. She looked at Harvey leaving and asked with some concern.

"Mr. Harvey Ambelaka, a famous young, handsome and wealthy man in New York, a gentleman who keeps his promises."

"He's well-known among New York women's circles."

"Of course I know him, but he doesn't know me."

The woman saw her mother asking this and said with a smile.

"It turns out it's him. I asked him how he is so good-looking and can drive such a good sports car."

"It is true that he is handsome and rich, but it is hard to say whether he is a gentleman or not."

"Don't be fooled by those false rumors."

"Even if you get to know that kind of man, you won't be able to control him."

"You are still young now, so work diligently and wait for a few years before you think about marriage."

The woman's mother looked at her daughter after hearing this and said earnestly.

"Mom, I know."

The young woman said obediently after hearing her mother's instructions.

Although Harvey drove away, he was not far away, so he heard the young woman praising him.

No wonder he always felt that more and more young and beautiful women were coming to his door for help recently, maybe it was because of this woman.

I just said good things about him and didn't say I had a relationship with him, so it didn't count as a breach of contract.

But that's fine. A random act of kindness made it easier for him to choose a beautiful woman who suits his taste.

After Harvey learned the reason, his mood improved a lot. He suddenly wanted to eat, so he turned the car around and went to Chinatown to find something to eat.

Life on Blue Star was undoubtedly happy, and after SHIELD knew his identity, they did not dare to appear in front of him.

It makes Harvey play more carefree. He doesn't need to think about money, and he doesn't need to always pay attention to his own behavior. He just needs to think about where to find things for fun every day.

For people in the mercenary world, the mercenary codenamed Death has disappeared for almost two years.

Therefore, there are some rumors. Some people think that the God of Death has overturned, but more people think that the God of Death has made enough money and retired.

After all, Death made more than one billion in just a few years of his mercenary career.

As long as you don't spend too much money, you can basically spend your life freely.

If you use that money well, you can achieve complete financial freedom.

However, the retirement of Death can be said to be good news for the mercenary world, because without Death, they can take on a lot more orders.

As for the dark side of Blue Star, who is the happiest among the guys who specialize in doing things in the dark?

That is undoubtedly the boss code-named Zero who specializes in helping people launder money.

The handling fees charged by other mercenaries for laundering money from him are very high because he has the money to hire people to protect him.

When he first helped the God of Death launder money, he didn't realize that he also charged normal high fees.

But the terrifying power shown by the God of Death made him dare not charge more. Every time he asked him to help launder money, not to mention making money, he would pay a lot of money every time.

It is undoubtedly a great blessing for him that the God of Death has retired.

Now he is the only one who knows that the guy codenamed Death is currently looking for something to do in New York.

He just knew that even if he was given a hundred courages, he would not dare to reveal his identity as the God of Death.

But if he is in trouble, according to the good deeds he left behind, even if Death retires and no longer has an account on the dark web, no one can find Death.

He can also find the true identity of the God of Death, Harvey, and pay a big price to let Harvey help him solve some troubles.

With this trump card, at least until he dies of old age in the next sixty years, he shouldn't need to be too afraid of provoking unsolvable troubles and opponents.

Chapter 4 is presented.

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